ࡱ> q bjbjt+t+ AAٿ].$8L$plL(((PPP+ K W$8,7_++__7 PP _ PP_ P CrtP$6 i Internal Transparency and Decision-making processes at the ϲʹ: Critical Issues and Recommendations ϲʹ NGO Symposium, 1 May 2002 Workshop Organised by Focus on the Global South The 3 speakers at the workshop were: Aileen Kwa Focus on the Global South Sabrina Varma South Centre Shalmali Guttal Focus on the Global South The workshop was moderated by Rashid Kaukab of the South Centre. The following are presentations that were delivered at the workshop. 1) Aileen Kwa - Focus on the Global South It is very important to do a comprehensive unpacking of the practice of consensus. The process of trade negotiations at the ϲʹ does not look at what developing countries need, nor is it even about finding a middle ground between the developed and developing countries. But in the most critical negotiations, we tend to see the positions of developing countries move towards becoming in fact not very different from the original proposals of the developed countries. This process may take some time, and some carrots are given out along the way, yet in the final outcome, it is largely the proposals of the powerful countries that prevail. What is happening here? How is this situation allowed by the majority? One major reason is the behind the scenes pressures exerted by developing countries. Various developing country delegates have spoken about this (although asking to remain anonymous). This presentation draws on interviews that have been conducted with delegates post-Doha. These are some comments have 3 such delegates have made: Delegate 1: September 11th is an act to be lamented by all humanity, but what gives cause for even greater regret, are the economic benefits that were attained by the industrialized countries through such a disaster. We cannot deny that many of the countries that were making a difference in the ϲʹ have been undermined, and their officials even removed, simply for raising their voices in defence of the interests of their countries. Their requests were simply to have justice, transparency and a functioning system at the ϲʹ. The result is that the ϲʹ a member-driven organization - continues to be governed by bad practices and arbitrary decisions. These are being imposed on others as a result of the supreme power of a few. Delegate 2: During the preparations for the conference in Qatar, the pressure on the capitals increased, this time requesting the withdrawal of many of the ambassadors in Geneva who defended the interests of their countries and who opposed the launching of a new round. The truth is that the launch of this new round would never have taken place if it had not been for the lack of transparency and interference on the part of the ϲʹ secretariat and the political pressures used by the developed countries - mainly the United States and the European Union. The pressures for changes of position and for the withdrawal of Ambassadors is permanent, and has no apparent logic, beyond the arguments that the delegations in Geneva act as the enemies of the multilateral system, of the developed countries, and even peace in the world. Delegate 3: Experience so far shows that developed countries have most often insisted on their positions while pressing small developing countries to give up their positions In some cases there is an attempt to bypass the Geneva based delegates and even to create a wedge between them and their capitals. This unfortunately has led many delegates to remain silent. When a delegate feels that his career might be at risk, it affects his performance. The Practice and Manufacturing of Consensus In practical terms, consensus means that no decision is formally objected to by any member present at the meeting. It does not mean active agreement, merely the absence of objection. According to the Director General, the rule of consensus is the democratic guarantee of the institution, since everyone in theory has a voice. However, the reality is quite different. How democratic decision-making is by consensus, depends on the ability of countries to voice their dissent. The power politics within the institution means that dissent by any country in a formal meeting, which goes to the extent of blocking consensus, is rare. According to a Southeast Asian delegate: Many developing countries think that consensus is good, because we can singularly [sic] say no. But in reality, this is used against developing countries. Only the US or EU can say no. No single developing country, or even a small group, can say no. The strategies used to manufacture consensus can be categorised into five broad areas: Institutional and procedural deficiencies that marginalise the majority Use of bilateral threats to arm-twist and silence developing country negotiators The bias of the ϲʹ secretariat and the fact that it meddles in negotiations Technical assistance as a tool to elicit consent Divide and rule strategies used by the powerful countries This presentation will focus mainly on the first two aspects, and touch only briefly on the third. 1) Institutional and Procedural Deficiencies that Marginalise the Majority Through lack of procedural clarity, there is much room that is left for developed countries to manoeuvre their agenda into the negotiations. Consultations and decision-making at the ϲʹ usually takes place through concentric circles - it starts from the US and the EU coming together on a decision, and from here, the group is expanded to the other QUAD members Canada and Japan, and then to other OECD countries and several developing countries (sometimes known as Friends of the Chair or Friends of the Round), and finally, expanded to developing countries that could be resistant, but hold clout e.g. those in the Like Minded Group India, Pakistan, Malaysia etc. The following are institutional and procedural deficiencies that allow this manufacturing of consensus to take place: Outright Exclusion of the Politically Weak A significant number of delegations are left out of consultations, or included only on some issues and not others. Usually, the excuse by the majors is that they have nothing valuable