ࡱ> #%"q bjbjt+t+ AA] ?$j** Summary: The ϲʹ, Poverty Alleviation, and the Environment This panel examined the intersection of trade, poverty alleviation, and the environment within the context of the ϲʹ and the Doha Agenda. It focused on how to move the trade and environment debate beyond current North/South divisions by addressing the poverty alleviation concerns of developing nations. Panelists explored these issues with case studies from China, Costa Rica, Mexico and the Caribbean. In each case it was shown that trade expansion, poverty alleviation, and environmental protection are not only compatible, but can be mutually reinforcing producing win-win-win outcomes. The panel reached two main conclusions. First, producing win-win-win outcomes on trade, poverty alleviation, and environmental protection requires innovative policy development that encourages transparency, accountability, and disclosure in government policy making coupled with the involvement of grassroots constituencies in the policy development process. Second, in order to produce win-win-win outcomes it is necessary to view everything from a developing country perspective. The papers presented by the panel are available in the GETS on-line journal, GETS View, at www.gets.org. =r6CJCJ ;<=rs$$ ;<=rs/ =!"#$% [$@$NormalmH <A@<Default Paragraph Font.B`. Body Text$CJ Candace Falk2C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of Document1.asd Candace Falk)C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\GETS MISC\Summary1.doc@up@G:Times New Roman5Symbol3& :Arial"hee$0dSummary: Candace Falk Candace Falk Oh+'0   < H T`hpx Summary: umm Candace Falkoandand Normal.dotk Candace Falko1ndMicrosoft Word 8.0@_@@0 ՜.+,D՜.+,8 hp  IATP:1  Summary: Title 6> _PID_GUIDAN{93732F42-6B55-11D6-B8D9-005004E15E37}  !$Root Entry FO`&1Table WordDocumentSummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjjObjectPool``  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q