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How can the donor community help countries institutionalize CB? Need to develop capacity for training in local institutions. Common benchmarks and standards that focus on achieving outcomes/results, not on detailed process/procedure Monitoring and Evaluation - both for country to measure progress, and for the benefit of the donor community. Z; ` 3f` 3f3f̙3f3f` 333` 3f___~?` f333̙333>?" dU@,?wdd@ n7 lACwUP\ n?" dd@   @@``PR      `(p>> 7}7oo(7(  (J2T + ( +"R/\ + ( +"nB ( 0Dkk"tB ( 6DԔ"tB ( 6DjJ"tB ( 6Do"tB ( 6D1"tB  ( 6DjJ>>"nB  ( 0DRR"tB  ( 6DԔ77"tB  ( 6DjJ"tB  ( 6Do66"tB ( 6D1"nB ( 0D"tB ( 6D1gg"tB ( 6D1"tB ( 6DjJcc"nB ( 0DNN"nB ( 0D  "tB ( 6DԔ  "tB ( 6DjJ  "tB ( 6Do\ \ "tB ( 6D1, , "tB ( 6DjJ  "nB ( 0D  "tB ( 6DԔ  "tB ( 6DjJ  "tB ( 6Do  "tB ( 6D10 0 "nB ( 0D  "tB  ( 6D1  "tB !( 6D1  "tB "( 6DjJ  "nB #( 0D  "tB $( 6Do  "tB %( 6D1  "tB &( 6D1v v "tB '( 6DjJ< < "nB (( 0D' ' "nB )( 0D  "tB *( 6DԔ  "tB +( 6DjJ? ? "tB ,( 6Do  "tB -( 6D1p p "tB .( 6DjJ  "tB /( 6DjJC C "tB 0( 6Do"nB 1( 0D. . 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-O =EJoint ϲʹ/WB Regional Workshop on Procurement Reform and TransparencyFF,Session 9: Technical Cooperation and Capacity Building Capacity Building in Government Procurement Mr. Jean-Jacques Raoul World Bank Dar es Salaam January 14-17, 2003 ZeDPurpose"Briefly explain the objectives of Technical Cooperation and Capacity Building Programs, the WB instruments for assisting Capacity Building in Government Procurement, and the key aspects of CB programs in procurement, and the issues to be addressed in designing and implementing CB programs #Objectives of Technical Cooperation $ Assistance in Formulating a diagnosis of current situations and needs for change Developing a strategy for reform and capacity development in procurement Designing a program Implementation While maintaining ownership of program by beneficiary666  Diagnosis Instrument - 1 RCountry Procurement Assessment Review (CPAR), instrument of WB and endorsed by MDBs to assess a country s public procurement system CPAR s objectives: identify need for legal and/or institutional reforms, human resource development, and agree with Government on a Plan of Actions for improvements**,P1Diagnostic Instrument - 2MDBs and OECD preparing a set of best practice for National Procurement in Borrowing Countries that will be: broadly consistent with UNCITRAL Model Law, and GPA, and jointly accepted by all MDBs, when funding procurement activities subject to the national rules.&nn$EInstrument for Implementation 2Grants (Institutional Development Fund): relatively small, for law drafting, model document preparation, training curriculum development Loans/Credits: component of public sector reform operations, to fund same as grants, plus implementation of capacity building programs (technical assistance, training) 33Common Features of CB Program  A set of components Legal reforms Institutional Changes Preparation of Model Bidding/Contract Documents Training and Dissemination (Following assessment of needs Monitoring and evaluation$  7Implementation of CB Programs in Government Procurement87( 8 1Key ingredients Use of Technical Assistance by experts (legal aspects, model documents, curriculum design, communication strategy) Use of twinning arrangements Development of curricula in local universities Dissemination of Model Documents Build and maintain support for reform Measure progress and report$"" 2 9Issues to be addressed in Capacity Building Programs - 1 :8How to ensure sustainability of CB programs? Need for beneficiary country to have a road map for CB, training. How can the donor community help countries institutionalize CB? Z <Key Issues to be addressed in Capacity Building Programs - 2$=<(< Common benchmarks and standards that focus on achieving outcomes/results, not on detailed process/procedure Need for Monitoring and Evaluation - both for country to measure progress, and for the benefit of the donor community.&lw$l v   D(  Dl D C 4o(`P   l D C k(s  H D 0޽h ? f333̙333rO( / 0DTimes New Roman0ԳԳ~0DTahomaew Roman0ԳԳ~0" DWingdingsRoman0ԳԳ~0@   @n?" dd@  @@`` D    pn    <AA@8  Sg4EdEd~0سT ppp@ <4!d!d 80___PPT10 <4BdBd ? -O =EJoint ϲʹ/WB Regional Workshop on Procurement Reform and TransparencyFF,Session 9: Technical Cooperation and Capacity Building Capacity Building in Government Procurement Mr. Jean-Jacques Raoul World Bank Dar es Salaam January 14-17, 2003 ZeDPurpose"Briefly explain the objectives of Technical Cooperation and Capacity Building Programs, the WB instruments for assisting Capacity Building in Government Procurement, and the key aspects of CB programs in procurement, and the issues to be addressed in designing and implementing CB programs   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqstuvwxyz{|}~Root EntrydO)E-hCurrent User'SummaryInformation(Q4@PowerPoint Document(rDocumentSummaryInformation8\Ĭ~0@   @n?" dd@  @@`` @    pn    <AA@8  Sg4EdEdЬ~0ȬT ppp@ <4!d!d 80___PPT10 <4BdBd ? -O =IEJoint ϲʹ/WB Regional Workshop on Procurement Reform and TransparencyFF,Session 9: Technical Cooperation and Capacity Building Capacity Building in Government Procurement Mr. Jean-Jacques Raoul World Bank Dar es Salaam January 14-17, 2003 ZeDPurpose"Briefly explain the objectives of Technical Cooperation and Capacity Building Programs, the WB instruments for assisting Capacity Building in Government Procurement, and the key aspects of CB programs in procurement, and the issues to be addressed in designing and implementing CB programs #Objectives of Technical