or different to say, since if they did, they would have already been included in the core circle. The developed countries however, are careful that the politically stronger developing countries, the ones with the most potential to rock the boat, are included at some point in the process. Exclusion of the politically weak in the decision-making process matters much less, since there will be little risk that they will hold up a consensus. Bulgaria recently took strong objection to their exclusion from the process of selecting the Trade Negotiating Committee (TNC) chair. Their statement is evidence of the extent of non-transparency. The representative of Bulgaria, referring to the chairmans statement (which appointed Mike Moore, the director general as the chair of the TNC), said that he had received the document in the informal meeting just prior to the present meeting, and his delegation had not been involved in its preparation His delegation had made it clear that it wished to be involved in the informal consultations on the negotiating structure and other aspects, but it had been excluded from those consultations and its views were not reflected. The state of internal transparency in the organisation needed to be improved. The problem of transparency in the negotiations needed to be dealt with in a much more specific way through the adoption of clear and explicit rules. There are No Binding Rules About the Conduct and Role of the Chair! The non-existence of binding rules in the area of procedures and how negotiations are conducted has given the chairperson of any negotiations enormous powers. This is highly problematic and experience with the recent chairs have shown that giving such a broad mandate works against the interests of developing countries. The chair essentially has the ability to decide whether or not to consider all positions with similar weight, or to give prominence to one or two positions over others. Much depends on the personality, inclination, and the ideological leanings of the person, as well as the pressures exerted on him/her, and how the person reacts in the face of these pressures. One developing country delegate relates his experience: In a situation where so many decisions are taken informally, and different weights are given to the views of different players, and the chair follows these unwritten rules, it is much harder to get your input to the text than some players. There are no rules which say that all inputs submitted in writing must be distributed and reproduced. So you have to work twice as hard to get your input into the draft as another member. The problematic role of the chair was very much in evidence in the preparations for Doha. Even as the chair of the general council, Stuart Harbinson acknowledged that 50 per cent of the members disagreed about having new issues launched in Doha (and developing countries would assert that it was more than 50 per cent). Nevertheless, he removed brackets on the new issues in the second draft of the text, giving the impression of consent. Another delegate from Africa, obviously wary about the extent of powers the chair can arbitrarily exercise said, Harbinsons consultations were centered on the positions of the big players. He is somebody who says he is consulting and building consensus. It is like the same person being the accountant and the auditor. You are everything. Even if there is a mistake, you are auditing the books and you dont see it. A number of countries made noise that they were not being consulted on the selection of chairs for the negotiating groups in the TNC. There must be more transparency in the consultations. Maybe you make a table you consulted 50 countries, and what their positions are. You have to show everyone the results of the consultations. Right now, only Harbinson can tell you what he did. There is no proof that he has consulted with delegations, and there is no proof that they have agreed. So the real decisions may have been made by very few. We have to have a system that we can monitor. 'What I have learnt about Harbinsons style is that he is sympathetic to every group. He goes to one group, and tells them that this is a very good paper. But at the end of it, he brings you the same list, and tells you that this list is what has been acceptable to everybody. Maybe it used to be good in the old days (GATT) when countries divided-up the positions and distributed them amongst the major players. But now you have 144 members. 'Regarding the selection for the chair of the general council (for 2002, Canadian Ambassador Marchi), Harbinson came to the African group to say that most members expressed reservations, but we dont have anybody else for the job. This is the best we have. When it is a one-man show, it depends on what the man wants, not what the group wants. Problems with the Informality of the Process The lack of rules and the informality of the Process, basically means that it is a process of consultation and discussion that takes place behind closed doors. In that process, it means that those with the most clout will carry the most weight. There are indeed, few countries that would challenge a decision that has been put forward as a done deal. Use of bilateral threats to arm-twist and silence developing country negotiators This is a major component of the manufacturing of consensus. The only reason why the majority would allow many decisions to be taken which they are unhappy about, is because of these pressures, or their reliance in some way on one of the powerful countries, which they are gently reminded of in the process of negotiations. Self-censorship Such pressures may not even require overt and blunt threats from the influential. These certainly do happen. However, for the majority of countries, the powerful do not have to go to this extent. Power in its most effective form - is exercised through internalization, so that the subject him/herself, becomes the agent of control. The clearest evidence of power politics in operation and in its most sophisticated form is self-censorship and fear. Thus, the powerful exert little or even no effort yet, to a large