ࡱ> be[\]^_`a@ bjbjFF b,,A$:::PI2L````: ${RR````,,,d``,,, ` p:7(lTt)0Ih,^<V,  DRVq,(RV Annex O LIST OF EXHIBITS ContentsPageAnnex O-1 List of Exhibits of BrazilO-2Annex O-2 List of Exhibits of the United StatesO-24 ANNEX O-1 TABLE OF EXHIBITS OF BRAZIL Exhibit BRA-1Draft Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes, 15 June 1992Exhibit BRA-2Draft Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes, 15 November 1993 Exhibit BRA-3Roger Thurow and Scott Kilman, US Subsidies Create Cotton Glut That Hurts Foreign Cotton Farms, The Wall Street Journal, 26June2002Exhibit BRA-4Fact Sheet: Upland Cotton, USDA, January 2003.Exhibit BRA-5Agricultural Policies in OECD Countries Monitoring and Evaluation 2003, OECD, 2003Exhibit BRA-6CCC Marketing Loan Write Offs (Gains) FY 1994-2002Exhibit BRA-7ERS Data: Commodity Costs and ReturnsExhibit BRA-8Cotton and Wool Situation and Outlook Yearbook 2002, USDA, November 2002Exhibit BRA-9Cotton: World Statistics, ICAC, September 2002.Exhibit BRA-10Cotton and Wool Outlook, 12 June 2003Exhibit BRA-11Cotton Outlook, 30 November 2001 and 5 April 2002Exhibit BRA-12Cotton: Background for 1995 Farm Legislation, USDA, April 1995Exhibit BRA-13ERS Briefing Room Cotton: BackgroundExhibit BRA-14Survey of Cost of Production, ICAC, September 2001Exhibit BRA-15Cultivating Poverty: The Impact of US Cotton Subsidies on Africa, Oxfam Briefing Paper 30, 27 September 2002Exhibit BRA-16Characteristics and Production Costs of US Cotton Farms, USDA, October 2001Exhibit BRA-17Yearly A Index PricesExhibit BRA-18Prospective Plantings, USDA, 31 March 2003Exhibit BRA-19Cotton this Month, ICAC, 1 April 2003Exhibit BRA-20Cotton and Wool Outlook, USDA, 11 April 2003Exhibit BRA-21Cotton: World Markets and Trade, USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, January 2003 EditionExhibit BRA-22Cotton Marketing Weekly dated 25 April 2003Exhibit BRA-23Cotton: Total Accumulated Exports of Cotton by Country, USDAExhibit BRA-24Provisions of the Agricultural Improvement and Reform Act of 1996, Appendix III: Major Agricultural and Trade Legislation, 1933-96, USDAExhibit BRA-251996 FAIR Act Frames Policy For 7 Years, Agricultural Outlook Supplement, April 1996Exhibit BRA-267 CFR 1413, Deficiency Payment Program, 1993 EditionExhibit BRA-27Side by Side Comparison of the 1996 and 2002 Farm Act, USDAExhibit BRA-281996 Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform ActExhibit BRA-292002 Farm Security and Rural Investment ActExhibit BRA-30Federal Crop Insurance ActExhibit BRA-317 CFR 1412: Production Flexibility Contracts for Wheat, Feed Grains, Rice, and Upland Cotton, 2002 Edition.Exhibit BRA-327 CFR 1427.1100 at seq.: Cottonseed Payment Program, 2002 EditionExhibit BRA-337 CFR 1400: Payment Limitation and Payment Eligibility, 2003 Edition Exhibit BRA-347 CFR 1401: Commodity Certificates, in Kind Payments, and Other Forms of Payment, 2003 EditionExhibit BRA-357 CFR 1412: Direct and Counter-Cyclical Program and Peanut Quota Buyout Program, 2003 EditionExhibit BRA-367 CFR 1427.1 at seq.: Nonrecourse Cotton Loans and Loan Deficiency Payments, 2003 EditionExhibit BRA-377 CFR 1427.100 at seq.: Upland Cotton User Marketing Certificates, 2003 EditionExhibit BRA-387 CFR 1493: CCC Export Credit Guarantee Programs, 2003 EditionExhibit BRA-397 CFR 400 Excerpts: Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, 2003 EditionExhibit BRA-40ERS Briefing Room Cotton: PolicyExhibit BRA-41Congressional Hearing, The Future of Federal Farm Commodity Programs (Cotton), House of Representatives, 15 February 2001Exhibit BRA-42The 2002 Farm Act, Provisions and Implications for Commodity Markets, USDA, November 2002 Exhibit BRA-4367 Federal Register, N 203, 21 October 2002Exhibit BRA-44Direct Payment and CCP Enrolment Report, USDA, 19 June 2003Exhibit BRA-45Fact Sheet: Upland Cotton, USDA, June 2001Exhibit BRA-46Cotton: Background and Issues for Farm Legislation, USDA, July2001Exhibit BRA-47G/AG/N/USA/43Exhibit BRA-48Counter-Cyclical Payments under the 2002 Farm Bill, National Cotton Council, June 2003Exhibit BRA-49Brazils Questions for the purposes of Annex V Procedure, March 2003Exhibit BRA-50Farm Services Agency Background Information: Non-recourse Marketing Assistance Loans and Loan Deficiency Payments, USDA, March 1998Exhibit BRA-51Cotton Outlook, 1 February 2002: US Price MechanismExhibit BRA-52Fact Sheet: Commodity Certificates, USDA, July 2000Exhibit BRA-53NCC Delegates Focus on Farm Program Specifics, National Cotton Council, 31 January 2001Exhibit BRA-54Farm Subsidy Limit Loophole Cost taxpayer Billions in Payments to Biggest Farmers, Environmental Working Group, 1 May 2002Exhibit BRA-55Loan Deficiency Payment and Price Support Cumulative Activity as of 6/11/2003, USDA, 13 June 2003.Exhibit BRA-56Bruce Gardner, American Agriculture in the Twentieth Century, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2002Exhibit BRA-57Crop Year Statistics, Federal Crop Insurance CorporationExhibit BRA-58US Crop Insurance: Premiums, Subsidies & Participation, USDA, Agricultural Outlook, December 2001Exhibit BRA-59Briefing Room: Farm and Commodity Policy: Crop Yield and Revenue Insurance, USDAExhibit BRA-60RMA Online, Crop Policies, 23 March 2003Exhibit BRA-61NCC Summary of Key Provisions of Crop Insurance Reform Legislation, NCC.Exhibit BRA-62RMA Online Crops Covered under the 2002 Crop insurance ProgramExhibit BRA-63Production and Price Impacts of US Crop insurance Subsidies: Some Preliminary ResultsExhibit BRA-64Weak Demand Dampens Outlook for US Cotton, USDA Agricultural Outlook, November 1999Exhibit BRA-65Upland Cotton Domestic User/Exporter AgreementExhibit BRA-66Sample Format Weekly Consumption/Application For Payment ReportExhibit BRA-67Cotton OutlookExhibit BRA-68Weekly Step 2 Certificate Values. EconCentral, National Cotton Council of America, 13 June 2003Exhibit BRA-69Step 2 Domestic and Export payments by US Fiscal YearExhibit BRA-70Export News and Opportunities, USDA Foreign Agricultural ServiceExhibit BRA-71Fact Sheet: CCC Export Credit Guarantee Programs (GSM-102/103Exhibit BRA-72Fact Sheet: CCC Supplier Credit Guarantee ProgramExhibit BRA-73Summary of Export Credit Gurantee Programs, FY 1999-2003Exhibit BRA-74Farm Service Agency News Room, Release N 1532.03, 25 April 2003Exhibit BRA-75Stewart, Terrence, The GATT Uruguay Round, A Negotiating History, Vol. IV, p. 24-25Exhibit BRA-76CCC Loan Deficiency Payments FY 1994-2002Exhibit BRA-77Fact Sheet: Agricultural Assistance Act of 2003, February 2003.Exhibit BRA-78G/AG/N/USA/17Exhibit BRA-79US Farm Program Benefits: Links to Planting Decisions & Agricultural Markets, Agricultural Outlook, October 2000Exhibit BRA-80How Decoupled Is US Agricultural Support for Major Crop, American Journal of Agricultural Economy 82, August 2000Exhibit BRA-81Ivan Roberts and Frank Jotzo, 2002 US Farm Bill: An Australian Perspective on its Impact, ABARE, Australian Commodities, Vol. 9, N 2 June Quarter 2002Exhibit BRA-82USDA Baseline Projections, USDA, February 2003Exhibit BRA-83Schedule XX of the United States of America, part IV, Section II entitled Export Subsidies: Budgetary Outlays and Quantitative Reduction CommitmentsExhibit BRA-84G/AG/W/56Exhibit BRA-85FATUS Export AggregationsExhibit BRA-86FAS Agricultural Export Commodity AggregationsExhibit BRA-87Testimony of August Schumacher Jr., Under Secretary, Farm and Foreign Agricultural Service, USDA, before the Subcommitte on