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We have seen a lot of motion but little movement. AndBut, in the past months and weeks weve seen - with very strong advocacy from a lot of us here some positive steps by the US and EU, and thus some renewed momentum; especially on agriculture and the topic of export subsidies, and on narrowing the list of Singapore Issues, essentially narrowing it to trade facilitation. Now its up to every one in the negotiations to respond and contribute positively as well. We must accelerate momentum towards achieving the goal of having a framework by July for moving into more detailed negotiations on the core Doha agendaa positive conclusion. Be in no doubt about the strong commitment of business to a successful Doha result in real world time. This matters a lot to business. It matters to the business I run, to the business leaders in the Trans-Atlantic Business Dialogue which I co-chair, to the International Business Council, to the European Round Table of Industrialists, the European Employers Federation UNICE, and to the many thousands of business members of the International Chamber of Commerce, to name - not just a few, but a lot! Thats because business has a vital stake in the multilateral trade system and consequently the Doha Round. The private sector creates wealth, value, innovation and jobs, and we need the good governance frameworks that foster it both domestically and globally. The ϲʹ trading system is a vital part of this domestically and globally; especially to uphold non-discrimination, and to underpin and improve market access and trade facilitation. And to keep the process of Trade Liberalisation, so important in the last 50 years to global prosperity, moving forward. At Unilever, we also view the Doha Round as a key element of sustainable development, as expressed through the Millennium Development Goals. Doha is a key route to open and extend the undeniable benefits of open trade, under fair rules and good governance, to many more countries and their citizens. And to ensure that trade plays its full part in our common journey towards a more equitable, prosperous and responsible world. Trade promotes growth, and growth to a greater or lesser degree and given time will combat poverty. Everyone has an interest in the continued success of the ϲʹ but no-one has a greater interest than the weak and the poor. ϲʹ gives every member (developed, developing and least developed) a right but therefore also a responsibility to influenceing and moveing multi-lateral trade liberalisation forward by contributing to this Round; in order to expand both North-South and also South-South trade through the global, non-discriminatory, predictable and transparent rules and market access system; ordering North-South but also South-South trade through a set of global, non-discriminatory, predictable and transparent rules.. Another key point on the Doha development agenda :- if we look at the economic evidence on the Doha development dividend we see very little space today between a lot of us the World Bank, NGOs such as Oxfam, and businesses such as Unilever are calling for similar things, to produce similar development dividends. If trade barriers for agriculture and industrial produce were completely eliminated, it would raise 140 million people out of poverty over the next decade. Three quarters of the global welfare gain of deep reductions in barriers by everyone, would accrue to the moderate and low income countries through the boost to both North-South and South-South trade which is already a major proportion of developing countries trade. (This, of course, is why the multilateral Round offers the biggest gains and matters the most). Redirecting the $15-20 billion a year spent on subsidising commercial fishing into support for genuinely sustainable fishing management is urgently needed to halt and reverse a situation where 50 percent of marine fisheries grounds are fully exploited, while nearly 20 percent are over-exploited. Removing all trade barriers and producer subsidies for cotton would lift world cotton trade by 6% and Africas cotton exports by 13%. Removing all trade barriers and producer subsidies for sugar would create global welfare gains of up to $5 billion a year and create employment for nearly one million workers in developing countries. Lets also be careful, the ϲʹ was not designed as a development vehicle as such; other institutions are expected to fulfillfulfil these roles. But the ϲʹ has a role as it is in the business of negotiating