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It examines (a) the relevance of a continuation of S & D in its present form, (b) possible new forms of S & D called for by increasing liberalization and globalization. DIFFERENTIAL AND MORE FAVOURABLE TREATMENT UP TO THE URUGUAY ROUND "Special and differential" treatment  is the product of the coordinated political efforts of developing countries to correct the perceived inequalities of the post-war international trading system by introducing preferential treatment in their favour across the spectrum of international economic relations. As early as the 1947-48 Havana Conference, developing countries (mainly Latin America at the time) challenged the assumptions that trade liberalization on an mfn basis would automatically lead to their growth and development. Their position gained greater political force with the independence of the developing countries of Asia and Africa. They argued that the peculiar structural features of the economies of developing countries and distortions arising from historical trading relationships constrained their trade prospects. This development paradigm was based on the need to improve the terms of trade, reduce dependance on exports of primary commodities, correct balance of payments volatility and disequilibria, industrialize through infant industry protection, export subsidies etc. To a certain extent GATT rules reflected elements of this paradigm. Article XVIII of GATT, "Governmental Assistance to Economic Development", under which developing countries enjoyed additional facilities to enable them (a) to maintain sufficient flexibility in their tariff structure to be able to grant the tariff protection required for the establishment of a particular industry and (b) to apply quantitative restrictions for balance of payments purposes in a manner which takes full account of the continued high level of demand for imports likely to be generated by their programmes of economic development. Developing countries enjoyed thus enjoyed considerable flexibility in their trade regimes, primarily due to Article XVIII:B, but also to low levels of tariff bindings,(although the latter could have been attributed to the lack of benefits received in the earlier rounds of GATT negotiations). Many developing countries acceded to GATT under Article XXVI which enabled them to largely escape the negotiations of bound tariff rates as part of their terms of accession. This flexibility was facilitated by the incorporation in 1964 of the "non-reciprocity" clause (Article XXXVI:8) of Part IV into GATT. The UNCTAD II Conference (New Delhi 1968) led to the introduction of GSP schemes by developed countries. These were covered by a GATT waiver (not Part IV). During the Tokyo Round, developing countries' efforts to legitimize preferential treatment in their favour across the whole spectrum of trade relations resulted in the "Decision on Differential and More Favourable Treatment, Reciprocity and Fuller Participation of Developing Countries" (usually described as the "Enabling Clause"). This instrument pertains specifically to (a) GSP, (b) NTMs in the context of GATT instruments, (c) regional or global arrangements among developing countries, (d) special treatment for LDCs. The Tokyo Round resulted in enhanced disciplines in the form of detailed Codes (e.g. subsidies, technical barriers to trade, customs valuation), but these were not accepted by the majority of developing countries. Thus, S & D treatment rested on two operational pillars: a) Enhanced access to markets (a) through preferential access under the GSP, (b) the right to benefit from multilateral trade agreements, particularly on tariffs in accordance with the MFN principle, without being obliged to offer reciprocal concessions; (c) the freedom to create preferential regional and global trading arrangements without conforming to the GATT requirements on free trade areas and custom unions (Article XXIV). b) Policy discretion in their own markets concerning (a) access to their market (i.e. a right to maintain trade barriers to deal with BOP problems and to protect their "infant" domestic industries), and (b) the right to offer governmental support to their domestic industries using various industrial and trade policy measures that otherwise would be inconsistent with their multilateral obligations. CHANGE OF DIRECTION At the beginning of the 1980s, however, developing countries began to perceive that the positive discrimination received under S &D treatment had become outweighed by increasing negative discrimination against their trade. This was evidenced in such measures as: (a) voluntary export restraints and other "grey area" measures directed against their most competitive exports, (b) bilateral pressures by major importing countries aimed at obtaining trade concessions through the threat of trade sanctions, rather than the offer of reciprocal benefits,(c) the extension of free-trade agreements and customs unions among developed countries, (d) higher MFN tariffs on products of export interest to developing countries compared to those of interest to developed countries, (e) the proliferation of restraints on textiles and clothing exports