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Others pointed out some of the issues on which work should be done during the course of the next two years. The case story exercise was singled out for praise. For example, one member talked about an external evaluation of its AfT efforts, which revealed a need for more results-based management and suggested reducing the number of projects in favour of making them larger in size. Another called for a strengthened results measurement framework and reinforced private sector involvement. Yet another member outlined its duty-free quota-free import scheme along with planned enhancements. In his concluding remarks, Director-General Pascal Lamy hailed the Global Review as "an encouraging account of how we are building trade capacity, not just for the short or medium-term, but importantly for the longterm." On monitoring and evaluation, he stressed the need for ownership by partner countries and regional bodies, in keeping with the Paris principles on aid effectiveness. While budgetary pressures have naturally pushed evaluation up the political agenda, he cautioned that cost-benefit analysis, though important, might push some to become unrealistic about timeframes, and even about results. Members' comments, he said, suggested that the ϲʹ should redouble efforts with the OECD to develop meaningful performance indicators that both partners and donors can use for planning and implementation. He also called for further exploration of new techniques for impact evaluation and results-based management, appealing for cross-regional co-operation. In laying out his thoughts on a future ϲʹ work programme on AfT, the DG highlighted the following seven issues, namely (i) Resource mobilization, calling attention to the importance of the G-20's Seoul commitment to maintain AfT resources at 2006-2008 levels; (ii) Leveraging new sources of finance, given the right instruments, financial markets may be able to provide capital for certain types of assets central to AfT efforts; (iii) Mainstreaming:real progress has been made in bringing trade into national and regional planning frameworks, but this needs to be continuously updated a task that will be particularly taxing for LDCs and SVEs; (iv) Engaging the private sector: "This is the Third Global Review, but the first with genuine private sector participation," the DG said, reiterating that the long-term goal of AfT is to result in trade that carries on long after projects are completed. AfT, he added, needs to generate Investments for Trade and this can only be done by business; (v) the Aid Effectiveness Agenda: the DG noted that this would help with the effectiveness of implementation, and noted that governments would be exploring AfT's role in leveraging other forms of development finance in Busan in November; (vi) the need to further bolster South-South cooperation, particularly in terms of knowledge transfer and skills-sharing; and (vii) continuing to address the challenge of regional integration. DEF{  7 8 ? D 7 < n 1 P Q HLmq pq㳨hTh=mH sH hJ1hT56mH sH hTmH sH hJ1hT5>*mH sH hJ1hT5mH sH hJ1hTmH sH "hJ1hT5>*CJaJmH sH +-DEFz{1 2 vwefh^hgdT h^hgdT & F gdTgdT$a$gdT6&P 1h:prLl. 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