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Underlining that limited productive capacity and financial resources, weak and poor infrastructure continue to pose serious obstacles to the development efforts of the LDCs, Reiterating our deep concern that the ongoing impacts of economic and financial crisis, combined with volatile energy and food prices, problems of food security, rising unemployment and increasing challenges posed by climate change, natural disasters and the loss of biodiversity are threatening the development gains that LDCs made arduously over the years, Recognizing that LDCs deserve particular attention and special and well-targeted support in line with their development strategies to address their development needs and specific challenges in a coherent manner in trade, investment, finance, including Official Development Assistance (ODA), technology and capacity building, Expressing our full support to LDCs development efforts to achieve people-centered sustainable development, Underscoring that LDCs represent an enormous untapped human and natural resource potential, in particular their young populations, to contribute to national development, poverty eradication, job creation as well as global economic growth and welfare, Recognizing the need for enhancing the voice and participation of LDCs in relevant multilateral institutions and international fora, Emphasizing the importance of the outcomes of all major United Nations Conferences and Summits in the economic, social and related fields, including Millennium Declaration, the Monterrey Consensus, the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, the Doha Declaration on Financing for Development and the Outcome Document of the High-Level Plenary Meeting on the MDGs, which play a vital role in shaping a broad development vision of the UN and constitute complementary frameworks for the development activities of LDCs, Having adopted a Programme of Action for the LDCs for the decade 2011-2020, We collectively commit to finding lasting solutions to the complex and mutually exacerbating challenges and problems of the LDCs. We are committed to assisting the LDCs with an overarching goal of enabling half of them to meet the criteria for graduation through the eradication of poverty and the achievement of accelerated, sustained, inclusive and equitable growth and sustainable development. Thus, we solemnly commit ourselves to implementing this Programme of Action throughout the coming decade. We are convinced that the Fourth UN Conference on the LDCs and the Istanbul Programme of Action provide positive momentum for the sustainable development of LDCs by enhancing solidarity with the cause of LDCs and increasing awareness of their specific conditions. Our renewed and strengthened global partnership will make a significant contribution to the common endeavors towards the implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action and the achievement of internationally agreed development goals, including the MDGs. We stress that the goals and targets of this Programme of Action can be achieved with renewed and strengthened global partnership, enhanced commitments, increased mobilization of resources for LDCs development and greater aid effectiveness. We commit to further strengthening our support to LDCs in creating a favorable environment for sustainable development, increasing productive capacities, diversification of economies and building necessary infrastructure. We underscore that the ownership, leadership and primary responsibility for development in LDCs rests with the LDCs themselves. Good governance, inclusiveness and transparency as well as domestic resource mobilization are central to the development process of the LDCs. These efforts need to be given concrete and substantial international support in a spirit of shared responsibility and mutual accountability through renewed and strengthened global partnership. We recognize LDCs efforts to make progress in human and social development including providing access to essential services such as education, health, water and sanitation and shelter, as well as promoting participation in social, economic and political life. We encourage further progress in these areas. We underline that gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls are central to achieving better development outcomes including all internationally agreed development goals as well as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and are essential to making progress towards social and human development and eradication of poverty in LDCs. We affirm that ODA has a key role to play in support of LDCs development. In this regard, donor countries take upon themselves to fulfill all the ODA commitments to the LDCs. They should review their ODA commitments in 2015 and consider further enhancing the resources for the LDCs. We recognize that productive capacity building is a development multiplier and that the renewed and strengthened partnership should give priority to this issue in the next decade in a coherent manner. In this regard: We underscore that reliable and affordable infrastructure services such as electricity, transport, ICTs and water as well as institutional capacity are critically important for building viable productive capacity in the LDCs. We underline that a dynamic, well-functioning and socially responsible private sector, SMEs in particular, and an appropriate legal framework are crucial in promoting entrepreneurship, investment, competition, innovation and economic diversification as well as achieving full and productive employment and decent work for all. We are committed to creating conducive domestic and international environments in which the private sector can invest and contribute more to economic growth and sustainable development. We take note of the contributions of the High Level Meeting on Investment and Partnerships, the Global Business Partnership Forum and the Trade Fair at the 4th UN Conference on LDCs. We recognize the importance of the mobilization of domestic and external financial resources, including ODA, foreign direct investment, concessional lending and private flows such as remittances, as vital parts of national and international development efforts. We underline the need for enhanced support for investments, including capacity-building to improve the environment for investment in productive sectors and infrastructure that would help the LDCs in diversifying their economies. We undertake to promote access of LDCs to knowledge, information, technology and know-how and to support the LDCs in improving their scientific and innovative capacity needed for their structural transformation. We agree to