under the Multi-Fibre Agreement; (f) the diminishing effectiveness of any GATT disciplines governing trade in agricultural products, and (g) increased harassment from anti-dumping and countervailing duties. In addition, the GSP was beginning to be applied in a conditional and discriminatory fashion, being used more frequently by some preference-giving countries as a means of leverage to obtain other benefits, including measures outside the area of trade. The Tokyo Round codes, with their limited developing country membership, appeared to represent a major step towards the "GATT plus" approach, advocated in developed country circles in the early 1970s, according to which those countries would create an inner system of rights and obligations encompassing areas of mutual interest among themselves, and were leading to active consideration of the resurrection of the so-called "conditional" MFN clause (which would place the developing countries at a serious disadvantage). In the early 1980s, as a consequence of this perception, the thrust of the developing countries’ initiatives shifted; while seeking to preserve the differential treatment in their favour, they also began to defend the integrity of the unconditional MFN clause, obtaining MFN tariff reductions, and strengthening the disciplines of GATT (particularly in the product sectors mentioned above) so as to prevent the restriction and harassment of their trade. Particular emphasis was laid on an improved dispute settlement mechanism, as a means of defense against bilateral pressures from their major trading partners. At UNCTAD VI (Belgrade, 1983), all countries recognized the need to strengthen the international trading system based on the MFN principle. Meanwhile, the acceptance by many developing countries of IMF structural adjustment programmes, their adoption of an export-oriented development model and unilateral liberalization of quantitative import restrictions and reduction of tariffs, stimulated an enhanced interest on their part in export markets. The Uruguay Round was consequently viewed as a means of obtaining improved and more secure access for their exports, consolidating the liberalization undertaken unilaterally and obtaining "negotiating credit" from the countries that were benefitting from this unilateral liberalization. The Uruguay Round (unlike the Tokyo Round) was open only to GATT contracting parties or to countries which committed themselves to negotiate accession to GATT during the Round; a large number of developing countries followed this course of action. Many of the developing countries which acceded to GATT either immediately before or during the Round accepted to bind up to 100 per cent of items in their tariff schedules. As a result of "single undertaking approach", the Uruguay Round Agreements have been accepted by all developing countries. The MTAs provide for S & D treatment mainly in the form of time-limited derogations, as more favourable thresholds in the application of countervailing measures and for undertaking certain commitments, greater flexibility with regard to certain obligations and "best endeavour clauses". The time-limits for such derogations run from the point in time when the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ Agreement came into force, and will be phased out in the context of АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ Agreements by 2005. Only in the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures is such S & D treatment linked to economic criteria. In the Agreement on Agriculture, the S & D provisions will be reviewed as part of the overall reform process. The experience in the implementation of S&D measures in the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ has been extensively documented and reviewed in the excellent paper submitted by the delegation of Egypt. As this Egyptian paper clearly documents, a large number of S&D provisions were incorporated into the Multilateral Trade Agreements (MTAs). However, this was accomplished in a somewhat ad hoc manner, not as a result of an underlying consensus as to how the trade needs of developing countries emanating from the development paradigm should be reflected in trade principles and rules. On the contrary this earlier paradigm did not enjoy a consensus even among developing countries, it was viewed as ideological baggage from the past by some, or described as a crutch which developing countries no longer needed and which was actually hindering their competitiveness. S & D was thus considerably eroded during the UR, because it was addressed separately in each negotiating group without an underlying conceptual framework. There was no overall consensus as to the trade measures required by developing countries as essential elements of their development programmes. The challenge facing developing countries in future negotiations would seem twofold, (a) to maintain existing S&D measures where these are crucial to the success of development programmes, and (b) adapt the concept of S&D to the realities of globalization and liberalization. IS S&D OUTMODED? The arguments against S&D tend to emphasize the differences among developing countries with respect to