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He called for greater appreciation of the interconnectedness of many of the globe's current issues, be they related to climate change, the food crisis, water, energy, global health, or gender empowerment. Solutions for one were stressed as useful for overcoming other challenges. The importance of market access in making AfT work better was emphasized, in which context he appealed for a timely conclusion of the DDA. The UN chief singled out Least Developed Countries (LDCs) as a priority focus for trade capacity building, as proposed in the Istanbul Program of Action adopted at the UN LDC IV conference in May. The Secretary General also called on ϲʹ members to use Aid for Trade to advance nutrition and food security. In this context, he welcomed the G-20 decision to remove export restrictions on food exports for humanitarian purposes. The UN support for increased AfT resources, regional integration and strengthening aid effectiveness was pledged, as was their commitment to deeper cooperation with the ϲʹ. DEFWks         r u  12hah=mH sH hamH sH hJ1ha5>*mH sH hJ1ha5mH sH hJ1hamH sH "hJ1ha5>*CJaJmH sH  -DEFVW  - . 12^gda & F gdagda$a$gda6&P 1h:prLl. 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