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This could be done by providing assistance in the area of trade facilitation to reduce transport and logistics costs, building economic infrastructure both for transport and production, capacity building in compliance with standards and SPS measures, technical assistance in trade policy formulation, information technologies for development, South-South co-operation and regional trade integration. Panellists highlighted the challenges of AfT in a region composed mostly of middle-income countries where concessional financing was increasingly reduced. This situation underlined the importance of focusing on results and being selective about the projects funded, while at the same time sharing experiences in a South-South dialogue in order to identify the most efficient strategies. Some of the particular trade-related challenges identified in the region, were: exchange rate appreciation and the resulting loss of export competiveness, transport and logistics costs - especially in the Caribbean, reducing bureaucracy, promoting entrepreneurship, integrating indirect exporters, insertion in regional value chains and increasing the size of markets through regional integration. At the same time attention should also be devoted to the existing social challenges of reducing poverty and improving income redistribution. Lack of attention to these problems could lead to social unrest and instability which could undo any of the advances in the economic field. In order to better use existing resources and tackle the challenges identified, it was important to find alliances to maximize impact, create synergies and avoid duplication. Such alliances should be sought between financing institutions, national governments, private sector, regional bodies and outside donors. Latin America and the Caribbean is a region where significant progress is being made in the field of regional integration. But in order to consolidate these gains, large amounts of AfT are still needed. However, in the context of tightening budgets and reduced concessional funding, it is not just an issue of increasing AfT flows but also of making AfT more efficient and effective. National and regional Aid for Trade strategies are being developed in the region, particularly in the Caribbean where the IaDB is supporting the development of these strategies. Discussions are also ongoing with CARICOM Secretariat on the development of regional AfT projects in the maritime transportation and ICT sectors. DEF8 C G g   H J g h m  Q V Uc?CCDEFlm| (*QUh]Ih=mH sH h]ImH sH hJ1h]I5>*mH sH hJ1h]I5mH sH hJ1h]ImH sH "hJ1h]I5>*CJaJmH sH 4-DEFG H a b h^hgd]I & F gd]Igd]I$a$gd]I6&P 1h:prLl. 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