their resource endowments, their production capabilities, their economic and social institutions and their capacities for growth and development. It is claimed that while some are economically weak, lacking the human and the material resources on which to base a sustained strategy of economic and social development; others have reached the "take-off stage" where the economy begins to generate its own investment and technological improvement at sufficiently high rates so as to make growth virtually self-sustaining; others are seen to advance further to a stage of increasing sophistication of the economy and are "driving to maturity". These categories are used to justify graduation and to abandon S&D. However, what appears to have changed is more the political attitudes to S&D than the underlying reality. Some developing countries are joining the group of those economies which are "driving to maturity"; and in the case of a few of these, the economic disparity between them and developed countries is shrinking. However, in general, the disparity in per capita income between developed and developing countries has actually increased since 1980, and many developing countries have fallen into the "least developed" category. In addition, many newly independent "countries in transition" would fall into the GATT definition of a "less developed" country, in that they "can only support low standards of living". In fact, many of the developing countries "driving for maturity" have had their vulnerability and developing country status rudely demonstrated by recent events. ARTICLE XVIII Pressures have successfully been applied on a number of more advanced developing countries to disinvoke Article XVIII:B of GATT which permits under certain circumstances a developing country to apply quantitative restrictions or tariff surcharges for balance of payments purposes. The Republic of Korea gave up the benefits afforded to developing countries by Article XVIII during the Uruguay Round. It was followed by other countries, including Peru, Argentina and Brazil. India's resistance to this pressure led to it being brought before the dispute settlement mechanism of the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ. ACCESSION OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Developing countries acceding to the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ are facing difficulties in their attempt to benefit from some of the S & D provisions of the MTAs. In the present climate of "roll-back" of S&D treatment, even the negotiation of transitional periods is proving difficult in the accession negotiations. For example, the position of the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) is that all transition periods in АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ Agreements should expire no later than 2005. Not only are they being asked to forego the S&D provisions of the MTAs, but are even being required to accept obligations going beyond those of the original АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ members. REGIONAL TRADE AGREEMENTS A strong emphasis on reciprocity has emerged in North-South trade relations. Unilateral preferential schemes are being replaced by reciprocal free trade agreements. In NAFTA, for example, Mexico, previously a GSP beneficiary in Canada and the United States, has accepted roughly the same obligations as those countries (qualified by a series of reservations in the Annexes). The FTAA would establish a reciprocal free trade area for the whole hemisphere. The preferential schemes of the EU in favour of individual developing countries in the Mediterranean are being replaced by bilateral free trade agreements, which, building upon a system of cumulative rules of origin, aim at establishing a free trade area for the whole Mediterranean basin. While these agreements are reciprocal in the sense that the developing countries are committed to eliminate tariffs and other trade barriers, they benefit from measures on the part of the EU to encourage investment and upgrade their supply capacity. The Lomщ Convention itself is presently covered by a waiver in the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ and an intensive debate is underway as to how to eventually convert the Lomщ Convention into a free trade area (or a series of FTAs) in the sense of GATT Article XXIV. At the same time, groups of ACP countries are intensifying their efforts to form effective sub-regional groupings, with the support of the EU. Sub-regional free trade areas and customs unions among developing countries are expanding and deepening in Asia, Latin America and Africa. As stressed in the paper submitted by Zimbabwe, sub-regional groupings greatly enhance the negotiating leverage of their members in trade negotiations. They also provide an economic space, sort of a training ground for their manufacturing and services industries to build up their capacities. In certain cases, this integration process is encouraged by GSP donors, notably through the application of cumulative rules of origin. However, in other cases, the most successful sub-regional grouping among developing countries, notably MERCOSUR, have come under attack from the