

Current status of disputes

澳门六合彩官网资料 disputes can go through a series of stages. The information below only shows the current statuses of each dispute as reflected in the most recent official notification for the dispute; it does not list the previous stages of a dispute which, in some cases, can be numerous, nor does it list all the panel and Appellate Body reports that have been circulated for disputes where subsequent action was notified. For a listing of the full stages of each dispute please consult this page. For information on statistics concerning disputes, for example on the number of panel or Appellate Body reports issued, please consult this page.

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This summary table is intended to reflect the current status of disputes, based on the most recent event  having taken place in the proceedings for each dispute.  It has been prepared by the Secretariat under its own responsibility and is in no way intended to affect the rights or obligations of 澳门六合彩官网资料 Members.


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