ࡱ> prq@  bjbjFF %J,,8lB4SV" #S%S%S%S%S%S%S$TRLWbIS,  ,,IS^S...,#S.,#S..&OG$;Pv TƲ -sOdRLtS0SOdW.W;PW;P #4.%' ISIS$.11 October 2004  ϲʹ Information Technology Symposium 18-19 October 2004 ϲʹ Committee of Participants on the Expansion of Trade in Information Technology Products Purpose: To update ITA and other ϲʹ Members on developments in information technology, its application to products, and the evolving nature of trade (where it is and where it is going). To elicit updated information on the nature of nontariff barriers to trade in IT products. To assess the role of IT trade in supporting development in those markets where liberalization has occurred. Identify challenges to trade in IT associated with development needs. The Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Frdric Seppey, will serve as facilitator. Monday, 18 October 9:45 Welcome to the Symposium by Ms. C. L. Guarda, Director, Market Access Division, ϲʹ Secretariat 9:50 Keynote Address to the Symposium by Mr. C. Geiger, Assistant Executive Director, World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)"World Summit on the Information Society, from Geneva to Tunis" 10:25 A. Experience under the ITA: Trends in IT Trade and Global Supply Chain Development Since the Beginning of the ITA Panellists: Mr. B. Bora, Counsellor, Economic Research and Statistics Division, ϲʹ Secretariat"Information Technology Agreement and World Trade" Mr. D. Gregory, Vice President, Governmental Programs, IBM Europe, Middle East, Africa"IBM's Global Supply Chain - Changes Post-ITA and Future Challenges" Dr. W. Tay, Vice President, MSC Technopreneur Development Flagship Department, Multimedia Development Corporation, Malaysia"Developments in Information Technology The Experience of Developing Countries" 11:35 ======================== BREAK ======================== 11:50 B. Evolution of Information Technology since Launching the ITA in 1997 and How Industry is Adapting to the New Technologies (e.g. the nature of product development and likely production trends) Panellists: Mr. M. Yoshioka, Department Manager, Business Solution Systems Division, HITACHI Ltd., Japan"Diffusion of Internet and the New Lifestyle" Mr. G.J. Huang, Vice-President, Institute for Information Industry, Chinese Taipei"E for Equality: Digital Opportunities in the E-era" Mr. R.. Foy, Customs & Licensing Manager EMEA, Intel Corporation"The Challenges ahead for the ITA with Converging Technologies and IC Manufacturing Techniques" 13:00-15:00 ==================== LUNCH BREAK ===================== 15:00 C. Identification of Barriers to Trade in IT Products (e.g. non-tariff barriers) Panellists: Mr. P. Dfns, Director, Technical Regulations, Government Affairs and Regulations, Ericsson, Sweden"How can the Existing and PotentialTechnical Barriers to Trade be Removed or Reduced?" Mr. R. Gehrmann, Technical Regulations EMEA, Region Manager, Hewlett Packard, Germany"Supplier's Declaration of Conformity for IT Regulations - Status, Confidence-building, and Challenge Ahead" Mr. R.K. Verma, Director, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, India"Identification of Barriers to Trade in IT Products and Services, from the View Point of Developing Countries" 16:15 ======================== BREAK ======================== 16:30 D. Potential Development Gains from ITA Membership: How Can the ITA Help Development? (e.g. transfer of technology, investment, productivity) Panellists: Mr. B. Lanvin, Senior Advisor, E-Strategies, The World Bank"Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Developing Countries: How the ITA can help" Mr. D.J.M. Sabido, Chief Technology Officer, Integrated Microelectronics, Inc., Philippines"Enabling International Strategic Partnering in Information Technology" Ms. Y. Baek, Director, SW Strategic Analysis Dept, Korea IT Industry Promotion Agency (KIPA), Korea"Promoting IT Industry in Korea: The Role of MIC and KIPA" 18:00 Cocktail Reception in Salle des Pas Perdus for Symposium Attendees, sponsored by the US IT industry Tuesday, 19 October 10:00 A. Assistance to New Participants or Interested ϲʹ Members and Observers Panellists: Ms. D. Probst, Secretary, ϲʹ Committee of Participants on the Expansion of Trade in Information Technology Products"Experience and Observations from the Secretariat in Providing Assistance to Interested ϲʹ Members or Observers" Mr. A. Hashem, Director of Department of Information Technology Policy, the Ministry of Communication, Egypt"Development through ICT, Egyptian Information Society Initiative" Ms. A. Fatimi, Chef de Service, Dpartement du Commerce et de la Mise Niveau, Morocco, "The Morocan Experience in the area of Information Technology" 11:15 ======================== BREAK ======================== 11:30 B. Small Group Dialogues Group to break-down into the following three smaller groups to facilitate interaction and allow dialogue. 1. IT for Development 2. Further Expanding Trade of IT Products 3. New Technologies and Technology Conversion 12:20 C. Closing Session The facilitator, Mr. F. Seppey, will provide a summary of the day and a half Symposium. Participants will have an opportunity to have a final discussion and provide comments, feedback, and any last remarks on the Symposium. 13:00 ==================END OF SYMPOSIUM=================== The formal meeting of the Committee of Participants on the Expansion of Trade in Information Technology Products will commence at 3:00 pm on 19 October 2004. The formal meeting is open to ϲʹ Member Government representatives and those international intergovernmental organizations having observer status only. Operational Details: -The Symposium will be held in the Council Room, ϲʹ, Geneva, Switzerland -The Symposium is open to all ϲʹ Members and Observers, private sector IT industry representatives, academics expert in IT technologies, and international inter-governmental organizations -Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in the three official ϲʹ languages (English, French, and Spanish) -Registration is required with the ϲʹ Secretariat in order to gain access to the ϲʹ building and to facilitate seating arrangements -Copies of the presentations will be made available after the Symposium on the ϲʹ website subject to the authorization of the speaker PAGE  PAGE 2   5?@Tξ~w~lbXE%h*CJmH sH  h$x2>*CJ h>*CJ h)l>*CJ h>*CJ h>*CJh>*CJmH sH hdHhdHCJ$aJ$mH sH hdHCJmH sH jh>*CJUmH sH hCJmH sH htCJmH sH h xCJmH sH hwvCJmH sH hNCJmH sH @STn o "7$ # 1p@ PV^`Va$gdF$a$gdF$a$$a$$a$ q u T U W X Y [ j }    ! 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