General Farm Commodities, Hearing on the Asian Financial Crisis, 4 88February 1998Exhibit BRA-88US Budget for Fiscal Year 2003Exhibit BRA-89US Budget for Fiscal Year 2002 Exhibit BRA-90US Budget for Fiscal Year 2001Exhibit BRA-91US Budget for Fiscal Year 2000Exhibit BRA-92US Budget for Fiscal Year 1999Exhibit BRA-93US Budget for Fiscal Year 1998Exhibit BRA-94US Budget for Fiscal Year 1997Exhibit BRA-95US Budget for Fiscal Year 1996Exhibit BRA-96Iraqgate: Saddam Hussein, US Policy and the Prelude to the Persian Gulf War, 1980-1994Exhibit BRA-97Agricultural Export and Food Aid Programs, Congressional Research Service: Issue Brief to Congress, 14 June 2002Exhibit BRA-98Guarantee Fee Rate Schedule Under GSM 102 and GSM 103Exhibit BRA-99G/AG/N/USA/39Exhibit BRA-100US Cotton and the Appreciation of the Dollar, USDA, Agricultural Outlook, April 2002Exhibit BRA-101Brazils Questions for the Purposes of the Consultations, 22November2002Exhibit BRA-102Statement of Administrative ActionExhibit BRA-1031993 Cotton Management Economic Notes, University of Arizona, 27July 1993.Exhibit BRA-104CV and Selected Publications of Professor Daniel SumnerExhibit BRA-105Statement by Professor Daniel Sumner at the First Meeting of the Panel.Exhibit BRA-106United States State Fact Sheet, ERS, USDA Data, 15 July 2003.Exhibit BRA-107US and State Farm Income Data, Farm Cash Receipts, 1924-2001, ERS, USDA, June 2003.Exhibit BRA-108United For Profits, National Cotton Council Organizational Chart and Membership.Exhibit BRA-109Testimony (Full) of Robert McLendon, Chairman, NCC Executive Committee, Before the House Agricultural Committee. National Cotton Council (NCC)Exhibit BRA-110Cotton Briefing Room: Farm Commodity Policy, Updating Base Acres and Payment Yields, USDA, 30 June 2003Exhibit BRA111The Six Year World Outlook for Cotton and Peanuts: Implications for Production and Prices.Bob McLendon, National Cotton CouncilExhibit BRA112Expected Payment Rates to Upland Cotton Producers for Calendar Years 2002 and 2003, prepared by the National Cotton Council, October2002.Exhibit BRA113Farm Bill: Fundamental Change in Farm Policy, Delta Farm Express.Exhibit BRA-114US Debt Reduction Activities, FY 1990 through FY 1999, US Treasury Department, Public Report to Congress, February 2000. Exhibit BRA-115US General Accounting Office, Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, US House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary, Loan Guarantees: Export Credit Guarantee Programs Long Run Costs are High, GAO/NSIAD-91-180, 19 April 1991. Exhibit BRA-116OMB Circular A-11 Exhibit BRA-1172 U.S.C 661 et seq. Exhibit BRA-118Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board, Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards N 19, Technical Amendments to Accounting Standards for Direct Loans and Loan Gurantees in STATEMENT OF FEDERAL FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS N 2, March 2001. Exhibit BRA-119US Federal Reform Act of 1990, adopted as Public Law 101-508, 5 November 1990 Exhibit BRA-120GAO, Report to the Director, Office of Management and Budget, Credit Reform: Review of OMBs Credit Subsidy Model, GAO/AIMD-97-145, August 1997. Exhibit BRA-121US General Accounting Office, Report to Congressional Committees, Credit Reform: US Needs Better Method for Estimating Cost of Foreign Loans and Guarantees, GAO/NSIAD/GGD-95-31, December1994. Exhibit BRA-122Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board, Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards N 18, Amendments to Accounting Standards for Direct Loans and Loan Guarantees in STATEMENT OF FEDERAL FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS N2, May 2000.  Exhibit BRA-123Congressional Budget Office, Budgeting for Administrative Costs under Credit Reform. January 1992. Exhibit BRA-124Ashoka Mody and Dilip K. Patro, Valuing and Accounting for Loan Guarantees, 11 WORLD BANK RESEARCH OBSERVER, February1996. Exhibit BRA-125US Budget for FY 1994 Exhibit BRA-126US Budget for FY 1995 Exhibit BRA-127US Budget for FY 2004 Exhibit BRA-128 HYPERLINK "http://www.europa.eu.int" www.europa.eu.int, http://mkaccdb.eu.int/miti/dsu Exhibit BRA-129USDA Issues $ 50 Million in Payments for 2002 Crop Cottonseed Program, USDA News Release, 5 June 2003. Exhibit BRA-130Farm Program Payments and the Economic Viability of Production Agriculture, A Report to the US Congress, August 2002, ERS, USDA.  Exhibit BRA-131The Effects of the 1996 Farm Bill on Feed and Food Grains, Vincent H. Smith/ Joseph W. Glauber, Trade Research Center, Policy Issues paper N 3. Exhibit BRA-132Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables Share of Total Farm Income Exhibit BRA-133Guaranteed Loan Subsidy and Administrative Cost Chart  Exhibit BRA-134Brazils Questions to the United States Concerning the support to upland cotton decided in MY 1992  Exhibit BRA-135Agricultural Assistance Act of 2003, in P.L. 108-7 Exhibit BRA-136P.L. 106-113 Exhibit BRA-137P.L. 106-224 Exhibit BRA-138P.L. 107-25 Exhibit BRA-13968 Federal Register 20331, 20331-20332 Exhibit BRA-140Pindyck, Robert S. and Rubinfeld, Daniel L., Microeconomics, 5 Edition (2002), Prentice hall, New Jersey. Exhibit BRA-1417 U.S.C. 5622 Exhibit BRA-142Agricultural Outlook, USDA, May 2002 Exhibit BRA-143Agricultural Statistics 2003, USDA Exhibit BRA-144G/AG/R/31  Exhibit BRA-145US and State Farm Income Data, (United States and States 1997-2001), USDA Exhibit BRA-146Acreage, NASS, 28 June 2002 Exhibit BRA-147Estimate of Support Granted by Commodity via Counter-Cyclical Payments. Agricultural Prices Exhibit BRA-148Statement of Administrative Action Exhibit BRA-149Agricultural Outlook, USDA, August 2002 Exhibit BRA-150G/AG/N/USA/10 Exhibit BRA-151US Export Credit Guarantee Programs: What Every Importer Should Know About the GSM-102 and GSM-103 Programs, USDA, November 1996. Exhibit BRA-152GAO, Statement of Allan I. Mendelowitz, Director, Trade, Energy and Finance Issues, National security and International Affairs Division, before the Task Force on Urgent Fiscal Issues of the Committee on Budget of the US House of Representatives, Status Report on GAOs Reviews of the Targeted Export Assistance Program, the Export Enhancement Program, and the GSM 102/103 Export Credit Guarantee Programs, GAO/T-NSIAD-90-53, 28 June 1990. Exhibit BRA-153US Department of Agriculture Office of Inspector General Financial and IT Operations Audit Report of the Commodity Credit Corporations Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2000, Audit Report N 06401-14-FM, June 2001 Exhibit BRA-154US Department of Agriculture Office of Inspector General Great Plains Region Audit Report of the Commodity Credit Corporations Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2001, Audit Report N 06401-4-KC, February 2002. Exhibit BRA-155US Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service, Notice to GSM 102 and GSM 103 Program Participants, 24September2002 Exhibit BRA-156US Export-Import Bank, Comparison of Major Features of Programs Offered by Ex-Im Bank and Commodity Credit Corporation for Support of Bulk Agricultural Commodities Exhibit BRA-157US General Accounting Office, Report to the Chairman, Task Force on Urgent Fiscal Issues, Committee on the Budget, House of Representatives, International Trade: Iraqs Participation in US Agricultural Export Programs, GAO/NSIAD-91-76, November 1990 Exhibit BRA-158US Department of Agriculture, Office of Inspector General, Financial and IT Operations Audit Report, Commodity Credit Corporations Financial Statement for Fiscal Year 2002, Audit Report N 06401-15-FM, December 2002 Exhibit BRA-159US General Accounting Office, Report to Congressional Requesters, Loan Guarantees: Export Credit Guarantees Programs Costs are High, GAO/GGD-93-45, December 1992 Exhibit BRA-160US Department of Agriculture, Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Credit, Travel, and Accounting Division, Agriculture Financial Standards Manual (May 2003)  Exhibit BRA-161US Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board, Federal Financial Accounting and Auditing Technical Release 3, Preparing and Auditing Direct Loan and Loan Guarantee Subsidies under the Federal Credit Reform Act, 31 July 1999.  