

Third Global Review of Aid for Trade: Showing Results

The Third Global Review of Aid for Trade is an opportunity to survey what has been achieved since the launch of the Aid-for-Trade Initiative at the Sixth 澳门六合彩官网资料 Ministerial Conference in Hong Kong in 2005. Previous Global Reviews have highlighted growing engagement by partner countries and their development partners. Developing countries, including Least-Developed Countries (LDCs), are making progress in mainstreaming trade into their national development strategies and donors are mobilizing additional resources, notably in support of regional economic integration. The Initiative has achieved a lot in a short space of time. But what can we show for these actions? This is the question which lies at the heart of this Third Global Review of Aid for Trade.

> Programme

Showing results means understanding what Aid for Trade is achieving on the ground. Furthermore, fiscal constraints in donor countries and pressures for greater public accountability in all countries add urgency to the search for answers to the following questions:

  • Are the supply-side and trade-related infrastructure constraints which inhibit the trade performance of developing countries, especially of Least-Developed Countries, being addressed?  If so, what impact is this having on trade performance, economic growth and poverty alleviation?  Do we have the tools we need to answer these fundamental questions?
  • What are good practices?  Do they differ by country and region?  How can we learn from our mistakes? What can we do better going forward?  How can we improve the way we monitor and evaluate the impact of Aid for Trade?
  • What can and cannot be achieved by Aid for Trade? What complementary policies need to be pursued to maximize its impact?

The Third Global Review offers an opportunity for the Aid-for-Trade community to come together and debate these issues, to share their experiences and relate their future plans.  It offers an opportunity to reaffirm the relevance of the Initiative, notably in such important areas as trade facilitation, engagement with the private sector and the regional trade integration agenda in Africa.  It offers the chance to renew the commitment of existing development partners and build-on the engagement of South-South partners.  To achieve this outcome, the focus of the Third Global Review is on showing results; drawing lessons about impact on the ground and surveying how best to maximize the potential of Aid for Trade in the future.  This focus will run through the whole event.


Monitoring and evaluation of Aid for Trade 2010-2011

Aid for Trade Case Stories

A call for case stories was launched in July 2010.  The objective of the call was to probe deeper into Aid-for-Trade objectives, challenges and processes to acquire better knowledge about outcomes and impact of Aid for Trade. 
On the basis of the information provided in the case stories that were presented in respect of the 2010-2011 Monitoring and Evaluation exercise (see below) regional and global analyses have been prepared by the 澳门六合彩官网资料 and OECD secretariats in collaboration with regional development banks and regional economic commissions, as follows:

The individual case stories presented can be found at .


Self-assessment questionnaires

Aid-for-Trade questionnaires were addressed to partner countries, and donors (including South-South partners) to solicit information about the progress made since the last assessment in 2008.  They focused, in particular, on the outputs and outcomes of Aid-for-Trade strategies and programmes to further knowledge sharing.  For the first time, a questionnaire was also addressed to regional economic commissions to solicit information about the role that trade played in RECs' regional and sectoral development strategies, specific region's Aid-for-Trade needs and the response of the donor community to these needs. Completed questionnaires can be found at .

Aid for Trade at a Glance 2011: Showing Results

> Publication


Aid for Trade in the Asia–Pacific: Its Role in Trade-Driven Growth

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IsDB Report to the Third Global Review Aid for Trade Review

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Aid for Trade and LDCs: Starting to Show Results

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Asia-Pacific Case Stories: A Snapshot of Aid for Trade on the Ground

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Latin American and Caribbean Case Stories: A Snapshot of Aid for Trade on the Ground

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African Case Stories: A Snapshot of Aid for Trade on the Ground in Africa

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Aid for Trade: Q & A (OECD document)

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Aid for Trade: Is it working?

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