conditions of market access and supportive trade rules that provide opportunities for its membership to take commercial advantage of the global economy. So why are we hesitating - why are we allowing the short term narrow interests of some individual countries to stand in the way of greater prosperity for a greater majority? Ladies and gentlemen: this growth and these jobs are much needed, and soon. To defend and advance peace and prosperity we have to tackle endemic poverty and thus the trade barriers that contribute to it. We have to see a successful Doha Development Round coupled with the supporting trade and governance reforms at home. So what does this need, in practice, to move past the Cancun crossroads and take the Doha Round firmly in the right direction to a successful and equitable conclusion? Since Cancun, Unilever and the business coalitions we are part of have been advocating the following five critical success factors: 1. Trim the agenda based on the Cancun lesson, to focus with urgency on the core market access issues; and dont let process get in the way. By this we mean, focus on the areas the World Bank has identified as holding almost all the development gains from trade reform: agriculture, industrial goods, services, and trade facilitation. 2. Acknowledge firmly that Agriculture is crucial to the development process. It is the log-jam to the success of the Round. We need progress most of all on the framework and main directions of negotiations, particularly by setting a finite date for moving towards elimination of export subsidies (the 2010 date as advocated by UK Trade Minister Patricia Hewitt sounds good), moving tforwards eliminiationelimination of the most trade-distorting domestic support, and significant improvement in market access. As part of this, everyone to heed the call, to negotiate rather than simply litigate. This takes political leadership in the US, EU, Japan on ending agriculture subsidies, and political leadership in the Cairns Group and G-20 to respond pragmatically to the EU and US proposals on export subsidies with proposals which contribute to market access. 3. The negotiations on industrial goods and services should similarly continue to aim high, as both developed and developing countries have so much to gain from further reductions in barriers to world trade. 4. Take sustainable trade seriously by ending the worst subsidies contributing to poverty and environmental degradation, e.g. in fishing, sugar, cotton; while not introducing new barriers to trade and development under the label of sustainability for a minority at the expense of the majority 5. And reinforce all this by standing up publicly at home for imports, inward investment, and even outsourcing as key elements in the trade equation, while at the same time recognising that trade liberalisation can create short-term adjustment problems which may require time-limited and effective adjustment (or change) assistance. Also, we must not shy away from stating the moral responsibility of those who have to help those who have not, and recognising that it needs trade as well as aid to make our world more stable and its future more sustainable. In conclusion above all to enable the Doha Round to move from the Cancun crossroads to the results that the world and its citizens need, and demand, every country must play its relative part, large and small, developed and developing, in the coming months and sustained over the next two years. I look forward to a constructive conversation.  Cotton Market: Trade Policies and Issues, World Bank working paper, February 2004  Sugar policies: Opportunity for change, World Bank Development Prospects, February 2004 Sfj+ ; o ͷ򯛯xdxJxx3h|HCJOJQJcHdhdhdhÅ&mH sH 'Hhą&h|HCJOJQJmH sH 'HhÅ&h|HCJOJQJmH sH h|H>*CJOJQJmH sH 'h|HcHdhdhdhʅFmH sH h|HmH sH *Hh ˅Fh|H5CJOJQJmH sH *HhʅFh|H5CJOJQJmH sH h|H5CJOJQJmH sH h|HCJOJQJmH sH "7CDT  L$7$8$C$EƀʅFH$a$ $7$8$H$a$7$8$H$w+*,  JK{|h^hK & F hEƀÅ& -16cdeɵɇs_s_K7_'Hhą&h|HCJOJQJmH sH 'Hhą&h|HCJOJQJmH sH 'HhÅ&h|HCJOJQJmH sH 'HhÅ&h|HCJOJQJmH sH 'HhÅ&h|HCJOJQJmH sH 3h|HCJOJQJcHdhdhdhÅ&mH sH 'HhÅ&h|HCJOJQJmH sH h|HCJOJQJmH sH 'Hh˅FhrCJOJQJmH sH 'HhʅFh|HCJOJQJmH sH |dej` & F hHhC$Eƀą&^hK & F hEƀÅ&"[\_`ghklz5ѽшgSш?+?'HhʅFh|HCJOJQJmH sH 'HhʅFh|HCJOJQJmH sH 'Hhą&h|HCJOJQJmH sH @HhÅ&h|HCJOJQJcHdhdhdhʅFmH sH 'HhÅ&h|HCJOJQJmH sH @HhÅ&h|HCJOJQJcHdhdhdhʅFmH sH 'HhʅFh|HCJOJQJmH sH 'HhÅ&h|HCJOJQJmH sH 4HhÅ&h|H>*CJOJQJmH sH $ą&568WYâ``L8$'Hhą&h|HCJOJQJmH sH 'HhÅ&h|HCJOJQJmH sH 'HhʅFh|HCJOJQJmH sH 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