

Members' contributions to the 澳门六合彩官网资料 budget and the budget of the Appellate Body for the year 2006

$1Contributions are determined according to each Member's share of international trade (%), based on trade in goods, services and intellectual property rights for the last five years for which data is available. There is a minimum contribution of 0.015 per cent for Members whose share in the total trade of all Members is less than 0.015 per cent.

Albania 29,529.00
Angola 137,223.00
Antigua and Barbuda 26,055.00
Argentina 625,320.00
Armenia 26,055.00
Australia 1,933,281.00
Austria 2,400,534.00
Bahrain 135,486.00
Bangladesh 182,385.00
Barbados 31,266.00
Belgium 4,549,203.00
Belize 26,055.00
Benin 26,055.00
Bolivia 39,951.00
Botswana 57,321.00
Brazil 1.509.453,00
Brunei Darussalam 62,532.00
Bulgaria 187,596.00
Burkina Faso 26,055.00
Burundi 26,055.00
Cambodia 50,373.00
Cameroon 53,847.00
Canada 6,652,710.00
Central African Republic 26,055.00
Chad 26,055.00
Chile 501,993.00
China, People抯 Rep. of 7,102,593.00
Colombia 338,715.00
Congo 39,951.00
Costa Rica 170,226.00
C魌e d扞voire 104,220.00
Croatia 253,602.00
Cuba 100,746.00
Cyprus 118,116.00
Czech Republic 974,457.00
Democratic Republic of the Congo 26,055.00
Denmark 1,684,890.00
Djibouti 26,055.00
Dominica 26,055.00
Dominican Republic 206,703.00
Ecuador 138,960.00
Egypt 420,354.00
El Salvador 105,957.00
Estonia 119,853.00
European Communities -
Fiji 26,055.00
Finland 1,056,096.00
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 41,688.00
France 8,723,214.00
Gabon 52,110.00
Gambia 26,055.00
Georgia 26,055.00
Germany 15,297,759.00
Ghana 69,480.00
Greece 812,916.00
Grenada 26,055.00
Guatemala 112,905.00
Guinea 26,055.00
Guyana 26,055.00
Haiti 26,055.00
Honduras 66,006.00
Hong Kong, China 5,301,324.00
Hungary 915,399.00
Iceland 74,691.00
India 1,585,881.00
Indonesia 1,314,909.00
Ireland 2,148,669.00
Israel 951,876.00
Italy 6,939,315.00
Jamaica 90,324.00
Japan 10,326,465.00
Jordan 109,431.00
Kenya 72,954.00
Korea, Republic of 4,264,335.00
Kuwait 347,400.00
Kyrgyz Republic 26,055.00
Latvia 92,061.00
Lesotho 26,055.00
Liechtenstein 43,425.00
Lithuania 156,330.00
Luxembourg 625,320.00
Macao, China 114,642.00
Madagascar 26,055.00
Malawi 26,055.00
Malaysia 2,211,201.00
Maldives 26,055.00
Mali 26,055.00
Malta 79,902.00
Mauritania 26,055.00
Mauritius 64,269.00
Mexico 3,975,993.00
Moldova 26,055.00
Mongolia 26,055.00
Morocco 274,446.00
Mozambique 27,792.00
Myanmar, Union of 55,584.00
Namibia 36,477.00
Nepal 31,266.00
Netherlands, Kingdom of the 5,805,054.00
New Zealand 429,039.00
Niger 26,055.00
Nigeria 298,764.00
Norway 1,460,817.00
Oman 203,229.00
Pakistan 265,761.00
Panama 173,700.00
Papua New Guinea 46,899.00
Paraguay 65,532.00
Peru 210,177.00
Philippines 863,289.00
Poland 1,297,539.00
Portugal 951,876.00
Qatar 187,596.00
Romania 357,822.00
Rwanda 26,055.00
Saint Lucia 26,055.00
Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of 1,304,487.00
Senegal 36,477.00
Sierra Leone 26,055.00
Singapore 3,621,645.00
Slovak Republic 383,877.00
Slovenia 279,657.00
Solomon Islands 26,055.00
South Africa 809,442.00
Spain 4,352,922.00
Sri Lanka 152,856.00
St. Kitts and Nevis 26,055.00

St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Suriname 26,055.00
Swaziland 26,055.00
Sweden 2,336,265.00
Switzerland 2,471,751.00
Chinese Taipei 3,289,878.00
Tanzania 38,214.00
Thailand 1,719,630.00
Togo 26,055.00
Trinidad and Tobago 86,850.00
Tunisia 220,599.00
Turkey 1,231,533.00
Uganda 26,055.00
United States 26.767.170,00
United Arab Emirates 1,099,521.00
United Kingdom 9,664,668.00
Uruguay 74,691.00
Venezuela 531,522.00
Zambia 26,055.00
Zimbabwe 50,373.00
TOTAL 173,700,000.00