


Index:  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X, Y, Z

The texts reproduced here do not have the legal standing of the original documents which are entrusted and kept at the 澳门六合彩官网资料 Secretariat in Geneva.

balance of payments restrictions

applicability of DSU to disputes

absence of special or additional rule and procedure J.2.1.4

BOP Understanding, Footnote 1 J.2.1.4–7

BOP Understanding, Footnote 1

as aid to interpretation I.3.10.8

applicability of DSU J.2.1.5–6

GATT XVIII:11, Ad Note

“would thereupon produce”/causal relationship B.1.1.1

temporal sequence B.1.1.2

GATT XVIII:11, Proviso (change in development policy), structural measures vs. macroeconomic instruments B.1.2

beef, absence of “constituent data and methodology” (AG 1(a)/Annex 3) A.1.2.2

“benefit” (SCM 14): see calculation of subsidy in terms of benefit to recipient (SCM 14); goods and services/adequacy of remuneration as benefit (SCM 14(d)); government loan (SCM 14(b)), benchmark elements; government provision of equity capital (SCM 14(a)); subsidy, definition (SCM 1), conferral of benefit (SCM 1.1(b))

bilateral agreements

covered agreement status B.2.1

effect on subsequent multilateral agreement B.2.2 I.3.12.3–4 S.2.19A.3

border measures: see measures requiring conversion into ordinary customs duties (AG 4.2), “similar border measures other than ordinary customs duties” (AG 4.2, Footnote 1)

burden of proof B.3.1

additional procedures, need for (WP16(1)) B.4.7 B.4.16


characterization as defence or claim to be proven for purposes of, relevance B.3.1.15 B.3.3.11

comparative difficulties of parties, relevance B.3.1.12

general rule/exception, relationship, SPS 3.1 and 3.3 B.3.1.11

panel’s obligation to specify allocation/moment of allocation B.3.1.18–19 B.3.2.22 B.3.5

in post-suspension situation B.3.5

completion of legal analysis by AB B.3.1.17 C.4.15 C.4.25 C.4.31

conferral of benefit (SCM 1.1(b)) B.3.1.24 S.2.9A.17

contingency in law or in fact (SCM 3.1(a)) B.3.1.8 S.2.14.3 S.2.14.5

cost of production (AG) A.1.22.4

defences and exceptions B.3.3

Enabling Clause B.3.3.8–14

inconsistency with GATT I:1, sufficiency as basis of complaint B.3.3.13–14 E.1.1.4

party’s two-stage obligation to raise and prove B.3.3.12 B.3.3.16

GATS XIV (general exceptions) B.3.3.16

GATT XVIII:11 and Ad Note B.3.3.5

GATT XX B.3.3.1–2 B.3.3.22

measures which result in a higher level of protection (SPS 3.3) B.3.3.3

permissive provision as defence/exception B.3.3.8

rebuttal as parties’ obligation B.3.3.16 C.2.6 S.7.2.6

SCM 3.1(a) (Annex I (Illustrative List of Export Subsidies)), Footnote 59, fifth sentence B.3.3.7

order of analysis O.2.3

SCM 3.1(a) (Annex I (Illustrative List of Export Subsidies))/SCM 27 (developing countries) B.3.3.4 B.3.3.6

double taxation measures, justification S.2.38.3

DSU 21.5 proceedings B.3.1.18–19 B.3.2.22 B.3.5.1 R.4.3.15 R.4.6.2

DSU proceedings S.7.2.25

“due allowance … for differences which affect price comparability” (AD 2.4) A.3.13A.3–4

“fair comparison” (AD 2.4) A.3.12.8–9

government entity status (SCM 1.1(a)(1)) S.2.3A.7 S.2.3A.9

government procurement exception to national treatment requirement (GATT III:8(a)) B.3.1.23 N.1.11A.1

implementation of DSB recommendations and rulings (DSU 21) B.3.5.2

legislation as such challenge B.3.1.13 B.3.2.18 C.4.32–33 L.1.18

legitimate objective (TBT 2.2) T.4.2B.4.8 T.4.2B.4.11

legitimate regulatory distinction (TBT 2.2) T.4.2A.5.15–17

“major proportion of the domestic industry” (AD 4.1/SG 4(1)(c)) A.3.27A.5

market economy conditions (China’s accession protocol) A.1.3 A.1.7

measures necessary to secure compliance with GATT-consistent measure (GATT XX(d)) G.3.5.1

necessity test (GATS XIV(a)) B.3.3.17–19 G.4.3

necessity test (GATT XX(a)) G.3.3A.15

necessity test (GATT XX(d)) B.3.3.22

necessity test (TBT 2.2) T.4.2B.2

obstacles to party’s compliance with obligation B.3.1.22 S.7.2.30

onus probandi actori incumbit as general principle of evidence A.1.34.2 A.1.34.6 A.1.34.8 B.3.1.1 B.3.1.3 B.3.1.11 B.3.1.14 B.3.1.18 B.3.3.17–19 B.3.4.5 G.4.3.1

defences/exceptions B.3.3

panel’s obligations

clarification for parties of requirements relating to burden of proof E.3.2.36

correct application of rule B.3.1.5 B.3.1.18–19 R.4.3.15

gathering and analysis of factual data S.2.19B.5.6 S.7.3.22

identification of where burden lies B.3.1.9

separate findings on each element of claim[s] B.3.1.10

specification of allocation B.3.1.18–19 B.3.5

specification of moment of determination on allocation B.3.2.22

panel’s right to draw on arguments and facts adduced by respondent B.3.1.6 B.3.2.23 B.3.3.20 S.4.7

