ࡱ> Y YbjbjWW )l==?K]829(8888888888$(:<99]88]]]8888]]"]1p88Tu8*World Trade OrganizationWT/COMTD/18 23 March 1999(99-1171)Committee on Trade and Development SEMINAR ON ELECTRONIC COMMERCE AND DEVELOPMENT, 19 FEBRUARY 1999 Summary Report At the request of Members, the Committee on Trade and Development held a seminar on electronic commerce and development. The seminar was organized under the headings: "Potential for Electronic Commerce for Businesses in Developing Countries" and "Infrastructure and Regulatory Issues at the Government Level". In the absence of the Chairman of the Committee, the seminar was chaired by Mr. A. Hoda, Deputy Director-General. The list of speakers is given in Annex I. Opening Remarks by Chairperson 1. Mr. Hoda, welcomed the delegates and speakers. He noted that seminars and symposia were not a regular feature in the ϲʹ, but exceptions needed to be made for new and important subjects like electronic commerce and that this seminar was being organized on the specific request of delegates. He also noted that in the past, papers on the subject of e-commerce and development had been submitted by the delegations of Egypt1 and the US2. A background note had also been brought out by the ϲʹ Secretariat3 with the following main conclusions which he hoped would be built upon during the seminar: (i) Electronic Commerce is useful to both producers and consumers in developing countries as it helps them overcome the traditional barriers of distance from markets and lack of information about market opportunities. Producers and traders no longer need to maintain physical establishments requiring large capital outlays. Virtual shops and contact points on the Internet may enable storage close to the production site and distribution can be made directly to the consumer. Increased advertising possibilities world wide may help small and medium industries and businesses in developing countries that traditionally find it difficult to reach the customer abroad. E-Commerce may also enable such firms to eliminate middlemen while trying to sell their products abroad. (ii) A well functioning and modern telecom infrastructure, satisfactory supply of electricity and access to hardware, software and servers are basic requirements for ecommerce. Widespread access to telecommunications at low prices and availability of telecom equipment at international prices can enhance the capacity of countries to participate in e-commerce. (iii) E-Commerce makes it possible for consultancy type work such as software development to be carried out in the developing countries from where the consultants come rather than in the country where the service is demanded. This should facilitate sale of services in which the developing country has a comparative advantage which it has not been able to utilise fully because of restrictions on the movement of natural persons. This should be a net benefit to the exporting country both in terms of income and retained earnings. (iv) Trade and business communications through electronic means give rise to a number of legal issues. For instance if a service was sold over the Internet across countries in which geographical location can the transaction be deemed to have occurred? This question may be important from the point of view of consumer protection and establishing the jurisdiction. Furthermore electronic transactions require electronic contracts and electronic signatures which have not been provided for in the contract laws of many countries. Most developing countries that wished to participate in electronic commerce needed to undertake major legislative reforms in this regard. 2. The Chairperson remarked that the seminar had been organized with a view to deepening the understanding of the issues involved. He hoped that it would give rise to ideas among delegates for taking the Work Programme on Electronic Commerce forward. He thanked the Canadian Government for their financial contribution towards meeting the costs of the seminar. potential for electronic commerce for business in developing countries Morning Session Mr. Christiaan van der Valk, Deputy Director of Policy & Business Practices, International Chamberof Commerce 3. According to Mr. van der Valk, the ICC programme on e-commerce, which had been in place for the past three years, had two main features: (i) an emphasis on the concept of industry self-regulation in e-commerce; (ii) promotion of the e-commerce action plan of the Alliance for Global Business (AGB). 4. With regard to the first, the ICC believed that e-commerce was a business system that had grown very quickly without regulation. This meant that self regulation was likely to bring in greater returns than ever. With a view to helping the e-commerce sector regulate itself the ICC provided certain services that facilitated individuals and businesses in developing countries to switch from traditional business transactions to electronic transactions. One type of service, called "E-Terms", made available a repository of rules and terms used in international trade that were capable of being directly incorporated into contracts. Another service provided small companies anywhere in the world with legal resources that enabled them to draw up international contracts easily. Another service, provided by to the International Bureau of Chambers of Commerce, enabled member Chambers of Commerce to provide help to SMEs in listing their products or services on the Internet. 5. With regard to the second feature of ICC's programme, the speaker explained that the AGB was a coordinating mechanism for a group of organizations that had made e-commerce one of their areas of priority for the next few years. Members of the body included the Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD, the Global Information Infrastructure Commission, the WorldInformation Technologies and Services Alliance, the International Telecommunications User Group and the ICC. At the OECD Ottawa Conference on e-commerce, in 1998, the AGB had developed a global e-commerce action plan which presented a business perspective on areas where governments needed to take the initiative and those where they needed to allow business to lead. A technical issue like digital signatures was an area where it would be much easier for business to take the lead in making detailed rules. On the other hand, governments had to lead in such areas as promoting competition, reinforcing the sanctity of contracts, protecting intellectual and physical property and protecting societal values. 6. According to the speaker, the preliminary recommendations of the AGB (not yet ratified by all AGB members) on the role of the ϲʹ and its member governments in e-commerce were: - to inform society about the impact of e-commerce; - to provide a stable and predictable legal environment; - to continue to gather and analyse data on e-commerce; - to promote market entry opportunities for SMEs through e-commerce; - to coordinate action on e-commerce with other intergovernmental organizations; - to expand participation of business in policy discussions; - to support skills development programmes especially in developing countries; - to promote competition in telecommunication and information markets; - to encourage and support business self regulation in e-commerce; and - to promote the use of e-commerce within government itself. Mr. Saada Baila Ly, Superintendent Telecoms, Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinea (CBG), Guinea 7. Mr. Ly gave a short description of the CBG, as a 26 year old joint venture between a US multinational and the Government of Guinea for extracting bauxite for export to the US, Canada and Germany. The company had an annual turnover of US$ 350 million with exports totalling 13 million metric tonnes per year. 8. He explained that CBG used its own telecommunications network to facilitate communication between various units of the company within and outside the country as well as with its purchasers in Germany and Canada. This network was independent of the domestic telecommunications network of Guinea which, despite liberalization, was very poor. The company's independent telecommunications network enabled it to communicate with its buyers abroad, order supplies of equipment and spare parts needed for the company's 24-hour operations, conduct all the logistics operations of the company including processing of orders, inventory management, financial management with the company headquarters in Pittsburgh, USA and the processing headquarters in Brussels, and provide email service to company personnel. 