Exhibit BRA-162Government Wide Audited Financial Statements Task Force on Credit Reform, Issue Paper, Model Credit Program Methods and Documentation for Estimating Subsidy Rates and the Model Information Store, 96-CR-7, 1 May 1996  Exhibit BRA-163Office of Management and Budget Annual Training, Introduction to Federal Credit Budgeting, 24 June 2002 Exhibit BRA-164US Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service, Revised FY 2001 and FY 2002 Annual Performance Plan.  Exhibit BRA-165US Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service, Revised FY 2000 and FY 2001 Annual Performance Plan. Exhibit BRA-166US Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service, News Releases regarding extension of GSM 102 and GSM 103 guarantees to Dominican Republic, Morocco, Ghana, South Korea, Vietnam and Algeria Exhibit BRA-16712 Steps to Participating in the USDA Supplier Credit Guarantee Program, Step 5. Exhibit BRA-168US Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service, News Releases regarding extension of SCGP guarantees to Tunisia, Azerbaijan, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan and Nigeria Exhibit BRA-169Market Revenue and US Government Payments to US Upland Cotton Producers Exhibit BRA-170PFC, MLA, DP and CCP Payments per Base Acre of Covered Crops Exhibit BRA-171Counter-Cyclical Payments under the 2002 Farm Bill, NCC, August2003 Exhibit BRA-172Rice Outlook, USDA, 13 August 2003, Table 1 Exhibit BRA-173Revised Estimate of Support Granted by Commodity via Countercyclical Payments.  Exhibit BRA-174Income Protection Cotton Crop Provisions, USDA Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, 2000-321 Exhibit BRA-175Cotton Crop Provisions, USDA Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, 99-021 Exhibit BRA-176Course Grain Crop Provisions, USDA Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, 98-041 Exhibit BRA-177ERS Briefing Room: Farm Income and Costs: Farm Income Forecasts Exhibit BRA-178Facts About Texas and Agriculture, Texas Cooperative Extension, The Texas A&M University System Exhibit BRA-179JunJie Wu, Crop Insurance, Acreage Decisions, and Nonpoint-Source Pollution, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 81, May 1999 Exhibit BRA-180Keith J. Collins and Joseph W. Glauber Will Policy Changes Usher in a New Era of Increased Agricultural Market Variability?, Second Quarter 1998. Exhibit BRA-181US General Accounting Office, Report to the Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, US Senate, Former Soviet Union: Creditworthiness of Successor States and US Export Credit Guarantees, GAO/GGD-95-60 (February 1995) Exhibit BRA-1822004 US Budget, Federal Credit Supplement, Table 8  Exhibit BRA-183US Budget for FY 1992 Exhibit BRA-184US Budget for FY 1993 Exhibit BRA-185Congressional Budget Office Staff Memorandum, An Explanation of the Budgetary Changes Under Credit Reform, April 1991 Exhibit BRA-186Congressional Research Service Issue Brief for Congress, Agriculture and the Budget, IB95031, (16 February 1996) Exhibit BRA-187O.A. Cleveland Newsletter, 25 April 2003; O.A. Cleveland Newsletter, 8 August 2003 Exhibit BRA-188Testimony of James Echols, Chairman of the National Cotton Council before the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry of the US Senate, 17 July 2001 Exhibit BRA-189Cotton and Wool Outlook, USDA, 13 August 2003 Exhibit BRA-190Affidavit of Marcelo Pinheiro Franco Exhibit BRA-191G/AG/AGST/USA Exhibit BRA-192Reestimated Guaranteed Loan Subsidy based on Original Budget Year Estimate. Exhibit BRA-193Net Lifetime Reestimates of Guaranteed Loan Subsidy by Cohort. Exhibit BRA-194US Department of Agriculture Office of Inspector General Great Plains Region Audit Report, Commodity Credit Corporations Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2001, Audit Report N 06401-4-KC, February 2002 Exhibit BRA-195US Department of Agriculture Office of Inspector General Financial and IT Operations Audit Report, Audit Report N 06401-14-FM, Commodity Credit Corporations Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2000, June 2001 Exhibit BRA-196US Department of Agriculture Office of Inspector General Financial and IT Operations Audit Report, US Department of Agriculture Consolidated Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 1999, Report N 50401-35-FM, February 2000 Exhibit BRA-197http://www.nedcor.co.uk/forfait-website/forfaiting.htm Exhibit BRA-198Vincent Whittaker, The Quick Buck, International Finance and Forfaiting, 23 Thomas Jefferson Law Review (Spring 2001) Exhibit BRA-199Trade and Forfaiting Review, Argentina Trade Finance to the Rescue Volume 6, Issue 9 July/August 2003 Exhibit BRA-200Congressional Record 107 Congress Exhibit BRA-201Newspaper Articles on the Impact of Cotton Subsidies to African Countries Exhibit BRA-202Agricultural Outlook Tables, USDA, August 2003 Exhibit BRA-203US and World Agricultural Outlook, FAPRI, January 2003 Exhibit BRA-204USDAs Cotton Classification Overview Exhibit BRA-205Cost and Revenues of US Upland Cotton Producers Exhibit BRA-206Data on Article 6.3(d) Claim Exhibit BRA-207Cotton Lint: International Prices & Brazilian Prices Exhibit BRA-208Cotton: World Statistics, ICAC, September 2003 Exhibit BRA-209Yearly A-Index Prices Exhibit BRA-210Production and Trade Policies Affecting the Cotton Industry, ICAC, July 2002. Exhibit BRA-211The Current State of the Farm Economy and the Economic Impact of Federal Policy on Agriculture, Hearing before the House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture, 14 February 2001.  