developed countries. S&D IN FUTURE TRADE NEGOTIATIONS In these circumstances, application of the principle of S & D in future trade relations and, in particular, in multilateral trade negotiations, seems to have been called into question. The following paragraphs address this question by examining (a) the relevance of a continuation of S & D in its present form, (b) possible new forms of S & D called for by increasing liberalization and globalization. ACCESS TO MARKETS Tariffs Although the progress in multilateral tariff liberalization and the extension of the regional agreements among developed, and between developed and developing countries has and will continue to erode preferential tariff margins, GSP and other unilateral schemes are needed to maintain access to markets and to reduce marginalization. All developing countries cannot participate in North-South free trade areas, and thus GSP treatment should be maintained or extended to ensure that the most vulnerable of them are not adversely affected, and that their access conditions are maintained (e.g. "NAFTA parity"). This process of conversion of unilateral schemes into FTAs could have the effect of eroding the efforts of developing countries to consolidate sub-regional integration agreements, and have the effect of exacerbating distortions of trade flows along North-South lines. Therefore S&D in the sense that North-South regional FTAs do not necessarily have to involve reciprocity by the developing countries should be established as a principle. Developing countries should have the opportunity to share in the dynamism demonstrated in the import growth of certain developing countries, thus the GSTP should be expanded within the framework of the "enabling clause". The GSP can also play an important role in sectors where it has so far been applied on a very limited scale. The tariffication of QRs, VERs, etc. in the agriculture sector, and the high mfn tariffs in the textiles and clothing sector provide an opportunity for meaningful preferential tariff margins, and/or special tariff quotas which could provide a major impetus to the trade of developing countries. Increasing tariff rates on imports from developing countries (whether termed "graduation" or otherwise) defies the basic logic of the value of free trade. It has never been successfully demonstrated that withdrawing GSP treatment from one developing country can stimulate the exports of another; nor is there any evidence that GSP benefits have dissuaded countries from participating in further trade liberalization at the multilateral or regional levels. From this perspective, it would seem that GSP treatment should only be withdrawn on the basis of safeguard-clause type of economic criteria based on injury caused to the donor country industry. Multilaterally agreed economic criteria could be developed for such competitive need or safeguard measures, as has been done in the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures. In this sense, it would seem logical that the GSP should be "grandfathered". MARKET ACCESS UNDER THE MTAs In terms of market access, certain MTAs (e.g. Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Duties) provide thresholds under which imports from developing countries cannot be subjected to countervailing duties. New thresholds might be negotiated in the MTAs, notably in the Agreement on Anti-Dumping where thresholds in favour of developing countries comparable to those in the Agreement on subsidies and countervailing duties could reduce the scope for trade harassment by protectionist interests. The paper submitted by India contains specific proposals for raising these thresholds. While the transitional periods will result in most S & D treatment in the form of exemptions from the obligations being phased out by 2005 (with the exception of rules on export subsidies), Article XVIII, Part IV and the Enabling Clause remain as integral parts of GATT 1994. S & D treatment can be pursued through seeking extension and revision of the relevant provisions of the MTAs in the context of the "built-in" agenda. As noted above, the Agreements themselves foresee the possibility that the transition periods could be extended, e.g. subsidies, TRIMs, etc. In other Agreements, the experience with the S & D provisions may be such as to indicate that there could be considerable room for improvement. The papers submitted by India and Egypt make specific suggestions in this regard. The documentation of developing countries' experience with the operation of the S & D provisions in the MTAs will provide elements for specific proposals for improvements and/or extension of S & D treatment which could support the proposals in the Egyptian and Indian proposals. There is a need to monitor the concrete measures taken by developed countries to implement each one of the S&D provisions and link their implementation with the obligations contained in the agreements as well as real trading opportunities. Key areas can be identified in the area of TRIMs, agriculture and subsidies. In TRIMs, future initiatives under Article 9 of the Agreement seem likely to include (a) proposals on extending the prohibitions on local content and trade balancing