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I am particularly pleased to welcome representatives of our "non-resident" members and observers, and representatives of international organisations and regional secretariats. At the outset, I would like to confirm to you that I attach the greatest importance to the needs and priorities of the Non-Residents. I have already gained a deep appreciation of the importance of this event through conversations with my staff and, through consultations, which I have had with several of you. Geneva Week is one of the more creative mechanisms that has been established by the Secretariat to respond to the specific needs of АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ members and observers. It continues to evolve positively. I have asked my staff to continue to interact with you to see how we can improve this mechanism, which is now invaluable. When the First Geneva Week was launched in 1999, it was designed to simply provide participants with the opportunity to be briefed on the current state of play on the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ's work programme. It has now evolved significantly. АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ staff have begun working on the arrangements for Geneva Week in 2003. I would welcome any further ideas that you may have for improvements, including on scheduling and timing. Next year is critical. Arrangements are underway for the 5th АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ Ministerial Meeting, scheduled to take place in Cancun, Mexico, 10-14 September 2003. I will be consulting intensively with you and seeking your substantive inputs for the Cancun Ministerial. The programme for the current Geneva Week contains briefing sessions. It also includes a three day meeting of the negotiating group on market access, a dedicated session of the CTD on Small Economies, and the Sub-Committee on Least Developed Countries. I would also like to draw your attention to the seminar on the Trade Policies Review Mechanism that will be held on Friday 8 November. This Seminar will provide an interesting opportunity to discuss some of the ways in which the TPR process can build trade policy capacity within countries. As you already know, in my first statement as Director-General, I emphasised that trade-related capacity building shall be one of the pillars of my programme. In addition, I have committed myself as Director-General to institutionally and legally strengthening the organization, and to pursue the objective of improved coherence with other multilateral institutions. I believe that we have begun to respond credibly to the challenges we face on trade-related capacity building, through the implementation of the 2002 TA plan, and the preparations underway for the 2003 TA Plan. Furthermore, we have doubled our training capacity, which is integral to АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ technical assistance and capacity building. Nonetheless, as an individual agency, we cannot on our own meet the global challenges of trade capacity building. This is why I have underscored the importance of coherence between the work of the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ and those of other organisations. We are working on several fronts. There are several key components to the building blocks in our coherence efforts targeted at trade capacity building. The JITAP and the Integrated Framework are key components. The JITAP is in a new Second Phase. Efforts are now focused to improve implementation and follow-up to the results of the diagnostic trade integration studies under the Integrated Framework. The АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ and the OECD are jointly developing the DDA Trade-Related Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Database, which will not only provide an inventory of what is being delivered globally, but also assist TA providers, and recipients as well, with the management of the demand and supply of trade capacity building priorities and needs. This database is a very significant development. It will be launched on 28 November and will be reported to the General Council at its December meeting. The international community will have access to the database through the website that the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ will host. The website is a key component of our efforts at improving coherence amongst agency and country providers in responding to trade capacity building needs. There are several other key elements in our coherence efforts for more effective trade capacity building. We have established strategic partnerships with the 6 main Regional Development Banks, and the 6 United Nations Regional Economic Commissions. With these regional institutions we are collaborating in specially designed training activities in Africa, South Asia, Central Asia, the Pacific, the Caribbean, and for the Arab and Middle East Countries. To help further enhance our partnerships with these and other agencies, Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) have either been completed or are under negotiations Let me seize this opportunity to also briefly report to you on the state-of-play under the Doha Development Agenda. The last meeting of the Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC) took place on the 3rd and 4th of this month. Chairpersons of the various negotiating groups reported on the status of the negotiations in the negotiating bodies. The reports clearly showed that we had made a reasonably good start. However, it was also clear that much remained to be done and that time is moving rapidly. I expressed concern that the position of some delegations had not yet been sufficiently clarified. I would like to re-emphasize several points that I made at the last meeting of the TNC. We have now entered a substantive phase of the negotiations and engagement. It is only by accelerating our work and by discussing concrete proposals can real progress be made across the board. Time frames and deadlines need to be adhered to, and a sense of the negotiations as a whole needs to be established, and not simply focusing on individual key deadlines. There are key deadlines that need to be met in December. These relate to deadlines on implementation, special and differential treatment for developing countries, and a solution to the problem of pharmaceuticals in those countries that lack sufficient manufacturing capacity. In March 2003, the system will be confronted with deadlines in the negotiations in agriculture, services, non-agricultural market access and dispute settlement. Individually, all these deadlines are important, but as I have stated, an overall sense of the negotiations needs to be established. We must work to ensure that we successfully conclude the DDA Work Programme by the deadline of 1 January 2005. АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ technical cooperation and capacity building activities can help in this process by enhancing the negotiating capacity of developing and least-developed country members. It will also contribute to: a) ensuring that trade is effectively mainstreamed into the development plans and strategies for poverty reduction, so that trade works for the development of the LDCS and they can reduce poverty; and, b) building the human and institutional capacity in the LDCs to enable them participate effectively and meaningfully into the multilateral trading system and the global economy. As I said before, I am committed to finding ways and means to better assist our non-resident members. And for my part, I will always seek opportunities to report to you on developments on the DDA negotiations and work programme and to constantly seek your inputs. To conclude, allow me to welcome you to Geneva and the Second Geneva Week, this year. I hope that all participants will attend the reception this evening which has been organized to enable you interact with АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ Members and Observers based here in Geneva and with members of the Secretariat. I wish you a fruitful week's work. PAGE  PAGE 1 GI…ъь) + …‡;#<#B#C#D#F#G#M#N#O#P#Q#T#U#ћѕћђюђюђюђюђчфчфчфчпчфђ0JmH0J j0JUCJH*CJ 5CJH*5CJEFl„…†РСн9 ѓ  ‰VРу$р э!;#D#ќњќќќќїњњњђђђђђђђђщщссси&`#$„ќџ„ & F dhdh Цhdh$$EFl„…†РСн9 ѓ  ‰VРу$р э!;#F#Q#R#S#T#U#ўўўўўўўј№шриаШРИАЈ •“““• тџџ                           D#E#F#Q#R#S#T#U#§ћђ§ћћъ & F dh&`#$„ќџ„$А‚. 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