



Index: A  B  C-D  E-F  G-H  I  J  K-L  M-S  T  U-Z 

Brazil — Aircraft (WT/DS46/AB/R); Canada — Aircraft (WT/DS70/AB/R)   back to top

additional procedures (WP 16(1))

need for B.4.1–3

parties’ proposals B.4.1, B.4.2, W.–W.

AB’s decision not to agree to W.

supporting material W.

third participant declarations of non-disclosure W.

third participant designation of approved persons W.

burden of proof

defences and exceptions B.3.3.4

SCM 3.1(a) (Annex I (Illustrative List of Export Subsidies))/SCM 27 (developing countries) B.3.3.4

onus probandi actori incumbit as general principle of evidence, defences/exceptions B.3.3.4

prima facie case B.3.2.4

panel ruling in favour, need for B.3.2.4

refusal to provide information, relevance B.3.2.4

competence (AB) (DSU 17.6)

applicability to individuals on Members’ delegations (including non-government employees) B.4.2–3, C.6.2

Members’ responsibility for ensuring compliance C.6.2

closed session meetings B.4.3

“proceedings” (DSU 17.10) C.6.1

Rules of Conduct, para. VII:1, applicability, AB Members B.4.3, C.6.2, W.2.4.1


applicability to individuals on Members’ delegations (including non-government employees) B.4.2–3, C.6.2

Members’ responsibility for ensuring compliance C.6.2

closed session meetings B.4.3

confidentiality of proceedings (DSU 17.10/DSU 18.2) C.6.2

Rules of Conduct, para. VII:1, applicability to AB Members B.4.3, C.6.2, W.2.4.1

confidentiality of proceedings (DSU 17.10/DSU 18.2), “proceedings” C.6.1

consultation and dispute settlement (AD 17), “matter”, referral to DSB (AD 17.4), identification of measure at issue, need for (DSU 6.2) C.7.2, R.2.3.7

consultations (DSU 4), establishment of panel as prerequisite R.2.4.1

developing countries (special and differential treatment (SCM 27)) S.–4

obligations of developing country Members (SCM 27.4) (phase-out/standstill) S.–4

on basis of level “granted” (SCM 27.4, Footnote 55) S.–3

inflation, relevance S.

as positive obligations S.

“prohibited” subsidy status (SCM 3.1(a)) S.

special and differential nature of treatment S.–4

evidence (admissibility and evaluation in panel proceedings) (DSU 12.1 and Appendix 3), refusal to provide information, burden of proof (effect) B.3.2.4

Illustrative List of Export Subsidies (SCM Annex I)

export credits at rates below actual cost of funds so employed (item (k)) S.2.40.1

“used to secure a material advantage” S.2.40.1

information or technical advice, panel’s right to seek (DSU 13), burden of proof B.3.2.4

payments on export of agricultural product financed by virtue of governmental action (AG 9.1(c)), cost of production, failure to recoup as, SCM Illustrative List of Export Subsidies, items (j) and (k) S.2.40.1

request for establishment of panel (requirements) (DSU 6.2), consultations, indication as to whether held R.2.4.1

“specific measure at issue” (AD 17.4/DSU 6.2), identification as part of the matter referred to the DSB, need for (AD 17.4/DSU 7.1), specific measure the subject of consultations, need for identity with C.7.2, R.2.3.8

Brazil — Aircraft (WT/DS46/AB/R)   back to top

consultations (DSU 4)

measure at issue (DSU 4.4), as identified in request for establishment of panel (DSU 6.2), need for identity with C.7.2, R.2.3.8, S.2.17.1

object and purpose, clarification and development of the facts/agreed solution (SCM 4.3) C.7.2, R.2.4.1, S.2.17.1

consultations (SCM 4.1-4.4)

clarification and development of the facts/agreed solution (SCM 4.3) C.7.2, R.2.4.1, S.2.17.1

measure at issue (DSU 4.4), as identified in request for establishment of panel (DSU 6.2), need for identity with C.7.2, R.2.3.8, S.2.17.1

need for S.2.17.1

municipal law, contractual obligations under, relevance to compliance with 澳门六合彩官网资料 obligations S.2.19.3

