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The intended outcome is a recognition that: these types of requirements are not going to reduce in number or significance they are effective competitiveness tools, but may also be 'misused' as NTBs in the wake of tariff liberalization; many of them are being spread through supply-chains, which is an area that the ϲʹ cannot do anything about, but that requires most of the same TBT/SPS-related capacities to address; capacity constraints in developing countries are one of the most serious hurdles for market access, many of them need to be resolved in a more pro-active way by developing countries themselves, with technical assistance from developed countries; there are some policy initiatives that can be taken in the ϲʹ to tighten TBT disciplines, but there is a limited number of things that can be done to help resolve these problems through the ϲʹ at the moment, and so a focus only on the ϲʹ is not in the interests of developing countries; other of the existing problems can only be resolved outside of the ϲʹ and there are a number of ongoing initiatives that deserve more government attention and support from both developed and developing countries; and In general, policy and capacity issues related to environmental/health requirements and market access for developing countries need to be analyzed and approached in a more holistic and systematic way. 6-8 presentations made during the session will help clarify where attention should be directed in order to address and overcome existing problems, including: lack of developing country participation in pre-regulation- and standard-setting consultations ineffective notification and enquiry points (market information) lack of basic TBT/SPS infrastructure and capacity lack of accurate and detailed information on barriers and benefits lack of framework to implement mutual recognition / technical equivalence Environmental Requirements and Market Access: An update on policy and practice inside and outside the ϲʹ ϲʹ Symposium 26 May 2004 Tentative Agenda Meeting Chair/Facilitator: Mr. Richard Ballhorn, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada (to be confirmed) Introduction and welcome by Meeting Chair/Facilitator to outline the objectives and origin of the session.  Overview of the State of Play What are the trends in environmental/health & safety requirements? Where are these requirements coming from? What is the role of government regulations, supply-chains and non-governmental schemes? Speakers: Tom Rotherham, IISD Overview of the state of play Representative of Marks & Spencer or Sainsburys To discuss the trends and issues relating to supply-chain requirements Representative of EurepGAP The rationale behind development of EurepGAP, the development process, the treatment of technical equivalence and mutual recognition Pat Mallet, ISEAL Alliance Overview of NGO certification schemes, trends, links with trade policy, efforts to reduce barriers to trade Gaps in the Policy Framework What are the policy- and capacity-constraints that lead to poor utilization of ϲʹ tools and instruments? What could be done on tightening disciplines in the TBT Agreement? What are the relevant ongoing initiatives/activities? What additional policy/institutional mechanisms could help? Overview of developing country interests and concerns. Speakers: Ulrich Hoffmann, UNCTAD secretariat Overview of the link between the gaps in the policy framework and lack of technical and institutional capacity Steven Porter, CIEL The state of the debate in the ϲʹ - dispute panels, Doha Round, triennial reviews, ... - opportunities and threats Paulo Ferracioli, Head, International Affairs, Brazilian National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality (Inmetro) Capacity and institutional problems facing developing countries, possible remedies, and the opportunities for cooperation at the regional level e.g. on "early warning systems" Shashi Sareen, Director, Indian Export Inspection Council Capacity and institutional needs in testing and certification, and regarding mutual recognition problems John Polak, Chair, Board of Directors, Global Ecolabelling Network (GEN) GENs work on harmonization and mutual recognition, future activities  Summary & Conclusions Brief overview of the presentations, highlighting limitations of addressing environmental requirements and market access solely inside the ϲʹ, and identification of relevant initiatives ongoing outside of the ϲʹ, followed by open discussion and debate. Speakers: Ritu Kumar, Executive Director, Sustainable Trade & Innovation Centre (STIC) Overview of the presentations and discussions     /mnEt()p+:Lgvw'eLMNPQSTVW[ĽĽĽĽĽĽĽĽjh U h CJ\ h 5CJ!jh 5CJUmHnHu h CJ h 5 h CJh  h CJh 5:CJD/mn ] | {DEBCDt & F & F$a$MZep & F h^h & F hh^h hh^h`^h^h & F h^h$a$:wKLMOPRSUVXYZ[ hh^h` hh^h & F hh^hh^h & F h^h 1h/ =!"#$%@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DAD Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k@(No List 44 Header  !4 4 Footer  ![ (/mn]|{DEBC D t e p  :wKLMNORUX\0000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 000000000000 0000 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0 00 000000|00, A0|00|00|00 0\ M\<0 <0  [[Z8  @ (  NB  S DjJNB  S DjJNB   S DjJNB   S DjJB S  ?  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