requirements to cover measures not presently contrary to GATT rules, (b) proposals to introduce provisions for market access (establishment) and national treatment. In agriculture, the issue arose during the Uruguay Round of the different impact of agricultural trade liberalization as between developing countries with the large majority of their populations employed directly or indirectly in the agricultural sector, and those (mainly developed) where such employment is well under 10 per cent. In the case of subsidies, the Indian and Egyptian papers have pointed out that there would appear to be a bias against developing countries. The non-actionable categories are those most available to developed countries, while subsidies of key importance to developing countries fall in the actionable category. Furthermore, the non-actionable nature of the R&D subsidies permits firms in developed countries to have access to subsidies for the development of new products, for which they are subsequently given a monopoly under the TRIPs Agreement. In addition, the fiscal investment incentives offered by developed country governments to attract investment, often at sub-national levels are not effectively disciplined . As the continuation of the non actionable category requires consensus, developing countries have the opportunity of correcting this imbalance. TRADE IN SERVICES The GATS establishes a different approach to S&D than other MTAs. The GATS structure provides for the integration of development objectives throughout the text of the Agreement. Market access and national treatment are negotiated concessions relating to a particular service sector/subsector on the basis of a positive list approach to allow for a more gradual liberalization, and the possibility for tradeoffs and obtention of reciprocal benefits. Moreover, Article XIX.2 provides for flexibility for developing countries for opening fewer sectors, liberalizing fewer types of transactions, progressively extending market access in line with their development situation and when making access to their markets available to foreign services suppliers, attaching to such access conditions (e.g. transfer of technology, training, etc.) aimed at achieving the objectives referred to in Article IV on Increasing Participation of Developing Countries. Article IV.1 provides that the increasing participation of developing country Members in world trade shall be facilitated through negotiated specific commitments, by different Members... relating to: (a) strengthening of their domestic services capacity and its efficiency and competitiveness, inter alia, through access to technology on a commercial basis; (b) the improvement of their access to distribution channels and informational networks; and the liberalization of market access in sectors and modes of supply of export interest to them. Experience so far suggests that the structure of the GATS has proven to be of greater utility to developing countries than declarations in their favour, such as GATS Article IV, which have not to date been effectively implemented. The Annex on Telecommunications which provides for access to and use of public telecommunications transport networks and services for the supply of a service included in member's schedule of commitments, also recognizes the essential role of telecommunications for expansion of trade in services of developing countries and provides in section 6(c) and (d) that members shall make available, where practicable, to developing countries information with respect to telecommunications services and developments in telecommunications and information technology to assist in strengthening their domestic telecommunications services sector. Members shall give special consideration to opportunities for the least-developed countries to encourage foreign suppliers of telecommunications services to assist in the transfer of technology, training and other activities that support the development of their telecommunications infrastructure and expansion of their telecommunications services trade. The GATS thus contains concepts which foresaw the type of S&D treatment required in the context of globalization. The GATS also legitimizes investment performance requirements, measures which have been attacked in the TRIMs Agreement and particularly in the MAI. THE ENABLING CLAUSE Preserving and adapting S&D in future negotiations would involve recognition that the basic elements of the "Enabling Clause" are still relevant and could be consolidated by their restatement and adaptation to the current context. This would entail: a) recognition that GSP treatment should not be "rolled back", i.e. that access provided under GSP should be maintained (although "competitive need" criteria could be applied); in a world where target dates for free trade have been set for APEC and in the Western Hemisphere, and the possibility of "global free trade" is being seriously discussed, it would seem incongruous to impose higher tariffs on poorer countries on the basis of "graduation". b) extension of the time limits for S & D treatment in the context of the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ MTAs where the need for such extension