Exhibit BRA-212United States Dumping on Agricultural Markets, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy Exhibit BRA-213The Impact of Exchange Rates on the US Cotton Industry, National Cotton Council, 10 September 2001. Exhibit BRA-214Exchange Rate Indexes & US Ag. Trade, USDA Agricultural Outlook, January-February 2001. Exhibit BRA-215Cotton Outlook, 29 August 2003 Exhibit BRA-216US Exports of Cotton, USDA, 5 September 2003 Exhibit BRA-217Brazilian Exports in Calendar Year 2002 Exhibit BRA-218Cottons Three Step Competitiveness Plan, National Cotton Council, 10 September 2001 Exhibit BRA-219Cotton Outlook, 4 June 1999 Exhibit BRA-220Cotton Outlook, (26 January 2001, 8 March 2002, 21 February 2003) Exhibit BRA-221Calcot Cotton Capsules, 26 April 2002 Exhibit BRA-222Analysis of the US Commodity Loan Program with Marketing Loan Provisions, USDA, AER 801 Exhibit BRA-223The US Commodity Loan Program, Paul C. Westcott, Economic Research Service, USDA/ A.L. (Roy) Frederick (University of Nebraska) Exhibit BRA-224Factors Affecting the US Farm Price of Upland Cotton, USDA, Cotton and Wool Situation Outlook, Special Edition, November 1998 Exhibit BRA-225Statement of Bruce Gardner before the US House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture, 14 February 2001 Exhibit BRA-226Price Effect of the US Marketing Loan Program (Gardner) Exhibit BRA-227The House and Senate Farm Bills: A Comparative Study, Food and Agriculture Policy Research Institute, March 2002 Exhibit BRA-228FAPRI Analysis of Stricter Payment Limitations, FAPRI, 17 June2003; FAPRI Analysis of Stricter Payment Limitations, FAPRI, 24 June 2003 Exhibit BRA-229Agricultural Insurance Programs: Challenges and Lessons Learned, Jerry R. Skees, May 2000  Exhibit BRA-230Weekly Step 2 Certificates Values, National Cotton Council, 29August 2003 Exhibit BRA-231Elimination of Cottons Step 2 Threshold, National Cotton Council, 10 September 2001 Exhibit BRA-232Summary of Export Credit Guarantee Program Activity, FY 2003, GSM 102 Summary, 1 August 2003 Exhibit BRA-233Production and Trade Policies Affecting the Cotton Industry, ICAC, September 2001 Exhibit BRA-234Rethinking US Agricultural Policy: Changing Course to Secure Farmer Livelihoods Worldwide, Daryll E. Ray, Daniel G. De La Torre Ugarte, Kelly J. Tiller, Agricultural Policy Analysis Center, The University of Tennessee Exhibit BRA-235What is the Impact of Removing Agricultural Support, IMF World Economic Outlook 2002, Chapter II Exhibit BRA-236Market Access for Developing Country Exports Selected Issues, IMF and the World Bank, 26 September 2002 Exhibit BRA-237Rich Countries Should Show the Way to Trade: World Bank Urges Action to Further Open Markets to Developing Countries, World Bank, press release 2003/094/S, 27 September 2002. Exhibit BRA-238Trade Distortions and Cotton Markets: Implications for Australian Cotton Producers, Cotton Research and Development Corporation, April 2001 Exhibit BRA-239Brazilian Cotton Import Tariff Exhibit BRA-240International, US and Brazilian Prices Exhibit BRA-241Brazilian and NY Futures Prices Exhibit BRA-242A and B-Index Quotes from Major Producers Exhibit BRA-243Brazilian Export Prices Exhibit BRA-244Impact of Global Cotton Markets on Rural Poverty in Benin, Nicholas Minot and Lisa Daniels, 25 April 2003 Exhibit BRA-245World Agricultural Supply and Demand Statistics, USDA, 12 August 2003 Exhibit BRA-246International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives, Official Journal of the European Communities L214 of 4 August 1987 Exhibit BRA-247International Commodity Agreements Exhibit BRA-248International Sugar Agreement of 1977 Exhibit BRA-249Share of the World Exports Market Exhibit BRA-250Total Cost and Return in Various Countries Exhibit BRA-251Market Reports Exhibit BRA-252Counter-Cyclical Payments under the 2002 Farm Bill, National Cotton Council, September 2003 Exhibit BRA-253Cotton and Wool Outlook USDA, 9 February 2001 Exhibit BRA-254Monthly US Spot Market Prices Exhibit BRA-255Farm Commodity Programs: A Short Primer, Congressional Research Service Exhibit BRA-256Agriculture Policy and Farm Bill Briefing Book, Congressional Research Service Exhibit BRA-257Cost of Farm Production Up in 2003, USDA, 6 May 2003 Exhibit BRA-258Loan Deficiency Payments and Price Support Cumulative Activity As of 8/27/2003, USDA, 1 September2003. Exhibit BRA-259Newspaper Articles Exhibit BRA-2602002 US Farm Bill: An Australian Perspective on Its Impact, ABARE, Australian Commodities, Vol.9 N2, June 2002 Exhibit BRA-261Lower US Cotton Consumption May Undermine Cotton Subsidies, 2002 Ag Perspectives, John Baize, 23 January 2003. Exhibit BRA-262The Future of Brazils Agricultural Sector, USDA, Agricultural Outlook, May 1998 Exhibit BRA-263Argentina & Brazil Sharpen Their Competitive Edge, USDA, Agricultural Outlook, September 2001 Exhibit BRA-264Prejudice Caused by Industrialized Countries Subsidies to Cotton Sectors in Western and Central Africa, Louis Goreux Exhibit BRA-265Cotton Sector Strategies in West and Central Africa, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2867, July 2002. Exhibit BRA-266TN/AG/GEN/4 Exhibit BRA-267TN/AG/GEN/6 Exhibit BRA-268WT/GC/W/511 Exhibit BRA-269Gross Domestic Product by Industry for 1999-2001, Robert J. McCahill and Brian C. Moyer; November 2002 Exhibit BRA-270Statement to Commission on the Application of Payment Limits to Agriculture, Mark Lange, National Cotton Council, 17 June 2003 Exhibit BRA-271Analysis of the Market Value of Livestock in Adjusted Gross Revenue Insurance Pilot States and Counties. Exhibit BRA-272Fact Sheet: Adjusted Gross Revenue, Risk Management Agency, USDA, February 2003 Exhibit BRA-273Data on US Price vs Planted Acreage Exhibit BRA-274Data on World Price, Production & Consumption Exhibit BRA-275US Cotton Supply Response under the 2002 Farm Act, Paul Westcott and Leslie Meyer, USDA, 21 February 2003 Exhibit BRA-276Report of the Commission on the Application of Payment Limitations for Agriculture, August 2003. Exhibit BRA-277World Market Share Documents Exhibit BRA-278O.A. Clevelands Newsletter, 26 September 2003 Exhibit BRA-279Statement by Professor Daniel Sumner  Exhibit BRA-280Brief Review of Empirical Assessments of Production Impacts of US Upland Cotton Subsidies by Professor Daniel Sumner. Exhibit BRA-281Statement by Andrew Macdonald  Exhibit BRA-282About the Liverpool Cotton Association, The Liverpool Cotton Association Ltd. Exhibit BRA-283Statement by Christopher Ward  Exhibit BRA-284 Production and Trade Policies Affecting the Cotton Industry, ICAC, September 2003 Exhibit BRA-285Agriculture Fact Book 2001-2002, Chapter 3 American Farms. Exhibit BRA-286Direct and Counter-Cyclical Program Contract, Form CCC-509, USDA, Commodity Credit Corporation Exhibit BRA-287Market Revenue and US Government Payments to US Upland Cotton Producers.  Exhibit BRA-288NASS to Update Acreage If Necessary, National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA, 29 September 2003. Exhibit BRA-2897 CFR 1412.606; 7 CFR 718.102, 2003 Edition Exhibit BRA-290Farmers Must File Acreage to Receive 2002 Payments, Kansan Online Ag Briefs; AFBIS Inc. Crop Watch, June 2003 Exhibit BRA-291Direct and Counter-Cyclical Payment Program, Farm Service Agency, USDA, April 2003. Exhibit BRA-2927 CFR 718.102, 2002 Edition Exhibit BRA-293Data for Acreage Chart Exhibit BRA-294The World Fact Book Benin, CIA. Exhibit BRA-2952004 US Budget, Federal Credit Supplement, Introduction and Table 2 Exhibit BRA-296USDA Announces $2.8 Billion in Export Credit Guarantees, FAS Press Release, 30 September 2003 Exhibit BRA-2977 U.S.C 5641(b)(1); 7 U.S.C. 5622(a), (b) Exhibit BRA-298USDA Amends Commodity Eligibility under Credit Guarantee Programs, FAS Press Release, 24 September 2002. Exhibit BRA-299 Summary of FY 2003 Export Credit Guarantee Program Activity, USDA, Covering GSM-102, GSM 103 and SCGP Exhibit BRA-300Calculation on US Rice Exports Benefiting from GSM-102, GSM-103 and SCGP.  Exhibit BRA-301Additional Results from Professor Sumners Model. Exhibit BRA-302Revised and Extended Data on Article 6.3(d) Claim.  Exhibit BRA-303John C. Beghin and Holger Matthey. Modelling World Peanut Product Markets: A Tool for Agricultural Trade Policy Analysis. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD), May 2003. Exhibit BRA-304John C. Beghin, Barbara El Osta, Jay R. Cherlow, and Samarendu Mohanty. The Cost of the US Sugar Program Revisited, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD), March 2001. Exhibit BRA-305Larry Salathe, J. Michael Price and David Banker. An Analysis of the Farmer Owned Reserve Program 1977-82. