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At the outset, let me underline that my delegation fully concurs with what is contained in the Note on nontrade concerns submitted by a Group of countries and distributed in АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ document G/AG/NG/W/36. Indeed, there should be no doubt that nontrade concerns represent an integral part of Article 20 of the Agreement on Agriculture and that these concerns have to be taken into account in the ongoing agricultural negotiations. Moreover, we envisage, as mentioned in the Preamble to the Agreement, that any commitments resulting from negotiations will be made in an equitable way among all Members and will be balanced against nontrade concerns as well as other specified policy orientations. The six papers which have been attached to the Note helped those who attended a Conference on NonTrade Concerns in Agriculture held in Ullensvang earlier this year to stimulate a discussion. And although positions regarding various aspects contained in those papers may differ, countries cosponsoring the Note are unanimous in recognizing that every country has the right, in accordance with mutually agreed rules, to address nontrade concerns such as those listed therein. Now I wish to take up the issue at stake from our perspective and in doing so I will be focusing our attention today on environmentally related nontrade concerns. Other aspects of nontrade concerns will be addressed later. At the very outset, let me recall that the Czech Republic is a rather small, landlocked country with a very diversified character of its landscape. This makes its agricultural policy and the land and natural resources management particularly difficult, as substantially different conditions on a small scale have to be addressed. The situation is further complicated by the need to redress the consequences of the farming under the former centrally planned economy. Nature and landscape form a part of a national heritage. The overall economic wellbeing and, in many aspects, also cultural riches depend on conditions in which we maintain them. Thus, the protection of natural resources is in the public interest. Maintenance and support of biological diversity, preservation of natural soil fertility, favourable composition of water regime and functional use of the area providing for conservation of natural and cultural values of the landscape are values of a strategic importance which the Government has to take care of. The landscape as a whole and its various natural components have experienced significant changes during the last decades which, together with waning animal and plant species, are the most important indicators showing the environmental degradation. This is particularly due to a longrunning and onesided exploitation of natural resources taking place without regard to interests of nature conservation. Inadequate intensification of agricultural and forest production, inappropriate technical adjustments, excessive pollution of water sources and unrestrained urbanization process in many areas have been typical examples of that. Large scale production of minerals has effected environmental functions of the landscape in part of the territory. Vast areas of it have been damaged by high pollution produced by industrial, energetic and mobile sources which has resulted in a critical level of forests and thus threatened and impaired stability of water regime. The most negative consequences of such a development are the losses of the natural soil fertility and of water retention as well as the decrease in biological diversity and quantity of populations of original plant and animal species. Moreover, orchards areas which used to influence the landscape positively have diminished quite considerably. The above-mentioned facts show that agriculture is inseparable from the protection of the environment and conservation of national culture and has important functions which are not necessarily related to economic objectives. This is why we are extremely sensitive when talking about environmentally related nontrade concerns. The Czech Republic has been facing too many challenges "inherited" in this area from the past and therefore even ten years of transformation proved not to be sufficient to address them properly and in a satisfactory manner. Former systems of agricultural exploitation through so-called "Unified Cooperatives" gave rise to a problem of an inappropriately high proportion of arable land and intensive largescale farming, also entailing excessive size of scopes, extensive amelioration, excessive use of industrial fertilizers and pesticides or disturbed natural infrastructure. Despite some positive results achieved so far (such as partial decrease of share of arable land, decreasing consumption of fertilizers and pesticides), we cannot consider these problems as solved yet and the reform of our agricultural sector has to continue. It is apparent from the above mentioned that agriculture supports directly the infrastructure and the quality of the environment. At the same time, it may be said that farmers, by doing their business, also serve as natural providers of environmental services. __________ G/AG/NG/W/65 Page  PAGE 2 G/AG/NG/W/65 Page  PAGE 3 . /. ,?IMvŽикљќ!"јљ !":;ABCDVњјєђяђђјђьъьђххтхххтхmH jUB*mH CJ5:CJ,>* 5:CJ,! ,=>?IJїђђк ађЖ€ађђž0ђђ~ $$–lж0+p#$$–l4ж+p# $$–l”ˆџ4ж+p# $d„ўЄ№$$$–l4ж+p#`$$$dh$ ,=>?IJKLMfvŠ‹ŒŽХйкњћќ !ЈЉWXcdC D ' ( ў џ 56YZЃЄэюїјљ !#$%&:;ABCDFGHIJKLMNSTUV§§§ћ§§ћ§љљљ§љћ§§ћ§§љћљљљїїљљљљљљљљїљѕљѕљїљѕљљ SJKLMfvŠ‹ŒŽХйкњћќ !ЈЉWњњьјњњтждддббббддддККК Ц(а ФˆL д ˜\ фЈl0!$ $$–lж+p# $ Ц арР!Т@$$–l”`џж+p#$$WXcdC D ' ( ў џ 56YZЃЄэюїјљ#$шшшшшшшшшшшшшшшшшшшцуццкк Ц арР! @$ Ц(а ФˆL д ˜\ фЈl0!$%&EFGHIJKLMNSTUVієыыыцфтфтєтпттт$ Цр Ц арР!B#B Ц арР! @' 0&P Аƒ. АШA!А "А #а$ %АА K [4@ёџ4Normal $ ЦаCJmH N"N Heading 1#$ & F_„а„0§Є№@& Ца5;L2L Heading 2#$ & F_„а„0§Є№@& Ца:<B< Heading 3$Є№@& Ца5HRH Heading 4#$ & F_„а„0§Є№@& ЦаH2H Heading 5  & F_„а„0§Є№@& Ца6.. Heading 6 Є№@&.. Heading 7 Є№@&.. Heading 8 Є№@&. . 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