can be demonstrated. c) encouragement of regional and interregional preferential agreements among developing countries under the Enabling Clause and provision to developing countries of differential and more favourable treatment in regional agreements with developed countries. extension of duty and quota free access to all imports from LDCs. Financial assistance could be an important element of S&D in future to enable countries to implement the obligations (e.g. trips) and exercise their rights (dispute settlement). There has been traditional resistance to any notion that the MTAs could include a financial window, however, practice has demonstrated that without such assistance the possibilities of many developing countries to fully meet their obligations and fully exercise their rights is very limited indeed. "SUPPLY SIDE" MEASURES S & D treatment in the context of globalization should give heavy emphasis on "supply side measures" aimed at developing a competitive capacity at the national level. As the East Asian experience has shown, one of the most important aspects of special and differential treatment for assuring sustainable export growth, has been the policy discretion developing countries have been allowed to employ a variety of policy measures and incentives, targeted at specific sectors and industries, in order to foster the development of internationally competitive export supply capabilities. The success of those countries in increasing their participation in the globalizing world economy have been due largely to their successful use of policy instruments to build competitive export supply capacities and to encourage product diversification. The tighter disciplines in the MTAs on the level and type of support (direct and indirect subsidies) that governments can provide domestic producers and exporters of agricultural and industrial products; and the reinforced disciplines on the use of certain trade-related investment measures (TRIMs) may have constrained the use of policy instruments that could be effectively applied by developing countries to develop sectors and industries with an export potential. In other cases, these policy measures may not be effective. FUTURE NEGOTIATIONS In future negotiations, S & D treatment could be pursued through (a) amendment of the MTAs, (b) special improvements in market access or (c) special provisions in the context of possible new rules in areas not presently disciplined by the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ. As the pressure to extend the "frontiers" of the trading system continues, developing countries will undoubtedly wish to preserve their right to take certain measures as essential components of their development policies. Rather than relying on artificial and arbitrary time frames unrelated to need or performance, the expression of S&D treatment in the rule making area would, in such a case, be based on economic performance based criteria. This could involve a "carve out" for certain measures, e.g investment performance requirements which would remain "untouched" in future extensions of rules on investment, subsidies, etc. Pursuance of this approach would require a clear understanding as to what measures constituted such "essential policy measures". The concentration of technology alliances among companies with their home base in major developed countries has become an important feature of global corporate strategies, creating the danger of exacerbating inequality of access to technology. The ability to join these networks and to ensure that membership in a network enhances knowledge accumulation and flexibility in a participating firm is thus of strategic importance for firms in developing countries. In a globalizing world economy, presence of foreign firms in the market will be crucial to the trade, industrial and other economic development objectives of the host economy, but developing countries will continue to wish to be permitted to link liberalization to transfer of technology requirements. The existence of IPR regimes in the host countries creates a sense of security for those transferring technologies. However, the role of IPRs in technology transfer varies across industries and activities. Patents are more important for transfer in industries whose technology can be easily copied; for other industries, trade secrecy protection may be more important. For example, IPRs are regarded as an important determinant of foreign investment in industries such as chemicals, pharmaceuticals and scientific instruments. As noted below, there are a number of aspects relating to special needs and interests of developing countries, including the protection of indigenous and traditional knowledge. S&D relating to transfer of technology appears in several provisions in e.g. GATS (Article IV, Annex on basic telecommunications) and TRIPs. In particular, the TRIPs Agreement provides in Article 66.2 that developed country Members shall provide incentives to enterprises and institutions in their territories for the purpose of promoting and encouraging technology transfer to least developed country Members in order to enable them to create a sound and viable technological base. The approach