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A continual thread in the discussions on the distinguished panel, which consisted of top African executives from intergovernmental organisations and the private sector, ministers, and donor representatives, was the need for Africa to work in a systematic manner at the national and regional levels to increase its competitiveness and visibility in world markets. The common theme stressed was that there is a need to develop the private sector in Africa. While the concept of private sector development is not new as such, it is a complex one that needs to be nurtured in Africa. Supportive policies such as education and other social aspects need to be developed in tandem to create an enabling environment for employment. The private sector needs to drive Africa's AfT and economic development agenda. Governments need to set up supporting policies for the private sector to thrive -- including those related to exchange controls. It was also emphasised that regional integration is central to overcoming Africa's obstacles, and should be given a higher priority by donors. This though should not prejudice resource allocation to national programs. Examples such as the tripartite arrangement between the East African Community (EAC), the Southern African Development Community (SADC), and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), and their prospective FTA, could serve as a learning case for other regions in Africa. The point was made that greater participation across national governments is necessary in RTAs processes: currently, trade ministers take part but central bank governors and finance ministers tend not to, even though many of the implications of RTAs -- notably adjustment costs -- fall within the latters' responsibilities. A lot has been done on mainstreaming trade into national development plans, which is reflective not only of political will, but also a quest for greater ownership of development policies. However, implementation has to be the focus of current efforts. Results should be measured to allow for careful appreciation of impact on the ground. Some innovative approaches proposed in this regard include requiring donor country private sector to quantify how many of the products on their shelves are of African origin; the thinking being that increased numbers would serve as evidence that backward linkages such as customs and transportation processes are working well. DEF OPVs%!B$)*2h6+h=mH sH h6+ hJ1h6+h6+mH sH hJ1h6+5>*mH sH hJ1h6+5mH sH hJ1h6+mH sH "hJ1h6+5>*CJaJmH sH "-DEF  s t  & F gd6+^gd6+ & F gd6+gd6+$a$gd6+6&P 1h:prLl. 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