ࡱ> wzxy[@ "bjbj44 /$ViVi d%d%d%d%d%d%d%x%---88-L-x%,t-t-:------$((($ӡR%Ld%/--//Ld%d%--a555/d%-d%-5/555xd%d%-h- `N-i0Rz~$w00R,x%x%d%d%d%d%d%8-v$.T5x.D.+---LLx%x%$+d 1x%x%+EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Trade Directorate F - ϲʹ: sustainable development, investment, standards, intellectual property, new technologies. Bilateral trade relations IV Sustainable development (including trade and environment); dialogue with civil society Brussels, 7 June 2004 Trade D(2004) 7918 Environment and Governance What Role for ϲʹ? Presentation by Rupert Schlegelmilch, Head of Unit, European Commission DG Trade, Geneva ϲʹ Symposium 26 May 2004 The issue: Globalisation of markets moves much faster than evolution of institutions and mechanisms at global level to deal with it Need to shape the outcomes of globalisation in line with overarching values, such as sustainable development Existing situation corrected by imbalance: Economic governance (World Bank, ϲʹ, IMF) works reasonably well. Environmental and social governance not nearly as well developed. Even in the economic institutions influence of various players is imbalanced (US, EU strongest players). Emerging improvements in ϲʹ (G20, G90 have a voice.) Existing institutions function along single issue lines. No place to consider the broader picture. For ϲʹ this means no place for social (example - textiles liberalisation and social consequences) and limited scope to address environment, ie the two other pillars of SD. Result of this imbalance: crisis of legitimacy of economic governance institutions, including ϲʹ. How to address this: Rio, WSSD, Monterrey all efforts to improve global architecture. Trade an important element, but a means not an end in itself. Within ϲʹ, DDA can be a contribution to better SD. Objective is reflected in ϲʹ agreement preamble, and paragraph 6 of DDA (SD as objective). More sustainable development could have been brought about by more global rules (ie competition, investment) had ϲʹ Members so wanted. Development: if DDA can deliver on development this means better governance and less imbalances (see round for free proposal of the Community, focus on TRTA, cotton etc). On the environment pillar, the DDA mandate has shortcomings, but there is potential in on-going negotiations: (Observation: its not a foregone conclusion, NGOs after 10 years of asking for environment to be inserted in ϲʹ, now have second thoughts.) Paragraph 31 i DDA relationship ϲʹ and MEA rules: clarification between MEA members and for specific trade obligations (as mandate spells out). Needs to affirm the principles which have been developed in ϲʹ jurisprudence (shrimp, turtle). Latest EU contribution points in this direction. Paragraph 31 ii DDA self evident that more information exchange and observership will lead to better information flow and better governance. Paragraph 31 iii: environmental goods and services negotiations have enormous potential to create situations where trade liberalisation needs to environmental gains (so-called win-win). Fish subsidies: another issue where natural resource conservation will be fostered by successful DDA outcome. Paragraph 51 (oversight of Committee on Trade and Environment and Committee on Trade and Development over sustainable outcomes) a sleeping beauty which if seriously implemented, would put spotlight and focus in ϲʹ on the sustainability of the negotiation results. Need ideas here. Conclusion: DDA has concrete potential to bring more governance and coherence in the ϲʹ work and trade liberalisation. Up to all players to make use of it. PAGE2 Commission europenne, B-1049 Bruxelles / Europese Commissie, B-1049 Brussel - Belgium. Telephone: (32-2) 299 11 11. Office: CHAR 8/03. Telephone: direct line (32-2) 2985548. Fax: (32-2) 2969309. E-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:Rupert.Schlegelmilch@cec.eu.int" Rupert.Schlegelmilch@cec.eu.int  FILENAME \p G:\schlert\public\Notes 2004\AD 7918 Environment and Governance.doc  % 0 ? C D E u   G   ) 7\]boq~=GPRijDHrhiڿ hHZhHZh}hHZh~>*hKh~5hHZhK h~5\h~h~CJaJjh~CJUK45   1 D E u m ?gd}gdHZgd~S$a$gdHZS'&Akd$$If0$a$If$If $$Ifa$!m  * = 7kOi-/gd}gdHZ?gd~st!"ٱh3Jhus/0JjXhus/Uh~hus/mH sH hus/mHnHujhus/Uhus/ h~hKh}h}hK>*hHZhK!k !"?gd~-/-$a$ - 0:p?. 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