ࡱ> zakW7{y3T( +( / 00DArialngsRomanpp85F0DVerdanasRomanpp85F0" DTimes New Romanpp85F00DWingdingsRomanpp85F0 A .  @n?" dd@  @@``  x.J    5  !"#&'()*+,r$kW7{y3Ti 0AA@8QB` ʚ;ʚ;g4KdKd8\F0 Rppp@ <4dddd<@0p5 <4!d!d<(A0p0___PPT10 ppr___PPT9TL4$-Experiencia chilena en movimiento de personas..- 4Sr. Alejandro Buvinic Director Jurdico Direccin General de Relaciones Econmicas Internacionales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile P g".   i BPoltica Comercial  Trade Policy"""<    0 Unilateral rebaja unilateral de aranceles (unilateral tariff reduction) liberalizacin de servicios (services liberalization) garantas para inversin extranjera (foreing investment garantees) Bilateral - acuerdos comerciales (trade agreements) Multilateral  OMC (WTO) Z -Z-Z-Z-Z%-Z -Z-Z"ZZZ P  9     !    )         %        \Apertura bilateral  Bilateral Liberalization //".    Acuerdos Comerciales en un comienzo tratan slo de mercancas (trade agreement aplying only to goods) Posteriormente se incluyen disciplinas en materia de Servicios, Inversiones, Transporte, Propiedad Intelectual, Compras Pblicas entre otras y& MOVIMIENTO DE PERSONAS (on a second step other issues are included: services, investment, transport, IPR, procurement, and temporary entry)>>Z*ZZZ@                                             Distintos enfoques sobre movimiento de personas  Different approaches on movement of persons^^2              BCaptulo sobre prestacin de servicios transfronterizos  lista negativa Chapter on cross border services negative list approach Captulo Trasversal sobre entrada temporal de pesonas horizontal chapter on tempory entry Canad Mxico EE.UU. Centroamrica Corea Colombia Per Australia `IP:P6PiPI:5jLJ               /           D  Captulo sobre comercio de servicios  lista positiva Chapter on trade in services - positive list approach Compromisos Horizontal en entrada temporal de personas Unin Europea EFTA MERCOSUR ChinaX677$678#7             [ Acceso mercado y TN Captulo de servicios transfroterizos e inversiones vrs captulo sobre servicios Por lista positiva o negativa Transparencia Estados Unitarios y Federales H    d GCual es el sentido real comercial de compromisos en materia de TN y AM HHG Requisitos de nacionalidad La importancia de la Reglamentacin Domstica. Ej: Colegiatura obligatoria Reconocimiento de ttulo Visas Tributacin6P3P3.K  G DObjetivos de un captulo transversal de entrada temporal de personasEED 4facilitar la entrada temporal de las personas de negocios principio de reciprocidad establecer criterios y procedimientos transparentes para la entrada temporal necesidad de garantizar la seguridad de las fronteras y de proteger la fuerza de trabajo nacional y el empleo permanente en sus respectivos territorios. no se aplica a las medidas relativas a la nacionalidad, ciudadana, residencia permanente o empleo en forma permanente. 0=ZZyZ= 4z obligaciones  4aplicar de manera expedita para evitar demoras o menoscabos indebidos en el comercio de mercancas o servicios, o a la realizacin de actividades de inversin de conformidad con este Tratado Costo de los servicios prestados  ETransparencia Comit de Entrada Temporal Solucin de controversias 27D  49 Categorias  4zVisitantes de negocios Comerciantes e inversionistas Transferencias de personal dentro de una empresa Profesionales T{Z0 D 4 42 4  Profesionales$Se define un estandar que depende de cada acuerdo en que van desde: Aos de estudios Aos de estudios y experiencia Inclusin de ciertas carreras tcnicas Lista ilustrativas o exhautivas En el caso de EE.UU. una cuota anual de 1400 profesionales siempre y cuando cumpla el estndar respectivo@DDW?KT _'  4  4j 4@Modalidad en lista positiva para la entrada temporal de personasAA"@ Dentro de los compromisos horizontales La aplicacin depender de los compromisos especficos Compromisos de revisin y grupos de trabajo   "Basta solo compromisos en modo 4 ##"" FTributacin Acreditacin y reconocimiento de ttulo Regulacin estatalF /p  0` !3̙` Q.