Dispute settlement reports within the framework of GATT 1947

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GATT Dispute Settlement Reports
Disputes Initiated in 1948–1993

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Six volumes

Respondent Subject Document Adoption or circulation date Document code Status
Australia Ammonium Sulphate Working Party Report, The Australian Subsidy on Ammonium Sulphate 03/04/1950 GATT/CP.4/39 Adopted
Australia Glacé Cherries Panel Report, Australia — Imposition of Countervailing Duties on Imports of Glacé Cherries from France and Italy in Application of the Australian Customs Amendment Act 1991 28/10/1993 SCM/178 Unadopted
Belgium Family Allowances (allocations familiales) Panel Report, Belgian Family Allowances 07/11/1952 G/32 Adopted
Belgium Income Tax Panel Report, Income Tax Practices Maintained by Belgium 07/12/1981 L/4424
(see also L/5271)
Brazil EEC Milk Panel Report, Imposition of Provisional and Definitive Countervailing Duties on Milk Powder and Certain Types of Milk from the European Economic Community 28/04/1994 SCM/179 Adopted
Brazil Internal Taxes Working Party Report (First Report),
Brazilian Internal Taxes



Canada Eggs Working Party Report, Canadian Import Quotas on Eggs 17/02/1976 L/4279 Adopted
Canada FIRA Panel Report, Canada — Administration of the Foreign Investment Review Act 07/02/1984 L/5504 Adopted
Canada Gold Coins Panel Report, Canada — Measures Affecting the Sale of Gold Coins 17/09/1985 L/5863 Unadopted
Canada Grain Corn Panel Report, Panel on Canadian Countervailing Duties on Grain Corn from the United States 26/03/1992 SCM/140 and Corr.1 Adopted
Canada Herring and Salmon Panel Report, Canada — Measures Affecting Exports of Unprocessed Herring and Salmon 22/03/1988 L/6268 Adopted
Canada Ice Cream and Yoghurt Panel Report, Canada — Import Restrictions on Ice Cream and Yoghurt 05/12/1989 L/6568 Adopted
Canada Lead and Zinc Panel Report, Canada — Withdrawal of Tariff Concessions (Lead and Zinc) 17/05/1978 L/4636 Adopted
Canada Manufacturing Beef CVD Panel Report, Canada — Imposition of Countervailing Duties on Imports of Manufacturing Beef from the EEC 13/10/1987 SCM/85 Unadopted
Canada Potatoes Panel Report, Exports of Potatoes to Canada 16/11/1962 L/1927 Adopted
Canada Provincial Liquor Boards (EEC) Panel Report, Canada — Import, Distribution and Sale of Alcoholic Drinks by Canadian Provincial Marketing Agencies 22/03/1988 L/6304 Adopted
Canada Provincial Liquor Boards (US) Panel Report, Canada — Import, Distribution and Sale of Certain Alcoholic Drinks by Provincial Marketing Agencies 18/02/1992 DS17/R Adopted
Cuba Consular Taxes Ruling by the Chairman, The Phrase “Charges of any Kind” in Article I:1 in Relation to Consular Taxes 24/08/1948    
Cuba Textiles I Report of Working Party 7 on the Cuban Schedule 13/09/1948 GATT/CP.2/43 Unadopted
Cuba Textiles II Report of Working Party 8 on Cuban Textiles 10/08/1949 GATT/CP.3/82 Unadopted
Customs Unions and Free-Trade Areas The Canada-US FTA , Customs Unions and Free-Trade Areas, Working Party on the Free-Trade Agreement between Canada and the United States 12/11/1991 L/6927 Adopted
EC Article XXVIII , Canada/European Communities — Article XXVIII Rights 16/10/1990 DS12/R  
EC Audio Cassettes Panel Report, EC — Anti-Dumping Duties on Audio Tapes in Cassettes Originating in Japan 28/04/1995 ADP/136 Unadopted
