ࡱ> HSGqq R6bjbjt+t+ }AA2]00008<<0(UJ0000000$21&3l'03"U'0y00yyy08000000yNy u*hh0,p+1K./$Programme for the 3rd Short Trade Policy Course for LDCs Programme du 3me Cours de Politique Commerciale de courte dure pour les PMA (English French) 16 October 3 November 2000 ϲʹ / OMC Short Trade Policy Courses Cours de Politique comerciale brefs ___________________________________________ ϲʹ Short Trade Policy Courses 3rd SHORT TRADE POLICY COURSE FOR LEAST-DEVELOPED COUNTRIES (LDCs), GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, 16 OCTOBER 3 NOVEMBER 2000 THE MULTILATERAL TRADING SYSTEM AND THE GLOBAL ECONOMY Venue: Room CR II, from 9:00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m., and from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday, 16 October 2000: Opening ceremonies 09.00 a.m.: Opening remarks and welcome to the 3rd Short Trade Policy Course for LDCs Mr. Mike Moore, Director-General, ϲʹ 09.20 a.m.: Introductory Remarks and briefing on the Third United Nations Conference for LDCs, Brussels, 14-20 May 2001 (LDCs-III) Mr. Carlos Fortn, Deputy Secretary-General, UNCTAD 09.40 a.m.: Introductory remarks H.E. Mr. Iftekhar Chowdhury (Bangladesh), Coordinator for LDCs 9.50 a.m.: Introductory Remarks Mr. Denis Blisle, Executive Director, International Trade Centre (ITC) 10.00 a.m.: Opening remarks by Dr. Cornelius Mwalwanda, Representative of the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), 10.10 a.m: Opening remarks by Mr. M. A. Hassan, Chief, LDCs, Representative of the Executive Secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP) 10.20 a.m.: Opening remarks by Mme. Mere Falemaka, Representative of the Secretary General of the Forum Secretariat (FORSEC) 10.30 a.m.: Self-presentation by participants 12.00 p.m.: **** Closure of opening ceremonies **** Moderator: Mr. Chiedu Osakwe, ϲʹ Special Coordinator for LDCs Monday, 16 October 2000: 12.00 p.m.: Overview of the Course Mr. Jean-Marc Fortin, Counsellor 12.30 p.m.: Administrative and logistic information Ms. Jennifer Dunn, Secretariat Working Group on LDCs/IF 01.00 p.m.: * Lunch ** 02.30 p.m.: Participation by Course participants in the 21st Session of the Sub-Committee on Least-Developed Countries. [Conference Room D]. Tuesday, 17 October 2000: MACROECONOMIC, TRADE AND FINANCE POLICIES, AND STATISTICS 09.00 a.m.: The stakes in the trading system and the relationship between trade policy and macro-economic policies Mr. Zdenek Drabek, Counsellor Economic Research and Analysis Division 10.30 a.m.: Coffee break 10.45 a.m.: Interactive discussions 01.00 p.m.: * Lunch ** 02.00 p.m.: Trade and Finance Approaches to Development. Mr. Richard Eglin, Director Trade and Finance Division 03.00 p.m.: Interactive discussions 03.30 p.m.: Coffee break 03.45 p.m.: Trade Statistics and the Integrated Data Base Miss. Roslyn Jackson, Director Statistics Division 04.45 p.m.: Interactive discussions Cocktail hosted by Mr. Miguel Rodrguez-Mendoza, Deputy Director-General (6:00 p.m., Salle des Pas Perdus of the ϲʹ Building) Wed, 18 October 2000: ϲʹ STRUCTURE, CORE MANDATE, RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS, AND THE DEVELOPMENT DIMENSION TO TRADE POLICY 09.00 a.m.: ϲʹ structure, objectives, core mandate and activities Mr. Gerardo Thielen, Counsellor Training Division 10.00 a.m.: Interactive discussions 10.30 a.m.: Coffee break 10.45 a.m.: From the GATT to the ϲʹ: a system of rights and obligations Mr. Pieter Jan Kuijper, Director Legal Affairs Division 11.45 a.m.: Interactive discussions 