<ffff3` 3333fff` 3K=̙fff` 3fffff` ff3ff3` aNR>ff` 3fY33` 3f3f>?" dd@&?oAd(@n<)o<6=nA+7%Z', n?" dd@   @@``PR   = 7 ,`(p>> h`@P(  P P < #" `j  _+Haga clic para cambiar el estilo de ttulo , ,= P 0d "Pe  kHaga clic para modificar el estilo de texto del patrn Segundo nivel Tercer nivel Cuarto nivel Quinto nivel7    l^B P # BCE6FGIIQU*VWX @`@$ G"  00`B P s *Dg "00 P 0 "^`  B*  P 0 "^   D*  P 0Ě "^   D*  P dA"޽h ?Light horizontal"` 3f3f___PPT10i. "+D=' != @B +  Perfil 0 PT(  T T <2 #" `p  _+Haga clic para cambiar el estilo de ttulo , , T 0? "p`   n:Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subttulo del patrn; ; T 0`D "``  B*  T 0dI "`   D*  T 0M "`   D* ^B T # RBCE6FGjIQU*VWX @`@$ G") 00 T dA"޽h ?Light horizontal"` 3f3f___PPT10i. "+D=' != @B +0  #(    0Pޒ P    P*    0     R*  d  c $ ?  /  0X  0  kHaga clic para modificar el estilo de texto del patrn Segundo nivel Tercer nivel Cuarto nivel Quinto nivel7    l  6P _P   P*    6$ _   R*  H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10. _00  0(  x  c $@]Tp  x  c $x^T ,,  H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.p[s$ 0 t$(  tr t S HsPj   r t S  tPPe  H t 0޽h ? 3f3f80___PPT10. p$ 0 x$(  xr x S (MCPj   r x S MCPPe C H x 0޽h ? 3f3f80___PPT10.B^ 0  (  r  S \\CP,_z   x  c $XCPPk  C r  S CPPm  C H  0޽h ? 3f3f80___PPT10.f$ 0 $(  r  S X)CPj  C r  S LCPPe C H  0޽h ? 3f3f80___PPT10.)<$ 0 $(  r  S ԩCPj   r  S a`df/N[Pc]i # ml#( / 00DArialngsRomanPP85ؖF0ؖDVerdanasRomanPP85ؖF0ؖ" DTiOh+'0|0 hp    ,8@,Entrada temporal de personas de negociosDepartamento de InformticaProfileSoporte17Microsoft PowerPoint@б^@`@@l1G4/g  &" WMFCM $$$lx EMF$$ @@ F(GDICx!b $$==^t$0T ( % % V0xx x % % $$AA( " FGDICF(GDIC l.vFGDICF(GDIC6ljvFGDICF(GDIC ),!b $$=='% % V0 )`,% % $$AA$$==_888% % W$ '+8 % % $$AA( " FGDICF(GDIC *FGDICRp@"VerdanasxmCnC,|CC,|C3$0nCęC,|CCCdՉ0{A0U000gCnCC0XqCLrCdv%    TAAL|Experiencia chilena en  % ( Rp@"VerdanaxmCVerdan _  @"VerdanZ 0 C,|CO0{A0U000gC,|CCC0,|Cș0XqCrCdv%    T(AA'Lxmovimiento de personas   % ( F(GDICJmFGDICRp@"VerdanaWxmCVerdanHc  @"VerdanZ 0 C,|CO0{A0U000gC,|CC@CȞ0,|Cș0XqCsCdv%    T.LcSAA.SLhSr. Alejandro  % ( Rp@"VerdanaWxmC@"VerdanZ 0 C|]ЙQ|Hm|R @]]0gC,|CC@C0{A0U00gC0 XqCsCdvȞ\T%= =ę!Idv%    TxdLSAAdSL\Buvinic % ( Rp@"Verdana#xmCVerdanHc  @"VerdanZ 0 C,|CO0{A0U000gC,|CChCܞ0,|Cș0XqC`sCdv%    TGU^YAAGY LdDirector Jur % ( Rp@"Verdana#xmC@"VerdanZ 0 C|]ЙQ|Hm| ]]0gC,|CChC0{A0U00gC0 XqC`sCdvܞX%= =ę!Idv%    TT_U_YAA_YLP % ( Rp@"Verdana#xmCQ|Hm| ]]0gC,|CChC|]ЙQ|Hm| ]]gC0 XqC`sCdv{A0U00phCę !IdvܞT[%= =ę!Idv%    Td`UgYAA`YLTdico % ( Rp@"Verdana|xmCCs0xmCtC,|C,|C9nCCnC,|CHD098Ct,|C{A0U000gC C CD 0s C9,|Ct0,|C9XqCtCdv%    Txa'eAAeL\Direcci % ( Rp@"Verdana|xmCCCnC,|CHD098|]ЙQ|Hm| ]]0gC C CD 0s C9{A0U00gC XqCtCdv9_%= =ę!Idv%    TT(a)eAA(eLP % ( Rp@"Verdana|xmCQ|Hm| ]]0gC C CD 0s|]ЙQ|Hm| ]]gC XqCtCdv9{A0U00phCę !Idv9a%= =ę!Idv%    T*aeeAA*eLn General de Relaciones Econ % ( Rp@"Verdana|xmCQ|Hm| ]]gC XqCtC|]ЙQ|Hm| ]]phCę !Idv9{A0U00iCę !Idv9c%= =ę!Idv%    TTfageAAfeLP % ( Rp@"Verdana|xmCQ|Hm| ]]phCę !I|]ЙQ|Hm| ]]iCę !Idv9{A0U00iCę !Idv9f%= =ę!Idv%   (&FWMFC$$$ ThaeAAheLxmicas Internacionales % ( Rp@"VerdanaZxmCVerdanHc  @"VerdanZ 0 C\,|C,O0{A0U000gC,|CCC-0,|Cș0XqCrCdv%    TT,fjAA,j,LMinisterio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile % (   x-B( --$xx--'--$ ) +`+`) )----% ))--'@"Verdanas?C-. *2 Experiencia chilena en ."System-@"Verdana?C-. (2 'movimiento de personas  .-@"VerdanaW?C-. 2 S.Sr. Alejandro .-@"VerdanaW?C-. 2 SdBuvinic.-@"Verdana#?C-. 2 YG Director Jur.-@"Verdana#?C-.  2 Y_.-@"Verdana#?C-.  2 Y`dico.-@"Verdana|?C-. 2 eDirecci.-@"Verdana|?C-.  2 e(.-@"Verdana|?C-. 12 e*n General de Relaciones Econ.-@"Verdana|?C-.  2 ef.-@"Verdana|?C-. '2 ehmicas Internacionaless.-@"VerdanaZ?C-. I2 j,,Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile.-_RSoporteSoporte     UPresentacin en pantallaDIRECONtc ' ArialVerdanaTimes New Roman WingdingsPerfil.Experiencia chilena en movimiento de personas Trade PolicyBilateral Liberalization ,Diff85ؖF0ؖDVerdanasRomanPP85ؖF0ؖ" DTimes New RomanPP85ؖF0ؖ0DWingdingsRomanPP85ؖF0ؖ A .  @n?" dd@  @@``  /J    5  !"#&'()*+-,r$kW7{y3Ti 0AA@8wQB` ʚ;ʚ;g4KdKd8\F0.ppp@ <4dddd@0P5 <4!d!d(A0P80___PPT10 pp:--Experiencia chilena en movimiento de personas..- 4Sr. Alejandro Buvinic Director Jurdico Direccin General de Relaciones Econmicas Internacionales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile P g".   i  Trade Policy0    Unilateral - unilateral tariff reduction - services liberalization - foreing investment guarantees Bilateral - trade agreements Multilateral - ϲʹ ZY-Z ZZZZZ Y                             Bilateral Liberalization .    First step: Trade agreement aplying only to goods Second step: other issues are included, such as: services, investment, transport, IPR, procurement, and temporary entry(2x                                               +Different approaches on movement of persons,,             N Chapter on cross border services negative list approach Horizontal chapter on tempory entry Canada Mexico USA Central America Korea Colombia Peru Australia Japan J:PP$PIP                                      Chapter on trade in services - positive list approach Horizontal commintments on tempory entry European Union EFTA MERCOSUR China6_%6)%&                          $Market Access and National Treatment%%"d        Chapter on cross-border services and invesment vis a vis Chapter on trade on services Liberalization through positive or negative list approach Transparency Unitarian states vis a vis Federal states                                                        YWhat is the real effect of assuming commitments in market access and national treatment? ZZ@                          Nationality requirements Relevance of Domestic Regulation. For example: Compulsory affiliation Mutual recogntion Visas Tributation6J+J+4                                 Obligations  4YExpedite application in order to avoid delays or undue impairments in the trade in goods or services, or to the performance of investment activities in accordance with the agreement. Cost of the services supplied   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>k@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWZ[\]^_`abcdefgjlmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~YRoot EntrydO)`S=@PicturesCurrent User5SummaryInformation(?0PowerPoint Document(RDocumentSummaryInformation8mes New RomanPP85ؖF0ؖ0DWingdingsRomanPP85ؖF0ؖ A .  @n?" dd@  @@``  x.J    5  !"#&'()*+,r$kW7{y3Ti 0AA@8wQB` ʚ;ʚ;g4KdKd8\F0 Rppp@ <4dddd@0P5 <4!d!d(A0P80___PPT10 pp-Experiencia chilena en movimiento de personas..- 4Sr. Alejandro Buvinic Director Jurdico Direccin General de Relaciones Econmicas Internacionales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile P g".   i  Trade Policy0    Unilateral - unilateral tariff reduction - services liberalization - foreing investment guarantees Bilateral - trade agreements Multilateral - ϲʹ ZY-Z ZZZZZ Y                             Bilateral Liberalization .    First step: Trade agreement aplying only to goods Second step: other issues are included, such as: services, investment, transport, IPR, procurement, and temporary entry(2x                                               +Different approaches on movement of persons,,             D Chapter on cross border services negative list approach Horizontal chapter on tempory entry Canad Mxico EE.UU. Centroamrica Corea Colombia Per Australia J:PP$PDP2                        D  Chapter on trade in services - positive list approach Horizontal commintments on tempory entry Unin Europea EFTA MERCOSUR China6_$6)$                       $ Acceso mercado y TN Captulo de servicios transfroterizos e inversiones vrs captulo sobre servicios Por lista positiva o negativa Transparencia Estados Unitarios y Federales H    d GCual es el sentido real comercial