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, February 1984. Exhibit BRA-306Supply Response under the 1996 Farm Act and Implications for the US Field Crops Sector, Lin et al., USDA, July 2000. Exhibit BRA-307Change in US and World Exports in Percent.  Exhibit BRA-308Decoupled Payments: Household Income Transfers in Contemporary US Agriculture, ERS, Agriculture Economic Report N 822. Exhibit BRA-309Barnard C., Nehring, R., Ryan, J., Collender, R. Higher Cropland Values from Farm Program Payments: Who Gains? Economic Research Service. USDA, Agricultural Outlook November 2001.  Exhibit BRA-310The Incidence of Government Payments on Agricultural Land Rents: The Challenges of Identification, Roberts, Kirwan and Hopkins, August 2003, American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Exhibit BRA-311Side by Side Chart of the Weekly US Adjusted World Price, the A-Index, the nearby New York Futures Price, the Average US Spot Market Price and Prices Received by US Producers from January 1996 to the present. Exhibit BRA-312Cotton Outlook Reports dated 7 June 2002, 27 September 2002 and 4 October 2002.  Exhibit BRA-313 Analysis of Counterfactual Retrospective Scenarios and Prospective Scenarios of Elimination of Upland Cotton Subsidies in the United States using an elaboration of the FAPRI/CARD Modeling Framework  Exhibit BRA-314Summary of Equations in the FAPRI/CARD Modeling System as Used for the Analysis of US Cotton Subsidies Exhibit BRA-315Documentation for the CARD International Cotton Model. Exhibit BRA-316Statement of Christopher Campbell- Environmental Working Group.  Exhibit BRA-317EWG Database: Tables of Results Exhibit BRA-318Discussions Held With FSA Contacts in County and State Offices. Exhibit BRA-319FSA-578 Manual: Report of Acreage Exhibit BRA-320CCC-478 Production Flexibility Contract. USDA, Commodity Credit Corporation. Exhibit BRA-321Veneman Reminds Farmers to Complete DCP Sign-Up by June 2. Office of Communications News Room 460-A. USDA, 29 May 2003 Exhibit BRA-322Kansas City Administrative Office. Farm Service Agency, USDA. Exhibit BRA-323Costs and Returns of US Upland Cotton Farmers MY 1997-2002 Exhibit BRA-324NCC Chairmans Report by Kenneth B. Hood, 24 July 2002  Exhibit BRA-325Results of Professor Sumners Modified Model Based on the January 2003 FAPRI Baseline Exhibit BRA-326Results of Professor Sumners Modified Model Exhibit BRA-327Cotton Marketing Weekly, O.A. Cleveland, 7 November 2003 Exhibit BRA-328Cotton and Wool Outlook, USDA, 14 October 2003 Exhibit BRA-329Cotton and Wool Situation and Outlook Yearbook, Table 16, USDA, November 2002. Exhibit BRA-330Agricultural Exchange Rate Data Set, ERS, USDA Exhibit BRA-331Description of Methodology Comparing the Analysis of US Upland Cotton Subsidies Under the January 2003 Baseline to Analysis under the November 2002 FAPRI Baseline, Daniel A. Sumner, November2003. Exhibit BRA-332Newspaper Articles on the Step 2 Program  Exhibit BRA-333Cotton: World Markets and Trade, USDA, October 2003 Exhibit BRA-334Additionality of Credit Guarantees for US Wheat Exports, M. Diersen et al., Agricultural Economics Report N 377-S, July 1997 Exhibit BRA-335Canada, Gross Domestic Product by Industry 1997-2001 Exhibit BRA-336Section 523(b)(10), Federal Crop Insurance Act. Exhibit BRA-337Crop Year Statistics, Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, As of 11 November 2003. Exhibit BRA-338Adjusted Gross Revenue-Lite (AGR-Lite), A Risk Management Agency Fact Sheet, USDA, February 2003. Exhibit BRA-339Livestock Gross Margin Insurance Policy Questions and Answers, 03-LGM-Question and Answers, RMA/USDA Exhibit BRA-340USDA Announces First Partial 2003-Crop Counter-Cyclical Payments, USDA Press Release, 17 October 2003 Exhibit BRA-341Ricelands Bell Urges Maximum Rice CCP, Delta Farm Press, 16September 2003. Exhibit BRA-342Statement of Professor Daniel Sumner 2 December 2003  Exhibit BRA-343Response to US Statements about Access to Background Information about my US Cotton Policy Simulation Results Exhibit BRA-344Discussion of the US Critique of Third Party Studies of the Economic Effects of US Cotton Subsidies Exhibit BRA-345Response to Further US Criticisms of the Annex I Model of the Effect of US Cotton Subsidies Exhibit BRA-346Email Exchange between Professor Bruce Babcock and Dr. Joseph Glauber, 26 November 2003 Exhibit BRA-347Brazilian Exports, MY 1999-2002 Exhibit BRA-348BICO Export Commodity Aggregations (Quantities), USDA, FSA dated 27 November 2003 Exhibit BRA-349Comparison of US and Brazilian Exports, MY 1999-2002  Exhibit BRA-350Weekly Step 2 Certificate Values, National Cotton Council, 28November 2003 Exhibit BRA-351BICO Export Commodity Aggregations (Values), USDA, FSA dated 21 November 2003 Exhibit BRA-352Value of US. Upland Cotton Exports under GSM 102 by Country and Year Exhibit BRA-353Cumulative Loss from Upland Cotton Production MY 1997-2002 Without US Contract Payments Exhibit BRA-354Brazilian Soybeans Can Iowa Farmers Compete? Iowa State University, December 2000 Exhibit BRA-355US Acreage Response to Futures Prices at Planting Time  Exhibit BRA-356January March Quotes of the December Futures Contract, Expected and Actual AWP and Cash Price Exhibit BRA-357Expected and Actual Adjusted World Price and Corresponding December Futures Price Exhibit BRA-358Expected Adjusted World Price and Marketing Loan Payments  Exhibit BRA-35930 October and 25 November Cotton Futures Quotes Exhibit BRA-360Adjusted World Price v Nearby Futures Price (1996-present) Exhibit BRA-361Cotton Pricing Guide, July 2001 Exhibit BRA-362Suspension of Anti-Dumping Duty Investigation: Cold-Rolled Flat Rolled Carbon-Quality Steel Products from the Russian Federation, Department of Commerce, 4 February 2000 Exhibit BRA-363Global Steel Trade, Chapter 7: Avoiding Future Crises, Department of Commerce Exhibit BRA-3642003 US Budget, Federal Credit Supplement, Table 8 Exhibit BRA-3652002 US Budget, Federal Credit Supplement, Table 8 Exhibit BRA-3667 U.S.C. 5622 Exhibit BRA-367Section 3203 of the 2002 FSRI Act Exhibit BRA-368Second Statement of Christopher Campbell Environmental Working Group, 1 December 2003 Exhibit BRA-369Brazils Request to the United States for Farm Specific Planting and Base Acreage Data, 3 December 2003 Exhibit BRA-370The Difference between the Average World Price and the Nearby December Futures Contract Price Exhibit BRA-371Simple Example of the Calculations of Marketing Lon Benefits (Probability Distribution) Exhibit BRA-372Negotiating History of Articles 6.3(c) and 6.5 of the SCM Agreement Exhibit BRA-373Loan Deficiency Payment and Price Support Activity as of 12/3/2003 Exhibit BRA-374Crop Year Statistics MY 2002 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Exhibit BRA-375Information Provided by Gerald Estur, ICAC. Exhibit BRA-376About FAPRI, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University Exhibit BRA-377About FAPRI, Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute at the University of Missouri. Exhibit BRA-378About FAPRI, Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute. Exhibit BRA-379CARD Report, 40 Anniversary Commemorative Issue Exhibit BRA-380Food and Agriculture Policy Research Institute Receives USDAs Highest Honor, CARD Press Release, 9 July 2002. Exhibit BRA-381Jeffrey D. McDonald and Daniel A. Sumner. The Influence of Commodity Programs on Acreage Responses to Market Price: With and Illustration concerning Rice Policy in the United States. