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The session, ably moderated by Ambassador Yolande Bikщ (Gabon), began with considered opening remarks by Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi, the ░─├┼┴∙║╧▓╩╣┘═°╫╩┴╧ Director-General, on the importance of the examination of gender and trade issues. GWIT President Cherise Valles then noted that the specific objective for this session was to put these issues on the table and to lay a clear marker for further discussion of this issue at the multilateral trade level. The session included a geographically diverse group of speakers from both the public and private sectors: Dr. Mariama Williams, a noted feminist economist, Jamaican born, with the International Gender and Trade Network; Reema Nanavaty, the Secretary General of the 530,000 member Self-Employed WomenТs Association in India; Tembeka Nkamba-van Wyk, a successful South African entrepreneur; and, Heather Gibb, a researcher from CanadaТs North-South Institute. Key messages of the speakers included: Women, as producers and consumers, are important contributors to world trade; Women are, at the same time, profoundly affected by trade liberalization and ░─├┼┴∙║╧▓╩╣┘═°╫╩┴╧ rules while often not benefiting from concomitant market access and employment opportunities; 70 percent of the world's poor are women, many of whom labour in the subsistence agricultural sector or in the unvalued household and informal sectors; and women should play a more active role in the formulation of national as well as international trade policy. For these reasons, ░─├┼┴∙║╧▓╩╣┘═°╫╩┴╧ Members should initiate consideration of the gender and trade issues in the multilateral trading system. An open-ended discussion followed, involving interaction between the audience and the speakers. Canadian Ambassador, Sergio Marchi, explained his Government had come to recognise the economic importance of gender and noted why it is of systemic relevance for the ░─├┼┴∙║╧▓╩╣┘═°╫╩┴╧. Some participants called for a Ministerial statement in Cancun which would recognize the importance of taking women into consideration in trade policy formulation. The session concluded with Ambassador Bikщ's summary and call for further study of the gender-differentiated impact that trade liberalisation can have, and consideration of the role that the ░─├┼┴∙║╧▓╩╣┘═°╫╩┴╧ might play in the future on gender and trade issues. ╥╘З# ЇтЇтЇ"h(lzOJQJ^JmH nH sH tH h(lzOJQJmH sH NЙ╥Ўў< = · √ rs¤¤¤╕usnnnnnn$a$CE╞А╒ЛvFDC$E╞А╒ЛvF  ¤s Ў $7$8$H$a$$&P 1Рh░Г. ░╚A!░К"░К#РК$РК%░ЬL@ё L Normal$CJOJQJ^J_HaJmH sH tH DAЄ бD Default Paragraph FontViє │V  Table Normal :V Ў4╓4╓ laЎ (kЇ ┴(No List FB@ЄF Body Text$a$5Б\БmH sH uHЩH  Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ     NЙ╥Ўў<=·√rs" Ш0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0АА" <;0АЕ  s      хвцФ цвцд |чвц швцd |щвцlsъвц╘ ывц \\яяuu╣ " bbїїzz┐ " 9*Аurn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsАplaceАB*Аurn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsАcountry-regionА8*Аurn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsАCityА gnosк▓│┐ip╫▄▌х?FGMRUK Q " ╥╒" 3" "   Katherine Ann Hagen Chakarian ChakarianAdvisory Center on WTO LawHEUCHAAHEUCHAAMorisх(lz∙└ ?╚Й√" !Ф @А┤ Є Р@  UnknownAdvisory Center on WTO LawMoris            GРЗ:  Times New Roman5РАSymbol3&Р З:  ArialKРЗр@ЯPalatino Linotype5& Зz!А Tahoma"qИЁ╨hС╗v&С╗v&1ЫvЖйw йw Й#ЁКК╗┤ВБ24d   3ГЁ▀▀H(Ё ?ф                      ?╚  xSummary of л Women as Economic Players in Sustainable Development ╗, sponsored by GWIT with the support of CIDA and the Cherise M. 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