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This number shall be reduced to no more than one half of that number two years later and full elimination shall occur two years after that. Furthermore, the terms and conditions of such an SSG for developed country Members shall be streamlined to ensure that: (a) in respect of the quantity trigger: it shall be available only where, over a rolling three-year average, imports are above a minimum threshold of [ten] percent of domestic consumption, have increased by at least 25 per cent in absolute terms and the ratio of imports to domestic consumption has increased by [0.35] or more. Where the applied rate is equivalent to the bound rate, the remedy shall be a maximum of an additional one third of the bound duty. Where the applied rate is less than the bound rate the remedy shall be the full margin between the bound rate and the applied rate or one third of the bound rate, (whichever is greater); and (b) in respect of the price trigger: it shall be invoked for no more than [two-thirds]of the eligible tariff lines in any given year within the implementation period and the restrictiveness of the present provisions under Article 5 shall be effectively halved by modifying the specific parameters currently provided in paragraphs (b) through (e) of paragraph 5 of Article 5. For developing country Members [the terms and conditions of the SSG shall remain unchanged from the URAA terms and conditions except that the tariff rates concerned shall be updated to reflect the outcome of the Doha negotiations.] [ the above terms and conditions applicable to developed country Members shall be modified to be at least one-third more flexible as regards all the relevant parameters.] 78=>DFN2 3 =    ' ( 3 4 < F S T  [ _ b 9 :  ̺̯̙̊̊̆̂̆̎̊̂hqHrh2h*h<; hqHrhqHr hqHrhMh2mH sH  hLTh*hgS hqHrh2 hqHrhgShLThgSmH sH  hLThgShqHrhgS5\hqHrhgS\hqHrh25 h25 h*5hLThgS53>F [ aB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#s5gd^gdgS  & FP 7gdqHr & F b^`bgdqHrgd*  & FP 7gdgS  & F gdgS$ & F a$gd*$ & F a$gd*h5-h* h^h hqHrhqHrh2 hqHrh2 hLThgS hqHrhgS B#sB#sgd^54 . 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