de compromisos en materia de TN y AM HHG Requisitos de nacionalidad La importancia de la Reglamentacin Domstica. Ej: Colegiatura obligatoria Reconocimiento de ttulo Visas Tributacin6P3P3.K  G DObjetivos de un captulo transversal de entrada temporal de personasEED 4facilitar la entrada temporal de las personas de negocios principio de reciprocidad establecer criterios y procedimientos transparentes para la entrada temporal necesidad de garantizar la seguridad de las fronteras y de proteger la fuerza de trabajo nacional y el empleo permanente en sus respectivos territorios. no se aplica a las medidas relativas a la nacionalidad, ciudadana, residencia permanente o empleo en forma permanente. 0=ZZyZ= 4z obligaciones  4aplicar de manera expedita para evitar demoras o menoscabos indebidos en el comercio de mercancas o servicios, o a la realizacin de actividades de inversin de conformidad con este Tratado Costo de los servicios prestados  ETransparencia Comit de Entrada Temporal Solucin de controversias 27D  49 Categorias  4zVisitantes de negocios Comerciantes e inversionistas Transferencias de personal dentro de una empresa Profesionales T{Z0 D 4 42 4  Profesionales$Se define un estandar que depende de cada acuerdo en que van desde: Aos de estudios Aos de estudios y experiencia Inclusin de ciertas carreras tcnicas Lista ilustrativas o exhautivas En el caso de EE.UU. una cuota anual de 1400 profesionales siempre y cuando cumpla el estndar respectivo@DDW?KT _'  4  4j 4@Modalidad en lista positiva para la entrada temporal de personasAA"@ Dentro de los compromisos horizontales La aplicacin depender de los compromisos especficos Compromisos de revisin y grupos de trabajo   "Basta solo compromisos en modo 4 ##"" FTributacin Acreditacin y reconocimiento de ttulo Regulacin estatalF /p$ 0 t$(  tr t S HsPj   r t S  tPPe  H t 0޽h ? 3f3f80___PPT10. p$ 0 x$(  xr x S (MCPj   r x S MCPPe C H x 0޽h ? 3f3f80___PPT10.B^ 0  (  r  S \\CP,_z   x  c $XCPPk  C r  S CPPm  C H  0޽h ? 3f3f80___PPT10.frm (T # l,3( / 00DArialngsRomanPPX ՜.+,0     <Presentacin en pantallaDIRECONR_ ' ArialVerdanaTimes New Roman WingdingsPerfil.Experiencia chilena en movimiento de personas Trade PolicyBilateral Liberalization ,Different approaches on movement of persons%Market Access and National TreatmentZWhat is the real effect of assuming commitments in market access and national treatment? ObligationsDiapositiva 8 CategoriesProfessionals:Positive list approach for the temporary entry of persons)Are enough only committments on Mode 4 Conclusion Fuentes usadasPlantilla de diseoTtulos de diapositiva de diapositiva Similar exceptions to those contained in the Annexo on movement of natural persons of the GATS (labour, visas, employment market). ZZ                                                     >Transparency Committee on Temporary Entry Dispute Settlement2 1>  4      Categories  4eBusiness visitors Traders and investors Intra corporate transferees Independent professionals Rf  4  4   4    Professionals  In each Agreement is established an standard: Years of studies Years of studies and experience Inclusion of certain technical carreers Open ended or closed lists In the case of United States, a 1.400 professionals yearly quota provided meeting the respective standard>//Y(                     4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4  4  4 4 4 4 4 4 4  4 4 4  4 4 49Positive list approach for the temporary entry of persons::"                  |Within the horizontal committments Application depending of the specific commitments Review committments and wrking parties t                                   (Are enough only committments on Mode 4 ))"            NTributation Certification and mutual recongnition Social security Transparency                Conclusion  { The presence of the aforementioned elements, results in a true liberalization of Mode 4, getting an efective trade impact.                                 /p 0  (  r  S \\CP,_z   x  c $XCPPk  C r  S CPPm  C H  0޽h ? 3f3f80___PPT10.f$ 0 $(  r  S X)CPj  C r  S LCPPe C H  0޽h ? 3f3f80___PPT10.)<$ 0 $(  r  S ԩCPj   r  S GPe  G H  0޽h ? 3f3f80___PPT10.pIrDt0O{  K+0#W# P4( / 00DArialngsRomanPP85ؖF0ؖDVerdanasRomanPP85ؖF0ؖ" DTimes New RomanPP85ؖF0ؖ0DWingdingsRomanPP85ؖF0ؖ A .  @n?" dd@  @@``  /J    5  !"#&'()*+-,r$kW7{y3Ti 0AA@8wQB` ʚ;ʚ;g4KdKd8\F0.ppp@ <4dddd@0P5 <4!d!d(A0P80___PPT10 ppo--Experiencia chilena en movimiento de personas..- 4Sr. Alejandro Buvinic Director Jurdico Direccin General de Relaciones Econmicas Internacionales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile P g".   i  Trade Policy0    Unilateral - unilateral tariff reduction - services liberalization - foreing investment guarantees Bilateral - trade agreements Multilateral - ϲʹ ZY-Z ZZZZZ Y                             Bilateral Liberalization .    First step: Trade agreement aplying only to goods Second step: other issues are included, such as: services, investment, transport, IPR, procurement, and temporary entry(2x                                               +Different approaches on movement of persons,,             N Chapter on cross border services negative list approach Horizontal chapter on tempory entry Canada Mexico USA Central America Korea Colombia Peru Australia Japan J:PP$PIP                                      Chapter on trade in services - positive list approach Horizontal commintments on tempory entry European Union EFTA MERCOSUR China6_%6)%&                          $Market Access and National Treatment%%"d        Chapter on cross-border services and invesment vis a vis Chapter on trade on services Liberalization through positive or negative list approach Transparency Unitarian states vis a vis Federal states                                                        YWhat is the real effect of assuming commitments in market access and national treatment? ZZ@                          Nationality requirements Relevance of Domestic Regulation. For example: Compulsory affiliation Mutual recogntion Visas Tributation6J+J+4                                 Obligations  4YExpedite application in order to avoid delays or undue impairments in the trade in goods or services, or to the performance of investment activities in accordance with the agreement. Cost of the services supplied Similar exceptions to those contained in the Annexo on movement of natural persons of the GATS (labour, visas, employment market). ZZ                                                     >Transparency Committee on Temporary Entry Dispute Settlement2 1>  4      Categories  4eBusiness visitors Traders and investors Intra corporate transferees Independent professionals Rf  4  4   4    Professionals  In each Agreement is established an standard: Years of studies Years of studies and experience Inclusion of certain technical carreers Open ended or closed lists In the case of United States, a 1.400 professionals yearly quota provided meeting the respective standard>//Y(                     4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4  4  4 4 4 4 4 4 4  4 4 4  4 4 49Positive list approach for the temporary entry of persons::"                  |Within the horizontal committments Application depending of the specific commitments Review committments and wrking parties t                                   (Are enough only committments on Mode 4 ))"            NTributation Certification and mutual recongnition Social security Transparency                Conclusion  | The presence of the aforementioned elements, results in a true liberalization of Mode 4, getting an efective trade impact.|}                                  /p$ 0 $(  r  S GPj  G r  S >GPe  G H  0޽h ? 3f3f80___PPT10.pIr# +3( / 00DArialngsRomanPP85ؖF0ؖDVerdanasRomanPP85ؖF0ؖ" DTimes New RomanPP85ؖF0ؖ0DWingdingsRomanPP85ؖF0ؖ A .  @n?" dd@  @@``  /J    5  !"