ࡱ> ~} @ Ubjbj ؝؝8P$t,>Bp222AAAAAAA$4CREJA^^@A22,A22AAj1:0@2 @6@2EE@E@<AAv21.7.2008 Referenz:  DOCPROPERTY "FSC#EVDCFG@15.1400:DocumentID" \* MERGEFORMAT 2008-07-20/7 Intervention by Federal Councillor D. Leuthard at the TNC on 21 July 2008 Chairman, Excellencies, We need a successful Doha Round to face the economic downturn, to fight rising food and energy prices and to fight the spread of protectionism. This week, we can make a contribution to improve the economic framework conditions, to promote welfare worldwide. My country, as most countries represented here, is heavily dependent on a strong and well functioning multilateral trading system. Switzerland is, therefore, also committed to a successful and expeditious conclusion of the Doha Round. In the centre of our attention this week will be agriculture and NAMA. These are two crucial issues, which form part, however, of a broader agenda - the Single Undertaking. I appreciate that work is advancing well on Trade facilitation; I am convinced we could and should do more on trade and environment. I take note of the work program proposed by the chair on rules and I am very much looking forward to progress on services during this week. Furthermore, I appreciate the fact that more than 100 countries are supporting a proposal on GI-extension, GI-register and on TRIPS/CBD disclosure for a modalities decision at Ministerial level. I thank you Mr. Chairman for the discussions you are chairing on this topic and I expect rapid Ministerial involvement on this issue. Mr. Chairman, only a balanced result is sellable in Switzerland, where a popular vote could challenge a Doha Round agreement. A lot of work has been done on all issues over several years. In Hong Kong in 2005 we decided that LDC's should get duty free/quota free market access at least on 97% of tariff lines. - My country decided to grant as of 1st of April 2007 duty free/quota free market access on 100% of tariff lines to LDC's. - We delivered! In Hong Kong we decided, furthermore, that developed countries phase out export subsidies by 2013. My Parliament has passed legislation to abolish such subsidies on all basic agricultural products by 2009. - So, Switzerland is delivering! Agricultural exporters are asking for tough reductions of the domestic support. Switzerland is ready to reduce its support of trade distorting subsidies by at least 50% - So we are ready to deliver on this, too! Mr, Chairman, today, we are asked to do even more, in particular in the very sensitive area of the agriculture border protection. The negotiation paper in agriculture asks developed net-food importers, like Switzerland, to take an unfair burden in this negotiation. Today's proposal for agricultural modalities would mean for Switzerland: 20% less of agricultural output, 30% less income in agriculture and 30% less farmers. Under these circumstances, how much more, could I deliver on market access? You must, therefore, understand that I cannot accept excessive tariff reductions in the upper band. I cannot accept tariff capping. I cannot accept the price tag attached today to deviations from the tariff reduction formula and I need to keep a reasonable coverage of the Special Safeguard clause (SSG). In this context, Mr. Chairman, I also draw your attention on the press release of the G10 countries, which the delegations can find in the back of the room. Turning to NAMA developed countries are asked to give real market access. We are ready to do so, but we also expect market openings in major and competitive developing countries. A development round should also improve South-South trade. Indeed, 70% of the duties paid by developing countries are paid to other developing countries! Non-agriculture goods trade represents for most developing countries the bulk of their exports, so improvement of market access is a necessity. Furthermore, Mr. Chairman, for my country, sectoral initiatives are important to help balance the overall results of the negotiation on NAMA and to ensure that the Doha mandate of reducing - or as appropriate eliminating - tariffs on industrial goods is fulfilled. On services the objective of the "signalling conference" later this week is to get a clearer picture on what ϲʹ-members would be ready to offer on market access. This is very important - even if at the end of the week, there will be more signals than hard evidence on what we will really get in this area. Nonetheless, I need real engagement and a real perspective of increased market access commitments in services at the end of the round in the main areas of importance to my country. In addition, I expect members to be supportive of strong disciplines on domestic regulations. On GI's I draw the attention of Members to the TNC communication IP/C/W/52. In that communication, more than two thirds of the ϲʹ Membership, including Switzerland, support a modalities decision in favour of the three TRIPS issues - GI-extension, GI-register and CBD-TRIPS. This vast group of ϲʹ Members, developing and developed countries alike, requests Ministers to mandate text based negotiations to come up with a solution to these three issues as part of the Single Undertaking. This is a significant development, which we can not ignore. Mr. Chairman, let me summarize: Today, significant divergences still exist between members on the expectations of the outcome of this negotiation. My country is committed to work with you and all members to bridge the differences and to get to a fair and balanced result this week. We all need results, signals and comfort. Thank you Mr. Chairman.   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