ࡱ> $q bjbjt+t+ AA r]00008 *, )))))))$ +,*"*"00,v"""0008)0000)"~"N$h0h) *|")$ Seminar on "Technology, Trade and Development" Wednesday, 14 February 2001 Provisional Programme Objective: the seminar will identify opportunities and challenges faced by developing countries in relation to access to technology in the context of the multilateral trading system. The seminar will also identify policy options and choices, as well as types of support and assistance available to developing countries. 9.00. Opening Remarks: Mr. Ablass Ouedraogo, DDG, ϲʹ 9.15 Session I. Technology, trade and growth lessons of experience. This overview session aims to identify trends and policies in relation to acquisition of technology, drawing on the east Asian and other experiences. Can cases of "leap-frogging" be identified? What policies have been conducive to the acquisition of technological capabilities? How can openness to trade stimulate diffusion of knowledge, innovation and the enhancement of technological capabilities through broader linkages? What other policies are involved? Chair: Amb. Ransford Smith (Jamaica) Speakers: Dr. Kamal Saggi, (Southern Methodist University, Texas); Dr. Gang Zhang (OECD); Mr.Mongi Hamdi (UNCTAD); Economic Research and Analysis Division, ϲʹ; Ms.VandaScartezini, Ministry of Science and Technology (Brazil). Floor Discussion 11.00. Session II: Access to technology and multilateral rules: challenges and opportunities for developing countries How are technology issues treated in the ϲʹ Agreements? What are the main concerns of developing countries? What bearing do ϲʹ agreements have on technology policy options for developing countries? Chair: Amb. Chak Mun See (Singapore) Speakers: Intellectual Property Division, ϲʹ; Services Division (ϲʹ); Trade and Finance Division, (ϲʹ); Mr.EdwardChisanga; ( Zambia); Amb. S. Narayanan (India). Floor discussion 13.00 Lunch Break ./. 14. 30 Session III: Technology, policy choices and development: specific subject areas This session aims to build on Section II, by identifying challenges and opportunities in selected areas (listed below). What assistance is available to developing countries? The bearing of ϲʹ rules on these areas will be examined, as well as assistance strategies in favour of developing countries. Possible subjects to be covered: Manufacturing and the diversification of exports; agriculture and biotechnology; information technology and knowledge-based sectors; clean technologies for development Chair: Mr. Khalil Hamdani (UNCTAD) Presentations by Organisations and Bilateral agencies: Mr. Jean Frederic Richard (UNIDO); MsKarenLee (WIPO); Mr. Frank Rittner (UNEP-GEF); Dr.DenysCooper, National Research Council of Canada. 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