extent, they control the behaviour of others. Self-censorship and the inability to voice objection in order not to be on the receiving end of serious repercussions to ones country, puts in serious doubt, the democratic principles of decision-making. According to an analyst, Many developing countries point out that they often fear the consequences of expressing their objections publicly, and hence choose the alternative option of remaining silent. As the absence of objection is seen as consensus, developing countries end up giving in to decisions that they actually have problems with. If a similar situation were present in a domestic political system, i.e. people were too intimidated to exercise their vote or express their opinions, it is doubtful if the system would be classified as a democracy if consensus is reached because some countries are too afraid to express their dissidence, how democratic is decision-making by consensus? Indeed, following from this analogy, fear and self-censorship are the characteristics of an authoritarian state, where opinions cannot be freely expressed. A delegate from an LDC, referring to this fear, and therefore the inability to take a strong position in negotiations said: Why do you think we performed this way in the last two years on TRIPS [not raising any major objections despite the stalemate in the TRIPS review]? If the US phones my capital, they will not say, there is this boy, he is trying to change TRIPS for the interest of his country. They will say, there is this boy working against the interest of the US, he is infringing on the good relationship between US and. Threats that Good Bilateral Trade Relations Will be Affected The issue most countries worry about is their export market, should good bilateral relations be soured. Many developing countries are dependent on the EU or the US for a significant proportion of their export market. The difficult situation this puts negotiators in has been articulated by this delegate: Small countries like us will be just caught in between. We cannot take the floor and oppose. We will never do that. There will be a lot of repercussions. 35 per cent of our exports go to the US. Of textiles, 60 per cent goes to the US, so we just have to keep our mouths shut. US trade representative staff, for example, play a key role in one way or another threatening countries. According to some leaked documents from Washington, an ambassador of a developing country related the threats he had received from the US trade representative as follows: During the course of the meetingseveral comments (were made) on (our) position in Geneva with regards to the ϲʹ issues, such as export subsidies, textiles and clothing, and access to medicines under TRIPSAt one point during the conversation, [it was expressed] that the USTR was in the process of defining a list of those countries that were friends of the United States and those that were not, and (our country) at this point, most certainly, was not on the list of friendly countries. It was made emphatically clear to us that any USTR support in other areas of mutual interest would be subject to our support in Geneva. In another case, a letter by US trade representative Zoellick to a developing country ambassador just three days before the ministerial stated: My deputy in Geneva, Ambassador Linnet Deily, is working hard to lead successful talks. We have been discouraged that (your country) has so consistently, and so vocally, adopted positions counter to those of the United States. We would very much appreciate the cooperation of your team there (in Doha) in helping move forward issues of common interest. An African country delegate even said that pressure to support a new round was put on them using the threat of withholding entry visas to the US. The Secretariat Meddles in Negotiations The ideological leanings of the Secretariat and the Role which the Director General has taken upon himself, to promote the New Round and New Issues, has been an issue many developing countries are unhappy about. In addition, the advice provided by the Secretariat has sometimes been unclear or even misleading. One developing country delegate, relating his experience as chair of a certain committee had this to say: Chairmanship gave me the opportunity to see how the secretariat functions, and how some countries would subtly get into the drafts. It is very clever and done in a highly sophisticated manner. When a country says, I dont agree with this text and the secretariat has to redraft, the outcome depends on the chair. If the chair is not technically competent, then the secretariat will take over. He explained that he went to some trouble trying to clarify the scope of the work his committee had been entrusted to by the general council. The secretariats ambiguous advice seemed to suggest that it was only in 1 tiret of the negotiating text. However, after investigations, he realised that it was 3 tirets. If Im not sharp, we would have lost two tirets. After that, they started respecting me. If you are technically sound, then you control the secretariat. If not, it happens the other way, because you would depend on them if you didnt know. One well-known example of manipulation was the removal of several pages of implementation issues in the October 6 1999 ministerial draft declaration before Seattle. This was then released as an October 7 draft. Clearly the October 6 draft had been leaked to some delegates and changes were made. According to some LDC delegates, another example was the removal of the most important paragraph for LDCs in the draft that came back from Seattle. Paragraph 72a on bound duty-free market access for LDCs arrived back as a blank. 