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, (85) 4 November 2003. Exhibit BRA-382Cotton and Wool Outlook, USDA, 12 December 2003. Exhibit BRA-383Brazil and US Export Data on Export Quantities and Values by Country Exhibit BRA-384Import Prices from Various Countries Exhibit BRA-385Domestic Prices from Various Countries Exhibit BRA-386Brazil and US Export Prices by Country Exhibit BRA-387Brazil Export Prices v A-Index Prices by Country Exhibit BRA-388US Export Prices v A-Index Prices by Country Exhibit BRA-389Brazilian Domestic Price Data Exhibit BRA-390Glickman Proposes Cottonseed Payment Program, USDA News Release, 29 February 2000. Exhibit BRA-391Cost of Ginning and Value of Cottonseed per pound of Cotton Lint Exhibit BRA-392William Duvanant Says: Overproduction Thwarts Cotton price Upturn, Western Farm Press. Exhibit BRA-393Futures Prices as of 19 December 2003 Exhibit BRA-394Agricultural Outlook Tables, USDA, November 2003, Table 19 Exhibit BRA-395Trade Issues Facing the US Cotton Industry, Speech by Dr. Mark Lange, President and CEO, National Cotton Council, 6 January 2004. Exhibit BRA-396Farm Groups Shocked at UC Economists Testimony in ϲʹ Dispute, Western Farm Press, 2 September 2003. Exhibit BRA-397Report of the Commission on the Application of Payment Limitations for Agriculture, August 2003. Exhibit BRA-398Western Farm Press, 7 January 2003  Exhibit BRA-399Acreage Discrepancies.xls Exhibit BRA-400List of Publications of Professors Babcock and Beghin Exhibit BRA-401Second Declaration of Andrew Macdonald, 27 January 2004. Exhibit BRA-402Genetically Engineered Cotton Suffering from Production Problems, Organic Consumers Organization, 11 January 2002. Exhibit BRA-403NCC will Intensify Emphasis for Quality, Yield Answers, Western Farm Press, 3 March 2001. Exhibit BRA-404Benefits - BT Cotton, Monsanto Imagine. Exhibit BRA-405Sample Costs to Produce Cotton Transgenic Herbicide- Resistant Acala Variety, San Joaquin Valley, University of California Cooperative Extension, 2003. Exhibit BRA-406Cotton Cost-Return Budget in Southwest Kansas, Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extensive Service, October 2003. Exhibit BRA-407Documents on Cost of Production Insurance Plan for Cotton. Exhibit BRA-408Export Import Bank of the United States, Standard Repayment Terms. Exhibit BRA-409Ex-Im Bank Fee Schedule.  Exhibit BRA-410Export Insurance Services. Exhibit BRA-411The Federal Scoop: US Government Financing for Service Exports, Export America, May 2003. Exhibit BRA-412Cotton and Wool Situation Outlook and Outlook Yearbook, USDA, November 2003, Table 16. Exhibit BRA-413Agricultural Cash Rents, USDA, NASS, July 1999. Exhibit BRA-414Agricultural Land Values and Cash Rents, USDA, NASS, August 2003. Exhibit BRA-415Agricultural Land Values, USDA, NASS, April 1999. Exhibit BRA-416What is a Farm Bill?, Congressional Research Service, Report for Congress, 5 May 2001. Exhibit BRA-417Commodity Program Entitlements: Deficiency Payments, USDA, May 1993. Exhibit BRA-418Washington Post v. United States Department of Agriculture, 943 F. Supp. 31 (D.D.C. 1996). Exhibit BRA-419Allocation Calculations Based on Brazils Methodology and US Summary Data. Exhibit BRA-420Agricultural Outlook Tables, November 2003, Table 17. Exhibit BRA-421ERS Briefing Room: Farm Income and Costs: US Farm Sector Cash Receipts from Sales of Agricultural Commodities, USDA. Exhibit BRA-422Fruits and Tree Nuts Yearbook, USDA, October 2003, Table A-2. Exhibit BRA-423Vegetables and Melons Yearbook, USDA, July 2003, Table 3. Exhibit BRA-424Allocation Calculations Based on US Methodology and US Summary Data. Exhibit BRA-425Dresser Industries v United States, 596 F.2d 1231 (5th Cir. 1979) Exhibit BRA-426Center for Auto Safety v National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 244 F.3d 144 (DC Cir 2001) Exhibit BRA-427CNA Financial Corporation v Donovan, 830 F.2d 1132 (DC Cir 1987) Exhibit BRA-428United States Department of Justice at al. v Reporters Committee for the Freedom of the Press et al., 489 US 749 (1989) Exhibit BRA-429Metadure Croporation v United States, 490 F. Supp. 1368 (S.D.N.Y. 1990)  Exhibit BRA-430Campaign for Family Farms v Glickman, 200 F.3d 1180 (8th Cir. 2000) Exhibit BRA-431Comparison of US and Brazil's Cash-Basis Accounting Methodologies for Purposes of the Item (j) Analysis Exhibit BRA-432Congressional Budget Office, Fact Sheet, row titled Export Credit Guarantee Program, Subsidy Account Exhibit BRA-433Calculations Acreage Based Methodologies.xls provided in electronic format Exhibit BRA-434Calculations Value Based Methodologies.xls provided in electronic format ANNEX O-2 LIST OF EXHIBITS OF THE UNITED STATES US-1 2002 Farm Security and Rural Investment Act, Public Law 107-171, 116 Stat. 134 (13May 2002) (Title I) US-2 57 Federal Register 14,326 (20 April 1992) US-3 7 C.F.R. Part 1413 (1 January 1993) US-4 7 C.F.R. 1413.6 (1991 ed.) US-5 7 U.S.C. 1444-2 (1992 supp.) US-6 7 C.F.R. Part 1493 (2003) (excerpts) US-7 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, The Chairmans Revised Proposal for a Sector Understanding on Export Credits for Agricultural Products, TD/CONSENSUS(2000)25/REV4 (9 July 2002) US-8 Cairns Group, Negotiating Proposal on Export Competition, JOB(02)/186 (20November2002) US-9 Negotiations on Agriculture: First Draft of Modalities for the Further Commitments, TN/AG/W/1/Rev.1 (18 March 2003) US-10 MERCOSUR et al., Export Credits for Agricultural Products, G/AG/NG/W/139, G/AG/W/50 (21 March 2001) US-11 2 U.S.C. 661 et seq. (2003) US-12 Examples of export credit guarantee program announcements issued pursuant to applicable program regulations (7 C.F.R. 1493.10(d), 1493.400(d)) US-13 Schedule XX United States of America, Part IV, Section II: Export subsidy reduction commitments US-14 2002 Crop Cottonseed Regulations, 68 Federal Register 20,331 (25 April 2003) US-15 Regulations to disburse the 2000 crop cottonseed payment, 65 Federal Register 65,718 (2November 2000) US-16 1999 Crop Cottonseed Program Regulations, 65 Federal Register 36,563 (8June2000) US-17 US Department of Agriculture, Upland Cotton Fact Sheet (September 1992) US-18 USDA budget data (MY1999 & MY2000 marketing loan payments) (www.fsa.usda.gov/dam/BUD/estimatesbook.htm) US-19 Marketing Year 2002 Loan Deficiency Payment and Price Support Cumulative Activity As of 3/12/2003 US-20 Schedule of current fees paid by an exporter participating in either the GSM102 or GSM103 program US-21 Recently updated program documents for the Step 2 program US-22 The Agricultural Market Transition Act, Title I of the Federal Agriculture Improvement Act of 1996, Public Law No. 104-127 (4 April 1996) US-23 The Production Effects of Decoupled Payments, by Dr. Joseph W. Glauber, Deputy Chief Economist, US Department of Agriculture US-24 Calculating the Per-Unit Rate of Support, by Dr. Joseph W. Glauber, Deputy Chief Economist, US Department of Agriculture (22 August 2003) US-25 MTN.GNG/NG5/W/170 (11 July 1990) US-26 MTN.GNG/AG/W/1 (24 June 1991) US-27 MTN.GNG/AG/W/1/Add.1 to Add.11 (2 August 1991) US-28 Uruguay Round Agriculture Negotiations, Discussion Paper, Draft Text on Agriculture (12 December 1991) US-29 Agriculture text of the Draft Final Act, MTN.TNC/W/FA (20 December 