Cooperation $ Assistance in Formulating a diagnosis of current situations and needs for change Developing a strategy for reform and capacity development in procurement Designing a program Implementation While maintaining ownership of program by beneficiary666  Diagnosis Instrument - 1 RCountry Procurement Assessment Review (CPAR), instrument of WB and endorsed by MDBs to assess a country s public procurement system CPAR s objectives: identify need for legal and/or institutional reforms, human resource development, and agree with Government on a Plan of Actions for improvements**,P1Diagnostic Instrument - 2MDBs and OECD preparing a set of best practice for National Procurement in Borrowing Countries that will be: broadly consistent with UNCITRAL Model Law, and GPA, and jointly accepted by all MDBs, when funding procurement activities subject to the national rules.&nn$EInstrument for Implementation 2Grants (Institutional Development Fund): relatively small, for law drafting, model document preparation, training curriculum development Loans/Credits: component of public sector reform operations, to fund same as grants, plus implementation of capacity building programs (technical assistance, training) 33Common Features of CB Program  A set of components Legal reforms Institutional Changes Preparation of Model Bidding/Contract Documents Training and Dissemination (Following assessment of needs Monitoring and evaluation$  5Issues to be addressed in Capacity Building Programs 64How to ensure sustainability of CB programs? How can the donor community help countries institutionalize CB? Need to develop capacity for training in local institutions. Common benchmarks and standards that focus on achieving outcomes/results, not on detailed process/procedure Monitoring and Evaluation - both for country to measure progress, and for the benefit of the donor community. Z7Implementation of CB Programs in Government Procurement87( 8 1Key ingredients Use of Technical Assistance by experts (legal aspects, model documents, curriculum design, communication strategy) Use of twinning arrangements Development of curricula in local universities Dissemination of Model Documents Build and maintain support for reform Measure progress and report$"" 2   8( , 8l 8 C $Lo(`P   l 8 C Lk(  H 8 0޽h ? f333̙333  <( , <l < C DMo(`P   l < C Mk(s  H < 0޽h ? f333̙333  @( , @l @ C No(`P   l @ C k(m  H @ 0޽h ? f333̙333rР 0ֶvS( / 0DTimes New Roman0ĬĬ~0DTahomaew Roman0ĬĬ~0" DWingdingsRoman0ĬĬ~0 ՜.+,D՜.+,     On-screen ShowWorld Bank Group 4 1 Times New RomanTahoma WingdingsStraight EdgeFJoint ϲʹ/WB Regional Workshop on Procurement Reform and TransparencyPurpose$Objectives of Technical CooperationDiagnosis Instrument - 1 Diagnostic Instrument - 2Instrument for Implementation Common Features of CB Program8Implementation of CB Programs in Government Procurement:Issues to be addressed in Capacity Building Programs - 1 =Key Issues to be addressed in Capacity Building Programs - 2  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles  6> _PID_GUIDAN{06619211-3E6A-11D7-BE92-00_Oseilah062985D4C9}#Objectives of Technical Cooperation $ Assistance in Formulating a diagnosis of current situations and needs for change Developing a strategy for reform and capacity development in procurement Designing a program Implementation While maintaining ownership of program by beneficiary666  Diagnosis Instrument - 1 RCountry Procurement Assessment Review (CPAR), instrument of WB and endorsed by MDBs to assess a country s public procurement system CPAR s objectives: identify need for legal and/or institutional reforms, human resource development, and agree with Government on a Plan of Actions for improvements**,P1Diagnostic Instrument - 2MDBs and OECD preparing a set of best practice for National Procurement in Borrowing Countries that will be: broadly consistent with UNCITRAL Model Law, and GPA, and jointly accepted by all MDBs, when funding procurement activities subject to the national rules.&nn$EInstrument for Implementation 2Grants (Institutional Development Fund): relatively small, for law drafting, model document preparation, training curriculum development Loans/Credits: component of public sector reform operations, to fund same as grants, plus implementation of capacity building programs (technical assistance, training) 33Common Features of CB Program  A set of components Legal reforms Institutional Changes Preparation of Model Bidding/Contract Documents Training and Dissemination (Following assessment of needs Monitoring and evaluation$  7Implementation of CB Programs in Government Procurement87( 8 1Key ingredients Use of Technical Assistance by experts (legal aspects, model documents, curriculum design, communication strategy) Use of twinning arrangements Development of curricula in local universities Dissemination of Model Documents Build and maintain support for reform Measure progress and report$"" 2 9Issues to be addressed in Capacity Building Programs - 1 :8How to ensure sustainability of CB programs? Need for beneficiary country to have a road map for CB, training. How can the donor community help countries institutionalize CB? Z <Key Issues to be addressed in Capacity Building Programs - 2$=<(< Common benchmarks and standards that focus on achieving outcomes/results, not on detailed process/procedure Need for Monitoring and Evaluation - both for country to measure progress, and for the benefit of the donor community.$l v r1 Root EntrydO)hCurrent User'SummaryInformation(Q4@PowerPoint Document(r AN{06619211-3E6A-11D7-BE92-00_Oseilah062985D4C9}