2) Sabrina Varma, South Centre Why are process issues at the ϲʹ important? Process issues are important because they currently pose as a serious problem for developing countries and the longer term viability of the ϲʹ. Process issues are a problem because they play a significant role in determining substantive outcomes at the ϲʹ, hence contribute to the inequity and imbalances between developed and developing countries. It stands to reason that if developing countries are not equal and active Members in the decision making process at the ϲʹ, then that will be reflected in the kinds of decisions which are made and whose interests they represent. The way chairs are selected and the mandate and conduct of the Chairperson over meetings; whether meetings take place in formal or informal mode; the process of consultation and their recording, are all examples of process aspects which can have a bearing on the course of the issues being discussed. Therefore, the importance of process issues can no longer be brushed aside. Based on their experiences such as the failed Seattle Ministerial and especially the most recent based on the process leading up to the Doha Ministerial, the Ministerial itself, followed by the discussions on the operation of the Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC), developing countries have become increasingly active in this area, having put forward various proposals for improvement. Why are process issues a problem? Consensus at the heart of the problem These days voting has become viewed as a failure in the decision making process and consensus as the preferred mode of decision making in most international fora. Whilst on paper consensus appears to be a democratic and transparent form of decision making, in practise it opens the door for non-transparency and informal procedures (eg. corridor bullying, threats and enticements). Obviously it provides considerable flexibility, but mainly for those who are in a position turn the bargaining or negotiations in their favour which usually means a more economically powerful country. In addition, consensus in the ϲʹ is a passive form of decision making whereby silence is taken to mean agreement. Furthermore it does not require that all Members should be present. This alone excludes 20 or so non-resident developing countries from being active decision makers in the ϲʹ. Therefore lack of presence is no excuse for not accepting a decision. Also, there is no scope for a Member to enter the decision making process in the later stages. Therefore, consensus in the ϲʹ plays on the asymmetrical relationship between developed and developing countries. No formal rules of procedures Another big problem with decision-making in the ϲʹ is that there are no formal rules of procedures. E.g. no clear rules for selection of Chairpersons - which is done on a regular basis. Therefore Members are constantly faced with a mode of operation that is based on uncertainty and unpredictability, with the rules changing to fit the circumstances at the time. Informalness Due to the above characteristics, the ϲʹ is essentially run along informal practices, such as informal meetings and consultations, together with corridor diplomacy in the form of enticements and threats which the previous speaker outlined. This poses as a serious problem for developing countries who are vulnerable to the asymmetrical relationship they have with more powerful countries. Reciprocity mindset Unfortunately, the quid pro-quo mentality of the ϲʹ spills over into process issues. Discussions on process issues have been circular because it is seen as an additional area up for grabs, subject to negotiation whereby concessions must be made in one area if improvements are to be sought in another. This is unfortunate, given improvements in process should benefit all Members by strengthening democracy and participation. Concerns with efficiency over democracy As the number of the ϲʹ membership expands, there have been concerns with the efficiency of the decision making process1. This is being used to justify the use of consultations, informal meetings, open ended meetings etc as normal procedures for ϲʹ decision making. Of course the number of meetings has also been a major issue for the participation of especially the smaller delegations. These practises have worked against the participation of disadvantaged countries due to reasons including, non-recording of positions in such meetings, inability to attend such meetings due to limited or nil human resources. It is quite ironic that the focus has shifted to efficiency whilst a substantial number of the existing membership continue to be excluded from the decision making process altogether. Problems with records of meetings and non-transparency Some of the most important meetings take place in informal mode which are not recorded. This is problematic since it means that decisions can be made in them or texts emerge from them with no paper trail at all. Therefore there can be a major discrepancy between the most recent formal meeting and the next formal meeting which takes place after the informal meeting where decisions have been made. However, for delegations who are unable to attend these meetings, they will not be able to follow the evolution of discussions, nor question them, having to accept things as a fait au compli. Composition and role of the Secretariat For 2001, of the 512.5 posts in the Secretariat (with 39.5 additional posts vacant or under recruitment), 410 were filled by people from developed countries while 94 were from developing countries. Only 60 nationalities are represented. In summary, the composition is heavily biased towards developed countries: EU countries (France has 129, UK has 71) plus Switzerland (31.5), followed by Canada (26 )and US (23.5 ). By contrast, all of Africa is represented by 10 2. There has been very little by way of improvement in this breakdown when one compares the data above to that from 1997 which says a lot about the pace of the ϲʹ's response to changing realities. For example, there has only been an addition of one country to make the list of nationalities reach 60 (despite the increase in staff levels from a total of 496 in 1997) 3. Also, the list of countries has remained by and large the same as has the bias in recruitment from the same group of developed countries. In other words it is fair to say there has been no real improvement in the number of people recruited from developing countries since 1997. Many have pointed to the cultural bias as a reason for the lack of neutrality of the Secretariat. Other reasons could be the fact that professionals employed are mostly of a particular mindset, ie. neo-liberal. Evidence of the Secretariats non-neutrality are, for instance, in the discussions that have taken place on Technical Assistance, their role in drafting ministerial declaration texts and the DGs public statements in support of the new issues. Agenda overload Linked to substance, it is clear that there an agenda overload at the ϲʹ. The process comes under tremendous pressures because too many issues are brought into the ϲʹ. This makes it almost impossible for effective participation by developing countries. Recommendations: 1. Consensus should mean active consensus whereby Members have to state explicitly that they are in agreement (as opposed to silence meaning consent). 