
Issues covered by the 澳门六合彩官网资料’s committees and agreements


24 July 1995

Third protocol to the General Agreement on Trade in Services

Members of the World Trade Organization whose Schedules of Specific Commitments to the General Agreement on Trade in Services relating to movement of natural persons are annexed to this Protocol,

Having carried out negotiations under the terms of the Ministerial Decision on Negotiations on Movement of Natural Persons adopted at Marrakesh on 15 April 1994,

Having regard to the results of such negotiations,

Having regard to the Decision on the Movement of Natural Persons adopted by the Council for Trade in Services on 30 June 1995,

Agree as follows:

The commitments on Movement of Natural Persons annexed to this Protocol relating to a Member shall, upon the entry into force of this Protocol for that Member, replace or supplement the relevant entries on movement of natural persons in the Schedule of Specific Commitments of that Member.

This Protocol shall be open for acceptance, by signature or otherwise, by Members concerned until 30th June 1996.

This Protocol shall enter into force on the 30th day after 1st January 1996 for those Members which have accepted it by that date, and for those accepting it after that date, which date shall not be beyond 30th June 1996, it shall enter into force on the 30th day following the date of each acceptance. If a Member whose schedule is annexed to this Protocol does not accept it by that date, the matter shall be referred to the Council for Trade in Services for consideration and appropriate action.

This Protocol shall be deposited with the Director-General of the World Trade Organization. The Director-General shall promptly furnish to each Member a certified copy of this Protocol and notifications of acceptances thereof pursuant to paragraph 3.

This Protocol shall be registered in accordance with the provisions of Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.

Done at Geneva this -- day of [month] one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five, in a single copy in English, French and Spanish languages, each text being authentic, except as otherwise provided for in respect of the Schedules annexed hereto.

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