EC Citrus Panel Report, European Community — Tariff Treatment on Imports of Citrus Products from Certain Countries in the Mediterranean Region 07/02/1985 L/5776 Unadopted
EC Poultry (US) Panel Report, European Communities — United Kingdom Application of EEC Directives to Imports of Poultry from the United States 11/06/1981 L/5155 Adopted
EC Sugar Exports (Australia) Panel Report, European Communities — Refunds on Exports of Sugar 06/11/1979 L/4833 Adopted
EC Sugar Exports (Brazil) Panel Report, European Communities — Refunds on Exports of Sugar — Complaint by Brazil 10/11/1980 L/5011 Adopted
EEC Airbus Panel Report, German Exchange Rate Scheme for Deutsche Airbus 04/03/1992 SCM/142 Unadopted
EEC Animal Feed Proteins Panel Report, EEC — Measures on Animal Feed Proteins 14/03/1978 L/4599 Adopted
EEC Apples (Chile I) Panel Report, EEC — Restrictions on Imports of Apples from Chile 10/11/1980 L/5047 Adopted
EEC Apples (Chile II) Panel Report, EEC — Restrictions on Imports of Apples 20/06/1994 DS39/R Unadopted
EEC Apples (US) Panel Report, European Economic Community — Restrictions on Imports of Apples — Complaint by the United States 22/06/1989 L/6513 Adopted
EEC Bananas II Panel Report, EEC — Import Regime for Bananas 11/02/1994 DS38/R Unadopted
EEC Canned Fruit Panel Report, European Economic Community — Production Aids Granted on Canned Peaches, Canned Pears, Canned Fruit Cocktail and Dried Grapes 20/02/1985 L/5778 Unadopted
EEC Copper Scrap Panel Report, European Economic Community — Restrictions on Exports of Copper Scrap 20/02/1990 DS5/R Adopted
EEC Cotton Yarn Panel Report, European Economic Community — Imposition of Anti-Dumping Duties on Imports of Cotton Yarn from Brazil 30/10/1995 ADP/137 Adopted
EEC Dessert Apples Panel Report, European Economic Community — Restrictions on Imports of Dessert Apples — Complaint by Chile 22/06/1989 L/6491 Adopted
EEC Import Restrictions Panel Report, EEC — Quantitative Restrictions Against Imports of Certain Products from Hong Kong 12/07/1983 L/5511 Adopted
EEC Imports of Beef Panel Report, European Economic Community — Imports of Beef from Canada 10/03/1981 L/5099 Adopted
EEC Minimum Import Prices Panel Report, EEC — Programme of Minimum Import Prices, Licences and Surety Deposits for Certain Processed Fruits and Vegetables 18/10/1978 L/4687 Adopted
EEC Newsprint Panel Report, Panel on Newsprint 20/11/1984 L/5680 Adopted
EEC Oilseeds I Panel Report, European Economic Community — Payments and Subsidies Paid to Processors and Producers of Oilseeds and Related Animal-Feed Proteins 25/01/1990 L/6627 Adopted
EEC Oilseeds II Panel Report, European Economic Community — Follow-Up on the Panel Report “Payments and Subsidies Paid to Processors and Producers of Oilseeds and Related Animal-Feed Proteins” 31/03/1992 DS28/R  
EEC Parts and Components Panel Report, European Economic Community — Regulation on Imports of Parts and Components 16/05/1990 L/6657 Adopted
EEC Pasta Subsidies Panel Report, European Economic Community — Subsidies on Export of Pasta Products 19/05/1983 SCM/43 Unadopted
EEC VAT and Threshold Panel Report, Panel on Value-Added Tax and Threshold 16/05/1984 GPR/21 Adopted
EEC Wheat Flour Subsidies Panel Report, European Economic Community — Subsidies on Export of Wheat Flour 21/03/1983 SCM/42 Unadopted