“withdrawal of subsidy without delay” (SCM 4.7) S.2.19.3

contractual obligations, relevance S.2.19.3


DSU 21.3 provisions, relevance S.2.19.3

specification by panel S.2.19.3

Brazil — Aircraft (Article 21.5 — Canada) (WT/DS46/AB/RW)   back to top

burden of proof

defences and exceptions, SCM 3.1(a) (Annex I (Illustrative List of Export Subsidies))/SCM 27 (developing countries) B.3.3.6

onus probandi actori incumbit as general principle of evidence, defences/exceptions B.3.3.6

Illustrative List of Export Subsidies (SCM Annex I)

export credits at rates below actual cost of funds so employed (item (k)) S.2.40.2–4

“used to secure a material advantage” S.2.40.2–4

judicial economy, mootness of panel findings M.3.1

mootness of panel findings M.3.1

judicial economy M.3.1

municipal law, defence to breach of international law, whether M.5.2

payments on export of agricultural product financed by virtue of governmental action (AG 9.1(c)), cost of production, failure to recoup as, SCM Illustrative List of Export Subsidies, items (j) and (k) S.2.40.2–4

“withdrawal of subsidy without delay” (SCM 4.7) S.2.19.1

“withdraw” S.2.19.1, S.2.19.12

Brazil — Desiccated Coconut (WT/DS22/AB/R)   back to top

countervailing duties (SCM Part V)

applicable law, entry into force of 澳门六合彩官网资料 Agreement, relevance S.2.41.2

compliance with GATT VI:3 and SCM Agreement (SCM 10) S.2.41.1–2

due process (dispute settlement proceedings)

opportunity to respond to evidence/presentations of other parties D.2.2.1

terms of reference, role D.2.2.1, J.2.1.1, R.2.1.1, T.6.1.2

GATT 1947, continuing relevance under 澳门六合彩官网资料 S.2.41.2

GATT 1994

as agreement distinct from GATT 1947 S.2.41.2

as integral part of 澳门六合彩官网资料 (澳门六合彩官网资料 II:2) S.2.41.2

interpretation of covered agreements

context (VCLT 31(2)) S.2.41.1

GATT VI/SCM Agreement, interrelationship S.2.41.1–2

ordinary meaning S.2.41.1

legal basis of claim (DSU 6.2) (request for establishment of panel), claims and arguments distinguished C.1.1

“matter referred to the DSB” (AD 17.4/DSU 7.1)

identification of specific issues and legal basis of claim/complaint as dual requirements (DSU 6.2) T.6.1.1–2

“measure at issue” (DSU 6.2) as C.1.1, J.2.1.2, R.2.1.1, T.6.1.2

non-retroactivity of treaties (VCLT 28) P.3.4.1, T.5.1.1–2

as general principle of international law P.3.4.1

pre-existing rights, countervailing duties (SCM 32.3) S.2.41.2

SCM Agreement

investigations and reviews of existing measures, initiated … on or after date of entry into force of 澳门六合彩官网资料 Agreement (SCM 32.3) S.2.41.2

retroactivity (VCLT 28) T.5.1.1–2

“specific measure at issue” (AD 17.4/DSU 6.2)

identification as part of the matter referred to the DSB, need for (AD 17.4/DSU 7.1) J.2.1.2

due process right to defend oneself D.2.2.1, J.2.1.1, R.2.1.1, T.6.1.1

terms of reference of panels (DSU 7)

as definition of jurisdiction/legal claims at issue D.2.2.1, J.2.1.1, R.2.1.1, T.6.1.1–2

legal claim included in terms of reference, limitation of jurisdiction to T.6.1.2

