
Information about the organization

Members, contributions to the 澳门六合彩官网资料 budget and the budget of the Appellate Body for the year 2001

Contributions are determined according to each Member's share of international trade (%), based on trade in goods, services and intellectual property rights for the last three years for which data is available. There is a minimum contribution of 0.015 per cent for Members whose share in the total trade of all Members is less than 0.015 per cent.






Albania 0.015 19,935
Angola 0.061 81,069
Antigua and Barbuda 0.015 19,935
Argentina 0.534 709,686
Australia 1.292 1,717,068
Austria 1.522 2,022,738
Bahrain 0.075 99,675
Bangladesh 0.103 136,887
Barbados 0.02 26,580
Belgium 2.774 3,686,646
Belize 0.015 19,935
Benin 0.015 19,935
Bolivia 0.027 35,883
Botswana 0.039 51,831
Brazil 1.047 1,391,463
Brunei Darussalam 0.046 61,134
Bulgaria 0.099 131,571
Burkina Faso 0.015 19,935
Burundi 0.015 19,935
Cameroon 0.029 38,541
Canada 3.892 5,172,468
Central African Republic 0.015 19,935
Chad 0.015 19,935
Chile 0.335 445,215
Colombia 0.254 337,566
Congo 0.026 34,554
Costa Rica 0.095 126,255
C魌e d,Ivoire 0.074 98,346
Croatia 0.155 205,995
Cuba 0.054 71,766
Cyprus 0.069 91,701
Czech Republic 0.532 707,028
Democratic Republic of the Congo 0.025 33,225
Denmark 1.001 1,330,329
Djibouti 0.015 19,935
Dominica 0.015 19,935
Dominican Republic 0.12 159,480
Ecuador 0.092 122,268
Egypt 0.271 360,159
El Salvador 0.052 69,108
Estonia 0.062 82,398
European Communities 0 0
Fiji 0.018 23,922
Finland 0.711 944,919
France 5.766 7,663,014
Gabon 0.036 47,844
Gambia 0.015 19,935
Georgia 0.016 21,264
Germany 9.716 12,912,564
Ghana 0.035 46,515
Greece 0.329 437,241
Grenada 0.015 19,935
Guatemala 0.06 79,740
Guinea 0.015 19,935
Guinea-Bissau 0.015 19,935
Guyana 0.015 19,935
Haiti 0.015 19,935
Honduras 0.038 50,502
Hong Kong, China 3.605 4,791,045
Hungary 0.396 526,284
Iceland 0.045 59,805
India 0.828 1,100,412
Indonesia 0.929 1,234,641
Ireland 0.952 1,265,208
Israel 0.554 736,266
Italy 4.699 6,244,971
Jamaica 0.06 79,740
Japan 7.163 9,519,627
Jordan 0.071 94,359
Kenya 0.052 69,108
Korea, Republic of 2.549 3,387,621
Kuwait 0.216 287,064
Kyrgyz Republic 0.015 19,935
Latvia 0.051 67,779
Lesotho 0.015 19,935
Liechtenstein 0.028 37,212
Luxembourg 0.297 394,713
Macau, China 0.064 85,056
Madagascar 0.015 19,935
Malawi 0.015 19,935
Malaysia 1.465 1,946,985
Maldives 0.015 19,935
Mali 0.015 19,935
Malta 0.05 66,450
Mauritania 0.015 19,935
Mauritius 0.044 58,476
Mexico 1.962 2,607,498
Mongolia 0.015 19,935
Morocco 0.163 216,627
Mozambique 0.015 19,935
Myanmar, Union of 0.033 43,857
Namibia 0.031 41,199
Netherlands, Kingdom of the 3.44 4,571,760
New Zealand 0.29 385,410
Nicaragua 0.018 23,922
Niger 0.015 19,935
Nigeria 0.222 295,038
Norway 0.927 1,231,983
Oman 0.105 139,545
Pakistan 0.196 260,484
Panama 0.132 175,428
Papua New Guinea 0.039 51,831
Paraguay 0.075 99,675
Peru 0.148 196,692
Philippines 0.663 881,127
Poland 0.711 944,919
Portugal 0.622 826,638
Qatar 0.063 83,727
Romania 0.182 241,878
Rwanda 0.015 19,935
Saint Lucia 0.015 19,935
Senegal 0.024 31,896
Sierra Leone 0.015 19,935
Singapore 2.302 3,059,358
Slovak Republic 0.213 283,077
Slovenia 0.177 235,233
Solomon Islands 0.015 19,935
South Africa 0.564 749,556
Spain 2.477 3,291,933
Sri Lanka 0.096 127,584
St. Kitts and Nevis 0.015 19,935
St. Vincent and the Grenadines 0.015 19,935
Suriname 0.015 19,935
Swaziland 0.018 23,922
Sweden 1.542 2,049,318
Switzerland 1.621 2,154,309
Tanzania 0.027 35,883
Thailand 1.131 1,503,099
Togo 0.015 19,935
Trinidad and Tobago 0.047 62,463
Tunisia 0.138 183,402
Turkey 0.838 1,113,702
Uganda 0.019 25,251
United Arab Emirates 0.533 708,357
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 5.991 7,962,039
United States 15.631 20,773,599
Uruguay 0.068 90,372
Venezuela 0.335 445,215
Zambia 0.022 29,238
Zimbabwe 0.034 45,186
TOTAL 100 132,900,000