

Strengthening partnerships for economic diversification and prosperity

Amadeu Nunes is Angola's Secretary of State for Trade. Dr Nunes highlights the importance of partnerships for achieving economic diversification and ensuring a smooth transition from least-developed country (LDC) status.

Amadeu Nunes is Angola's Secretary of State for Trade.

What are the results so far?

Over 2,500 Angolans have received training, including in sectors with high export potential, such as agriculture and fisheries. Over 100 people received training to scale up these efforts across 18 provinces. In addition, 30 of the top-performing companies completed , which helped them increase sales and create new jobs. We have also received support on attracting sustainable investment in agriculture and developing transport infrastructure.  

What's next?

Angola is on the path to graduation from LDC status. Strengthening resilience against economic shocks and addressing climate-related vulnerabilities have been priorities for the country.

We have also been working closely with development partners in ensuring a smooth graduation process. For example, , prepared by UNCTAD, covers a variety of topics –  from stocktaking of economic transformation efforts to policy measures aimed at cushioning against external shocks. It also outlines challenges and opportunities for achieving a smooth transition from LDC status and possible areas to be addressed. Currently, we are working with UNCTAD in preparing our national strategy to pave the way for sustainable graduation from LDC status.

EU-UNCTAD joint Programme for Angola