EEC (member States) Bananas I Panel Report, EEC — Member States' Import Regimes for Bananas 03/06/1993 DS32/R Unadopted
France Compensation Tax Contracting Parties Decision, French Special Temporary Compensation Tax on Imports 17/01/1955    
France Import Restrictions Panel Report, French Import Restrictions 14/11/1962 L/1921 Adopted
France Income Tax Panel Report, Income Tax Practices Maintained by France 07/12/1981 L/4423 Adopted
France Wheat Exports Panel Report, French Assistance to Exports of Wheat and Wheat Flour 21/11/1958 L/924 Adopted
Germany Sardines Panel Report, Treatment by Germany of Imports of Sardines 31/10/1952 G/26 Adopted
Germany Starch Duties Panel Report, German Import Duties on Starch and Potato Flour 16/02/1955 W.9/178 Unadopted
Greece Import Duties Panel Report, Increase of Import Duties on Products Included in Schedule XXV (Greece) 03/11/1952 G/27 Adopted
Greece Import Taxes Panel Report, Special Import Taxes Instituted by Greece 03/11/1952 G/25 Adopted
Greece Phonograph Records Group of Experts Report, Greek Increase in Bound Duty 09/11/1956 L/580 Unadopted
Greece USSR Tariff Quotas Working Party Report, Greece — Preferential Tariff Quotas to the USSR 02/12/1970 L/3447 Adopted
India Tax Rebates Ruling by the Chairman, Application of Article I:1 to Rebates on Internal Taxes 24/08/1948    
Italy Agricultural Machinery Panel Report, Italian Discrimination Against Imported Agricultural Machinery 23/10/1958 L/833 Adopted
Jamaica Margins of Preference Panel Report, Jamaica — Margins of Preference 02/02/1971 L/3485 Adopted
Japan Agricultural Products I Panel Report, Japan — Restrictions on Imports of Certain Agricultural Products 02/03/1988 L/6253 Adopted
Japan Alcoholic Beverages I Panel Report, Japan — Customs Duties, Taxes and Labelling Practices on Imported Wines and Alcoholic Beverages 10/11/1987 L/6216 Adopted
Japan Leather (Canada) Panel Report, Japan's Measures on Imports of Leather 10/11/1980 L/5042 Adopted
Japan Leather (US I) Panel Report, Japanese Measures on Imports of Leather 06/11/1979 L/4789 Adopted
Japan Leather (US II) Panel Report, Panel on Japanese Measures on Imports of Leather 15/05/1984 L/5623 Adopted
Japan Semi-Conductors Panel Report, Japan — Trade in Semi-Conductors 04/05/1988 L/6309 Adopted
Japan Silk Yarn Panel Report, Japan Measures on Imports of Thrown Silk Yarn 17/05/1978 L/4637 Adopted
Japan SPF Dimension Lumber Panel Report, Canada/Japan — Tariff on Imports of Spruce, Pine, Fir (SPF) Dimension Lumber 19/07/1989 L/6470 Adopted
Japan Tobacco Panel Report, Japanese Restraints on Imports of Manufactured Tobacco from the United States 11/06/1981 L/5140 Adopted
Korea Beef (Australia) Panel Report, Republic of Korea — Restrictions on Imports of Beef — Complaint by Australia 07/11/1989 L/6504 Adopted
Korea Beef (New Zealand) Panel Report, Republic of Korea — Restrictions on Imports of Beef — Complaint by New Zealand 07/11/1989 L/6505 Adopted
Korea Beef (US) Panel Report, Republic of Korea — Restrictions on Imports of Beef — Complaint by the United States 07/11/1989 L/6503 Adopted
Korea Resins Panel Report, Panel on Korea — Anti-Dumping Duties on Imports of Polyacetal Resins from the United States 27/04/1993 ADP/92 and Corr.1 Adopted
Netherlands Income Tax Panel Report, Income Tax Practices Maintained by The Netherlands 07/12/1981 L/4425
(see also L/5271)