2. Members should consider having a system of tiered voting. This would apply to certain types of decisions such as selection of Chairs, DG and other process or administrative issues, whilst retaining active consensus for other types of decisions. This would also go a long way towards addressing the efficiency Vs democracy dilemma. 3. There should be a clear set of formal rules for all process aspects of the operation of the ϲʹ, including selection of Chairs; what Chairs can and cannot do, etc. This should be devised by a Process Committee which reports to the General Council, and be based on the principle of improving current procedures with a view to certainty, transparency and enhanced participation. The rules would need to be codified in the Marrakesh Agreement. 4. There should be no place for informal meetings. In other words, only decisions taken in formal meetings should be considered as legitimate. Transcripts should be the preferred form of record keeping of meetings, which will ensure accuracy and transparency. There should be a more rigorous code of conduct for the international civil servants, including the DG. This should spell out their role and conduct and sets out principles that have to be followed for Secretariat giving advice to delegates. Again this should be codified in the Marrakesh Agreement. 7. There should be a rationalisation of the ϲʹ agenda. No more issues should be introduced whilst developing countries continue to participate in a disadvantaged position in terms of coming to terms with the issues and the resources to examine their implications. Ministerial meetings deserve special attention because they are like boiler rooms, whereby when pressures mount, any sense of due procedures is thrown out of the window. The resort to late hour green room meetings is an example. Therefore, specific formal rules must be devised and agreed in advance of the event, covering all aspects, including on the selection of chairs and issue groups. Moreover, the Ministerial process must be subject to an overseeing monitoring mechanism at the Ministerial to ensure certain standards are being met (eg. sufficient time given to consider texts) and it should be subject to an independent audit or evaluation afterwards, to determine whether the decisions taken were made on a legitimate and democratic basis. The flow of information during Ministerial virtually breaks down. Various delegates have commented on the moral blow and wasted time of hanging around corridors not knowing what is going on. Therefore it is critical that the governing body of the ministerial i.e. the Committee of the Whole has frequent daily meetings to update people and that transcripts are circulated from every formal meeting (COW, any working groups and consultations) as soon as they are available. The secretariats prime role at Ministerial should be to facilitate information flows and ensure that all members are fully aware of the state of discussions and this should be subject to evaluation. There is also a strong case to hold Ministerial less frequently and in Geneva. It is clear that change in the operating procedures of the ϲʹ is necessary. Otherwise how much longer can the ϲʹ continue to be driven by the interests of a few countries, whilst the remainder of the membership continue to be sidelined? 3) Shalmali Guttal Focus on the Global South Earlier, we learned about the main problems regarding internal transparency in the World Trade Organisation (ϲʹ), and how these problems undermine the abilities of developing countries to secure fair and appropriate trade arrangements for themselves. Now I will talk about how lack of transparency in international policy institutions translates into a lack of democratic space, lack of accountability and even, deception in national policy environments. The ϲʹ and Global Economic Integration The ϲʹ does not act alone in determining trade and economic policies in its member countries. The ϲʹ is part of a larger constellation of international institutions and bilateral forces in promoting a specific view of development in which, markets controlled by a handful of economic powers would become the sole providers of all good and services--including those necessary to ensure human survival and a universally acceptable quality of life (for e.g., food, water, healthcare, medicines, clothes, energy, etc.) Today, global economic integration has, for all practical purposes, become a substitute for development strategies. In my view, this substitution is misguided and harmful for developing countries. Joining the world economy today is not simply a matter of dismantling barriers to free trade and investment. It demands that developing countries comply with a number of policy prescriptions with far reaching impacts, from restructuring their productive sectors to writing new laws for patent protection, banking, taxation, investment deregulation, labour, environment and social services. The institutional structures and capacities that enable advanced countries to maximise gains and minimise risks from todays global economic trends took generations to build up. And to a considerable extent, these advantages were built by dis-advantaging developing countries who are now expected to accomplish far more by way of policy restructuring in a far shorter time-frame, and with much