#&'()*+-,r$kW7{y3Ti 0AA@8wQB` ʚ;ʚ;g4KdKd8\F0 Rppp@ <4dddd@0P5 <4!d!d(A0P80___PPT10 pp,-Experiencia chilena en movimiento de personas..- 4Sr. Alejandro Buvinic Director Jurdico Direccin General de Relaciones Econmicas Internacionales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile P g".   i  Trade Policy0    Unilateral - unilateral tariff reduction - services liberalization - foreing investment guarantees Bilateral - trade agreements Multilateral - ϲʹ ZY-Z ZZZZZ Y                             Bilateral Liberalization .    First step: Trade agreement aplying only to goods Second step: other issues are included, such as: services, investment, transport, IPR, procurement, and temporary entry(2x                                               +Different approaches on movement of persons,,             N Chapter on cross border services negative list approach Horizontal chapter on tempory entry Canada Mexico USA Central America Korea Colombia Peru Australia Japan J:PP$PIP                                      Chapter on trade in services - positive list approach Horizontal commintments on tempory entry European Union EFTA MERCOSUR China6_%6)%&                          $Market Access and National Treatment%%"d        Chapter on cross-border services and invesment vis a vis Chapter on trade on services Liberalization through positive or negative list approach Transparency Unitarian states vis a vis Federal states                                                        YWhat is the real effect of assuming commitments in market access and national treatment? ZZ@                          Nationality requirements Relevance of Domestic Regulation. For example: Compulsory affiliation Mutual recogntion Visas Tributation6J+J+4                                 Obligations  4YExpedite application in order to avoid delays or undue impairments in the trade in goods or services, or to the performance of investment activities in accordance with the agreement. Cost of the services supplied Similar exceptions to those contained in the Annexo on movement of natural persons of the GATS (labour, visas, employment market). ZZ                                                     >Transparency Committee on Temporary Entry Dispute Settlement( 1?  4      Categories  4bBusiness visitors Traders and investors Intra corporate transferees Independent professionals   4  4   4    Professionals  In each Agreement is established an standard: Years of studies Years of studies and experience Inclusion of certain technical carreers Open ended or closed lists In the case of United States, a 1.400 professionals yearly quota provided meeting the respective standard>//Y(                     4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4  4  4 4 4 4 4 4 4  4 4 4  4 4 49Positive list approach for the temporary entry of persons::"                  |Within the horizontal committments Application depending of the specific commitments Review committments and wrking parties t                                   (Are enough only committments on Mode 4 ))"            NTributation Certification and mutual recongnition Social security Transparency                Conclusion  | The presence of the aforementioned elements, results in a true liberalization of Mode 4, getting an efective trade impact.|}                                 /p$ 0 `$(  `r ` S ԩPj   r ` S PPe  H ` 0޽h ? 3f3f80___PPT10. n$ 0 d$(  dr d S Pj   r d S ԲPPe  H d 0޽h ? 3f3f80___PPT10.t$ 0 $(  r  S GPj  G r  S >GPe  G H  0޽h ? 3f3f80___PPT10.pIrg K*NVP# CRRoot EntrydO)sIPicturesCurrent UserASummaryInformation(?0j  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>k@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWZ[\]^_`abcdefglmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Y #_R utilisateurutilisateur     UPresentacin en pantallaDIRECONtc ' ArialVerdanaTimes New Roman WingdingsPerfil.Experiencia chilena en movimiento de personas Trade PolicyBilateral Liberalization ,Diff