


Index:  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X, Y, Z

The texts reproduced here do not have the legal standing of the original documents which are entrusted and kept at the 澳门六合彩官网资料 Secretariat in Geneva.

waivers W.1

decision granting, requirements W.1.4

exceptional nature W.1.3 W.1.4

Lomé waiver L.3.1 W.1.1–3

weighted average: see determination of dumping (AD 2), calculation of administrative, selling and general costs and profits (AD 2.2.2), “weighted average” (AD 2.2.2(ii)); determination of dumping (AD 2), calculation of margins of dumping (AD 2.4), comparison of weighted average normal value with weighted average of all comparable export transactions; dumping/margin of dumping, definition/constituent elements (AD 2.1/GATT VI:1); imposition and collection of AD duties (AD 9), calculation of “all other” AD duty rate (AD 9.4), weighted average margin of dumping established with respect to investigated exporters as ceiling (AD 9.4(i))

withdrawal of appeal: see AB procedure, withdrawal of appeal (WP 30(1)); notice of appeal, requirements (WP 20(2))

withdrawal or modification of measure (DSU 3.7): see implementation of DSB recommendations and rulings (DSU 21)

“withdrawal of subsidy without delay” (SCM 4.7) S.2.19

see also actionable subsidies (SCM Part III); adverse effects (SCM 5.1)

applicability of remedy

extinguished or extracted subsidies S.2.19.12 S.2.19C.3

subsidies found to be prohibited S.2.19.12

contractual obligations, relevance S.2.19.3

full withdrawal, need for R.4.3.11

obligation of parties to accept recommendation R.4.3.7–9

partial withdrawal, effect S.2.19D.6–7

sufficiency of evidence for completion of analysis S.2.19.13


DSU 21.3 provisions, relevance S.2.19.3

insufficiency of facts in Panel Report for AB to specify C.4.27 S.2.19.5

specification by panel R.4.3.7 S.2.19.3 S.2.19.10

“withdraw” S.2.19.1 S.2.19.12

“without delay” S.2.19.2

withdrawal of subsidy/removal of adverse effects (SCM 7.8) S.2.19C

as double-pronged option S.2.19C.2

expired measure, applicability to I.0.1 S.2.19.12 S.2.19C.2 S.2.19C.3

prospective nature S.2.19C.2

recurring annual payments (DSU 21.5 compliance requirement) R.4.1.30

as special or additional rule (DSU 1.2) S.2.19C.2

Working Procedures (Appellate Review) (DSU 17.9)

see also competence (AB) (DSU 17.6)

amendment (16 August 2010) (applicability to appeals initiated on or after 15 September 2010) W.2.1.3

appellant’s submission: see AB procedure, appellant’s submission

appellee’s submission (WP 22): see AB procedure, appellee’s submission (WP 22)

composition of delegation

legal representation, importance P.4.2

Member’s right to determine W.

concurring opinion: see concurring opinion (DSU 17.11/WP 3(2))

confidentiality (Rules of Conduct, para. VII:1): see confidentiality of proceedings (DSU 17.10/DSU 18.2), Rules of Conduct, para. VII:1

determination by Appellate Body (DSU 17.9) A.2.1.7 A.2.2.5

amendment by AB A.2.1.7

fairness and orderly procedure requirement (DSU 16(1)) W.2.6A.1.2 W.2.6A.1.3

multiple appeals (WP 23): see multiple appeals (WP 23)

notice of appeal (WP 20(2)): see notice of appeal, requirements (WP 20(2))

object and purpose, fair, prompt and effective resolution of disputes B.3.1.17 C.4.25 W.2.1.1–2

obligation to observe S.3.1.1 W.2.8

oral hearing (WP 27): see oral hearing (WP 27)

Rules of Conduct: see Rules of Conduct (WP 8/WP Annex II)

separate opinion (WP 3(2)/DSU 17.11): see separate opinion (WP 3(2)/DSU 17.11)

third participants (DSU 17.4/WP 24): see third participants (AB proceedings (DSU 17.4/WP 24))

time-limits: see AB procedure, dates and deadlines

transition (WP 15): see transition (WP 15)

transmission “forthwith” of complete record of panel proceeding to AB (WP 25(1)) B.4.13

transmittal of record (WP 25): see transmittal of record (WP 25)

Working Procedures (Appellate Review) (DSU 17.9), Rules

3(1) W.2.2

3(2) W.2.3 W.2.3A

4 B.4.8

8 W.2.4

limitation of remedy to subsidies found to be prohibited S.2.19.12

13 W.2.5 W.

15 W.2.5A

16 W.2.6.1 W. W.

16(1) A.2.3.1–3 B.4.5 W.2.2.1 W.2.6.1 W. W. W. W. W. W.–16

16(2) W.2.10.1

18(1) W.2.6A.1

18(2) B.4.8

18(5) W.2.6A.2

20 C.1.8 W.2.7 W. W. W. W.

20(1) W.