New Zealand Finnish Transformers Panel Report, New Zealand — Imports of Electrical Transformers from Finland 18/07/1985 L/5814 Adopted
Norway Apples and Pears Panel Report, Norway — Restrictions on Imports of Apples and Pears 22/06/1989 L/6474 Adopted
Norway Textiles Panel Report, Norway — Restrictions on Imports of Certain Textile Products 18/06/1980 L/4959 Adopted
Norway Trondheim Toll Ring Panel Report, Panel on Norwegian Procurement of Toll Collection Equipment for the City of Trondheim 13/05/1992 GPR.DS2/R Adopted
Spain Soyabean Oil Panel Report, Spain — Measures Concerning Domestic Sale of Soyabean Oil — Recourse to Article XXIII:2 by the United States 17/06/1981 L/5142 Unadopted
Spain Unroasted Coffee Panel Report, Spain — Tariff Treatment of Unroasted Coffee 11/06/1981 L/5135 Adopted
Sweden AD Duties Panel Report, Swedish Anti-Dumping Duties 26/02/1955 L/328 Adopted
Thailand Cigarettes Panel Report, Thailand — Restrictions on Importation of and Internal Taxes on Cigarettes 07/11/1990 DS10/R Adopted
UK Bananas Panel Report, United Kingdom Waivers — Application in Respect of Customs Duties on Bananas 11/04/1962 L/1749 Unadopted
UK Cotton Textiles Panel Report, United Kingdom Import Restrictions on Cotton Textiles 05/02/1973 L/3812 Adopted
UK Dollar Quotas Panel Report, United Kingdom — Dollar Area Quotas 30/07/1973 L/3843
(see also L/3891)
UK Ornamental Pottery Panel Report, Article I — United Kingdom Waiver (Ornamental Pottery) 19/03/1959 SECRET/105 Unadopted
Uruguay Recourse to Article XXIII Panel Report, Uruguayan Recourse to Article XXIII 16/11/1962 L/1923 Adopted
US Canadian Pork Panel Report, United States — Countervailing Duties on Fresh, Chilled and Frozen Pork from Canada 11/07/1991 DS7/R Adopted
US Canadian Tuna Panel Report, United States — Prohibition of Imports of Tuna and Tuna Products from Canada 22/02/1982 L/5198 Adopted
US Cement Panel Report, United States — Anti-Dumping Duties on Gray Portland Cement and Cement Clinker from Mexico 07/09/1992 ADP/82 Unadopted
US Customs User Fee Panel Reportt, United States — Customs User Fee 02/02/1988 L/6264 Adopted
US CVD (India) Panel Report, Panel on United States Countervailing Dutie 03/11/1981 L/5192 Adopted
US DISC Panel Report, United States Tax Legislation (DISC) 07/12/1981 L/4422
(see also L/5271)
US Dried Figs Contracting Parties Decision, Article XIX — Increase in the United States Duty on Dried Figs 08/11/1952    
US Export Restrictions (Czechoslovakia) Contracting Parties Decision, Article XXI — United States Exports Restrictions 08/11/1952    
US Fur Felt Hats Report on the Withdrawal by the United States of a Tariff Concession under Article XIX of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 22/10/1951 GATT/CP/106 Adopted
US Lead and Bismuth I Panel Report, United States — Imposition of Countervailing Duties on Certain Hot-Rolled Lead and Bismuth Carbon Steel Products Originating in France, Germany and the United Kingdom 15/11/1994 SCM/185 Unadopted
US Magnesium Panel Report, United States — Measures Affecting the Export of Pure and Alloy Magnesium from Canada 09/08/1993 SCM/174 Unadopted
US Malt Beverages Panel Report, United States — Measures Affecting Alcoholic and Malt Beverages 19/06/1992 DS23/R Adopted
US Manufacturing Clause Panel Report, United States Manufacturing Clause 15/05/1984 L/5609 Adopted
US Margins of Preference Contracting Parties Decision, Margins of Preference 09/08/1949    
