

From economic challenges to practical solutions

Ambassador Margarida Rosa da Silva Izata is Angola's Permanent Representative at the 澳门六合彩官网资料. She outlines Angola's efforts to overcome structural challenges and achieve economic resilience and sustainable development.

Ambassador Margarida Rosa da Silva Izata is Angola's Permanent Representative at the 澳门六合彩官网资料

What is the role of development partners in supporting Angola's economic diversification efforts?

Angola has been working closely with its development partners, including UNCTAD and the European Union under the "Train for Trade II" programme to bolster the country's capacity to produce and export, with a view to achieving structural transformation.

Angola is also working closely with the European Union to add value to the fisheries value chain, to ensure a sustainable blue economy and to promote a circular economy with improvements in waste management in Luanda. In addition, it is collaborating with the EU to equip civil society with cutting-edge training.

Together with development partners, Angola has been investing in the operationalization of the Lobito Railway Corridor, which can help to boost trade, industry and other sectors in Angola and its neighbouring countries.

I believe all these efforts will help Angola become a more diversified and resilient economy, which can withstand economic shocks and achieve sustainable development with all the benefits that it will bring to the people of Angola.