9. CBG's telecommunication infrastructure was basically an Intranet making use of the Intelsat Business Service (IBS). The company's mining and processing units in Guinea were connected via satellite to the United States and thence by sea cable to Brussels. The Company headquarters at Pittsburgh used a teleport that provided a gateway to the rest of the world. 10. According to Mr. Ly, the superior communications service provided through the intranet saved time spent in trying to keep in touch with clients, suppliers of primary material for the company (heavy fuel), and equipment suppliers. It also enabled quick monitoring of ships that arrived and left Guinea carrying the company's produce, which otherwise could be delayed, leading to large financial losses for the company. Mr. Phillipe D. Monnier, Co-founder and Director, Eurka Cybertrading SA, Switzerland. 11. Mr. Monnier explained that his company was established in 1996 and sold products such as (brand name neckties and music scores) over the Internet that were very costly in countries such as Japan but available relatively cheaply in Switzerland, France and Italy. The company today had 15websites in Japan; it also sold goods in Switzerland and other parts of Europe. Customers were usually familiar with their products as they would have seen them in local shops. However, Eurka sold them approximately 30 per cent cheaper than the local prices and so there was no shortage of demand. The company comprised just five persons, and the speaker emphasized that none of them had a background in computer sciences. 12. The company began by studying the operations of already established companies like CDNOW, a US company that sold CDs over the Internet which had a very good, user friendly website. However, CDNOW had been incurring financial losses and Eurka had tried to identify the reasons for the losses and avoid repeating them. 13. According to the speaker, the company initially held about 100 conferences in Japan which helped create a first pool of clients. This in turn helped generate further customers. The company's success also led to consultancy offers from big firms like Migros in Switzerland and from other small companies. Some of these consultancy reports had also led to books on e-commerce. 14. Mr. Monnier explained the advantages of the Internet for commercial transactions. It was a multimedia system which could provide video and audio output along with text; it was world wide so that at a very small cost a business could have access to clients from across the world. It was open 24hours and the website could be easily modified. Websites could also be easily customised to suit the requirements of particular businesses. 15. However, the speaker also pointed to certain disadvantages of doing business transactions over the Internet: - the (false) perception that using a credit card on the Web meant risking the loss of secrecy of its number reduced the volume of transactions. Eurka had avoided accepting payments online and rather accepted payments by traditional methods after delivery. This boosted customer confidence and though the company was liable to greater risk of default, in practice, the rate of non payment had been almost zero; - the problem of low band width on the Internet, which could create problems if the website was heavily loaded with audio and visual effects; - lack of customer traffic, customer trust (as the good being sold cannot be evaluated physically) and credibility. These were issues that do not exist for a business located, say, in a well known shopping area. The speaker believed that to persuade a large amount of customers to visit a website was normally very expensive to do on the Internet. This was one reason why companies like CDNOW and Amazon had been incurring losses; - the problem of ubiquity in e-commerce, that prevented geographical earmarking of the market between two or more online dealerships of the same product and could discourage famous brands from e-marketing; - the problem of uniform pricing so that a seller of goods on the Web can have only one price across the world, whereas in the traditional method a product could be priced differently in different countries; - the problem of logistics - a person selling goods on the Web must realise that the job of packaging, despatching on time, and handling returned goods (as done by mail order companies) was a very specialised one. 16. The speaker gave the example of "Boxman", a Swedish company selling CDs over the Web that had succeeded in getting the requisite publicity without spending too much money. This company had motivated some famous singers, journalists and businessmen to buy a nominal amount of company shares and had then advertised the fact of their 'ownership' extensively which had generated enormous publicity for the company. 17. Mr. Monnier felt that for developing countries, e-commerce represented a tremendous opportunity and that there was no need to have a sophisticated technical infrastructure. Success in ecommerce depended more on business sense than on the sophistication of the website. For example, the website of Boxman, the Swedish CD company, had fewer frills than CDNOW's site, yet the former had made profits from the beginning and the latter had not. Finally, the speaker felt that the role of Government in promoting the use of the Internet end e-commerce was crucial and Singapore was a good example of the same. Mr. Ayisi Makatiani, Chief Executive Director, Africa Online Holdings Ltd., Kenya 18. Mr. Makatiani explained that Africa Online began in 1994 in Boston, US and Nairobi, Kenya with the objective of reducing the gap between expatriate Africans and Africa and also improving the access of Africans to current international news. Initially, daily news from Nairobi was sold to buyers among expatriates in the United States and soon the process was reversed with Reuters news being sold to buyers in Kenya. Later, the company expanded to Ivory Coast and Ghana and then to Tanzania and Zimbabwe in 1997. According to Mr. Makatiani, the website had 10 million hits per month, the company had 250 employees, the annual turnover was in tens of millions of dollars and there were 150,000 subscribers, many of which were businesses. 19. He pointed out that e-commerce in Africa was still a difficult proposition even though the telecom infrastructure was showing signs of improvement, driven mainly by wireless telecom services which had increased teledensities in countries like Cote d'Ivoire and Zimbabwe. Problems remained of poor infrastructure, low computer usage, continuance of monopolies and only a trickle of foreign direct investment. However, Africa Online believed that that an Internet revolution was possible in Africa through building communities of interest, networks of content and service providers. 20. To this end, Africa Online was using 200 community communications centres in Ghana (which until now had provided just telephone, computer and fax services) to provide e-mail and the Africa Online news service to about 30,000 subscribers. Mr. Makitiani emphasised that many of these e-mail subscribers were using the e-mail service for business purposes instead of using the traditional slower methods like telex. Africa Online had also signed agreements with the postal departments in Ghana and Tanzania to provide e-mail services in all the postal centres across these countries. The company has also set up some commercial networks including a network for pharmacies in Ghana through which pharmacies could order drugs from the central depository over the Internet. The company had also helped set up a real estate network in Ghana. A large number of African banks had also set up web pages on the network, though online banking had not yet begun. 21. According to the speaker, the future plans of the company were to expand to another five African countries during the current year and also spread from capitals to smaller cities and towns. However, one major cause of worry was the prospect of the Internet becoming free as the company was still dependent on access charges (and not advertisements or sponsorships) for its revenues. Discussion 22. The representative of Senegal stated that his country would soon be organizing a USAID sponsored international seminar on e-commerce. He mentioned that the increasing use of English as the primary language of the international business community acted as a barrier for businessmen in his country. He also raised the issue of difficulties faced by least developed countries with regard to backward telecom infrastructure, human resource development and training and commented that unless these were taken care of, LDCs might become further marginalized in a world driven by electronic commerce. He also asked if e-commerce would lead to revenue losses for developing countries. 