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In the absence of an obligation to recalculate a rate of subsidization in the context of a sunset review and given the fact that the United States is not relying on the sunset review as a basis for collecting duties at a particular rate, the Panel finds that the USDOCs affirmative likelihood-of-subsidization re-determination as set out in the France Section 129 determination is not inconsistent with Articles 10, 14, 19.4, 21.1 and 21.3 of the SCM Agreement and Article VI:3 of the GATT 1994 in regard to the obligation to limit countervailing duties to the amount and duration of the subsidy and therefore, the United States has not failed to implement the recommendations and rulings of the DSB; regarding the UK Section 129 determination, the USDOC failed to examine whether the privatization of BS plc was at arm's length and for FMV and failed to determine whether the privatized producer received any benefit from the prior non-recurring subsidization of the state-owned BS plc. By failing to properly determine the likelihood of continuation or recurrence of subsidization, prior to its decision to maintain countervailing duties, the United States acted inconsistently with Articles 10, 14, 19.4, 21.1 and 21.3 of the SCM Agreement and Article VI:3 of the GATT 1994 and therefore failed to implement the recommendations and rulings of the DSB; regarding the Spain Section 129 determination, the USDOC failed to examine whether the privatization of Aceralia was at arm's length and for FMV and failed to determine whether the privatized producer received any benefit from the prior non-recurring subsidization of the state-owned Aceralia. By failing to properly determine the likelihood of continuation or recurrence of subsidization, prior to its decision to maintain countervailing duties, the United States acted inconsistently with Articles 10, 14, 19.4, 21.1 and 21.3 of the SCM Agreement and Article VI:3 of the GATT 1994 and therefore failed to implement the recommendations and rulings of the DSB; regarding the UK Section 129 determination, the USDOCs refusal to re-consider evidence that it had already considered and rejected during the original sunset review is not inconsistent with Article 21.3 of the SCM Agreement; regarding the UK Section 129 determination, the USDOCs refusal to consider new evidence submitted during the UK Section 129 proceedings is inconsistent with the obligations under Article 21.3 of the SCM Agreement; regarding the Spain Section 129 determination, the European Communities failed to demonstrate that the USDOC's treatment of evidence in the Spain Section 129 determination is inconsistent with Article 21.3 of the SCM Agreement. 8.2 Since Article 3.8 of the DSU provides that "[i]n cases where there is an infringement of the obligations assumed under a covered agreement, the action is considered prima facie to constitute a case of nullification or impairment", we conclude that to the extent the United States has acted inconsistently with the SCM Agreement and the GATT 1994 it has nullified or impaired the benefits accruing to the European Communities under those agreements. 8.3 The Panel recommends that the Dispute Settlement Body requests the United States to bring its measures into conformity with its obligations under the SCM Agreement and the GATT 1994. * * * * * WT/DS212/RW Page  PAGE 2 WT/DS212/RW  )+7eiX d    ? a  {  0 = > ` -QqKmpyڶ hsh,hshj6 hshj hshk hsh hsh{X<6 hshvhshkaJ h?].h{X< hshEJnhhshEJnaJhsh{X<aJ hYIh{X<hZB hsh{X< hshXlh}3+ D  G~L:;< 5 C#gdkgdm="$a$gd} $a$gdp  & F^gd gd  & F6gd  & Fgd} $ & Fa$gd}Ny{ CFGu3A|_mlumz~/;LZdožžͯͫhsh{X<6@h}hsh<6 hsh hshuhsh{X<6 hsh< hsh hshvhsh{X<aJ hsh{X< hsh, hsh =/06789<=ILMNOøøëëhV?h}mHnHujhkhV?U hkhV? hm=hm=hm=h}hshp5OJQJ\^JhshO5OJQJ\^J hshO<=JKLMNOgdm= 5 gdMYW 5 C#B#gdk5$ C#B#a$gd}400&P P:pk. 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