01.00 p.m.: * Lunch ** 02.00 p.m.: Development Dimension of Trade Policy: Developing and Least-Developed Countries Mr. Peter Tulloch, Director Development Division 04.00 p.m.: Coffee break 04.15 p.m.: Interactive discussions Thursday, 19 October 2000: CUSTOMS VALUATION/PRESHIPMENT INSPECTIONS/RULES OF ORIGIN 09.00 a.m.: Customs Valuation, Preshipment Inspection and Rules of Origin: joint presentation by: Mrs. Janet Chakarian-Renouf, Counsellor, Market Access Div., Mr. Eki Kim, Market Access Division 11.30 a.m.: Coffee break 11.45 a.m.: Interactive discussions 01.00 p.m.: * Lunch ** 02.00 p.m.: UNCTAD Trade-Related technical Assistance and Capacity- building Mr. John Cuddy, Director, International Trade Division; Acting Special Coordinator for LDCs, Land-locked and Island developing Countries; and executive Secretary of the LDCs-III Conference - UNCTAD 02.30 p.m.: Interactive discussions 03.00 p.m.: Coffee break 03.15 p.m.: ϲʹ Training Programme Mr. Claude Mercier, Director Training Division 04.15 p.m.: Interactive discussions 04.45 p.m.: Trade Negotiation Techniques (IMD Lausanne) 05.45 p.m.: Interactive discussions Friday, 20 October 2000: MARKET ACCESS, TRADE SUPPORT AND IMPORT LIBERALIZATION/ TRADE IN SERVICES 09.00 a.m.: Market Access: opportunities and improvements for LDCs Mr. Heinz Opelz, Director Market Access Division 10.00 a.m.: Interactive discussions 10.30 a.m.: Coffee break 10.45 a.m.: Import liberalization: why is it important? Mr. Patrick Low Director, Office of the Director-General 12.00 p.m.: Interactive discussions 01.00 p.m.: * Lunch ** 02.00 p.m.: General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS Structure and Objectives) Mr. David Hartridge, Director Trade in Services Division 03.30 p.m.: Coffee break 03.45 p.m.: Interactive discussions Monday, 23 October 2000: AGRICULTURE/TBT/ AGREEMENT ON TEXTILES AND CLOTHING 09.00 a.m.: The Agreement on Agriculture: - LDCs' obligations and Commitments - LDCs' schedules for Trade in Goods [Agriculture] - LDCs' and Mandated Negotiations Mr. Frank Wolter, Director Agriculture and Commodities Division 10.00 a.m.: Interactive discussions 10.30 a.m.: Coffee break 10.45 a.m.: Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade: Rights and Obligations Mr. Alejandro Gamboa-Alder, Counsellor Trade and Environment Division 11.45 a.m.: Interactive discussions 01.00 p.m.: * Lunch ** 02.00 p.m.: The Agreement on Textiles and Clothing Mr. Alberto Campeas, Director Textiles Division 03.30 p.m.: Coffee break 03.45 p.m.: Interactive discussions Tuesday, 24 October 2000: TRADE-RELATED TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND CAPACITY- BUILDING 09.00 a.m.: ϲʹ Technical Cooperation: objectives, scope and means Mr. Jean-Maurice Lger, Director Technical Co-operation Division 10.00 a.m.: Interactive discussions 10.30 a.m.: Coffee break 10.45 a.m.: The ϲʹ and LDCs: Sub-Committee on LDCs, the High Level Meeting (October 97) and the Integrated Framework Secretariat Working Group on LDCs/IF 12.00 p.m.: Interactive discussions 01.00 p.m.: * Lunch ** 02.00 p.m.: Trade remedies: Anti-dumping, Subsidies, Countervailing Measures and Safeguards Mrs. Clarisse Morgan, Counsellor Rules Division 03.30 p.m.: Coffee break 03.45 p.m.: Interactive discussions Wednesday, 25 October 2000: THE DISPUTE SETTLEMENT SYSTEM 09.00 a.m.: ϲʹ Dispute Settlement: Procedures, Practices, focus on one case-study Miss Kerry Allbeury, Legal Affairs Officer Legal Affairs Division 10.00 a.m.: Interactive discussions 10.30 a.m.: Coffee