less bargaining power than their more advanced peers. By focussing on rapid economic integration, many developing country governments are diverting precious national resources, human and administrative capacities and political will away from domestic development priorities such as food sovereignty, secure employment, social and political cohesion, equity, environmental protection, and industrial and economic capacity. This is accompanied by an increasing erosion of democratic space as crucial national policy decisions are made through frameworks laid down by the wealthy, advanced countries and their premier institutions: the IMF, the World Bank and the ϲʹ. And there is, unfortunately, a dangerous policy coherence at work here. Developing countries that have been through years of structural adjustment programmes imposed by the IMF and the World Bank--and backed by the G-7 Governments and other advanced Northern powers--have had their domestic capacities so effectively undermined that today, to talk to them about capacity building for development without addressing the fundamental imbalances in global policy making is both, contradictory and pointless. The ϲʹ Is Not a Development Institution The ϲʹ is not a development institution. Development requires co-operation, collaboration and empathy. The ϲʹ regime is based on competition, and there is little use talking about level playing fields when the players themselves are unequal in strength and rendered unequal in potential by the institutions working culture. While developing countries largely agree on the need for a fair, rules-based multilateral trading system, most will admit that the ϲʹ does not offer the space for such a system. An institution that is founded on power imbalances between countries, and guided in its operations by protection of the interests of a handful of economic powers, cannot promote a trade agenda that supports development. It is not simply trade that is important for development. More important for developing countries are the terms of trade, and the capacity to negotiate and sustain terms of trade that respond to their development priorities, varied as they may be. Current ϲʹ agreements, structures and processesincluding the dispute settlement mechanismdo not support favourable terms of trade for developing countries. The Problem with Market Access as a Development Tool Let us briefly look at the issue of market access for developing countries, which has been proclaimed by the ϲʹ and free trade apostles as the great bearer of benefits from economic globalisation for poor countries. Increased market access does provide more immediate opportunities to enhance revenues and incomes, but this is a short-term panacea and not necessarily conducive to sustainable development. And yes, market access can also lead to some poverty reduction as national incomes and GDP rise. But poverty is not only income based; there are social, ecological and political dimensions of poverty which market access does not address, and in many cases even exacerbates. In many developing countries, market access oriented trade strategies have resulted in unsustainable production practices, environmental contamination and undermined the rights and livelihoods of small producers and workers. Experience to date shows that market access based strategies do not support the diversification of production, and lock poor countries into trading in low-value goods and commodities whose prices they cannot control. Equally important, production and trade oriented primarily towards market access in third countries do little to create and enhance domestic markets back home in developing countries. On the contrary, they channel crucial national energies away from policies and measures to enhance equity and build vibrant domestic economies. Trade Liberalisation as a Development Tool is Spurious Trade liberalisation is one of the main pillars of economic globalisation and is touted as the key to poverty reduction. But upon examination, there is little evidence to support that rapid trade liberalisation, especially in the absence of strong domestic support policies, will deliver on this promise. By opening domestic economic arenas to imports, trade liberalisation increases the competition between imported goods and locally produced goods. In most developing countries today, domestic producers are not protected from price fluctuations in the costs of raw materials and other inputs necessary for production. Small-scale producers in particular do not usually get preferential access to credit, land, technology or markets, nor are they guaranteed appropriate prices for their goods in domestic and export markets. They are thus unable to compete with imported goods that are often cheaper in market price because of the subsidies and supports that producers receive in their countries of origin. This depresses the price of local goods which then results in depressed incomes. And regardless of access to developed country markets, unprotected and non-subsidised goods from developing countries are unable to compete in both quality and cost with goods produced in developed countries because of the range of technological and economic supports that developed countries provide to their producers. Liberalisation regimes are hardly likely to deliver on the promise of greater economic gains for small producers in developing countries since these regimes mandate the dismantling of the already meager domestic economic, social and environmental supports that developing countries are able to offer to their populations. Foreign investors in developing countries frequently use the threat to move their production bases to more competitive locations, i.e., where they can pay lower wages and receive exemptions from local labour and environmental regulations and laws. This in turn results in falling real wages and declining work conditions for both industrial and agricultural labour. Trade liberalisation increases the pressure on producers to produce for export markets, but neither the producers or the governments in developing countries have control over these markets. The