23. The representative of Egypt asked whether business practices were changing as a result of ecommerce. He complimented the realistic presentation given by Mr. Monnier which had highlighted practical difficulties that practitioners of e-commerce were likely to encounter and stated that developing countries ought to be made aware of them. However, recalling that in some poor countries people sometimes had to travel long distances to reach a telephone, he questioned the view that infrastructure problems were not of much importance in e-commerce. He also wished to know from the panelist from Africa Online the extent of competition faced by his company and pointed out that while increased competition could reduce profit margins of service providers, it would benefit consumers immensely. 24. The representative from India raised the question of movement of natural persons in the context of electronic commerce and wished to know whether customised consultancy services over the Internet had reduced the need for the actual movement of consultants. She also emphasized the need for countries to give due care to infrastructure issues as poor infrastructure could impede the smooth and timely delivery of physical goods ordered over the Web. 25. The representative of Venezuela stated that there was a lack of knowledge in developing countries on the immediate and long term impact of e-commerce. He felt that in hi-tech sectors like medicine and telecommunications, developing countries had not been able to match the resources of the developed countries and there was no reason why e-commerce would be any different. Nevertheless he believed that e-commerce offered some opportunities for developing countries, including the elimination of middlemen in trade, reduced transaction costs, increased trade between developing countries through Trade-Points, better outreach into markets of developed countries, and the use of the new medium for education and health. He mentioned the experience of Columbia and Costa Rica where incentives were being given for establishing 'virtual microenterprises'. 26. The representative of Korea wanted the speakers to elaborate on the different ways in which governments could promote e-commerce. 27. The representative of Cuba wanted a standard definition of e-commerce that could be used in discussions in different forums. 28. In reply to the question on how e-commerce has affected business practices, Mr. van der Valk stated that one change was the elimination of middlemen and it was possible that several types of business, such as forwarding agencies, could disappear. At the same time the new technology was likely to create new types of intermediaries needed for instance, to filter out excess information that was prone to being displayed in the system. The new technology had also led to the merger of services; for instance, some courier services had also become network providers. According to him, companies like Microsoft that possess the technology of the new medium, could diversify into a variety of sectors, including banking, without much difficulty. 29. In reply to the question on movement of natural persons, Mr. van der Valk's view was that ecommerce would reduce the need for consultants to travel to the country of their client. Instead, businesses were likely to become more mobile, with superior and less costly communications allowing companies to shift their offices to cheaper locations within countries and abroad. Employers and employees were also likely to be more mobile than before so long as they could access the Internet from wherever they were. 30. With regard to the role of governments in e-commerce, he especially stressed their role in promoting competition among service providers and also in promoting the speedy adoption of suitable laws that legitimized the use of electronic means in commerce. 31. In reply to the questions on the importance of infrastructure and logistics, Mr. Monnier felt that the minimum requirement for e-commerce was a telephone line. His company usually shipped goods using the Swiss or Japanese postal service which provided insurance cover. 32. With regard to the doubts raised by Venezuela on the prospects of e-commerce for developing countries, Mr. Monnier gave the example of Singapore which was poorer than Venezuela some years ago but had used technology and a sound business mindset to move ahead. 33. Responding to the question regarding the role of government, Mr. Ly felt that deregulation and liberalization should not be considered a loss of sovereignty and in fact should be taken up quickly by developing countries before they missed the opportunity. 34. In reply to the question about the competition faced by Africa Online and fees charged to its customers, Mr. Makitiani pointed out that the presence of telephone monopolies in most African countries meant that his company had to pay very high charges for leasing circuits and band widths. With regard to the issue of revenue losses for developing countries, he felt that on the contrary there were opportunities for African governments to earn revenues through e-commerce. Morning Session II Mr. William W. Burrington, Vice President, Global Public Policy, America Online Inc., USA 35. Mr. Burrington explained that AOL's e-commerce policy had four guiding principles: - individuals should be allowed to determine the products, services and content of the Internet; - Internet policy should be market driven and industry led, although government's role in areas like taxes and tariffs was warranted; - where government intervention is considered necessary, it should be nondiscriminatory and technology neutral; - Internet policy should aim at universal access to the Internet and electronic commerce. 36. Describing the phenomenal rate of growth of the Internet, Mr. Burrington indicated that while it had taken 38 years for the radio to reach 50 million users in the US, 16 years for the PC and 13years for TV, Internet users had crossed the 50 million mark in just four years. He felt that the Internet had an unprecedented potential to affect education, politics, society and the everyday lives of people as no other medium had in the past. From the viewpoint of developing countries one major benefit was that it could be used by them to leapfrog an entire generation of technology. 37. He also gave figures to show that the price of PCs in the US had fallen from an average of US$ 1,933 in January 1996 to below US$ 1,000 in January 1999 and this was significant from the point of view of affordability in developing countries. Recent efforts to develop cheap wireless devices that could replace PCs were also important for poorer countries. Another good sign was that developing countries' teledensity had increased more rapidly in the past few years. 38. The speaker explained that AOL regarded a competitive and liberalized regulatory environment as key to the success of e-commerce. He showed an example of governmentindustry cooperation from a website in Singapore in which IBM had offered a service for setting up personal websites, which was available to a customer with a 50 per cent subsidy from the government. The speaker emphasized that a cultural change was needed with regard to the use of e-commerce in government and held out the belief that once people started using the Internet for things like telebanking, there would be no going back. There was also a need to have an ongoing dialogue between the government and the 'architects of the new economy'. He believed that Internet companies like AOL and Africa Online were the architects of the new economy as they were the companies creating jobs, wealth and changing the ways of conducting business. 39. The speaker also presented web pages of successful e-commerce companies from both developed and developing countries including: LOTFY (an online shopping mall in Egypt) [www.lotfy.com] SISCOTEL (an online shopping mall in Argentina)[www.compras.com] EBAY (a large online auction house)[www.ebay.com] UNIBEX (a site that helped create webpages and also connected sites of similar businesses with each other)[unibex.trident.net/index.html] PEOPLINK (a site selling goods from all around the world)[www.peoplink.org] Mr. Claro V. Parlade, senior partner, Benitez Parlade Africa Herrera Parlade & Panga Law Offices, Arcon Group, Philippines 40. Describing the state of electronic commerce in the Philippines, Mr. Parlade stated that although commerce by electronic means such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and electronic transfer of money had existed in the country for many years, e-commerce over the Internet was a recent phenomenon. The growth of Internet e-commerce began after the adoption of a National Information Technology Plan in 1997 by the Philippines Government and the issue of administrative instructions to all government departments to connect to the Internet. Currently, 182 departments, bureaux and national agencies had Internet links. 