break 10.45 a.m.: ϲʹ Dispute Settlement: Procedures, Practices, focus on one case-study (continued) Miss Kerry Allbeury, Legal Affairs Officer Legal Affairs Division 11.45 a.m.: Interactive discussions 01.00 p.m.: * Lunch ** 02.00 p.m.: ϲʹ Dispute Settlement: Procedures, Practices, focus on one case-study (continued) Miss Kerry Allbeury, Legal Affairs Officer Legal Affairs Division 03.30 p.m.: Coffee break 03.45 p.m.: Interactive discussions Thursday, 26 October 2000: ACCESSION /SANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES 09.00 a.m.: Accession: Procedures and Status of LDCs accession. Mr. Cato Adrian, Counsellor Accession Division 11.00 a.m.: Coffee break 11.15 a.m.: Interactive discussions 01.00 p.m.: * Lunch ** 02.00 p.m.: Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures: Rights and obligations Mr. Joo Magalhaes, Counsellor Agriculture and Commodities Division 03.30 p.m.: Coffee break 03.45 p.m.: Interactive discussions Friday, 27 October 2000: TRADE AND INVESTMENT/TRADE AND ENVIRONMENT 09.00 a.m.: Trade and Investment Mr. Mark Koulen, Counsellor Trade and Finance Division 11.30 a.m.: Coffee break 11.45 a.m.: Interactive discussions 01.00 p.m.: * Lunch ** 02.00 p.m.: Trade and Environment: the core issues in the CTE Mr. Jorge Vigano, Counsellor Trade and Environment Division 03.30 p.m.: Coffee break 03.45 p.m.: Interactive discussions Monday, 30 October 2000: TRADE POLICY REVIEWS/ COMPETITION, TRIPS AND GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT 09.00 a.m.: Trade Policy Review Mechanism: Status of LDCs Trade Policy Reviews Mr. Clemens Boonekamp, Director Sergio Stamnas, Counsellor Trade Policy Review Division 09.50 a.m.: Interactive discussions 10.10 a.m.: Coffee break 10.25 a.m.: Trade and Competition Policy Mr. Robert Anderson, Counsellor Intellectual Property Rights Division 11.15 a.m.: Interactive discussions 11.45 a.m.: Government Procurement Mrs. Vesile Kulaoglu, Counsellor Intellectual Property Division 12.35 p.m.: Interactive discussions 01.00 p.m.: * Lunch ** 02.00 p.m.: The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS): rights, obligations, the review process, TRIPS and development Mr. Adrian Otten, Director Intellectual Property Division 03.30 p.m.: Coffee break 03.45 p.m.: Interactive discussions Tuesday, 31 October 2000: REGIONAL TRADE AGREEMENTS/TRADE SUPPORT 09.00 a.m.: Regional Trade Agreements in the trading system: trends and core issues Mrs. Carmen Pont-Vieira, Counsellor Development Division 10.00 a.m.: Interactive discussions 10.30 a.m.: Coffee break 10.45 a.m.: Trade Support Services and export promotion: presentation by the International Trade Center (ITC) Mr. Martin Dagata, Director Technical Cooperation Division, ITC 11.45 a.m.: Interactive discussions 01.00 p.m.: * Lunch ** 02.00 p.m.: General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS Commitments and Mandated Negotiations) Mr. A.-Hamid Mamdouh, Senior Counsellor Trade in Services Division 03.00 p.m.: Interactive discussions 03.30 p.m.: Coffee break 03.45 p.m.: The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS LDCs' schedules of specific commitments) Mr. A.