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Friday, 18 November 9.00 10.00 Status of the Negotiations on Rules AmbassadorGuillermoVallesGalms, Chairman of the Negotiating Group on Rules (RoomW) 10.00 11.00 Status of the Negotiations on TRIPS Ambassador ManzoorAhmad, Chairman of the Special Session of the Council for TRIPS (RoomW) 11.00 12.00 Status of the Negotiations on Trade Facilitation AmbassadorMuhamadNoor Yacob, Chairman of the Negotiating Group on Trade Facilitation (RoomW) 12.00 13.00 Status of the Negotiations on Services AmbassadorFernandodeMateo, Chairman of the Special Session of the Council for Trade in Services (RoomW) 13.00 15.00 Lunch break 15.00 16.00 Status of the Negotiations on Trade and Environment AmbassadorToufiqAli, Chairman of the Special Session of the Committee on Trade and Environment (RoomW) 16.00 17.00 Closing session and general discussion - Mr. Pascal Lamy, ϲʹ DirectorGeneral (RoomW) 17.00 17.30 Evaluation of the 11th Geneva Week (Room W) __________  This programme may be modified following changes in the schedule of ϲʹ Committee meetings and availability of ϲʹ Secretariat staff. Kindly note that attendance at ϲʹ Committee meetings is reserved for ϲʹ Members and Observers only. PAGE  PAGE 3 9 November 2005 #)ABKLMNOUVW𿯟𿯔ugYK=hXmh5>*mH sH hXmhy5>*mH sH hXmhGz5>*mH sH hXmhv56mH sH hXmhaL56mH sH !jhXmhGz0JUmH sH hXmhGzmH sH hXmh}5>*CJmH sH hXmhv5>*CJmH sH hXmhGz5>*CJmH sH !hXmh5>*CJH*mH sH hXmhu5>*CJmH sH hXmh5>*CJmH sH )@ABMNOcde  @ B `^``gdGz `^``gdK@ `^``gdWf l^`lgd zgdGzgd$a$gdGz$a$gdWbdefghjopqs˵˵}qfZQE<h6mH sH hXmh+^6mH sH h6O\6mH sH hXmhWf6mH sH hXmhWfmH sH hXmhWf5mH sH h6O\5mH sH hXmhK@5mH sH hXmh+^5mH sH hXmh+^mH sH hXmh5mH sH hXmhGzmH sH hXmhZdmH sH hXmhmH sH hXmhv5>*mH sH hXmhGz5>*mH sH hXmh}5>*mH sH      1 3 ? 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