1991) US-30 Articles 1 - 3 and the Illustrative List of Export Subsidies within the Draft SCM Agreement of the Draft Final Act, MTN.TNC/W/FA US-31 Budget Summary GSM-102, 103 and Supplier Credit; Subsidy Estimates and Reestimates by Fiscal Year; Fiscal Years 1992 through 2004 US-32 United States Department of Agriculture, Advice of Allotment, Allotment Numbers 01-CCC-47; 02-CCC-28; 02-CCC-27; 03-CCC-26 US-33 Status of Reschedulings for CCC Export Credit Guarantee Program activity for fiscal years 1992-2002 US-34 World Trade (December 1998) US-35 Financial Know-How Pays Off, Journal of Commerce (14 June 1995) US-36 Financial Times (27 January 1994) US-37 Latin Finance, 1 June 1999, Brazil Bounces Back, pg. S16; Trade Finance, 1October2002. Forfaiters Seek Eastern Promise, No. 8, vol. 5, pg. SS7 US-38 US Department of Agriculture, Fiscal Year Actual Budgetary Expenditures by Crop Year (http://www.fsa.usda.gov/dam/BUD/bud1.htm) US-39 US Department of Agriculture, Compliance Report for 1992 Acreage Reduction Program US-40 US Department of Agriculture, Understanding Factors Driving World Cotton Markets is Crucial for Explaining What Affected World Cotton Prices and US Production and Exports between 1995-2002 (2003) US-41 Foreign Agricultural Service, US Department of Agriculture, Export Credits Sales Registration Data US-42 OMB Circular No. A-11, sections 20.5(a); 20.5(f), pages 20-19, 20-22 (July 2003) US-43 OMB Circular No. A-11, Part 4, Instructions on Budget Execution, Section 120.1, page120-2 (July 2003) US-44 Marketing loan rate and A-Index prices, MY 1996-2002 (graph and data) US-45 Harvest season futures prices at planting and US loan rate, MY1996-2002 (graph and data) US-46 Low US Northern Europe quote and A-Index, 1999-2003 (graph and data) US-47 US world market share, MY1995-2003 (graph and data) US-48 Muth, J.F. Rational Expectations and the Theory of Price Movements, Econometrica 29(1961): 315-335. US-49 Gardner, B.L. Futures Prices in Supply Analysis, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 58(1976):81-84. US-50 Chavas, J.P., R.D. Pope, and R.S. Kao. An Analysis of the Role of Futures Prices, Cash Prices and Government Programs in Acreage Response, Western Journal of Agricultural Economics 8(1983): 27-33. US-51 Morzuch, B.J., R.D. Weaver, and P.G. Helmberger. Wheat Acreage Supply Response Under Changing Farm Programs, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 62(1980):29-37. US-52 Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute. FAPRI 2003 US Baseline Briefing Book. FAPRI-UMC Technical Data Report 04-03 (March 2003). US-53 USDA, ERS, Decoupled Payments: Household Income Transfers in Contemporary US Agriculture, M.E. Burfisher and J. Hopkins, Eds. USDA ERS AER Number 822 (February 2003). US-54 Anderson, C.G. Consider Hedging Strategies to Enhance Income Beyond Farm Program Payments. Texas A&M University, Extension Economics, October 2002. US-55 Anderson, J.D., K. Coble, and C. Miller. Protecting the Counter-Cyclical Payment on Cotton. Agricultural Economic and Policy Perspectives, Vol. 1, No. 6 (November2002), Mississippi State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, pp. 3-4. US-56 Sumner, D.A. Implications of the US Farm Bill of 2002 for Agricultural Trade Negotiations, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 47(2003): 99-123, at 114. US-57 Young, C.E., M.. Vandeveer, and R. Schnepf. Production and Price Impacts of US Crop Insurance Programs, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 83(2001): 1196-1203. US-58 Smith, V. and B. Goodwin. Crop Insurance, Moral Hazard and Agricultural Chemical Use, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 78(1996):428-38. US-59 Babcock, B. and D. Hennessy. Input Demand Under Yield and Revenue Insurance, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 78(1996):416-27. US-60 Goodwin, B. and V. Smith. An Ex Post Evaluation of the Conservation Reserve, Federal Crop Insurance, and other Government Programs: Program Participation and Soil Erosion, Journal of Agriculture and Resource Economics 28(2003):201-216. US-61 Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute, Step 2 Analysis Presented to US Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry (1999). US-62 Tokarick, S. Measuring the Impact of Distortions in Agricultural Trade in Partial and General Equilibrium, IMF Working Paper, WP/03/110 (May 2003). US-63 MY1996-2002 Upland Cotton Harvested Area, US and Rest of World (percent change from previous marketing year). US-64 Lin, W., et al.. Supply Response Under the 1996 Farm Act and Implications for the US Field Crops Sector. US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Technical Bulletin No. 1888, Appendix table 21 US-65 Amount and percentage of upland cotton acreage coverage by crop insurance policy US-66 Premiums paid by upland cotton producers US-67 Insurance indemnity payments to upland cotton producers US-68 New York Cotton Futures, Average Daily Closing Prices for December 2003 Contract (chart and data) US-69 US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Cost of Production Estimates; Commodity-Weighted Exchange Rate Estimates US-70 US and Rest of World Exports of Upland Cotton, Year-Over-Year Percent Change, 1996-2002 US-71 US Exports and Domestic Consumption of Upland Cotton, 1996-2002 US-72 US Department of Agriculture, Press Release on Adjusted World Price (18October2003) US-73 Weekly Price Movements: Adjusted World Price, Liverpool A-Index, New York cotton futures, spot market price, January 1996 to present US-74 National Agricultural Statistics Service, Planted Acreage of Selected Crops by Region and State US-75 Chart and Table of US and Brazilian Unit Value Prices to Various Third-Country Markets US-76 Dr. Joseph W. Glauber, US Department of Agriculture, Estimating Cotton Price Volatility US-77 Hennessy, D. The Production Effects of Agricultural Income Support Policies Under Uncertainty. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 80(1998):46-57. US-78 Burfisher, M. and J. Hopkins. Farm Payments: Decoupled Payments Increase Households Well-Being, Not Production. Amber Waves, Vol. 1, Issue 1 (February2003): 38-45. US-79 Ryan, J., C. Barnard, and R. Collender. Government Payments to Farmers Contribute to Rising Land Values. Agricultural Outlook, June-July 2001:22-26. US-80 Barnard, C., R. Nehring, R. Ryan, and R. Collender. Higher Cropland Value from Farm Program Payments: Who Gains? Agricultural Outlook, November 2001:26-30. US-81 US Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service: Acreage (June1999) US-82 Westcott, P.C. and C. E. Young. US Farm Program Benefits: Links to Planting Decisions and Agricultural Markets, Agricultural Outlook, AGO-275, October 2000:10-14. US-83 Young, C.E. and P.C. Westcott. How Decoupled is US Agricultural Support for Major Crops? American Journal of Agricultural Economics 82 (2000):762-767. US-84 McBride, W. Production Costs Critical to Farming Decisions. Amber Waves, Vol. 1, Issue 4 (September 2003):38-45. US-85 Cornejo-Fernandez, Jorge and William D. McBride. Adoption of Bioengineered Crops. Economic Research Service, US Department of Agriculture. AER-810. May 2002. US-86 US Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service: Acreage (June2003):1-3, 18, 25. US-87 Price, G., W. Lin, J.B. Falck-Zepeda, and J. Fernandez-Cornejo. Size and Distribution of Market Benefits from Adopting Biotech