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My task today is to report back on the "periodic reviews" of Aid-for-Trade which we have been holding in the CTD since April. The 2006 Aid-for-Trade Task Force Report – subsequently endorsed by the General Council - gave the CTD a central role in the monitoring process. The aim was to provide Members with an opportunity to assess what is – and what is not – happening in Aid for Trade, to discuss these inputs, and to express their views. Aid-for-Trade is a new subject for the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ and our work programme took us into uncharted waters. Nevertheless, since April, the CTD has held five sessions on Aid for Trade which have covered all of the main categories as defined by the Task Force. Thus: the first session focused on the monitoring architecture with a presentation by the OECD; the second focused on trade facilitation and standards and testing, with contributions from the World Bank, the WCO, the OECD, the FAO, the OIE, and the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ; the third session focused on trends in trade-related infrastructure with presentations by the World Bank, Japan, the European Communities and the OECD; the fourth session focused on building productive capacity and assistance for adjustment, trade diversification and competitiveness – with presentations by USAID, UNIDO, the ITC and the IMF; And finally, on Friday last week, the CTD discussed the results of the year's monitoring activities - and in particular the joint АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ/OECD Report Aid for Trade at a Glance 2007 presented by the OECD, as well as the final Reports and Recommendations of the three Regional Reviews, presented by the IADB, the ADB, the AfDB and the ECA. The topics covered were broad and the discussion was inevitably wide-ranging. I will not attempt a summary of these discussions here – it could take the afternoon – but I would urge you to consult the minutes of the various meetings. They make for interesting reading. One conclusion I come away with from this intensive examination of Aid for Trade is that there remains a large knowledge or understanding "gap" - between the trade and development communities, between partner and donor countries, and between the various international actors engaged in the delivery of Aid for Trade. Bridging this gap will be key to harnessing trade for development - whether we call it "mainstreaming" or "priority setting" or "national vision". This is one of the main benefits that АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ monitoring can deliver - and is delivering – and I can report that the CTD has made an important contribution. The Director-General said yesterday that we now need to move from monitoring challenges to monitoring responses and solutions. I believe I speak for the CTD as a whole when I say that we look forward to continuing to play our part as the agenda enters this new phase. 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