June / July 2006 modalities meetings

Ministers and heads of delegations met in Geneva from 28 June to 1 July for intensive negotiations on template agreements, known as “modalities”, for trade in agriculture and industrial products. The negotiations were suspended at the end of July after an attempt by ministers from six key players to break the deadlock failed on 23 July.



Draft texts

  • Agriculture 
    12 July 2006 complete text with corrections (TN/AG/W/3)   > HTML   > Word  > pdf
    29 June 2006 correction  > Word  > pdf
    22 June 2006 text   > Word  > pdf

  • Non-Agricultural Market Access
    26 June 2006 revised text   > Word   > pdf
    22 June 2006 text   > Word   > pdf

  • Browse   > HTML


Press conferences

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Doha 2001

> Doha Ministerial Declaration



Geneva 2004 

> July 2004 package




Hong Kong 2005 

> Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration