

DS: United States — Restrictions on Imports of Cotton and Man-Made Fibre Underwear

This summary has been prepared by the Secretariat under its own responsibility. The summary is for general information only and is not intended to affect the rights and obligations of Members.


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Summary of the dispute to date

The summary below was up-to-date at


Complaint by Costa Rica.

On 22 December 1995, Costa Rica requested consultations with the United States concerning US restrictions on textile imports from Costa Rica. Costa Rica alleged that these restrictions were in violation of the ATC agreement.


Panel and Appellate Body proceedings

Further to Costa Rica抯 request, the DSB established a panel at its meeting on 5 March 1996. India reserved its third-party rights. On 4 April 1996, the Panel was composed. The report of the panel was circulated to members on 8 November 1996. The Panel found that the US restraints were not valid.

On 11 November 1996, Costa Rica notified its decision to appeal against one aspect of the Panel report. The report of the Appellate Body was circulated to Members on 10 February 1997. The Appellate Body upheld the appeal by Costa Rica on that particular point. The Appellate Body report and the Panel report as modified by the Appellate Body report, were adopted by the DSB on 25 February 1997.


Implementation of adopted reports

At the meeting of the DSB on 10 April 1997, the US informed the meeting that the measure which had been the subject of this dispute had expired on 27 March 1997 and had not been renewed, effectively meaning that the US had immediately complied with the recommendations of the DSB.


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