

Secretariat background papers

At the members’ request, the Secretariat has prepared background papers for the negotiations, on a range of subjects. Many are based on information that members notified to the 澳门六合彩官网资料.

> Original mandate: Article 20 (opens in pop-up window)
> The Doha mandate (opens in pop-up window)
> The Doha mandate explained


as in the Doha Declaration

31 March 2003: formulas and other “modalities” for countries’ commitments

5th Ministerial Conference, 2003 (in Mexico): countries’ comprehensive draft commitments; stock taking

1 January 2005: end of negotiations

(Update: these deadlines have been missed. A “framework” of modalities was agreed on 1 August 2004)

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Full list of Secretariat background papers

Results appear with latest releases at the top. Choose this option to get a complete and up-to-date list. (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/*)   > search

Alternatively you can search for specific titles under the categories below (the list might not be completely up-to-date):

All categories

  • Members’ usage of domestic support categories, export subsidies and export credits (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “Members’ Usage”)   > search

Tariffs, quotas, safeguards

  • Calculation of ad valorem equivalents (AVEs): data requirements and availability (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “Calculation of ad valorem equivalents”)   > search
  • Changes in tariff quota administration and fill rates (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “Changes in Tariff Quota”)   > search
  • Tariff information on agricultural products (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword varies)   > search
  • Tariff information on agricultural products and markets of interest to developing countries (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword varies)   > search
  • Tariff and other information on agricultural products (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “Tariff and other Information”)   > search
  • Special agricultural safeguard (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “Safeguard”)   > search
  • Tariff quota administration methods and tariff quota fill (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “Tariff Quota Administration Methods”)   > search
  • Tariff and other quotas (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “Tariff and Other Quotas”)   > search

Domestic support

  • Blue Box Support (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “Blue Box Support”)   > search
  • Green Box measures (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “Green box measures”)   > search
  • Operation of the Green Box (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “Operation of the Green Box”)   > search
  • De Minimis Support (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “De Minimis Support”)   > search
  • Domestic support (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword varies)   > search
  • Inflation and exchange rate movements in the context of domestic support commitments (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword varies)   > search
  • Product-specific AMS (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “Product-specific AMS”)   > search
  • Total Aggregate Measurement of Support (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “Total Aggregate Measurement of Support”)   > search

Export subsidies, credit

  • Export credits and related facilities (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “Export Credits and Related Facilities”)   > search
  • Export subsidies (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword varies)   > search
  • Export subsidy commitments (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “Export subsidy commitments”)   > search

Developing countries

  • Tariff information on agricultural products and markets of interest to developing countries (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword varies)   > search
  • Agricultural trade performance by developing countries (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “Performance by Developing Countries”)   > search
  • Decision on measures concerning the possible negative effects of the reform programme on least-developed and net food-importing developing countries (NFIDC decision) — actions taken within the framework of the decision as notified by Members (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “NFIDC decision”)   > search
  • Implementation of the decision on measures concerning the possible negative effects of the reform programme on least-developed and net food-importing developing countries (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword varies)   > search
  • GSP treatment of agricultural products — statistical information (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “GSP treatment”)   > search

Non-trade concerns

  • Non-trade concerns — issues raised by Members in AIE papers and pre-Seattle submissions (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword varies)   > search

Other issues

  • Agricultural production values (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “production values”)   > search
  • IDB and CTS-based reports for agricultural products (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “IDB and CTS-based reports”)   > search
  • International agreements and declarations which Members consider relevant to the negotiations on agriculture (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “International agreements and declarations”)   > search
  • Notification of information on domestic consumption of agricultural products (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “notification of information on domestic consumption”)   > search
  • Studies on the implementation and impact of the Agreement on agriculture (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “Implementation and Impact of the Agreement”)   > search
  • The effects of the reduction commitments on world trade in agriculture (Document code G/AG/NG/S/* or TN/AG/S/* and keyword “The Effects of the Reduction Commitments”)   > search

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