

Role and Responsibilities of Member Governments

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5.2 Notifications

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In addition to their transparency obligations under Article III:1 and 3, Members have further notification and information requirements in specified circumstances. In particular, they need to notify and/or provide information on:

  • Establishment of enquiry points pursuant to Article Article III:4 and of contact points pursuant to Article IV:2 (document S/L/23, (1 page, 29KB)).
  • Conclusion, enlargement or significant modification of economic integration agreements (Article V:7a)
  • Progress on implementation if such agreements are phased-in (Article V:7b)
  • Intention to “withdraw or modify a specific commitment” in the context of an economic integration agreement (Article V:5)
  • Labour markets integration agreements (Article Vbis)
  • Existing recognition measures (within 12 months of the GATS taking effect) and whether these are based on mutual agreement (Article VII:4a)
  • Opening of negotiations on a mutual recognition agreement (Article VII:4b)
  • Adoption or significant modification of recognition measures (Article VII:4c)
  • Intentions to grant monopoly rights or exclusive service supplier status in services covered by specific commitments (Article VIII:4)
  • Trade restrictions adopted or maintained due to serious balance-of-payments or external financial difficulties or threat thereof (Article XII:4)
  • Invocation of security exceptions pursuant to Article Article XIVbis (information to be provided “to the fullest extent possible”)
  • Intention to modify or withdraw a scheduled commitment (Article XXI:1b and Article X:2)
  • Introduction of MFN-consistent regime at the termination of the relevant exemption (para. 7 of Annex on Article II Exemptions)



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