41. The speaker described some of the other steps taken by the Government that were contributing to the spread of the Internet. These were: emphasis on providing Universal Service under the Philippines Telecommunications Policy Act 1995 and the decision of the Department of Justice in 1998 to remove barriers to FDI in the Internet sector by keeping Internet companies out of the list of mass media companies, on which the Philippines' constitution restricts foreign ownership to 40 per cent. The Philippines' Senate had also ratified the ϲʹ Declaration on Trade in Information Technology Products (the ITA), under which the Government was committed to eliminate tariffs on IT imports by 2000. Finally, a bill to recognize electronic contracts and electronic signatures, based on UNCITRAL's model law, had also been introduced recently in the Senate. 42. The speaker mentioned that a recent study involving respondents from Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines showed that the Philippines had the highest Internet userbased growth, increasing by 44 per cent from May 1997 to May 1998. He believed that the use of the Internet would go up further once competition between the 140-odd Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the country resulted in a fall in Internet access charges. 43. However, he pointed out that at present 94 per cent of the Internet users had not purchased anything over the Web and 84 per cent of the users had no intention of doing so. According to the speaker one of the major barriers to the growth of e-commerce in the country had been the reluctance of banks to allow online payment through credit cards. Other barriers included low teledensity, lack of consensus on public policy on e-commerce taxation, jurisdiction, privacy and domain names. Mr. Dewang Mehta, President , National Association of Software and Service Companies, India 44. According to Mr. Mehta, India represented a success story of a developing country using the Internet to earn income and foreign exchange. Currently 158 "Fortune 500" companies including General Electric, Pepsi, British Airways, Citibank, American Express, Alcatel and Coca Cola were outsourcing their software requirements to India. The software exports industry had been growing at a rate of 50 per cent per annum since 1991. The majority of software exports were directed towards the United States (58 per cent in 97/98) followed by Europe (21 per cent). 45. The speaker explained that there were several reasons for India's success. One of them was the world's second largest reservoir of English speaking scientific manpower, with 115,000 engineers graduating from Indian universities every year and 150 universities and 460 institutes providing computer education at the undergraduate level. A second was the availability of technology such as high speed (satellite) data communication and other value added telecom services for software development. 46. The speaker stressed the importance of innovation for the success of e-commerce in developing countries. Thus, even though India had only 2.5 million PCs, there were 37 million cable TV connections which had the potential to be used to access the Internet by suitably programming television set top boxes. Further, as the use of credit cards was not very common in India, payments were made in cash at the time of delivery. Three popular e-commerce sites shown by the speaker were www.ibsaxena.com that sold a variety of products, www.rediff.co.in that sold books and www.net-shoppers.com that sold flowers. The speaker mentioned that apart from the innovative use of cable TV, there was also a plan for making use of the 600,000 public call offices (PCOs) spread throughout the country to increase e-mail and Internet penetration and through it promote ecommerce. A third innovation that was being attempted was the promotion of video e-mail among expatriate cab drivers in Mumbai for sending messages to their families in their native villages for a nominal charge. 47. Mr. Mehta stated that, apart from software development, new areas of remote processing had emerged as major foreign exchange earners for India. These included data processing, remote maintenance, medical transcription and maintenance of call centres. Elaborating on the concept of medical transcribing, he explained how doctors in US hospitals who did not have the time for routine tasks like maintaining records of patients, accessed a remote processing company in India through a toll free number, dictated their comments which were then transcribed into the computer and electronically sent back to the hospital in the US the same day. Call centres of major airline and banks were increasingly being shifted to India owing to the immense savings in costs. 48. Mr. Mehta emphasized that although the remote processing of software orders had reduced the need for Indian consultants to travel abroad by around 40 per cent since 1991, there was still a need for movement of natural persons for installing and maintaining software. Another reason why the movement of consultants continued to take place was for reasons of security and this was best exemplified by the "Y2K" contracts, most of which required the consultant's physical presence at the computer site. 49. The speaker agreed with others that e-commerce had to be led by the private sector. The role of Government was to provide confidence to anyone conducting transactions over the Internet and, to this end, adopt and update suitable laws. He also believed that unless Governments themselves played the role of a model user of e-commerce, they would not take sufficient interest in promoting its use by others. Mr. Bernard Ancel, Chief of Trade Information Section, International Trade Centre, UNCTAD/ϲʹ, Geneva 50. Explaining the role of the ITC in e-commerce, Mr. Ancel stated that the organization was mainly concerned with pre-transactional activities such as providing data for market research, trade promotion including publicity through the Internet, research on electronic tendering, legal aspects of e-commerce and training activities for government and business. 51. According to the speaker, developing countries should be aware that the future direction of cybertrading would be business-to-business rather than business-to-consumers. Some surveys indicated that the former would grow to a level of US$ 160 billion while the latter only to US$10billion by the year 2000. 52. The speaker also mentioned that the ITC had contributed to the setting up of a Virtual Exhibition Centre on the Internet in 1996 in cooperation with UNCTAD and UNESCO, with a view to promoting handicrafts from developing countries. There was also a plan to provide training to developing countries that desired to have their own websites for promoting handicrafts in the future. Discussion 53. The representative of the European Communities wanted to know the panelists' opinion of ϲʹ's Work Programme on E-Commerce. 54. The representative of Angola enquired from the Chairman if there was a ϲʹ strategy on ecommerce with a view to promoting investment in the least-developed countries in view of the high costs of acquiring the hardware and infrastructure required for participating in the electronic revolution. 55. The Chairperson reiterated some of the questions that had been only partially answered from the morning session. He referred to questions on the movement of natural persons, and on the role of transfer of technology in e-commerce. He also wished the speakers to spell out the exact mix of private and government initiatives that they believed were required. 56. In his reply, Mr. Mehta of Nasscom stated that in his view e-commerce partially reduced the need for movement of consultants across borders, thereby allaying fears of developed countries of loss of jobs for domestic workers. However, he reiterated that such movement continued to be necessary for understanding specifications, installing and maintaining software so that while the number of persons required to be travelling abroad may not come down significantly, the time spent abroad would come down. Regarding transfer of technology, the speaker was of the view that there was not much technology that remained to be transferred. Rather, the technology of the Internet was one of open standards which is available to everyone. 