due process D.2.2.1, J.2.1.1, R.2.1.1, T.6.1.2

Tokyo Round Subsidies Code, status S.2.41.2

澳门六合彩官网资料 Agreement

conflict between constituent covered agreements, precedence (澳门六合彩官网资料 Annex 1A) S.2.41.1

integral parts (澳门六合彩官网资料 II) S.2.41.1, S.2.41.2

DSU as evidence of S.2.41.2

object and purpose (preamble) S.2.41.2

Brazil — Retreaded Tyres (WT/DS332/AB/R)   back to top

AB procedure, DSB decision extending 60-day period for adopting panel report or filing notice of appeal W.2.0.3

amicus curiae briefs, NGO/association/private individual briefs, discretionary power of panel to accept/reject A.2.1.15

consultations (SCM 4.1-4.4), “statement of available evidence” (SCM 4.2) E.3.1.11

customs unions and free trade areas (GATT XXIV), regional trade agreements and covered trade agreements, interrelationship, MERCOSUR R.1.6.1, R.1.7.1

evidence (admissibility in panel proceedings) (DSU 12.1 and Appendix 3), evidence post-dating establishment of panel E.3.1.11, E.3.2.30

General Exceptions (GATT XX) (chapeau)

application of measure as arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination G.3.11.9

“between countries where the same conditions prevail” R.1.4.2

cause or rationale as relevant factor G.3.12.10–11

compliance with international obligation G.3.12.12–13

effect of discrimination as relevant factor G.3.12.12–13

“disguised restriction on international trade” G.3.11.9–10

prevention of abuses of exceptions as objective G.3.11.9–10

as weighing and balancing process G.3.11.10

judicial economy

panel’s discretionary power to determine which claims must be examined J.1.23

“positive solution to dispute” requirement J.1.23

necessity test (GATT XX(a) and GATT XX(b)) G.3.3A.1–7

availability of alternative 澳门六合彩官网资料-consistent measure G.3.3A.2

complaining party’s obligation to suggest G.3.4A.1

contribution to realization of end pursued (objective-pursued test) G.3.4.2, G.3.4A.1–5, R.1.4.2

“reasonably available”/“reasonably be expected” G.3.4A.1

methodology for determining

panel’s discretion G.3.3A.1

quantitative vs. qualitative test G.3.3A.1, G.3.3A.3

multi-pronged approach G.3.3A.4

order of analysis G.3.3A.5–7, G.3.4A.1

relevant factors, comparison with alternative possibilities including risks G.3.3A.5–7

as weighing and balancing process G.3.3A.5–7, G.3.4A.4

necessity test (GATT XX(d)), necessity test (GATT XX(d)), determination of necessary level of protection, Member’s right of (GATT XX(b)/XX(d)) G.3.3A.7

order of analysis

holistic approach, desirability R.2.3.26

necessity test (GATT XX(A) and GATT XX(b)) G.3.3A.5–7, G.3.4A.1, R.2.3.26

“specific measure at issue” (AD 17.4/DSU 6.2), identification as part of the matter referred to the DSB, need for (AD 17.4/DSU 7.1), assessment by panel in manner formulated by parties R.2.3.27

standard of review (panels) (DSU 11)

alleged disregard or distortion of evidence by panel (“objective assessment of the facts”)

discretion in selection of relevant evidence E.3.2.31–32, S.7.3.39–40

discretion to select which evidence to refer to explicitly E.3.2.32, S.7.3.40

legal characterization of facts and evaluation of evidence distinguished G.3.4A.5

“such other findings as will assist the DSB” (DSU 7.1), judicial economy J.1.23

terms of reference of panels (DSU 7), obligations, to make such findings as will assist the DSB (DSU 7.1) J.1.23

The texts reproduced here do not have the legal standing of the original documents which are entrusted and kept at the 澳门六合彩官网资料 Secretariat in Geneva.