-Hamid Mamdouh, Senior Counsellor Trade in Services Division 04.45 p.m.: Interactive discussions Wednesday, 1 November 2000: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, E-COMMERCE, NOTIFICATIONS 09.00 a.m.: Information Technology and E-Commerce: - the Digital Divide; - ϲʹ Work Programme on E-Commerce - ϲʹ Web-Site; and - ϲʹ Reference Centers. Mr. Andrew Stoler, Deputy Director-General 10.00 a.m.: Interactive discussions 10.30 a.m.: Coffee break 10.45 a.m.: Accessing ϲʹ Information Resources on-line and on CD-ROM Mr. Jean-Guy Carrier, Publication Section, Information and Media Relations Division 11.45 a.m.: Interactive discussions 01.00 p.m.: * Lunch ** 02.00 p.m.: Notifications: Obligations and procedures Mr. Serafino Marchese, Counsellor Technical Co-operation Division 03.00 p.m.: Coffee break 03.15 p.m.: Notifications: Obligations and procedures (continued) Mr. Serafino Marchese, Counsellor Technical Co-operation Division 04.00 p.m.: Interactive discussions Thursday, 2 November 2000: 09.00 a.m.: Visit to the Banque cantonale de Genve 10.30 a.m.: Visit to Charmilles Technologies SA machines-outils d'lectro-rosion 03.00 p.m.: Visit to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Geneva Friday, 3 November 2000: ROUND TABLE & EVALUATION/CLOSING CEREMONIES 09.00 a.m.: Round Table and Evaluation of the Course Statement by a designated group representative 11.00 a.m.: Closing remarks and presentation of Diplomas Mr. Paul-Henri Ravier, Deputy Director-General Mr. Ablass Ouedraogo, Deputy Director-General Secretariat contact: Secretariat Working Group on LDCs/IF World Trade Organization 154 Rue de Lausanne CH-1211 Geneva 21 Telephone: 739 55 13 Fax: 739 56 90 E-mail: swgldc@wto.org PAGE 1  PAGE 10  EMBED Word.Picture.8   9:[]_  ^_w,HRl}I S T g  ( O P žCJH*OJQJmH 5CJOJQJmH 5>*CJOJQJmH CJOJQJmH 56OJQJmH  OJQJmH >*OJQJmH 5>*H*OJQJmH 5>*OJQJmH 5CJj5CJ(UmH5CJ( 5CJ0H*5CJ069:    9[   ^_$9:    9[   ^_`l<FGHiE G I r v y     E a b " # \ ] ^ : O P *+d_`l<FGHiE G I r pr v y     E a b " # \ ] P v y   $ F ] b l m # - 2 ^ h i j O P Z [ \ +568R\])+58EPRS]q@EVXb~CJH*OJQJmH 5>*CJOJQJmH 5CJOJQJmH CJOJQJmH U] ^ : O P *+PQR*+EFp+PQR*+EFZ[\]AWX}~ DE|} ()NOPW}~<H67PQt  123456BC]^eZ[\]AWX}~ Dp p p  @  *DOQ{} )3OPi~H57ACQ[t 13M'ACMP]^hik 8:D5CJOJQJmH 5>*CJOJQJmH CJOJQJmH YDE|} ()NOPW}~ 0   p  @ p<H67PQt  123456 p  $@  p6BC]^9:p r   0  9:^_-VW|}45Z[9:;<+,QRlm789pq " # H I !$!%!J!K!e!f!!!!""9":"q"r"""# #!#:#;#`#a#e^_-VW|}45Z[p    0 (_ijkTWa}5?Z[eg8;T+,6R\_lmw789CEoq{|~     # - G I c $!/!I!U!X!e!f!p!!"5>*CJOJQJmH 5CJOJQJmH CJOJQJmH Y9:;<+,QRlm% 0  p  @ 789pq " # H I !$!%!J!K!e!f!  p  @ 0  0 pf!!!!""9":"q"r"""# #!#:#;#`#a#b#c####$.$ p p 0  ""9":"D"F"p"r"|"" #+#-#;#E#_#a#|####/$9$<$I$J$T$o$p$z$|$$$$%E%F%H%R%T%b%l%%%%%%%%%/&:&=&J&K&U&p&q&{&}&&&&&,'7'9'G'Q'k'm'''''')((((((((((A)K)e)q)5CJOJQJmH CJOJQJmH 5>*CJOJQJmH Ya#b#c####$.$/$I$J$o$p$$$$!%G%H%a%b%%%%%%%&/&0&J&K&p&q&&&& ','-'F'G'l'm'n''''%(I(h(((((((()@)A)f)g)))))))/*0*v***++*+++P+Q+R+S++++,,,-,.,S,T,n,o,,-+-,-Q-R----e.$/$I$J$o$p$$$$!%G%H%a%b%%%%%%%&/&0&J&   p @ p 0  J&K&p&q&&&& ','-'F'G'l'm'n''''%(I(h(((((( p  p 0 ((()@)A)f)g)))))))/*0*v***++*+++P+ p p 0 @ p  q)r)t))))))**.*0*:*;*=**++++++5+O+S+k+++++,,-,8,S,^,a,n,o,y,z,{,,,-6-Q-R-\-^-----:.;.E.^.j.l.z...//0/;/U/V/Y/s///Y00000000001l1v1111111115>*CJOJQJmH 5CJOJQJmH CJOJQJmH YP+Q+R+S++++,,,-,.,S,T,n,o,,-+-,-Q-R-----.p r   0 --.:.;._.`.y.z.../0/1/V/W/X/Y/////080U00000001>1k1l111112'2L2M2f2g222223336373l3m33334 4 4O4P44444%5U5Y5Z5[5\5]5^5_5u5v55555566-6162636P6Q6R6G \.:.;._.`.y.z.../0/1/V/W/X/Y/////080U00000 0  p  0001>1k1l111112'2L2M2f2g222223336373 p p 0  112J2K2L2M2W2Y2f2q22223333373B3m3w33333 4!4N4O4P4Z444444T5Y5r56666 6!6"6#6%6&6,6-6/6063646K6L6N6Q6R6jVx= CJUVmH jU0JHmH0JH j0JHU5>*CJOJQJmH CJOJQJmH 5CJOJQJmH <73l3m33334 4 4O4P44444%5U5Y5Z5[5\5]5^5_5u5v555@  555566#6$6%6162636O6P6Q6R6G$GG&`#$ $. 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