57. In his reply to the question about ϲʹ's Work Programme, Mr. Burrington of AOL stated that conferences and discussions like this were invaluable in promoting the work programme on ecommerce. He believed that other issues raised in the Work Programme such as whether to classify electronic transactions as goods or services were complex questions for which there was as yet no consensus in the private sector. His company would like to see better coordination between different intergovernmental agencies that are working on e-commerce. With regard to the question on the right mix of government and private sector initiatives, he believed that the 'default policy' should be that of the private sector and government ought to stand by in case industry wanted its help on a specific issue. 58. The representative of Senegal raised the issue that in developing countries, liberalization evoked further demands on the government from the private sector on issues such as protection from competition. 59. In his reply to this, Mr. Monnier stated that the tendency of private firms was to make demands on government and it was not obligatory to the government to accede to all their demands. 60. The representative of Zimbabwe wanted to know the role of low orbit satellite systems in e-commerce. 61. The Chairperson responded to the question of a ϲʹ strategy for promoting investment in LDCs by explaining that the ϲʹ philosophy had been to build a framework that is conducive to promoting investment and not take any direct action in this regard. However, he noted the suggestion for consideration in future deliberations within the ϲʹ. INFRASTRUCTURE AND REGULATION ISSUES AT THE GOVERNMENT LEVEL Afternoon Session I Ms Michelle d'Auray, Executive Director, Electronic Commerce Task Force, Industry Canada, Canada 62. Ms. D'Auray began by noting that the cost of sending a 42-page document from Ottawa to Tokyo over the Internet was 260 times less than if it was sent by traditional post. It was also 720times faster to transmit the document electronically. This showed the extent of the savings in time and money that was possible as a result of the new technology. 63. She explained that one guiding principle of Canada's Internet policy was belief in a direct relationship between being connected to the Internet and societal development. The more members of society who were connected to the Internet, the better informed they were likely to be and so were more likely to take informed decisions, which in turn would help build a stronger society. The Canadian Government aimed to connect 16,500 schools and 3,500 libraries by March 1999; to have a computer for every classroom by March 2000; and to establish 10,000 community access sites in rural and remote areas by March 2000. 64. The speaker stated that the value of e-commerce in Canada was US$1 billion in 1997, 80 per cent of which was business-to-business. This was projected to reach US$ 13 billion by the year 2002, even in the absence of any special efforts by the Government. 65. The Special Task Force on e-commerce had a fixed tenure lasting till the end of 1999. The Task Force had a two-pronged strategy, one for the domestic sector and one for international issues relating to e-commerce. 66. The speaker, who was also head of the Task Force, said that the four key elements of the domestic strategy were: building trust for e-commerce; adapting or building new rules that helped build trust; strengthening information infrastructure; and realizing maximum benefits, both socially and economically, for all citizens. Some of the tangible achievements so far were the adoption of a cryptography policy, tabling of legislation on privacy, development of voluntary guidelines on consumer protection, and the announcement of a policy of no new taxes for e-commerce. The speaker noted that of the 629 federal legal enactments in Canada, 335 required the use of paper documents or signature on paper. Legislation to recognize electronic transactions as being at par with paper transactions had been tabled. Some progress had also been made on the issues of intellectual property, standards and network access. 67. Canada's international strategy was based on the recognition that e-commerce was essentially global and that Canadian industry and government should work together to influence global policy. A major step in this direction had been the hosting of the OECD Ministerial Conference on e-commerce in Ottawa in 1998. Mr. Ben Petrazzini, Telecommunication Policy Analyst, International Telecommunications Union 68. Mr. Petrazzini began his presentation by giving an example of how the average income of families living in a Peruvian village rose from US$ 300 per month in 1995 to US$ 1,500 per month in 1998 once they started selling agricultural products over the Web to a supermarket in New York with the help of the government, an NGO and an Internet service provider. 69. The speaker showed statistics on Internet infrastructure growth, that indicated that while the number of Internet hosts world-wide had grown from 1.3 million in 1993 to 43.2 million in 1999, most were located in developed countries. Specifically, Canada and the US had 64.1 per cent, Europe 24.3 per cent, Australia, Japan and New Zealand had 7 per cent, the rest of Asia-Pacific 2.9 per cent, Latin and Central America 1.2 per cent and Africa 0.5 per cent. This he said, was a reflection of the relative development of telecom infrastructure in different parts of the world. 70. He believed that steps taken through the ϲʹ agreement to introduce competition in the telecom sector were likely to improve telecom infrastructure in developing countries in the long run. In the meantime, developing countries could use some of the innovative methods that were suggested by speakers in the morning session, including the use of public telephone centres to spread Internet access and promote e-commerce. 71. Mr. Petrazzini explained that the obstacles to e-commerce were different for developed and developing countries. The major issues identified in developed countries were privacy concerns (31per cent), censorship (24 per cent), navigation difficulties (17 per cent), taxes (9 per cent) and others (8 per cent) whereas the main issues in a developing region like Latin America were slow speed (29 per cent), PSTN prices (29 per cent), ISP prices (19 per cent), lack of Spanish content (10per cent) and lack of local content (10 per cent). 72. He believed that for developing countries the matter of high Internet access prices was particularly important. This resulted from a combination of high telephone call charges and high Internet Service Provider (ISP) charges which in turn were a result of high leased line charges. He believed that the high charges were due to the prevalence of monopolies in developing countries, but cautioned that in some cases the introduction of competition might not solve the problem as there could be some rebalancing of existing subsidies on local calls. 73. According to the speaker, the creation of an independent telecom regulator was a key measure needed to tackle many telecom issues. However, many more developing countries needed to commit to the Reference Paper that dealt with regulatory matters in telecommunications in the ϲʹ and translate their commitments into practice as a step towards improving the infrastructure for ecommerce. 74. The speaker suggested the following policies for promoting growth of the Internet: - support Internet development at the highest level of government; - improve public network infrastructure through liberalization; - open and promote access points to the public; - encourage favourable local tariffs for Internet services (i.e. special dialling numbers); - create a competitive market for Internet service provision; - promote the adoption of cost based tariffs in leased lines; - set up an effective and independent regulator; 75. Mr. Petrazzini stated that the ITU had undertaken a number of steps for the promotion of ecommerce. One of them was the EC-DC project under which the ITU transfers its know-how in ecommerce to private and public sector companies in developing countries. Ms. Jennifer Clift, Legal Officer, United Nations Conference on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) 76. Ms. Clift explained that work on e-commerce had begun in UNCITRAL in the mid-1980's. In the process it became clear that there were two problem areas mandatory paper-based documentation requirements in the major laws of most countries and the incompatibility of domestic contractual frameworks and international trade requirements. It was then decided to develop uniform rules that covered both these areas and this led to the UNCITRAL Model Law on e-commerce being formulated in 1996. 