
The following tables provide statistical information on appeals in the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ.

The pages on this web site regarding the Appellate Body and the Appellate Body Secretariat are intended solely for information. These pages do not constitute an authoritative interpretation of the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Agreements, including the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes, or the Working Procedures for Appellate Review.

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Table 1 

APPEALS FILED: 1995–2014  

Year Notices of Appeal filed Appeals in original proceedings Appeals in Article 21.5 proceedings
1995 0 0 0
1996 4 4 0
1997 6a 6 0
1998 8 8 0
1999 9b 9 0
2000 13c 11 2
2001 9d 5 4
2002 7e 6 1
2003 6f 5 1
2004 5 5 0
2005 10 8 2
2006 5 3 2
2007 4 2 2
2008 13g 10 3
2009 3 1 2
2010 3 3 0
2011 9 9 0
2012 5 5 0
2013 1 1 0
2014 9h 8 1
Total 129 109 20

a. This number includes two Notices of Appeal that were filed at the same time in related matters, counted separately: EC— Hormones (Canada) and EC — Hormones (US). A single Appellate Body report was circulated in relation to those appeals.

b. This number excludes one Notice of Appeal that was withdrawn by the United States, which subsequently filed another Notice of Appeal in relation to the same panel report: US— FSC.

c. This number includes two Notices of Appeal that were filed at the same time in related matters, counted separately: US— 1916 Act (EC) and US— 1916 Act (Japan). A single Appellate Body report was circulated in relation to those appeals.

d. This number excludes one Notice of Appeal that was withdrawn by the United States, which subsequently filed another Notice of Appeal in relation to the same panel report: US— Line Pipe.

e. This number includes one Notice of Appeal that was subsequently withdrawn: India— Autos; and excludes one Notice of Appeal that was withdrawn by the European Communities, which subsequently filed another Notice of Appeal in relation to the same panel report: EC— Sardines.

f. This number excludes one Notice of Appeal that was withdrawn by the United States, which subsequently filed another Notice of Appeal in relation to the same panel report: US— Softwood Lumber IV.

g. This number includes two Notices of Appeal that were filed at the same time in related matters, counted separately: US – Shrimp (Thailand) and US – Customs Bond Directive. A single Appellate Body report was circulated in relation to those appeals.

h. This number includes two Notices of Appeal that were filed at the same time in three related matters, counted separately: China – Rare Earths.


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Table 2 



All Panel Reports Reports of Panels other than those established pursuant to DSU Article 21.5b Reports of Panels established pursuant to DSU Article 21.5

Year of adoption

Panel Reports adoptedc Panel Reports appealedd Percentage of Panel Reports appealede Panel Reports adopted Panel Reports appealed Percentage of Panel Reports appealed Panel Reports adopted Panel Reports appealed Percentage of Panel Reports appealed
1996 2 2 100% 2 2 100% 0 0 -
1997 5 5 100% 5 5 100% 0 0 -
1998 12 9 75% 12 9 75% 0 0 -
1999 10 7 70% 9 7 78% 1 0 0%
2000 19 11 58% 15 9 60% 4 2 50%
2001 17 12 71% 13 9 69% 4 3 75%
2002 12 6 50% 11 5 45% 1 1 100%
2003 10 7 70% 8 5 63% 2 2 100%
2004 8 6 75% 8 6 75% 0 0 0%
2005 20 12 60% 17 11 65% 3 1 33%
2006 7 6 86% 4 3 75% 3 3 100%
2007 10 5 50% 6 3 50% 4 2 50%
2008 11 9 82% 8 6 75% 3 3 100%
2009 8 6 75% 6 4 67% 2 2 100%
2010 5 2 40% 5 2 40% 0 0 -
2011 5 5 63% 8 5 63% 0 0 -
2012 18 11 61% 18 11 61% 0 0 -
2013 4 2 50% 4 2 50% 0 0 -
2014 15 13 87% 13 11 85% 2 2 100%
Total 201 136 68% 172 115 67% 29 21 72%

a No panel reports were adopted in 1995.

b Under Article 21.5 of the DSU, a panel may be established to hear a "disagreement as to the existence or consistency with a covered agreement of measures taken to comply with the recommendations and rulings" of the DSB upon the adoption of a previous panel or Appellate Body report.

c The Panel Reports in EC – Bananas III (Ecuador), EC – Bananas III (Guatemala and Honduras), EC – Bananas III (Mexico), and EC – Bananas III (US) are counted as a single panel report. The Panel Reports in US – Steel Safeguards, in EC – Export Subsidies on Sugar, and in EC – Chicken Cuts, are also counted as single panel reports in each of those disputes.

d Panel reports are counted as having been appealed where they are adopted as upheld, modified, or reversed by an Appellate Body report. The number of panel reports appealed may differ from the number of Appellate Body reports because some Appellate Body reports address more than one panel report.

e Percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number.