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Audley, Senior Associate and Director Project on Trade, Environment, and Development Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Washington, DC 20036 May 1, 2002 "Lessons Learned from Civil Society Relations with Intergovernmental Organizations" Thank you, Mr. Moore, for inviting me to offer my summary remarks during this closing session. I'd like to begin by thanking the ░─├┼┴∙║╧▓╩╣┘═°╫╩┴╧ for sponsoring this symposium, and especially the ░─├┼┴∙║╧▓╩╣┘═°╫╩┴╧ Office of External Affairs. The workshop on external transparency was organized by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. While we focused on external transparency, I fully support efforts by those working hard to improve internal transparency, and note that there was a workshop focused on this subject sponsored by Focus on the Global South. We began with a brief discussion of the history of civil society participation at the ░─├┼┴∙║╧▓╩╣┘═°╫╩┴╧, noting that the people responsible for creating the first vision of a global trading system genuinely believed that the International Trade Organization would need NGO expertise and experience to develop and implement a trading agenda that would earn the public's trust. Determining the best way to achieving this objective was the subject of our discussion this morning. Janine Ferretti, executive director of the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation, and World Bank Communications Officer John Garrison described their organizationsТ relations with civil society. To summarize, they described very dynamic relationships between policy makers and civil society, whose continued development is dependent upon leadership demonstrated by members as well as the secretariat. Both people emphasized that it is essential to have the resources to both engage and empower NGOs to work with their institutions. When international organizations work with NGOs, society benefits from the ripple effects that influence the growing interest in governance within the context of globalization While very different in size and scope, both organizations demonstrate a deep commitment to effective public involvement. Both organizations empower NGOs to serve as observers, and in some instances as participants in decision making, while reserving the space required to parties to negotiate privately. Both organizations include sunshine procedures as a means of promoting compliance, and both speakers believe that these procedures have improved the performance of their respective institutions. We then heard comments from Consumers International Africa Director Amadou Kanoute and WWF International Senior Policy Advisor Aimee Gonzales, who shared with us their experiences working in other IOs. Their main point was that their experiences have helped make the work of these international institutions more sensitive to communities and non traditional stakeholders, especially those unable to engage international institutions in any meaningful way. NGOs also recognized that the ░─├┼┴∙║╧▓╩╣┘═°╫╩┴╧ has taken important steps toward greater interaction. In the words of one participant, it's not a matter of whether or not to involve civil society, but how to improve upon the progress already made. The speakers offered very solid recommendations intended to build upon this progress, including outreach to NGOs that do not work in Geneva, real-time document derestriction, formalized accreditation schemes, formal observer status for most meetings, direct technical input into the work done by committees and working groups, improvements in parliamentary scrutiny by member states, formal acceptance of civil society submissions relevant to ░─├┼┴∙║╧▓╩╣┘═°╫╩┴╧ disputes, and the possible use of the trade policy review mechanism to improve understanding of the linkages between trade and environment policy objectives. While this non-exhaustive list my be viewed as ambitious, it reflects practices already undertaken by other international bodies, including the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations Economic and Social Council, and the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation. Our presenters also noted that NGOs themselves must better coordinate their input and work harder to provide better analysis and policy advice. We then turned to discussions with the audience, and we recognized that effective participation involves not only work here in Geneva, but in the capitals of member nations. We discussed the very real concerns among developing countries, many of whom remain suspicious of the interests being pursued by NGOs based in Geneva and elsewhere in the North. One speaker shared with us the desire held by many countries to maintain the member-driven nature of this organization and recognize that country delegates must balance national interests. Finally, the sheer number of issues facing the ░─├┼┴∙║╧▓╩╣┘═°╫╩┴╧ has exploded, making them difficult to handle, especially for developing countries that lack the resources to devote to them. We concluded by noting that future progress in external reform depends in part on ongoing efforts by all involved to overcome the misperceptions we have toward one another.  tРС¤ї¤CJW╩nJeЖCJKtuг╥¤ tu╘╒MNХЦi j C D :;А№№·№№№№№№№°їїїїїїїїїїїїїїїїї$$Ktuг╥¤ tu╘╒MNХЦi j C D :;АуфС■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■!АуфС№№№№№$░╨/ ░р=!░а"░а#Ра$Ра%░ [$@ё $NormalmH B@B Heading 1 $$@&5БCJW╩nJeЖ<A@Є б<Default Paragraph FontС"    С АСС  Unknown Maria CarloqyУNRЫ╢Ц ; Т д У в  Є N|Й~┴  tУ  Edward SherwinGC:\WINDOWS\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of WTO closing remarks 5-1-02 (1).asdEdward SherwinM\\CEIP-NAS\USERS\esherwin\John's stuff\WTO closing remarks 5-1-02 revised.doc Maria Carlo>\\CEIP-NAS\USERS\mcarlo\WTO closing remarks 5-1-02 revised.doc*Aimee T. Gonzales, Trade & Investment UnitNC:\Data\aimee\wto\institutional reforms\WTO closing remarks 5-1-02 revised.doc*Aimee T. Gonzales, Trade & Investment UnitZC:\Data\aimee\wto\institutional reforms\WTO closing remarks 5-1-02 revised(agcomments).doc*Aimee T. 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