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In respect to GPA, WB GL do not allow: Selective tendering (Art X) Opening of tenders where tenderers are not allowed to attend (Art XIII-3) Negotiated tendering (Art XIV); instead, WB provides for two-stage bidding process .ZZ |: ` 3f` 3f3f̙3f3f` 333` 3f___~?>?" dU@,?wdd@ n7 lACwUP\ n?" dd@   @@``PR      `(p>> 7w7oo47(  4J2T + 4 +"R/\ + 4 +"nB 4 0Dkk"tB 4 6DԔ"tB 4 6DjJ"tB 4 6Do"tB 4 6D1"tB  4 6DjJ>>"nB  4 0DRR"tB  4 6DԔ77"tB  4 6DjJ"tB  4 6Do66"tB 4 6D1"nB 4 0D"tB 4 6D1gg"tB 4 6D1"tB 4 6DjJcc"nB 4 0DNN"nB 4 0D  "tB 4 6DԔ  "tB 4 6DjJ  "tB 4 6Do\ \ "tB 4 6D1, , "tB 4 6DjJ  "nB 4 0D  "tB 4 6DԔ  "tB 4 6DjJ  "tB 4 6Do  "tB 4 6D10 0 "nB 4 0D  "tB  4 6D1  "tB !4 6D1  "tB "4 6DjJ  "nB #4 0D  "tB $4 6Do  "tB %4 6D1  "tB &4 6D1v v "tB '4 6DjJ< < "nB (4 0D' ' "nB )4 0D  "tB *4 6DԔ  "tB +4 6DjJ? ? "tB ,4 6Do  "tB -4 6D1p p "tB .4 6DjJ  "tB /4 6DjJC C "tB 04 6Do"nB 14 0D. . 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