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10.00 Period for participants to attend or organize their own consultations with Members and/or Secretariat staff 10.00 10.15 Briefing on Development Issues - Introduction by Mr. Alberto Campeas, Director, Development Division 10:15 11:00 Briefing on Special and Differential Treatment, Ambassador Burhan Gafoor 11:00 11:45 Briefing on the Committee on Trade and Development (Regular and Dedicated Session), Mr. Faizel Ismail 11:45 13:00 Briefing on the Enhanced Integrated Framework, Ambassador Don Stephenson 13.00 15.00 Lunch break 15.00 16.00 Briefing on Aid for Trade, AmbassadorMiaHornafRantzien 16.00 17.00 Briefing on the Committee on Rules of Origin, Mrs. Vera Thorstensen 17.00 18.00 Briefing on the Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, Mr. Juan Antonio Dorantes Sanchez or Mrs. Gretchen Stanton, Counsellor, Agriculture and Commodities Division Wednesday, 22 November 9.00 -10.00 Period for participants to attend or organize their own consultations with Members and/or Secretariat staff or for participants to attend the Trade Policy Review of Colombia from 9:30 to 13:00 10.00 13.00 Briefing on the Committee on Trade and Development in Dedicated Session, Mr.Mark Koulen, Counsellor, Rules Division and Ms. Marion Jansen, Counsellor, Economic Research and Statistics Division 13.00 14.00 Lunch break 15.00 18.00 AITIC Seminar Thursday, 23 November 9.00 -10.00 Period for participants to attend or organize their own consultations with Members and/or Secretariat staff 10.00 11.30 Briefing on the Negotiating Group on Rules (Anti-dumping; Subsidies and Countervailing Measures) and RTAs (briefing on draft decision on RTA transparency), Ms. Clarisse Morgan, Counsellor, Rules Division and Mrs. Mara Carmen Pont-Vieira, Counsellor, Trade Policy Review Division 11.30 13.00 Briefing on the Special Session of the Council for TRIPS, Ambassador Manzoor Ahmad 13.00 15.00 Lunch break 15.00  16.00 Briefing on the Working Group on Trade, Debt and Finance, Ambassador Peter BrHo 16.00  18.00 Briefing on the Negotiating Group on Trade Facilitation Mr. Tony Miller and Mr.Kunio Mikuriya, World Customs Organization Friday, 24 November 9.00 -10.00 Period for participants to attend or organize their own consultations with Members and/or Secretariat staff or for participants to attend the conclusion of the Trade Policy Review of Colombia from 9:30 to 13:00 10.00 11.00 Briefing on the Special Session of the Committee on Trade and Environment, Ambassador Toufiq Ali 11.00 12.00 Briefing on Technical Barriers to Trade, Mr. Margers Krams or MsStephaniaBernabe, Economics Affairs Officer, Trade and Environment Division 12:00 13:00 Consultations on the ϲʹ's Technical Assistance and Training Plan 2007, Mr.Maarten Smeets, Counsellor, Institute for Technical Cooperation and Training 13.00 14:30 Lunch break 14.30 17:15 Attendance at the Informal Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures 17.15 18.00 Evaluation and Closing of the 13th Geneva Week - 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