Crops. US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. Technical Bulletin No. 1906, November 2003. US-88 International Cotton Advisory Committee, Cost of Production of Raw Cotton, M.Raffiq Chaudhry. Presented at the III Brazilian Cotton Congress, Brazil, 31August2001. US-89 US Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service, Usual Planting Dates and Harvesting Dates for US Field Crops. Agricultural Handbook Number 628. December 1997:1-2, 7-8. US-90 US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service: Cotton Price Statistics (October 2003):18 (table 13) US-91 Detailed Critique of Third-Party Economic Studies US-92 Year-to-date MY2003 A-index prices, daily US-93 US Department of Agriculture, unofficial marketing year 2002 marketing loan payments for soybeans corn, and wheat US-94 US Department of Agriculture, Farm Services Agency, summary of marketing year 2002 enrolled direct and counter-cyclical payment base acres, upland cotton farms US-95 Comparison of MY2002 enrolled direct and counter-cyclical payment base acres for upland cotton to NASS upland cotton planted acres US-96 Total US upland cotton planted acreage, MY2001-2003, by state US-97 US MY2002 upland cotton exports to Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay US-98 E-mail communication from S. Tokarick, International Monetary Fund US-99 Preparatory Committee for the World Trade Organization, Notification Requirements and Formats Under the ϲʹ Agreement on Agriculture, PC/IPL/12, circulated 2December1994 US-100 US Notification, G/AG/N/USA/47, circulated 6 June 2003 US-101 [This exhibit number was not used.] US-102 Excerpts from Exhibit BRA-369 US-103 US Freedom of Information Act US-104 US Department of Agriculture, Decision under FOIA (11 April 2002) US-105 7 C.F.R. 1.14 US- 106 US Department of Agriculture, Farm Services Agency, FOIA Handbook (excerpts) US-107 5 U.S.C. 552a(b) US-108 Excerpt of BRA-316 US-109 Description of electronic file Pfcby.txt. US-110 Description of electronic file Pfcplac.txt. US-111 Description of electronic file Dcpby.txt US-112 Description of electronic file Dcpplac.txt US113 Graphical representation of scope and disclosure of Brazils modeling system US114 Letter from Dr. Bruce Babcock (10 December 2003) US-115 Electronic version of spreadsheets referenced in US Comments Concerning Brazils Econometric Model US-116 Electronic version of spreadsheet referenced in US Comments Concerning Brazils Econometric Model US-117 7 CFR 1427.13 and 1427.19 (2000 ed.) US-118 7 CFR 1427.13 and 1427.19 (2003 ed.) US-119 USDA Office of the Chief Economist, World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (11 December 2003) US-120 USDA, Economic Research Service, Fibers Yearbook, Appendix Table 2, Upland Cotton Supply and Use US-121 US General Accounting Office. Agriculture in Transition: Farmers Use of Risk Management Strategies. GAO/RCED-99-90. April 1999. US-122 Total open interest for all cotton futures contracts on the New York Board of Trade for 18December 2003 US-123 Total open interest for all cotton options contracts on the New York Board of Trade for 18December 2003 US-124 Daily December Futures Closing Prices ($/lb) (New York Board of Trade) US-125 Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards No. 18: Amendments To Accounting Standards for Direct Loans and Loan Guarantees In Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards No. 2, Appendix B: Schedule B, entitled Schedule for Reconciling Loan Guarantee Liability Balances. US-126 Calculations of additional marketing loan facilitated revenue realized per pound of cotton, MY 1998-2003 (partial year) US-127 Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards No. 2: Accounting for Direct Loans and Loan Guarantees, issued 23 August 1993, pp. 187-267 US-128 Chart of data from 1992 to 2003 (as of 30 November 2003) for GSM 102, 103 and SCGP with respect to: (i) cumulative outstanding guarantees; (ii) claims paid; (iii) recoveries made; (iv) revenue from premiums; (v) other current revenue, including interest earned; (vi) interest charges paid; and (vii) administrative costs of running the programmes US-129 Commodity Credit Corporation Consolidated Statement of Net Cost (Note 13) for the Fiscal Year Ended 30 September 2002 US-130 Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Concepts and Standards (May 2002), Appendix E, pages 1140-1141 US-131 Inae Riveras, Brazils Mato Grosso to triple winter cotton area (Reuters 20040120) US-132 Chart, US Crops Cotton supply and utilization, and Baseline US-133 O.A. Cleveland, Cotton Market Weekly, 1/16/04 US-134 Charts of US and Brazilian Export Unit Values to 7 Destinations US-135 Production, Yield, Trade, and Stocks Data, MY99-02 US-136 USDA/FAS US trade data, MY99-03 US-137 World Trade Atlas official Brazilian trade data, MY99-03 US-138 Statement of the United States at the Dispute Settlement Body (9 January 2004) on adoption of the reports in United States Sunset Review of Anti-Dumping Duties on Corrosion-Resistant Carbon Steel Flat Products for Japan US-139 USDA Weekly Cotton Market Review 1/9/04 US-140 USDA Weekly Cotton Market Review 1/23/04 US-141 Charts of Chinese (Domestic, Import, Export) Prices vs. A-Index US-142 NY Board of Trade, NY Cotton Exchange, 27 January 2004 futures data US-143 Memorandum from Larry Mitchell, USDA Farm Services Agency, to Various FSA Offices, Administrators, and Divisions on Release of Restricted Information under the Freedom of Information Act (18 September 1998) US-144 USDA Farm Services Agency, Notice INFO-16: Releasing Lists of Names and Addresses in Response to Requests Under FOIA (1 December 1998) US-145 Contents of four corrected data files submitted on 28 January 2004 US-146 USDA, Commodity Credit Corporation, 58 Federal Register 15755-15756 (24March1993). US-147 Data in response to Panel Question 264(a): Exhibit US-128 on a Fiscal Year/ Cash Basis US-148 Data in response to Panel Question 264(d): Claim Payments/ Recoveries/ Reschedulings on a Fiscal Year/ Cash Basis US-149 United States Department of the Treasury Financial Manual I TFM 2-4600 (December2003) US-150 Annual Review of Fees for USDA Credit Programs,25 March 2003 and 8 April 2002. US-151 United States Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-129 (November 2000), Table of Contents, General Information, Appendix A, Sections I and II. US-152 Commodity Credit Corporation Realized Losses and Appropriations to Restore Such Losses for Fiscal Years 1992-2003 US-153 Summary of Principal Terms, Conditions, and Duration of Each Rescheduling Reflected in Column F of Exhibit US-128 US-154 Partially Corrected Calculations Allocating Decoupled Payments for Upland Cotton Base Acres to Upland Cotton Using Incomplete Annex IV Methodology US-155 Report of the Commission on the Application of Payment Limitations for Agriculture, Chapter 5 (2003) __________ WT/DS267/R/Add.3 Page O- PAGE 22 WT/DS267/R/Add.3 Page O- PAGE 1 WT/DS267/R Page O- PAGE 26 WT/DS267/R/Add.3 Page O- PAGE 25      /& ' 0 1 p q   Q R ! b c - .  23opOPwx#$op h$CJhuh$5CJaJhuh$CJaJhlh$5 hE\h$hlh$CJaJh$CJaJh*h$CJaJh$F    )./mqkd$$Ifl0Y#U0$4 la $$Ifa$gd$$a$gd$#gd$gd$ A/TXYpg $Ifgd$qkd$$Ifl0Y#U0$4 la $$Ifa$gd$0$If^`0gd$& xk xx$Ifgd$$xx$Ifa$gd$#gd$qkd$$$Ifl0Y#U0$4 la& ' 5 ,Zkd($$Ifl0t $ r$44 lap xx$Ifgd$$xx$Ifa$gd$Zkd$$Ifl0t $ r$44 lap 0 1 ? p Zkd$$Ifl0t $ r$44 lap 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