77. According to the speaker, the basic purpose of the Model Law was to establish an equivalence between electronic and paper transactions. This objective was attempted to be achieved through a process of 'functional equivalence'. For instance, the function of a signature is to identify the identity of the signatory and the consent of the signatory to the contents of a document. Any electronic message which fulfils both these functions ought to be regarded as legally acceptable. Similar considerations were used to establish the types of electronic documents that ought to be considered legally valid. 78. Another important principle that was used in UNCITRAL's Model Law was 'media neutrality' under which neither of the two kinds of transactions (electronic or paper) received priority over each other. 79. The speaker explained that the Model Law was designed to cover both commercial and noncommercial transactions and that some of the countries that had adopted it were using it also within the sphere of government activities such as government procurement, filing of returns, government service matters. 80. She mentioned that the law had been adopted in Singapore and in the state of Illinois, USA; draft legislation had been tabled in Colombia, Australia and Canada; the model law was also under consideration in Mexico, New Zealand, India and Thailand; Korea and China had their own ecommerce laws. 81. The speaker added that the current focus of attention of UNCITRAL's working group on ecommerce was the development of common rules for the authentication of electronic signatures. Dr. Derrick L. Cogburn, Executive Director, Global Information Infrastructure Commission, Africa Secretariat, South Africa 82. The speaker, Dr. Cogburn, explained that the GIIC was founded in 1995 as a nongovernmental organization with its secretariat in Washington D.C. It's mission was to foster private sector leadership and public-private cooperation for the development of information networks and services. 83. According to the speaker the global economy was changing in a fundamental way. Companies were locating different components of their value added chain in different places and this created an opportunity for developing countries and small and medium enterprises to benefit. With the rise of e-commerce, there was now the opportunity for every member of the global community to participate. However, certain barriers to participation existed in the shape of access limitation, high prices and low user abilities. 84. He mentioned that the ϲʹ definition of e-commerce was gradually being accepted as the standard definition. 85. Dr. Cogburn stated that e-commerce was projected to grow from US$ 24.4 billion in 1997 to US$ 1 trillion by 2001. Advertising on the Web was expected to increase from US$ 310 million in 1997 to US$ 4.8 billion by 2000. The challenge was to ensure that developing countries partook a portion of this growth. 86. He explained that e-commerce was benefitting 3 main categories, namely businesses (e.g.Cisco had sales of over US$ 2.5 billion. in 1998), services (e.g. travel services via the Internet were estimated to be to the tune of US$ 10 billion by 2000) and consumers (e.g. Web companies like PEOPLink were helping craftspersons in different parts of the world to market their products on the Internet). 87. The speaker outlined the following issues as crucial for the development of e- commerce: - exemption from customs duty and taxation; - recognition of electronic payment systems; - developing a global uniform commercial code; - intellectual property laws that balanced the interests of creators, asset owners and asset consumers; - privacy; - security and encryption; - content; - technical standards/interoperability; - human resource development; and - telecom infrastructure; 88. Finally, the speaker outlined certain activities in which the GIIC was involved in Africa, including the preparation of a discussion document and a green/white paper on e-commerce in South Africa, and the preparation of an expert discussion paper in Egypt. Discussion 89. The representative of Uruguay sought information on the progress made as a follow up to the international convention on legal issues in e-commerce held in UNCITRAL in May 1998. 90. The representative of the European Communities commended the Canadian strategy for ecommerce as presented in the seminar. He noted that the global relocation of the units of a company mentioned by the GIIC panellist did not always lead to benefits as sometimes the time taken for the completing the production process exceeded the time taken when all units were located within a single country. He felt that technology was only a facilitator and that it had to serve business. 91. The representative of Egypt asked how much financial and human resources had gone into the development of Canada's e-commerce strategy and how Canada collected national data on ecommerce. He also requested that success stories like that of the Peruvian village company ought to be compiled and distributed to delegations so that they could be used to convince people in their own countries about the benefits of e-commerce. 92. The representative of Venezuela asked the panelists for their opinion on the impact of the ϲʹ Basic Telecommunications Agreement, as it contained elements that had been regarded as important the success of e-commerce. 93. The Chairperson asked the panelists if they believed there was any need for a new international agreement on the legal aspects of e-commerce, or whether the UNCITRAL model law was sufficient. 94. Ms. d'Auray replied that the development of government policy on e-commerce in Canada had not required any new resources and that existing resources from different government departments had been pooled together for the Task Force. She also mentioned that the Task Force relied significantly on the private sector for much of its statistical data. 95. Dr. Cogburn stated that the dispersal of value-added chains was a reality in certain sectors and countries like Barbados had become centres of offshore production and processing. 96. Regarding the status of the UNCITRAL convention held in 1998, Ms. Clift stated that it was an informal and private convention and had not yet become part of the UNCITRAL agenda. 97. Regarding the compilation of success stories, Mr. Petrazzini pointed out that a forthcoming ITU publication "Internet for Developing Countries" contained a number of success and failure stories. As regards the impact of the ϲʹ Basic Telecommunications Agreement, he felt that while it may not introduce competition immediately, created an atmosphere of certainty for both domestic and foreign investors and so increased dramatically the chances of investment in telecom infrastructure for developing countries. Afternoon Session II Ms. J. Beckwith Burr, Associate Administrator for International Affairs, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Department of Commerce, USA. 98. Ms. Burr began by stating that in November 1998, the President of the United States had directed the Executive Branch to give high priority to the question of the Internet development in developing countries. 99. She went on to describe the impact of e-commerce on the US economy in recent years. Information technology had contributed to nearly one-third of real GDP growth in the US; there were seven million information technology workers in the country, who were earning on an average wages that were two-thirds higher than the US average; the decline in price of information technology products and services had reduced US inflation by one-third; 45 per cent of real business equipment investment in the US was in IT equipment. 100. She also pointed out that although e-commerce had begun as business-to-business activity, recent trends of online sales during the holiday season indicated that retail (business-to-consumer) trade was taking off in a big way. 101. She emphasized that e-commerce had grown in the United States without the Government actually doing anything to promote it. Government's approach, therefore, was that wherever possible e-commerce should be market driven, but if there were areas where government intervention was absolutely necessary, it should support a predictable and simple legal environment. Its actions should also be technology neutral. 