20(2) W. W.

20(2)(d) W.–4 W. W.

20(2)(d)(ii) W. W.2.8.2–3

21 W.2.7A

21(1) W.2.7A.1

22 C.4.21 C.5.3 W.2.7B W. W.

23 C.4.21 C.5.3 W.2.7A W.2.7B.1 W.2.8 W. W.

23(1) S.3.1.1

23(2) W.

23(2)(c)(ii) W. W. W.

23(2)(c)(ii)(B) W. W.2.8.2–3

23(4) S.3.1.1

24 B.4.8 W.2.9 W. W.

24(1) L.0.1 W. W.

24(2) W.

24(4) W.2.9.14 W.2.9.15 W.2.9.16

25 W.2.5A.1W.2.9A.1

25(1) B.4.13 S.3.1.9

25(2) S.3.1.9

26 W.2.10

27 C.6.4 R.4.0.12 W.2.11 W. W. W.2.12.1 W.2.12.2 W.2.12.3

27(3) W.2.9.1

28 W.2.12

28(1) W.2.12.7–9

30 W.2.13

30(1) W. W. W. W. W.2.13.2

Working Procedures (panel) (DSU 12.1 and Appendix 3) W.3

see also panel procedures (DSU 12.1 and Appendix 3)

working schedule (requests for modification of dates and deadlines) (WP 16(2)) W.2.6.2

see also AB procedure, dates and deadlines; AB reports, timing of circulation (DSU 17.5/WP 26)

World Customs Organization (WCO), decisions as aid to interpretation of Schedules of Tariff Concessions T.1.2.2

澳门六合彩官网资料 Agreement

conflict between constituent covered agreements, precedence (澳门六合彩官网资料 Annex 1A) S.2.41.1 S.2.41.4 S.5.2–4

conformity of domestic law: see conformity of domestic laws, regulations and administrative procedures with AD provisions, obligation to ensure (AD 18.4); conformity of domestic laws, regulations and administrative procedures with 澳门六合彩官网资料, obligation to ensure (澳门六合彩官网资料 XVI:4)

decision-making/exclusive authority of Ministerial Conference and General Council to adopt 澳门六合彩官网资料/MTA interpretations (澳门六合彩官网资料 IX:2) W.4.1A

integral parts (澳门六合彩官网资料 II) G.2.1.3 I.3.7.7 S.2.41.1 S.2.41.2

see also AG Agreement, Schedules of Commitments (AG 3) [and AG Annex 3], incorporation into AG 3 and 6, as integral part of the GATT 1994 (AG 3.1); Anti-Dumping Agreement (AD)/GATT 1994 VI, relationship, AD Agreement and GATT 1994 as integral part of 澳门六合彩官网资料 Agreement; GATT 1994, incorporation into 澳门六合彩官网资料 (澳门六合彩官网资料 Annex 1A); Schedules of Concessions (GATT II), as integral part of the GATT 1994 (澳门六合彩官网资料 II:2)

accession protocol (China) A.1.8 A.1.9

applicability of preamble to all covered agreements W.4.1.1

DSU as evidence of S.2.41.2

Multilateral Agreements on Trade in Goods (澳门六合彩官网资料 Annex 1A) A.1.38.10

interpretation: see decision-making/exclusive authority of Ministerial Conference and General Council to adopt 澳门六合彩官网资料/MTA interpretations (澳门六合彩官网资料 IX:2)

object and purpose (preamble) A.0.2.10 E.1.5.1 G.3.7.3 I.3.6 N.1.4.1 S.2.41.2 W.4.1.1

balance between trade- and non-trade-related concerns A.0.2.10

澳门六合彩官网资料 dispute settlement system: see DSU, obligatory recourse to (DSU 23)