

July 2008 package: Negotiating texts and reports

In agriculture and non-agricultural market access, intensive negotiations produced several drafts; the latest before the July package talks were circulated on 10 July. In other subjects the texts take various forms, including reports from the chairs of the negotiating groups or committees handling each subject.

Draft texts

These links take you to the texts that formed the basis of discussions in the July meeting.

Reports from the chairs of the negotiating groups

In the period leading up to the July 2008 meeting and during the talks, the chairs of the negotiating groups circulated reports on the state of play in their respective areas including reflections on the way forward.

  • Dispute settlement (): 18 July 2008
  • Intellectual property (): 9 June 2008
  • Rules (): 17 July 2008
  • Services ( ): 28 July 2008
  • Trade and development (): 17 July 2008
  • Trade and environment (): 18 July 2008
  • Trade facilitation (): 18 July 2008

After the July meeting the agriculture negotiations chair and the non-agricultural market access (NAMA) chair circulated their reports on developments during the 10 days of talks:

Report on Signalling Conference

At a formal meeting of the Trade Negotiations Committee on 30 July 2008, Pascal Lamy, as Chair of the TNC, said that he was circulating a report (JOB(08)/93) on the Services Signalling Conference, which took place on 26 July.