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Among the Members of the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ, discussion was initiated during the AIE process in which we also have expressed our point of view on the numerous occasions. It becomes evident that, although all Members consider agriculture as a sector which deserves special attention, they have different approaches to the NTC issue. Points raised during this very useful discussion were compiled recently by the Secretariat in document G/AG/NG/S/17. Therefore it is rather obvious, that there is still need to understand better this issue and further serious discussion, based on concrete, well defined submissions is indispensable in order to achieve progress in the negotiating process. For this reason the Polish delegation welcomes, with great satisfaction, discussion papers (G/AG/NG/W/36) presented by Switzerland, European Commission, Japan, Korea, Mauritius and Norway. These papers are based on similar perceptions of issues related to the multifunctional role of agriculture and complement one another, therefore we present our comments in one statement. At the outset we would like to underline that Poland fully supports the main principle contained in the Swiss paper, which is in our view the need to preserve special treatment of agriculture in the framework of the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ. This is probably the most important point for the future development of these negotiations. It is worthwhile to stress that the issue of specificity of agriculture is very often raised by the countries with significant imports of agricultural products. Poland for example has a large deficit in trade in food products. The justification for special treatment of agriculture, only outlined in the Swiss paper, is explored further in the follow-up papers. The paper presented by the European Commission undertakes the issue of agriculture's contribution to rural development. In our view, description of direct linkage between agricultural activities and existence of rural regions is very difficult to contest. For Poland, where the livelihood of a large part of the population depends on farming, the most important issue is to preserve agricultural production in the areas where the majority of workers are employed in agriculture. This is crucial for various reasons linked to the social development and for the prevention against the degradation of living standards. In our view, special attention should be given to the regions with high unemployment also in the non-agricultural sectors. The maintenance of agricultural activities is also indispensable for the development of services and small industry. Stability and predictability of conditions for agricultural production are essential factors in the efforts to attract financial investments and the creation of alternative employment opportunities. In our view, existence of different models of agriculture should be preserved in the further reform process. We therefore fully share the conclusion of the EC paper, which calls for recognition of the right to pursue specific rural development policies. The next paper presented by Japan and Korea is devoted to the most basic function of agriculture, which is the establishment and maintenance of food security. We share the view that food is the most essential product for all countries. Destabilization of food supply or lack of predictability of prices can lead to social unrest with consequences difficult to foresee. For this reason, it is of the utmost importance to maintain the potential of agricultural production in the different regions of the world and to create a diversified trade flow. We also support the opinion that the combination of domestic production, imports and utilization of public stockholdings is the best approach to the food security issue. The second paper prepared by the EC describes environmental and cultural benefits, which can be achieved through farming. All activities linked to the production of food were always essential in determining the development of rural areas and in the social and cultural aspects of human life. In our view, decrease of production can inflict the biggest threat to agricultural communities, which is unemployment. Because of fewer alternatives and immobility of the workforce, rural communities are in a disadvantage position to combat unemployment. The separate problem is very often observed in the regions characterized by the unfavorable conditions for farming where farmers exposed to market forces decide to abandon their farms. On the other hand, intensification and industrialization of agricultural production, together with transformation of urban lifestyle, can contribute to negative changes in the rural society and environment caused by deforestation and water pollution. The discussion we have had up to now clearly demonstrates that the issue of NTC has its universal dimension. The next paper presented by Mauritius gives us very valuable assessment from the point of view of developing countries. The paper describes the impact of agriculture on different sectors of economy, in particular on social and economical developments in the rural areas and justifies the right of the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ Members to prevent degradation of farming. We recognize that this is especially important for countries and regions which depend on production of limited commodities. The further reform process would be difficult to implement without addressing these concerns. In our view, the paper prepared by Norway offers a very important input for the summary of discussions on the NTC. We share the point of view elaborated by Norway, which is the need for flexibility in domestic agricultural policy. It is evident, that among Members of the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ there is a great variety of social, structural and geographical circumstances, which determine approach to agriculture, methods, and potential of production. In many countries those factors have a decisive impact on costs of production and are essential for the outcome of competition among producers. We also have to be aware that further continuation of the reform process will bring, for some of the countries, greater responsibility and the need to implement various policy adjustment mechanisms. Therefore, special attention should be given to the concerns of those countries for which further commitments will not only result in increase of production and exports. __________ G/AG/NG/W/81 Page  PAGE 2 G/AG/NG/W/81 Page  PAGE 3 ,?IMvŽикэ№ )*0123KLRSTUcњјєђяђђјђьђччфчччфчmH jUmH CJ5:CJ,>* 5:CJ, ,=>?IJїђђк ађЖ€ађђž0ђђ~ $$–lж0+p#$$–l4ж+p# $$–l”ˆџ4ж+p# $d„ўЄ№$$$–l4ж+p#`$$$dh$ ,=>?IJKLMfvŠ‹ŒŽХйкюя№єѕЊЋ›œZ [   7 8 Р С : ; Ф Х щъъы‹Œ`aСТ=>ъыЅІЂЃ‰ŠopLMСТ78]^  124567VWX§§§ћ§§ћ§љљљ§љћ§§ћ§§љћљљљїїљєєї  `JKLMfvŠ‹ŒŽХйкюя№єѕЊЋ›œњњьјњњтждддббббдддддддддд$ $$–lж+p# $ Ц арР!Т@$$–l”`џж+p#$$œZ [   7 8 Р С : ; Ф Х щъъы‹Œ`aСТ=>ъыЅ§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ЅІЂЃ‰ŠopLMСТ78]^  4567VW§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§њ§§ёёёяцц Ц арР!B#B Ц арР! @$WXYZ[\]^_`abcіёяэяэыэшэээ$ Цр Ц арР!B#B XYZ[\]^_`abcўќўќўњўќўў ' 0&P Аƒ. 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