undertake a joint gap and capacity analysis with the aim of establishing a Technology Bank and science, technology and innovation supporting mechanism dedicated to the LDCs building on existing international initiatives. We welcome the generous offer by the Government of Turkey to host an International Science, Technology and Innovation Center and encourage commitments in this regard. We underscore that integrated and sustainable agriculture and rural development policies and practices, focusing particularly on small-scale farmers and agro-businesses as well as increased investments in LDCs are essential to the eradication of poverty and hunger and achievement of food and nutritional security. We acknowledge the great potential of regional economic integration and cooperation in creating new opportunities for trade, investment, production, supply chains, and markets through improved infrastructure and connectivity. We underscore that regional integration and cooperation efforts involving LDCs should be further enhanced and supported with the contributions of relevant regional organizations and institutions. We reaffirm that international trade remains a key driver of economic growth and sustainable development in LDCs. We strongly call on all ϲʹ members to intensify their negotiating efforts to bring the ϲʹ Doha Round to a successful conclusion. We commit to the realization of the timely implementation of duty-free and quota-free market access, on a lasting basis, for all LDCs, consistent with the Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration adopted by the World Trade Organization in 2005. We commit to ensuring that preferential rules of origin applicable to imports from LDCs are simple, transparent and predictable and contribute to facilitating market access. We emphasize the need for implementing effective trade-related technical assistance and capacity building to LDCs on a priority basis, including by enhancing the share of assistance to LDCs for Aid for Trade and support for the Enhanced Integrated Framework, as appropriate, to help LDCs to build their supply-side capacity, trade-related infrastructure and trade facilitation. In this regard, we emphasize the role of all relevant international agencies and organizations. We also underline that the accession of LDCs to the ϲʹ should be encouraged and facilitated. New innovative finance mechanisms have potential to contribute to the development of LDCs. Such voluntary mechanisms should be effective and should aim to mobilize resources that are stable and predictable, which should supplement and not be a substitute for traditional sources of finance and be disbursed in accordance with the priorities of LDCs and not unduly burden them. We are concerned that many LDCs still struggle with a high debt burden. This situation demands the continued implementation of bold and comprehensive measures with a view to addressing the debt challenges of LDCs effectively and equitably. Long-term sustainability of debt depends on, inter alia, responsible lending and borrowing by all creditors and debtors, sustainable economic growth, structural transformation in LDCs and enhanced market prospects for LDCs. We emphasize the urgent need to strengthen the capacity of LDCs in building long-term resilience to mitigate crises and effectively respond to economic shocks. We underline the need for appropriate regional and international support to be deployed in a timely and targeted manner to complement LDCs efforts to this end, such as those designed and implemented by international financial institutions, including regional development banks and others. We acknowledge the adverse impact of climate change on LDCs and share the aim to strengthen their capacity to adapt to and mitigate climate change, bearing in mind the provisions of the UNFCCC. Mobilization and provision of additional, adequate and predictable financial resources are necessary to address LDCs adaptation and mitigation needs. We welcome the decision to establish the Green Climate Fund and are looking forward to its full operationalization. We also acknowledge the need to reduce their vulnerability to natural disasters through disaster preparedness and risk reduction as well as resilience building. We also underscore the need for the access of the LDCs to appropriate, affordable and clean technologies that foster their sustained economic growth and sustainable development. We recognize that the graduation process of LDCs should be coupled with an appropriate package of incentives and support measures so that the development process of the graduated country will not be jeopardized. In this context, we will work on development and implementation of smooth transition strategies for graduating and graduated LDCs. We look forward to the establishment of an ad hoc working group to further study and strengthen the smooth transition process. In view of the increasingly important role of South-South Cooperation for LDCs development, we underline the need to fully harness the opportunities offered by South-South Cooperation as a complement to, but not a substitute for North-South cooperation. We are convinced that LDCs benefit from enhanced and mainstreamed triangular cooperation. We seek to achieve specific development results as articulated in LDCs national development plans and priorities, based on solidarity and partnership within the context of South-South cooperation. We acknowledge the important role of Parliaments in debating development strategies as well as overseeing their implementation. The engagement of parliaments will ensure effectiveness , transparency and accountability in the design, implementation and review of the policies and programmes in the context of the Istanbul Programme of Action. We take note of the Parliamentary Message to the 4th UN Conference on LDCs. We call on civil society, including non-governmental organizations, voluntary associations and philanthropic foundations, private sector, academia and other relevant stakeholders at all levels to enhance their roles in the development efforts of LDCs, as appropriate. We also take note of the Civil Society Declaration of the 4th UN Conference on LDCs. We reaffirm the critical importance of effective and efficient follow-up and monitoring mechanisms at the national, regional and global levels to assess progress in the implementation of commitments and actions contained in the Program of Action including by conducting a high-level comprehensive mid-term review. We invite Secretary General of the United Nations to ensure that the Istanbul Programme of Action be followed up in an effective, efficient and visible manner.     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