volatility and manipulation of commodity and primary product markets negatively impact small, unprotected producers the most, resulting in decreased livelihoods and incomes, and an overall decline in living standards. In a number of developing countries, agricultural products and commodities have value beyond the market price they fetch. Positioning what is produced as trade commodities diminishes their value in local exchange and socio-economic processes. Agriculture in general has many functions, the most important of which is nurturing the capacity of communities and societies to cope with structural crises, natural calamities, wars and other conflicts. Trade liberalisation hits at the very heart of this capacity by placing the fruits of production at the mercy of fickle and unpredictable markets. In Thailand, peasant producers have pointed out that to just break even on production costs, they have to wish drought, floods or some other disaster on other peasant producers with whom they have to compete in the global market-place. Reports by UNCTAD and other policy research agencies shows that there is a more or less universal connection between rapid trade liberalisation and rising inequality. Empirical data from a number of research studies suggest that rapid economic integration has not resulted in reductions in poverty or economic inequality. On the contrary, greater trade and capital deregulation over the past twenty odd years has likely undermined efforts to raise living standards for the poor. In fact, there is very little credible evidence to show that rapid economic integration and lowering of trade barriers even leads to a proportionate increase in economic growth. And where there are sudden upsurges of growth, it is important to examine the structure of this growth; is economic growth by any means sustainable, or even desirable? Despite lowering trade and investment barriers tremendously since the 1980-s, many countries in Latin America and Africa are either stagnating, or growing less rapidly than during the import-substitution days of 1960-s and 1970-s. Countries in AsiaSri Lanka, Bangladesh, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines to name a fewhave also suffered a similar fate. But this evidence has not shaken the faith of die-hard globalisers or global integrators. Instead, they are quick to put the blame on the lack of benefits from economic globalisation on the absence of sufficient institutional reforms, poor public administration and political uncertainty in developing countries. And as a remedy, they prescribe wider and deeper market friendly reforms on the errant countries (Rodrik). For example: Tax reform to make up for lost tariffs; Social safety nets to compensate displaced workers and producers; Public administration practices to bring all trade practices into ϲʹ compliance; Labour market reform to facilitate labour mobility across sectors (which also prevents a build-up of skills in specific sectors); Technical assistance to firms hurt by import competition; Reforms in the health and education sectors to shift responsibility from governments to private providers; The reform of banking systems and financial sectors to protect the capital and investments of the private sector; Good governance (which usually means putting into place all the necessary legal and administrative frameworks required to facilitate market based economic transactions); The Unfortunate Coherence Between the ϲʹ, IMF and World Bank These reforms do not come from the ϲʹ itself, but from its counterpart agencies: the IMF and the World Bank. Policy coherence is a rather mild sounding euphemism for the joint attack on the domestic capacities of developing countries by the World Bank, the IMF and the ϲʹ. The World Bank has accorded to itself the responsibility to deal with all behind the border issues to ensure rapid and certain trade liberalisation in its borrowing countries. Since the borders will be dealt with by the ϲʹ, the World Bank will concern itself with ensuring that appropriate domestic policy and legal systems are put in place to ensure private sector expansion (privatisation), deregulation, and trade and investment liberalisation. One mechanism by which the World Bank is doing this is its Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs), which countries need to prepare in order to access concessional loans. PRSPs are more or less the same as Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs), but with the word poverty featuring more often in the loan documents, and with additional prescriptions for health, education and governance. In Vietnam, as a result of the restructuring of State Enterprises under a PRSP tied loan, 400,000 workers will become unemployed over the next four years. The World Bank has no plan for alternative employment; instead, it has placed the onus of financing a social safety net for the unemployed workers on the Vietnamese Government (which will likely be financed through the loan itself). The Bank even calculated how much compensation workers who would be laid-off should get based on potential incomes that they could earn in the private sector. Predictably, the loan document and the PRSP outline a plan for privatisation and private sector expansion. The IMF has a similar policy instrument for its bit in upholding trade and investment liberalisation: the Poverty Reduction Growth Facility (PRGF), which is the new name for its Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility (ESAF). Through the PRGF, the IMF maintains its control over monetary and fiscal policies in a borrowing country, and a PRSP must be jointly approved by the Boards of the Bank and the Fund. The IMFs assessment of a countrys Balance of Payments (BoP) situation is important in the ability of that country to impose border controls and quantitative restrictions on imports. Countries going through the process of accession to the ϲʹ must get the IMFs approval on negotiation processes. No Democratic Oversight The policy regimes demanded by the Bretton Woods Institutions significantly--and sometimes completelyreorient a host countrys