US MFN Footwear Panel Report, United States — Denial of Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment as to Non-Rubber Footwear from Brazil 19/06/1992 DS18/R Adopted
US Nicaraguan Trade Panel Report, United States — Trade Measures Affecting Nicaragua 13/10/1986 L/6053 Unadopted
US Non-Rubber Footwear Panel Report, United States — Countervailing Duties on Non-Rubber Footwear from Brazil 13/06/1995 SCM/94 Adopted
US Norwegian Salmon AD Panel Report, Imposition of Anti-Dumping Duties on Imports of Fresh and Chilled Atlantic Salmon from Norway 27/04/1994 ADP/87 Adopted
US Norwegian Salmon CVD Panel Report, Imposition of Countervailing Duties on Imports of Fresh and Chilled Atlantic Salmon from Norway 28/04/1994 SCM/153 Adopted
US Section 337 Tariff Act Panel Report, United States Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 07/11/1989 L/6439 Adopted
US Softwood Lumber I Panel Report, Panel on United States Initiation of a Countervailing Duty Investigation into Softwood Lumber Products from Canada 03/06/1987 SCM/83 Unadopted
US Softwood Lumber II Panel Report, Panel on United States — Measures Affecting Imports of Softwood Lumber from Canada 27/10/1993 SCM/162 Adopted
US Sonar Mapping Panel Report, United States — Procurement of a Sonar Mapping System 23/04/1992 GPR/DS1/R Unadopted
US Spring Assemblies Panel Report, United States — Imports of Certain Automotive Spring Assemblies 26/05/1983 L/5333 Adopted
US Sugar Panel Report, United States Restrictions on Imports of Sugar 22/06/1989 L/6514 Adopted
US Sugar Quota Panel Report, United States — Imports of Sugar from Nicaragua 13/03/1984 L/5607 Adopted
US Sugar Waiver Panel Report, United States — Restrictions on the Importation of Sugar and Sugar-Containing Products Applied under the 1955 Waiver and under the Headnote to the Schedule of Tariff Concessions 07/11/1990 L/6631 Adopted
US Superfund Panel Report, United States — Taxes on Petroleum and Certain Imported Substances 17/06/1987 L/6175 Adopted
US Suspension of Obligations , Netherlands Action under Article XXIII:2 to Suspend Obligations to the United States 08/11/1952 L/61 Adopted
US Swedish Steel Panel Report, United States — Imposition of Anti-Dumping Duties on Imports of Seamless Stainless Steel Hollow Products from Sweden 20/08/1990 ADP/47 Unadopted
US Swedish Steel Plate Panel Report, United States — Anti-Dumping Duties on Imports of Stainless Steel Plate from Sweden 24/02/1994 ADP/117 and Corr.1 Unadopted
US Taxes on Automobiles Panel Report, United States — Taxes on Automobiles 11/10/1994 DS31/R Unadopted
US Tobacco Panel Report, United States — Measures Affecting the Importation, Internal Sale and Use of Tobacco 04/10/1994 DS44/R Adopted
US Tuna (Mexico) Panel Report, United States — Restrictions on Imports of Tuna 03/09/1991 DS21/R Unadopted
US Tuna (EEC) Panel Report, United States — Restrictions on Imports of Tuna 16/06/1994 DS29/R Unadopted
US Vitamin B12 Panel Report, Panel on Vitamins 01/10/1982 L/5331 Adopted
US Wine and Grape Products Panel Report, Panel on United States Definition of Industry Concerning Wine and Grape Products 28/04/1992 SCM/71 Adopted
US/EEC Poultry Panel Report, US/EEC — Panel on Poultry 21/11/1963 L/2088 Unadopted
  Border Tax Adjustments Report of the Working Party, Border Tax Adjustments 02/12/1970 L/3464 Adopted