102. The speaker believed that Internet technology was available to both developed and developing countries at the same time. Building the necessary infrastructure now to support the Internet, developing countries had the opportunity to leapfrog the 'hard wire' technology that the US and some other countries had gone through the process of setting up. 103. The United States believed in a competitive Internet service environment, the existence of a flexible regulatory structure that did not impose the rules of the traditional telecom sector, and the need to ensure universal access to the Internet. There were plans to connect all US schools and libraries to the Internet by the end of the current year. 104. The speaker explained that the policy of minimal government intervention meant that as far as possible the government depended on existing laws to cover electronic crimes. For example, existing consumer protection laws should suffice to cover transactions over the Web; similarly, the Administration was depending on existing laws to prevent child pornography, gambling etc. on the Web. In matters like privacy protection, self regulation by industry had already had a salutary effect through online privacy alliances. 105. With regard to regulation of Internet content, the United States believed that it was virtually impossible to regulate this by legislation and that industry-built technological solutions that filter out objectionable content were the best solution. 106. The speaker also pointed out that the US Government was working towards removing barriers to the growth of the Internet. This included removing restrictions on non-paper-based transactions for which the UNCITRAL model law was being used by State governments, and the reduction of liability with respect to copyright for on-line service providers. The Government was also handing over the control of domain names to the private sector. Further, the Government had decided not to enact any legislation on the issue of 'e-money', but only to monitor private sector initiatives in this field. 107. The speaker pointed out that there were disparate views in the US on whether e-commerce transactions ought to be taxed. In order to take care of both points of view, the Government had granted a moratorium on the imposition of new taxes on e-commerce but had also set up a Commission to study the whole range of issues regarding taxation of electronic transactions. 108. Finally the speaker indicated that the two areas where government was playing an active role were: to behave as a "model user" of the Internet and to ensure that adequate skills were developed in the work force so that it could take advantage of the enormous benefits offered by e-commerce. Ms. Miriam Gonzalez-Durantez, Head of Sector M1 (Services), DG1, European Commission 109. Ms. Gonzalez-Durantez began by stating that the next five years would decide whether ecommerce was going to dominate the world economy or whether it would lead to further inequalities between developed and developing countries. 110. She agreed that e-commerce technology need not be very sophisticated. In this context she gave examples of some developing countries that were providing telephone services for the EU. However, she said that it could not be denied that there was a gap between developed and developing countries. Thus, for instance, Internet penetration was several thousand times higher in developed countries. Similar there were differences in the cost of Internet access, which could be between 3 and 60 times higher in developing countries. 111. Regarding access to Internet technology, the speaker thought that while much of the technology was open, there were certain technological elements that were still in the hands of a few selected companies. Developing countries also had to face an inequitable international telephone interconnection environment. 112. According to the speaker, 'trust' was an important condition for the success of e-commerce. While the EC believed that rules should be industry led, governments had to infuse confidence in the system by setting minimal rules for taxation, jurisdiction, copyrights, privacy and security. Government intervention in this manner would also help overcome the perceived threat to national security that some governments saw. 113. A third element for the success of e-commerce was 'awareness'. According to the speaker many enterprises in the Nordic countries had websites, yet there was hardly any business transacted over them. 114. The speaker explained that the EC had been following three main areas of action with respect to e-commerce policy for developing countries: First, the EC was introducing e-commerce provisions in all its agreements with developing countries. Secondly, the EC was supportive of the training and research programmes on e-commerce undertaken in the UNCTAD and in the World Bank. Lastly, the EC believed that developing countries needed to participate in every forum where substantive decisions were being considered on e-commerce. Mr. Goh Seow Hiong, Assistant Controller for Certification Authorities & Assistant Director of the ITSecurity Office, National Computer Board, Singapore 115. Describing the legal infrastructure for e-commerce in Singapore, Mr. Goh stated that two main pieces of legislation had recently come into force: the Electronic Transactions Act (ETA)1998 and the Electronic Transactions (Certification Authority) Regulations 1999. Some of the issues they covered were: recognition of the validity of electronic documents and signatures, authentication of the identity of senders of electronic messages, integrity of transmitted documents, identification of the date, time, place of despatch and receipt, cross-border legal issues, and the liability of network service providers. 116. He mentioned that the guiding principles of Singapore's e-commerce legislation had been to conform to international standards and models; to avoid over-legislation; to ensure flexibility and technological neutrality; and to ensure transparency and predictability in the law. 117. The ETA had four parts: (i) the Commercial Code for e-commerce, which established the equivalence between electronic and paper transactions and was based on UNCITRAL's Model Law. (ii) the Public Key Infrastructure which was aimed at upholding contracts between parties; (iii) Electronic Applications & Licences for the Public Sector which allowed the Government to receive applications for and issue licences electronically; and (iv) Network Provider Liability provisions, which clarified that a service provider was not liable for the content if it was merely carrying traffic. 118. According to the speaker, one of the new features of the ETA was the presumption of a secure electronic signature which could not be easily disputed by a party later, thereby fostering a sense of confidence in electronic transactions. The Act also clarified that in the case of cross-border transactions what mattered was the place of usual business of the parties irrespective of the actual place where the parties were physically present at the time of the transaction. The Act gave legitimacy to electronic transactions under all Government laws without having to amend individual Acts. It also made it easy for electronic records and signatures to be asserted in court through presumptions, thereby enabling dispute resolution. 119. The speaker mentioned that the ETA came into force in July 1998 while the Regulations (which detailed the appointment and powers of Certification Authorities (CAs)) had come into force just a few days previously. Only CAs that met high integrity and operational standards were issued a licence to authenticate signatures; this was important, as only signatures certified by a CA were presumed to be authentic in court. The CAs themselves were protected under liability rules in case they were sued so long as they had followed the established procedures. The regulations also permitted the existence of governmental CAs. 120. Finally, the speaker mentioned a number of documents which citizens in Singapore were now allowed to file or receive electronically. These included bank account statements, Central Provident Fund (social security) statements, income tax declarations, tender documents, sale and purchase of maps, different types of licenses such as gun licences, licences for keeping and pets, licences for carrying out entertainment activities. Mrs. Yildiz Arikan, Associate Professor, Tubitak-Bilten (The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey/The Institute of Information Technologies), Ankara, Turkey 121. Mrs Arikan described the main achievements of the Government of Turkey with respect to ecommerce as : - the setting up of an online export promotion centre in Ankara under UNCTAD's Trade Point programme(1997); - the establishment of SME-Net, an information and Internet service for small and medium enterprises ( 1997); - preparation of a National Information Infrastructure Master Plan (August 97-Feb.99); - customs automation project that promoted the use of EDI in Turkish customs operations (1997). 