resources, restructure its economy and affect the futures of its people. Despite this however, none of these policies are publicly debated, or require national parliamentary approval. There is absolutely no democratic oversight or system of checks and balances for the negotiation of economic, financial and trade policies with the Bretton Woods institutions. In most developing countries, national budgets and domestic policies must be passed by national law making bodies, whether they are national assemblies, parliaments or congresses. However, loans from the World Bank and the IMF, the conditionalities that accompany these loans, and the trade policies required by the ϲʹ are rarely discussed in national parliaments, assemblies or congresses. The Bretton Woods Institutions and our governments know fully well that if the full content and potential impacts of the reforms in question were open to public discussion and scrutiny, they would likely not be put into place in their current forms. By keeping policy negotiations exclusionary, decision-makers ensure that it becomes more difficult for the general public to make clear links between policy and financial regimes and their impacts. In Conclusion Developing countries have to spend significant amounts of money to implement the requirements of ϲʹ agreements and to make their national policies ϲʹ compliant. Similarly, the budgetary burdens of implementing SAPs (and now of PRSPs) and of mitigating their negative impacts have been tremendously high. But these costs are not discussed in national budget debates, nor are they subject to the same standards of budgetary review as other national spending plans. Many economists and researchers have shown that neither economic theory, nor empirical evidence guarantee that rapid and deep trade liberalisation deliver higher economic growth and development. In fact, many argue that trade liberalisation does not deserve a central place in development strategies (Rodrik) . However, since the assumptions, policies and programmes that drive trade and investment liberalisation are not subjected to public audits and assessments, the liberalisation paradigm remains unchallenged. As we discuss the challenges of internal transparency in the ϲʹ, it is important to keep in mind that as long as the formulation and negotiation of economic and financial policies are kept out of domestic democratic processes, majority of the worlds people will be increasingly alienated from crucial decisions that deeply affect their lives. In our struggle to ensure greater transparency and accountability inside the ϲʹ, we must demand that the structures, premises and processes of the ϲʹ, the World Bank, the IMF and other similar institutions be opened up for public scrutiny in domestic arenas. Our delegates at the ϲʹ must represent our widest possible interests in the best and most appropriate manner. And they will be better equipped and more committed to do this if they are clearly and structurally bound to accountability in their respective national arenas. Points Raised During the Discussion: Can we keep on doing the same things and expect different outcomes? Southern delegates have tended to play along with the game. The developed countries are not going to change EU and the US. It is ultimately developing countries that have to make the change. One key reason why developing countries have not pushed harder for change is because the developing countries with clout (the most vocal countries) are often included and therefore feel less urgently the need for radical change for greater inclusiveness. Doha negotiations were marked by blackmail from the developed countries. There should be a code of conduct that the EU, US and OECD countries must follow. They should sign up on this Code of Conduct, not to use undue pressure and blackmail tactics on developing countries. A public campaign could perhaps be launched to get this off the ground. Developing countries have been wary of external transparency because Southern NGOs would have weaker capacity than Northern NGOs to influence and take advantage of the political space. US and EU also have weaknesses which should be exploited by developing countries. Eg. in Agriculture, some OECD countries are cheating massively in their reporting The EU reports subsidies that should be in the Amber Box under the Green Box. The US has underestimated the insurance they provide to farmers by US$1 billion. The ϲʹ Secretariat has responded to such queries by saying that it is not in their competence to check reporting by Members. There were also comments that Technical Assistance is effectively merely pulling wool over peoples eyes. At present, technical assistance is conceived as the provision of training to various personnel from developing countries. However, real technical assistance is more than that. It should be about institution building at the national level - developing capacity of local institutions to draft their own rules and to ensure that local institutions are functioning and viable. Focus on the Global South C/o CUSRI, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand Website:  HYPERLINK http://www.focusweb.org www.focusweb.org Tel: 662 2187363 Fax: 662 2559976 E-mail:  HYPERLINK mailto:admin@focusweb.org admin@focusweb.org Geneva office C/o South Centre 17 Chemin du Champ d Anier Tel: 41 22 7918050 or 7822694 Fax: 41 22 798 8531 E-mail: aileenkwa@yahoo.com  Interview with a European Commission delegate, March 2002.  ϲʹ, TN/C/M/1, 14 February 2002, Trade Negotiating Committee, Minutes of Meeting 28 January and 1 February 2002.  Narlikar A. 2001 ϲʹ Decision-making and Developing Countries, South Centre TRADE Working Papers 11, November.  Narlikar, A. 2001 ϲʹ Decision-making and Developing Countries, South Centre TRADE Working Papers 11, November. 1 This has given rise to discussions on the introduction of an executive board or restitution of the CG-18, which existed in the 1970s under the GATT. 2 Based on Secretariats own statistics available on website: www.wto.org 3 Based on Secretariats own statistics from 1997. 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