to S & D in the future will have to take account of the realities of globalized production and be directed to assist developing country enterprises to derive benefits from and successfully confront the challenges of globalization. This would require, in addition to ensuring improved and more stable access to markets, that of obtaining access to technology, an objective which is closely related to that of access to information networks and distribution systems. S & D treatment would need to recognize the real problems that face developing countries in dealing effectively with the fact that the global strategies of TNCs may not coincide with the development objectives of developing countries, and also may contain anti-competitive elements, as well as in maximizing the development impact of FDI. Thus, in the context of globalization, emphasis would need to be given to building up strong developing country enterprises able to compete in the world market for both goods and services. This would seem to require less emphasis on "infant industry" tariff protection and more on subsidies and various performance requirements to encourage developing country firms to enter the world market, to underwrite some of the costs and risks of their doing so and to give them the means to compete in terms of technology and access to networks. Thus, future efforts at S & D on the “supply side”, might include such elements as: a) an extension of the 8 year transitional period for developing countries in Article 27.4  of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures. b) extension of the transitional periods for the phase out of prohibited TRIMs (Article 5.3 of the TRIMs Agreement would seem to open the door to such an initiative). c) recognition of the importance of investment performance requirements for the development programmes of developing countries and their right to impose such requirements to ensure transfer of technology, export-orientation, etc. d) recognizing the importance of joint ventures in the development of supply capacities in developing countries and that in the context of future negotiations on trade in services (under GATS Article XI.X) or under TRIMs or other investment-related negotiations, no developing country should be constrained from limiting participation of foreign capital to 49%. e) in TRIPS, extension of the transitional periods and measures facilitating the use of compulsory licensing as a means to ensure the transfer of technology (including environmentally sound" technologies), shortening the term on patents, to bring the TRIPS Agreement into line with the Convention on Biodiversity and new provisions relating to the protection of traditional and indigenous knowledge. In summary, S & D treatment can be pursued through (i) a restatement of the four main elements of the enabling clause, adapted to current realities, (ii) a "carve out" of essential policy measures aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of developing country enterprises from the disciplines of future MTAs. However, the success of the targeted approaches suggested above, will be uncertain without the existence of an underlying consensus, at least among developing countries as to what is the problematic of development in the face of globalization, and which are the acceptable and effective measures that developing countries should use to ensure their economic and social growth and development in the next century. The papers submitted by India and Egypt are action oriented, focussed on specific provisions of the MTAs, but from the various problems cited in these papers, an interesting problematic emerges. The problems cited include: (a) the low level of industrialization in developing countries, (b) inability to access advanced technologies, (c) lack of domestic savings to invest, (d) excessive dependance on primary product exports, declining terms of trade, volatility of export earnings, (e) vulnerable BOPs situations, requiring sufficient reserves , not only to cover current imports, but for long term stability, (f) high cost of capital, which is not taken into account for example in dumping cases against developing countries, nor in the rules on export subsidies, (g) inefficient infrastructures, with the same implications, (h) inefficient taxation systems in which it is difficult to calculate the rebate of indirect taxes, thus penalizing exporters, which is not taken into account in the Agreement on Subsidies (reminiscent of the “taxes occultes” debate of the late 1960's) (i) inability to meet standards of developed countries and difficulties in preparing and enforcing the required technical regulations, (j) import bias of foreign investors in developing countries leading to reduced positive impact of FDI , as well as BOPs problems, (k) lack of access to distribution channels, (l) high percentage of the population employed in the agricultural sector, mostly at subsistence levels, (m) need to ensure food security for low income groups, (n) lack of resources for subsidization, (o) difficulties in protecting against theft of traditional and indigenous technologies. What would seem required is to weave these 15 problems into a comprehensive statement of the TRADE problematique facing the DEVELOPMENT of developing countries, testing them against new developments such as electronic commerce, strategic alliances etc.  