122. She stated that an Electronic Commerce Coordination Committee involving government departments, public and private companies was set up in February 1998 to make recommendations on national policy on e-commerce. Its report was adopted by the Government as the official state policy on e-commerce. Highlights of the policy were: - providing a technical and administrative infrastructure for improving access to ecommerce; - creating a legal infrastructure to support e-commerce; - promoting awareness of e-commerce among industry and citizens; - close cooperation at the international level including harmonising national policies with the rest of the world, complying with international standards and participating actively in international organizations. 123. She mentioned that a pilot project was underway as a joint venture between the government and the private sector to simulate business-to-business e-commerce transactions which would provide useful insights for further development of e-commerce rules and regulations in Turkey. Mr. Bruno Lanvin, Head of the Trade Point Programme and General Manager, Global Electronic Trade UN partnership, UNCTAD, Geneva 124. Mr. Lanvin began by stating that it was important for developing countries to understand that e-commerce was not something purely 'virtual' and high-tech that could be used only by advanced countries and multinational corporations. He believed that small and medium enterprises in all countries were likely to be the biggest beneficiaries of e-commerce. 125. He felt that that even though business-to-business e-commerce was likely to dominate in the near future, it was important to pay attention to business-to-government transactions as these would not only bring about increased efficiency and revenues but would also give hands-on experience to government officials and policy makers on the subject . 126. He also was of the view that countries doubtful about their ability to finance e-commerce infrastructure should realise that once a critical mass of e-commerce traffic was reached, users themselves (domestic or foreign) would start investing in the infrastructure. 127. The speaker also emphasized that success in e-commerce required establishing a chain of trust that linked a number of institutions such as customs, banks, transporters, telecom service providers to the exporters and importers. 128. His advice to developing countries keen to adopt e-commerce was: - build knowledge from practice (learning by doing); - think 'out of the box' (even developed countries were groping with e-commerce issues); - build strategic alliances (both within and outside the country); - promote private-public partnership (as both have important roles to play); - bring proposals to the negotiating table (e.g. in the next ϲʹ Ministerial Conference) 129. The speaker mentioned that the current e-commerce agenda was based on four initial proposals made by the US, Japan, EU and the OECD. Although nothing in these proposals was against the interest of developing countries, he felt that for the global agenda on e-commerce to be truly valid, developing countries should also come forth with their own proposals on the subject. Mr. Ludger Schuknecht, Economic Affairs Officer, Economic Research and Analysis Division, ϲʹ, Geneva 130. Explaining the preliminary results of a research study done by himself, Mr. Schukecht stated that an analysis of the income implications of e-commerce had been attempted based on trade statistics of products that could be digitized, like books, music and CDs. Current total world trade in these products was US$ 44 billion, which amounted to only 1 per cent of world trade. 131. The study estimated the customs tariff revenue losses (in case all these goods were traded online) to be US$ 200 million for developed countries and US$ 600 million for developing countries. These amounted to less than 0.1 per cent of total world tariff revenues. The broad conclusion of the study was that for most countries, tariff losses from online trade in digitised products were likely to be negligible. Discussion 132. The representative of Venezuela was of the opinion that, notwithstanding the success stories related during the seminar, the ability of e-commerce to benefit all sections of society, especially in developing countries depended on combined efforts of the government, the private sector and consumers. He said that governments must prepare their work programmes with the belief that unless proper policies were formulated all the benefits of e-commerce could be appropriated by the advanced countries. He said that the experience of India was very encouraging for developing countries. He also spoke about the work being done in Venezuela where a Task Force on e-commerce had recently been set up. 133. The representative of Uruguay sought more information on Singapore's experience of adopting UNCITRAL's model law on e-commerce. In his response, Mr Goh stated that the law had come into force only last year and so it was too early to pass judgement. However, he believed that users felt that uncertainty about electronic transactions had been removed as a result of the legislation. 134. The panellist from Canada commended the Committee of Trade and Development for organizing the seminar. She added that Canada was happy to make a contribution in this regard and that this seminar showed that business to government dialogue could result in a wealth of ideas and information that could lead to the successful implementation of electronic commerce. 135. The Chairperson remarked that one of the conclusions of the seminar was that maximum reliance had to be placed on self regulation of electronic commerce. Government intervention, though inevitable, must have a 'light touch'. In developing countries, of course, governments had to play a major role in development though not so much in regulation. He closed the proceedings of the Seminar by thanking all speakers and delegates for their participation. ANNEX List of Speakers Morning session: "Potential of Electronic Commerce for Businesses in Developing Countries" Chairperson Mr. A. Hoda Deputy Director-General, World Trade Organization (ϲʹ)Mr. Christiaan van der Valk Deputy Director of Policy Commissions and Manager - Telecoms and E-CommerceInternational Chamber of Commerce (ICC)Mr. Saada Baila Ly, Superindendant telecomCompagnie des Bauxites de Guinee - CBG, GuineaMr. Philippe D. Monnier Co-founder et DirectorEurka Cybertrading SA, SwitzerlandMr. Ayisi Makatiani Chief Executive DirectorAfrica Online Holdings Ltd, KenyaMr. William W. Burrington Vice President, Global Public Policy America Online, Inc., United StatesMr. Claro V. Parlade Senior Partner, Benitez Parlade Africa Herrera Parlade & Panga Law Offices, and Vice-President, the Arcon GroupBenitez Parlade Africa Herrera Parlade & Panga Law Offices, Arcon Group, PhilippinesMr. Dewang Mehta PresidentNational Association of Software and Service Companies, IndiaMr. Bernard Ancel, Chief of Trade Information SectionInternational Trade Centre (ITC) Afternoon session: "Infrastructure and Regulatory Issues at the Government Level" Ms. Michelle d'Auray Executive Director Electronic Commerce Task Force Industry Canada, CanadaMr. Ben Petrazzini Telecommunications Policy AnalystInternational Telecommunications Union (ITU)Ms. Jennifer Clift Legal OfficerUnited Nations Conference on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)Dr. Derrick L. Cogburn, Executive DirectorGlobal Information Infrastructure Commission, Africa Secretariat, South AfricaMs. J. Beckwith Burr, Associate Administrator for International AffairsNational Telecommunications and Information Administration of the Department of Commerce, United StatesMs. Myriam Gonzalez-Durantez Head of Sector M1 (Services)DG1, European CommissionMr. Goh Seow Hiong Assistant Controller for Certification Authorities, and Assistant Director of the Information Technology (IT) Security Office and IT Security Competency CentreSingapore National Computer Board, SingaporeMrs. Yildiz Arikan Associate ProfessorTbitak-Bilten (The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey/The Institute of Information Technologies), Turkey Mr. Bruno Lanvin Focal Point of UNCTAD on Electronic CommerceUnited Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)Mr. Ludger Schuknecht, Economic Affairs OfficerEconomic Research and Analysis Division, ϲʹ __________ 1"Electronic Commerce in Goods and Services" WT/COMTD/W/38. 2Submission relating to the Work Programme on Electronic Commerce WT/COMTD/17. 3"Development Implications of Electronic Commerce" WT/COMTD/W/51. 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