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Despite the success stories in the region, it was pointed out that two-thirds of the world's poor live in Asia, with over 900 million people living on less than $ 1.25 a day. The "two faces" of Asia was touched upon several times in the discussion. The point was made that Asia needs AfT, because of the heterogeneity of countries in the region and in particular because of the poverty that still persists. The need to keep the momentum going on AfT was stressed. The importance of a sound regulatory framework for a country to properly benefit from trade and attract investment, and of a vision to mobilize donors, was highlighted. Trade facilitation was mentioned on many occasions as being one of the elements that will allow developing countries to increase their gains from participating in trade. Sub-regional initiatives, including the UN Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA) and the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) programme were seen as positive forces that can allow the participating countries to benefit from trade and investment flows. However, it was also pointed out that there are some initiatives in Asia that are not yet functioning as well as they potentially can. The importance of coordination between agencies involved in such initiatives was highlighted. The best practices and lessons learned from successful initiatives in the region in particular the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) initiative were seen as being important to identify in order to allow initiatives in other sub-regions to function better. Comments from the floor included a call for more sustained and effective efforts to bridge the gap between needs and available funds for infrastructure-related projects in particular. The need for a broader approach to regional integration in Asia was highlighted, in particular an approach that strengthens linkages between the various sub-regions. In addition, inter-regional dialogues on trade and investment issues were seen as being of key importance. DEF   T U hibh=mH sH hibmH sH hJ1hib5>*mH sH hJ1hib5mH sH hJ1hibmH sH "hJ1hib5>*CJaJmH sH -DEFc d h^hgdib^gdib & F gdibgdib$a$gdib6&P 1h:prLl. 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