

DS: Japan — Procurement of a Navigation Satellite

This summary has been prepared by the Secretariat under its own responsibility. The summary is for general information only and is not intended to affect the rights and obligations of Members.


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Summary of the dispute to date

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Complaint by the European Communities.

This request, dated 26 March 1997, is in respect of a procurement tender published by the Ministry of Transport (MoT) of Japan to purchase a multi-functional satellite for Air Traffic Management. The EC contends that the specifications in the tender were not neutral but referred explicitly to US specifications. This meant, the EC contends, that European bidders could effectively not participate in the tender. The EC alleges inconsistency of this tender with Annex I of Appendix I of Japan抯 commitments under the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA). The EC also alleges violations of Articles VI(3) and XII(2) of the GPA.


Mutually agreed solution

On 31 July 1997, the EC notified the Secretariat that a mutually agreed solution had been reached with Japan in this dispute. On 19 February 1998, the two parties communicated the text of their agreement to the DSB.


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