panel’s right to seek information and advice (DSU 13/SPS 11.2), relevance B.3.1.6 B.3.1.22 B.3.2.3 B.3.2.21 S.4.7 S.4.22 S.7.2.30 S.7.2.31 S.7.3.8

expert evidence/experts, timing of request for B.3.2.5

party’s obligation to identify relevant provisions of legislation B.3.1.16 E.3.2.5

presumption of consistency of measure with 澳门六合彩官网资料 obligations A.1.34.2 B.3.1.14 M.5.8

clarity/ambiguity of measure L.1.11 M.5.8

as general principle of evidence B.3.1.1 B.3.1.18–19

party’s obligation to demonstrate inconsistency in relation to each element of claim B.3.2.13

presumption of good faith compliance with DSU recommendations and rulings B.3.5.1 P.3.1.17 R.4.6.2

prima facie case B.3.1.14 B.3.2 S.1.36.3

alternatives to DSU 11 as basis of claim in relation to B.3.2.19

closely-related provisions (GATT II:1(b) and II:2(a)) B.3.3.21

evidence and legal arguments in support of claim, need for B.3.2.7 B.3.2.14–17 B.3.2.20

examination of respondent’s defence and evidence, timing B.3.2.6

hypothetical claims, need to address B.3.2.9–11

panel ruling in favour of party presenting case, need for B.3.2.2 B.3.2.4 B.3.2.9

panel’s duty not to make case for complaining party B.3.1.6 B.3.1.7 B.3.2.3 B.3.3.20 R.4.3.15 S.4.7 S.4.11 S.4.20 S.7.2.14 S.7.2.25 S.7.3.8 S.7.3.48

as precondition to ruling on claim B.3.2.13 B.3.2.17 B.3.5.1 R.4.6.2

proof of fact distinguished B.3.2.8


complaining party’s obligation to present additional arguments and evidence B.3.3.21

responding party’s obligation G.4.3.1–2 S.1.36.3 T.4.2A.3

refusal to provide information, relevance B.3.2.4

text of legislation, sufficiency B.3.1.13 B.3.1.18 B.3.2.12 B.3.2.18

procedures, modification W.3.3

“reasonable interval” (TBT 2.12) T.4.6.4–8

“reasonable period of time” (DSU 21.3) ARB.4.2.10 ARB.5.6.4 ARB.5.6.21 ARB.6

non-澳门六合彩官网资料 obligations, relevance ARB.5.15.1–4

responding party’s obligation in respect of own case B.3.1.4

reversal in case of establishment of prima facie case B.3.1.1–2 B.3.1.18

reversal in case of export subsidy commitments: see export subsidy commitments (prevention of circumvention (AG 10.1)), reversal of burden of proof

reversal in respect of presumption of nullification or impairment (DSU 3.8) N.3.2–3

review of continuing need for countervailing duties (SCM 21.2) S.2.31.1–2

serious prejudice information procedures (SCM Annex V) S.2.40A.7

single entity status (AD 6.10) A.

SPS measures B.3.3.3 S.6.6.3 S.6.7.1–3 S.6.18.8 S.7.9.4

standard of proof B.3.2.1–2 B.3.2.9–10 B.3.2.18

conflicting outcomes with similar probabilities B.3.1.20–21 S.2.39.10

“evidence which further convinced [the Panel]” B.3.1.20 S.2.39.10

substitution of AB’s assessment, exclusion S.7.3.11A S.7.3.11A S.7.3.19

trade-restrictive measures (TBT 2.2) T.4.2B.7.3

“treatment no less favourable” (TBT 2.1) T.4.2A.3

unforeseen developments ((GATT XIX:1(a))) S.1.22.3

wording of measure in absence of evidence S.7.2A.7

business confidential information (BCI) B.4

see also additional procedures (WP 16(1)); confidential information (AD 6.5); confidentiality of proceedings (DSU 17.10/DSU 18.2)

Additional Procedures to Protect Sensitive Information (10 August 2010)

adoption B.4.5

designation of approved persons B.4.9

exclusion of BCI/HSBI information from oral hearings/release of videotapes B.4.10

provision of BCI to third participants with request to treat as confidential B.4.12

Additional Procedures to Protect Sensitive Information (15 April 2011) B.4.14

Additional Procedures (10 August 2010) as basis B.4.15 B.4.16

proposed modifications B.4.17

designation of approved persons B.4.18

exclusion of BCI/HSBI information from oral hearings/release of videotapes B.4.20

applicability of DSU 18.2 B.4.12 C.6.5

business confidential information (BCI) and highly sensitive business information (HSBI) distinguished B.4.6

indefinite retention in appellate record B.4.17

third party access to HSBI B.4.8

withdrawal of HSBI, AB’s right to draw inferences B.4.8

notification/verification of inclusion/absence of BCI/HSBI from report B.4.11 B.4.17 B.4.21

open oral hearing W.

panel’s obligation to respect rights of third parties B.4.3 B.4.4

Procedures Governing Business Confidential Information (BCI) B.4.1 B.4.5