The correct term is "Differential and More Favourable Treatment".  These elements were clearly recognized in the resolution emerging from UNCTAD VI.  For example, in resolution 159(VI), para. 14.  There are only few exceptions under which developing countries, and particularly LDCs may obtain an extension of the transition periods. LDCs may, under the TRIPS Agreement, if their request is "duly motivated", obtain extension of the transitional arrangements. Developing countries may also request the Council for Trade in Goods to extend the transition period for the elimination of TRIMs. Under the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, LDCs and low-income developing countries (less than $1,000 per capita) are exempt from the prohibition of export subsidies contingent upon export performance, while others must phase out export subsidies over an eight year period,,i.e. by the end of 2003. However, a developing country may request an extension of this eight-year period from the Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures.  USTR Strategic Plan, FY 1997-FY 2002, Office of the United States Trade Representative, 30 September 1997.  The negotiations on movement of natural persons have so far yielded limited results. Access to distribution channels and information networks e.g. CRS and technology has not yet been facilitated.  The discussion in the GSP context appears to be out of date when viewed against the general acceptance of the benefits of trade liberalization. GSP is seen as a "burden" by donor countries, and as a loss of fiscal revenue.  For developing countries which so request the Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures before the end of 2002.  Article 71.1 of the TRIPS Agreement provides for reviews, beginning in 2000 in the light of any relevant new developments which might warrant modification or amendment of the Agreement. -  PAGE 14 - PAGE 1 DС'j‘9;€–ЎЏЉ Њ э&ю&^-o-44i6‹6\8]8 9$9kAŒA C2C3C;CZMwM5[G[a aјfgЪiЫi|m“mюrs™„š„a‰b‰о“п“р“$”%”y”z”Ћ”Ќ”˜˜ ˜.˜u˜v˜<™=™š š›šœšX›Y›\›љѓюшюсюлюшюсюсюсюшюшюшюсюшюшюшюгюшюшюсюшюсюшюшюсюсюсЮсЮсЮсЮсЮШЮсЮсЮсЮсЮФhnH  >*CJmH CJmH 56CJmH  >*CJmH  j0JU 5CJmH CJmH  >*CJmH  5CJ mH J+DwŽСжз&'Rjk ЁЛ М " # ~:;эю€ќќќќќќќїєєєєїєїєїєїїїєїєяяя$„n$$„а$+DwŽСжз&'Rjk ЁЛ М " # ~:;эю€•–ИЙ­ Ў ##Љ$Њ$}(~(F,H,]-^-o-p-ž0Ÿ04444h6i6‹6Œ6 9 9$9%9‰>Š>jAkAŒAAC C2C3C;CŠ>jAkAŒAAC C2C3C;C„ж„з„…ЖФ…Дк†ВЕ†б‡в‡ГІ‰Лх‰›ŠœŠ:Œ;ŒАкАР‹ЪЕДЕ#Ž$ŽЄŽЅŽАЊДЁДЪДЅАЈ‘‘Š‘‹‘И‘Й‘"’#’Ак’АР’бс†’р’с’о“п“$”Вт”Њ”Ћ”˜Гм˜<™š›šX›Y›c›d›f›i›j›k›ќњњњњњњњњ cZkkžk{m|m“m”mлpмpэrюrssїsјsђvѓvяy№yГ|Д|˜~™~ЭЮ=„јѓющцщщцщцриицщцщцщцщцщцщ$$$„а$$$$$„а$„Х$„n$ & F=„>„ж„з„…€…f†g†б‡в‡c‰d‰›ŠœŠ:Œ;Œ[\‹ŒДЕ#Ž$ŽЄŽЅŽ@ќїїїїїїїїїќђќђќђќїїїїїїїїїїї$„а$„n$@A~|}‘‘Š‘‹‘И‘Й‘"’#’[’\’…’†’р’с’о“п“$”y”Њ”Ћ”˜њњњњњњњњњњњњњњњњњїђ№щоїїй$„1 $„1Є№ Цў#€$„1Є№$„а$$„n˜u˜<™š›šX›Y›j›k›v›w›x›y›z›{›|›іщщрзегеЪЦеЦеее„h&`#$„јџ„ $„Ц„Є№ $„1„Є№ $„1„Є№ Цў#€ $„1„пџЄ№\›]›c›d›f›g›i›k›l›r›s›t›u›v›|›їѓїяїѓшхшршх0JmH0J j0JUhmHhnH jUhnH k›r›s›t›u›v›w›x›y›z›{›|›ўўўўўўўћўў   0Аа/ Ар=!А"А# $ %А [$@ёџ$NormalmH <A@ђџЁ<Default Paragraph Font8&@Ђё8Footnote ReferenceH*,@,Header  Ц9r , @,Footer  Ц9r &)@Ђ!& Page NumberЎЉэ"\4]Ъe™€a…|— EšЬ(–]@Мy||—Ьџџџџ!!!$\›|›Yd€‹6ТOZk=„@˜|›Z\]^`abc gk›|›[_e $!єџ•€!єџ•€№8№@ёџџџ€€€ї№’№№0№( № №№B №S №ПЫџ ?№ШЭ?BrьDяDIIVIлXфXpb{bыqюq}}3Š7ŠWŒ_Œ{DQпW“b“Y—z—}—з'ijjЁ<>ƒГФбК! # œ ž I † ‹ d f ЇЎNY^j€•––ъsЛНТЪЎЗЙ~3E_n ` I"T"#%#ї#ќ#т%ѓ%'"'^)n)o)o)p)00h2‹2Œ2Œ2 5$5k=Œ=?? ?2?YIwIxIxI5WHWјb ccc{i”iюnoо}—џџGibbs#C:\WP51\DOCS\AGENDA20\S&Dbook.1.docGibbsA:\S&Dbook.1.doc Anne Vittori8\\VILLARS\DT2\#DEV\S&D Seminar March 2000\gibbspaper.doc Anne Vittori7C:\TEMP\autorecover\AutoRecovery save of gibbspaper.asdоQ %8Бpнџ„ж„˜ўЦжo()оQ %џџџџџџџ@} ~ ќ#[~ ~ |—p@G‡ŸTimes New Roman5€Symbol3& ‡ŸArial"qˆаhq CfeC†bC†ЯЁv<§!ЅРДД€0dЏ‘gџџC SPECIAL AND DIFFERENTIAL TREATMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALIZATIONGibbs Anne Vittoriўџр…ŸђљOhЋ‘+'Гй0Ф˜ ьј 4 LX t € Œ ˜ЄЌДМфD SPECIAL AND DIFFERENTIAL TREATMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALIZATIONSPEGibbsALibbibb Normal.dotD Anne VittoriDIF4neMicrosoft Word 8.0E@4т0@ŒВ"„П@цЙќZƒП@^ќy"„ПЯЁvўџеЭеœ.“—+,љЎDеЭеœ.“—+,љЎx4 hp„Œ”œ ЄЌДМ Ф ф Unctad-Ditc§<Џ‘ш D SPECIAL AND DIFFERENTIAL TREATMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALIZATION Title˜ 6> _PID_GUIDфAN{69C06840-EECD-11D3-A9A2-0000F6B0902D}  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefўџџџhijklmnўџџџpqrstuvўџџџxyz{|}~ўџџџ§џџџ§џџџ‚ўџџџўџџџўџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџRoot Entryormation џџџџџџџџ РF‘0'ЅƒПpЮК…"„П„€† П1TablentSummaryInformationrџџџџџџџџџџџџp04 ЫПА<єЬП`7X ЫП .r_gWordDocumentreg8.docџџџџџџџџ€‰ГхПрЬХЫПРЬ“_!ЬSummaryInformationomp.docˆ(џџџџ@o$Q"„П@o$Q"„ПoRDocumentSummaryInformationџџџџџџџџ8џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџwџџџџCompObjџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџjџџџџObjectPoolџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџpЮК…"„ПpЮК…"„Пџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџўџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџўџ џџџџ РFMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.8є9Вq