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Makane Moяse Mbengue, University of Geneva, Faculty of Law The Role of the Precautionary Principle in the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ Case Law Le Principe de prщcaution dans la Jurisprudence de l’OMC Le principe de prщcaution continue de faire l’objet de bon nombre de controverses quant р son statut dans l’ordre juridique international. Plutєt que de parler de Ћ principe Л ou d’ Ћ approche Л de prщcaution, il serait plus adщquat de se rщfщrer р la prщcaution comme technique juridique ou norme autorisant les Etats р agir ou р ne pas agir dans un contexte d’incertitude scientifique. Que l’on soit en prщsence d’un principe – valeur obligatoire ou contraignante – ou d’une approche – valeur recommandatoire – le rщsultat est le mъme : une norme obligatoire et une norme recommandatoire peuvent avoir des effets juridiques similaires. Dans le contexte de l’OMC, cela revient р dire que quelque soit l’habit juridique que revъt la prщcaution en droit international, elle permet de prendre des mesures restrictives du commerce international р des fins de protection sanitaire ou environnementale et ce au nom de l’incertitude scientifique. Contrairement р ce qu’avancent certains discours passionnщs, la prщcaution n’a pas щtщ spoliщe par l’affaire Hormones. Cette derniшre a plutєt щrigщ la prщcaution au rang de rшgle de droit positif contenue dans les Accords de l’OMC par la reconnaissance de son incorporation dans l’article 5 :7 de l’Accord SPS. Il semble toutefois que l’affaire hormones a ressuscitщ le spectre de l’isolation clinique. Un futur diffщrend sur les organismes gщnщtiquement modifiщs risque de mettre en lumiшre la portщe limitщe de la prщcaution dans le systшme OMC. Le Protocole de Cartagena de par sa vision extensive de la prщcaution et la Dщclaration de Doha de par son approche segmentщe des rшgles et principes contenues dans les Accords environnementaux multilatщraux (AEM) pourraient alors entrer en conflit. Jerri Husch PhD, World Health Organization The 2002 Evaluation Process of the Codex Alimentarius The Codex Alimentarius Commission was created in 1961 as a joint program of FAO and WHO, pushed mainly by growing concerns over high pesticide levels in various food products. One may say that at the structural or organizational level this organism consisting of over twenty multilateral committees hosted by a considerable number of countries spread all over the world has evolved in an ad hoc manner with many inefficiencies and overlaps. The 2002 Evaluation exercise has attempted to come up with analytical conclusions and specific recommendations for improvements. It will be up to the 2003 Commission meeting in July to devise a strategy to implement these recommendations. A better transparence and participation of developing countries in the development of food standards is one of the main objectives which need to be achieved. A recently created funding mechanism is intended to facilitate the participation of developing countries in these negotiations over food standards. Professor Richard Braun, University of Berne, Microbiologist, emeritus, former director of the Gen Suisse Foundation The leading countries in the production of GM food are the US, Argentina, and Canada, but some developing countries such as China and South Africa are emerging with their own GM crops which in some cases they have developed themselves. Developments have been very fast, e.g. in Soya, GM crops have spread to about one half of the total production in barely five years. Why did these crops spread so fast? Because the farmers like them due to the fact that they require less pesticides. Furthermore, some drought-resistance varieties are presently under development. It should be noted that cotton, one of the most important GM crops, is the crop which absorbs more pesticides than any other. Public resistance to this technology has been increased by BSE and other food scares which are added to a general fear of the unknown. In contrast, transgenics are commonly accepted for pharmaceutical products. As far as the ethical aspects of GM crops are concerned, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics has done important work in this domain. Julian Edwards, Director-General, Consumers International, UK The perception that consumers are opposed to new technologies is not born out by the facts since consumers have embraced “with great relish” numerous new technologies in the fields of both food products and of appliances. As far as GM food products are concerned, however, in depth evaluations have not been carried out with the exception of flavr savor tomatoes which have been tested on the general public without applying precautionary approaches that are supported by the public. The public furthermore supports with large majorities the principles of choice, labelling, and the taking into consideration of cultural values in the GM debate. Furthermore, the BSE debacle has clearly demonstrated the need for instituting traceablility. The Codex Alimentarius is presently on the verge of adopting a new set of principles for risk analysis. This standard has become more politicized due to the fact that an importing country’s trade restrictions are considered as АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ compatible as long as they remain within the ambit of the Codex standards. cЁP ‹ Ч  #ЮЖН‘Я&2ъњіяіяіцлвлвлвіЭіШіЭі h.>Р5 h.>Р6h.>Р5mH sH h.>Р56mH sH h.>Р5OJQJ h.>Р5>*h.>Р h.>Р>*abcЁN O P ‹ Ч  ЮЯаћ12 „…§ћћ§ћћљћћћљїђэыћћ§їћћћћыћћћ$a$$a$ъ§‘Яашщъ§§§§§§А‚. 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